He moved immediately to Canada, Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, as a Postdoc under the supervision of Jonathan Jedwab for four years (2008–2011) in which he performed research on the asymptotic merit factor of certain sequences, including a disproval of a conjecture due to famous Golay.

Next he came back to Germany at the Faculty of Mathematics, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg as Research Associate under the supervision of Alexander Pott until October 2015 when he became Professor (W2) at the Department of Mathematics of Paderborn University.

He was involved in a recent successful application for a German Sonderforschungsbereich assigned by DFG for pure mathematics, together with University of Bielefeld.

His research activity covers asymptotically optimal Boolean functions, covering radius of Reed Muller codes in odd dimension and conjectures on almost perfect nonlinear functions.

Since 2019, Kai-Uwe was an active member of the Editorial Board of AAECC and we will greatly miss him.

Teo Mora, on behalf of The Editorial Board.