This paper proposes and discusses a bootstrap scheme to make inferences when an imbalance in one of the levels of a binary variable affects both the dependent variable and some of the features. Specifically, the imbalance in the binary dependent variable is managed by adopting an asymmetric link function based on the quantile of the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution, leading to a class of models called GEV regression. Within this framework, we propose using the fractional-random-weighted (FRW) bootstrap to obtain confidence intervals and implement a multiple testing procedure to identifying the set of relevant features. The main advantages of FRW bootstrap are as follows: (1) all observations belonging to the imbalanced class are always present in every bootstrap resample; (2) the bootstrap can be applied even when the complexity of the link function does not allow to easily compute second-order derivatives for the Hessian; (3) the bootstrap resampling scheme does not change whatever the link function is, and can be applied beyond the GEV link function used in this study. The performance of the FRW bootstrap in GEV regression modelling is evaluated using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation study, where the imbalance is present in the dependent variable and features. An application of the proposed methodology to a real dataset to analyze student churn in an Italian university is also discussed.
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1 Introduction
In recent years, imbalanced data has attracted researchers’ attention, given the exponential growth of data and rise of the phenomenon of big data, for two main reasons. First, the class imbalance problem is pervasive and intrinsic in many real situations and domains (for a review of the main applications, see Krawczyk 2001; Haixiang et al. 2017; Sun et al. 2009). Second, some statistical models and methods may be inadequate when encountering this imbalance and rareness because they are based on the assumption of equal class distribution for data (King and Zeng 2001; Wang and Dey 2010).
The imbalanced binary variables are characterized as having more instances of certain classes than others. Particularly, one class is represented by a large number of units (that is, the majority class, corresponding to the non-events class), while another class has only a few samples (that is, the minority class, related to the events class).
When the degree of imbalance is extreme, and the data are characterized by the number of ones being hundreds to thousands of times smaller than the number of zeros, the events become rare (King and Zeng 2001; Wang and Dey 2010; Bergtold et al. 2018).
Given that rare instances occur frequently and the minority class is usually the group of interest, statistical models should consider this imbalance and avoid producing biased estimates (McCullagh and Nelder 1989).
Indeed, when this rareness affects the response variable, using logistic regression based on the symmetric logit link function, could be inappropriate because the probability of rare events may be underestimated. Therefore, the units should be allocated into the majority class (the non-events) so that the bias of the maximum likelihood estimators increases (among the others see Agresti 2002).
Since the 90s, many methods have been developed for dealing with imbalanced data. The following two main groups of methods have been developed in the literature: (1) balancing the class distribution and making it suitable for the statistical models using preprocessing and/or sampling techniques, and then applying traditional models, and (2) modifying the existing classifiers to improve the bias toward majority classes to obtain better results from imbalanced data.
Sampling techniques re-balance the sample for an imbalanced dataset and mitigate the effect of skewed class distribution. Among various sampling methods developed to address this problem and eliminate the issue of skewed distribution, oversampling and undersampling are the two most used. The first creates new minority class samples, while the second removes the samples from the majority class. The two widely used oversampling methods are randomly duplicating the minority samples and SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling technique), which show good results across various applications (Chawla et al. 2002). The simplest undersampling method is the Random Under-Sampling (RUS), which involves the random elimination of majority class examples (Tahir et al. 2012).
However, these resampling schemes have some disadvantages. First, they change the data structure, because with undersampling, the balanced classes loss a lot of majority class data. Moreover, oversampling creates multiple samples within the minority class, resulting in overfitting of the model. Furthermore, both procedures focus on the rareness and imbalance in binary response variable, neglecting if these characteristics are also present in the categorical features. Consequently, they might be able to re-balance the response variable, but simultaneously increase the imbalance and rareness in the covariates. For a review of the main characteristics of sampling techniques, see among the others (Japkowicz and Stephen 2002; Estabrooks et al. 2004.
Apart from sampling methods, another common technique to handle imbalanced data is reweighting the likelihood function, which consists of directly passing the weights to each observation to the likelihood function. Seiffert et al. (2008) investigate the difference between the reweighting and sampling methods for imbalanced data.
Olmus et al. (2022) present an approach to parameter estimation bias using inverse conditional distributions, and compare their approach with different penalized LR methods.
Moreover, the use of asymmetric link function has been proposed because the probability of binary response approaches zero at a significantly different rate than it approaches one (Chen et al. 1999; Kim et al. 2007). Furthermore, to appropriately model the large skewness caused by the rareness, Wang and Dey (2010) and Calabrese and Osmetti (2013) propose the use of an asymmetric link function based on the quantile of the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution, introducing the GEV regression.
The appropriate skewed link function remains an open problem, motivating some authors to investigate more flexible models to accommodate such imbalances.
Using the GEV regression framework, here we investigate the effect of imbalanced data on dependent and independent variables. According to the results in Calabrese and Osmetti (2013), the main novelty of our method is the use of a specific bootstrap scheme to make inferences about GEV regression models. Particularly, we implement the Fractional-Random-Weighted (FRW) bootstrap, presented in Xu et al. (2020), for GEV regression, to build confidence intervals and implement multiple testing for identifying the set of relevant features of the model. The main advantage of using the FWR bootstrap is that it offers an alternative resampling method that never fails to capture every single class, regardless of the underlying probability distribution of the classes. Given that the observations remain across all bootstrap samples, it prevents the rare events from not being in the bootstrap resample. Thus, it makes be easier to deal with the imbalance and rareness. It also avoids the estimation procedure failures and accelerates the optimization algorithm, avoiding poorly behaved likelihoods that require extra time to converge.
