Visual motion can be a cue to travel distance when the motion signals are integrated. Distance estimates from visually simulated self-motion are imprecise, however. Previous work in our labs has given conflicting results on the imprecision: experiments by Frenz and Lappe had suggested a general underestimation of travel distance, while results from Redlick, Jenkin and Harris had shown an overestimation of travel distance. Here we describe a collaborative study that resolves the conflict by tracing it to differences in the tasks given to the subjects. With an identical set of subjects and identical visual motion simulation we show that underestimation of travel distance occurs when the task involves a judgment of distance from the starting position, and that overestimation of travel distance occurs when the task requires a judgment of the remaining distance to a particular target position. We present a leaky integrator model that explains both effects with a single mechanism. In this leaky integrator model we introduce the idea that, depending on the task, either the distance from start, or the distance to target is used as a state variable. The state variable is updated during the movement by integration over the space covered by the movement, rather than over time. In this model, travel distance mis-estimation occurs because the integration leaks and because the transformation of visual motion to travel distance involves a gain factor. Mis-estimates in both tasks can be explained with the same leak rate and gain in both conditions. Our results thus suggest that observers do not simply integrate traveled distance and then relate it to the task. Instead, the internally represented variable is either distance from the origin or distance to the goal, whichever is relevant.
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M.L. is supported by the German Science Foundation DFG LA-952/2 and LA-952/3, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BioFuture Prize, and the EC Project Drivsco. L.R.H. and M.J. are supported by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
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In the adjust-target condition, the subjects first experience the visual motion for a particular travel distance. Thereafter the subjects adjust the target such that its distance from the observer matches the travel distance. We assume that the subjects monitor their current perceived position p(x) from the starting position p(0) = 0 during the movement, and adjust the target such that its distance is the value of p at the end of the movement. The current position is updated during the movement according to the following leaky integrator differential equation:
where dx is the change of position of the subject along the trajectory of the movement, α is the rate of decay of the integrator, and k is the gain of the sensory (visual) input. If k = 1 the visual motion is transformed perfectly into the instantaneous travel distance. In this equation, in each step dx, the state variable p is reduced proportional to its current value (due to the leak) and incremented by the distance given by the gain k of the step.
The general solution to this differential equation is
The value of b is constrained by the starting position of the integrator, p(0) = 0. Therefore,
Thus the solution to Eq. 1 is given by
In the move-to-target condition, the subjects first see the target at a particular distance. Then, the target is extinguished and the subjects move towards the target. The subjects stop the movement by pressing a button when they feel that the target is reached. We assume that the subjects monitor the current perceived distance D(x) to the target during the movement and press the button when this distance becomes zero. We denote the initial distance to the target by D(0) = D 0 The current distance is updated during the movement according to the following differential equation:
This is similar to to Eq. 1, but now the state variable is the distance to the target rather than the perceived position along the trajectory, and this state variable is decremented over the course of the movement according to −k.
The general solution to this differential equation is
Again, the value of b is constrained by the starting value of the integrator. This is now D(x = 0) = D 0. Therefore,
Thus the solution to Eq. 4 is
Equation 5 gives the current distance to the target as a function of true position x along the movement trajectory. To calculate the position at which the subject presses the putton we have to find the position p hit at which the D(x) becomes zero:
we find
and finally
Equations 2 and 6 are used fit the data from the adjust-target and the move-to-target conditions, respectively, with α and k as parameters. The predictions for the part-of-the-way condition is then derived from using the best-fit parameters α and k in Eq. 5.
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Lappe, M., Jenkin, M. & Harris, L.R. Travel distance estimation from visual motion by leaky path integration. Exp Brain Res 180, 35–48 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-006-0835-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-006-0835-6