For any positive number k and for any hypergraph H with vertex set V(H) and edge set \(\mathrm {E}(H)\subseteq 2^{\mathrm {V}(H)}\), we call \(U\subseteq \mathrm {V}(H)\) a k-antimatching of H if for every matching \(F\subseteq \mathrm {E}(H)\) it holds rankA[U,F] ≤ k, where A is the V(H) ×E(H) (0,1) matrix whose (v,e)-entry is 1 if and only if v ∈ e. Consider a finite poset P with a unique maximal element and having a rooted tree as its Hasse diagram. Let H be the hypergraph with V(H) = P and with E(H) being the set of all down-sets of P. Let μ be a submodular function defined on 2V(H) such that μ(V(H)) ≥ d + (ℓ − 1)c for a positive integer ℓ and two nonnegative reals d and c. For any nonnegative reals d1,…,dℓ with \({\sum }_{i=1}^{\ell } d_{i}=d\), we show that either there is a matching {D1,…,Dℓ} of H with μ(Di) ≥ di for all i, or there is a 1-antimatching C of H such that μ(C) ≥ c. We establish a countable version of this result by assuming further that μ satisfies the weak Fatou property and reverse Fatou property. We propose a conjecture on a possible extension of our result from 1-antimatching to general k-antimatchings.
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28 November 2022
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This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11971305,11671258).
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Wu, Y., Zhu, Y. Submodular Functions and Rooted Trees. Theory Comput Syst 66, 1047–1073 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00224-022-10092-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00224-022-10092-x