Thus, our proposal has some advantages. It is flexible because it can be used for all link functions, including standard link functions (i.e. logit and probit) and others beyond the GEV (i.e. cauchit and skewed probit). Moreover, it can be easily applied, especially when the link function is difficult to analytically manage. Moreover, it overcomes the disadvantage of other sampling techniques (i.e. oversampling and undersampling), which might change the data structure. Finally, it considers the rareness and imbalance across response variable and features.
The performance in the finite samples of the FRW bootstrap in GEV regression modelling, is evaluated using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation study, where the imbalance and rareness are present across the dependent variable and features. Finally, the proposed methodology is applied to a real dataset to analyze student churn in an Italian university.
The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we introduce the notation and recall the generalized linear and generalized extreme value models. In Sect. 3 for GEV regression, we introduce the weighted bootstrap resampling scheme (Sect. 3.1), along with a short review of the bootstrap confidence intervals used throughout the study (Sect. 3.2) and a bootstrap testing procedure for variable selection that controls for the Familywise Error Rate (Sect. 3.3). Next, we evaluate the performance of the proposed procedure in finite samples for rare events regression, using a simulation study (Sect. 4.1) and apply it to a real dataset to study student churn (Sect. 4.2). Some concluding remarks conclude the paper (Sect. 5).
2 GEV binary regression models
The generalization of linear regression models allows the management of cases where the response variable is not continuous but dichotomous, polytomous, et cetera.
Let Y be the response variable whose distribution belongs to the exponential family, with expectation \(E[Y_i]=\mu _i\), for \(i=1,2,\ldots , n\), and n the sample size. Let \(g(\cdot )\) be a monotone and differentiable function such that:
where \(\varvec{\beta } =(\beta _0,\beta _1, \beta _2, \dots , \beta _p)\) is the \((k \times 1)\) vector of parameters, with \(k=p+1\) and \(\varvec{\beta }\in {\mathbb {R}}^k\), \({\textbf {x}}_i^{\prime }=(1,x_{i1}, x_{i2}, \ldots , x_{ip})^{\prime }\) is the vector of explanatory variables (covariates or dummy variables for factor levels) of unit i. The function \(g(\cdot )\), called link function, relates \({\textbf {x}}_i^{\prime }\varvec{\beta }\) to \(\mu _i\) and has to be chosen to properly deal with the set of values assumed by \(\mu _i\), for \(i=1,2,\ldots , n\) (e.g. with a dichotomous variable \(0<\mu _i<1\)). The Eq. (1) defines the generalized linear model (GLM) and, different from the linear regression model (where \(g(\mu _i)=\mu _i\)), has a link function that is an increasing or decreasing function of \(\mu _i\).
Assume that Y is a binary response variable that takes the value of 1 if the event of interest occurs, and 0 otherwise; \({\textbf {X}}\) is the design \((n\times k)\) matrix; the probability associated with \(Y_i=1\) is \(\pi _i\), and the corresponding probability of \(Y_i=0\) is \(1-\pi _i\). Therefore, the event of interest for the i-th unit can be modelled using a Bernoulli random variable \(Y_i\), with \(E[Y_i]=\pi _i\) and \(P(Y_i=y_i)=\pi _i^{y_i}(1-\pi _i)^{1-y_i}\), for \(y_i={0,1}\) and \(i=1, 2, \ldots , n\).
where \(F(\cdot )\) is the proper chosen cumulative distribution function. Using the GLM notation (1):
This implies that \(F^{-1}(\cdot )\) is the link function and if \(F^{-1}(\pi _i)\) is the logit link function, \(\mathrm{logit}(\pi _i)=\ln [\pi _i/(1-\pi _i)]\), the distribution function \(F(\mathbf{x}_i^{\prime } \varvec{\beta })\) becomes
(see Dobson and Barnett 2008, among the others).
When \(Y_i\) (\(i=1,\ldots , n\)) is imbalanced, the logit link function has several drawbacks (see McCullagh and Nelder 1989, shortly listed in Sect. 1. The response curve is symmetric and approaches zero at the same rate that it approaches one; the logistic regression model could underestimate the probability \(\pi _i\); the bias of the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters \(\varvec{\beta }\) further increases in the presence of finite samples.
Calabrese and Giudici (2015), Calabrese and Osmetti (2013) and Wang and Dey (2010) have largely discussed these points and proposed the use of the GEV distribution function to estimate the probability \(\pi _i\).
Accordingly, let W be a random variable. It belongs to the GEV family, if its distribution function is as follows:
where \(\{w:1+\xi \left( \frac{w-\mu }{\sigma }\right) >0\}\) and (\(\mu \in {\mathbb {R}}\), \(\sigma \in {\mathbb {R}}^+\), \(\xi \in {\mathbb {R}}\)) are the location, scale and shape parameters, respectively.
This class of random variables, widely presented in Kotz and Nadarajah (2000) and Coles (2001), includes the following three types of extreme values distributions: if \(\xi >0\), the Fréchet family is obtained; if \(\xi <0\), the Weibull family is achieved, if \(\xi \rightarrow 0\), the Gumbel family is attained.
Furthermore, the advantages of using the GEV distribution function include the definition and application of skewed link functions and flexibility of the GEV family because the parameter \(\xi \) controls the shape and size of the tails of the distribution. This characteristic is particularly important in the presence of rare and imbalanced data, because different proportions of zeroes and ones are required for the selection of a link function that approaches one at a different rate than it approaches zero.
To provide the corresponding empirical evidence, consider the standardized GEV distribution with \(\xi <0\) (Weibull distribution function) and \(\xi >0\) (Fréchet distribution function). In Fig. 1 it can be noted that the distributions in both plots become more asymmetric as \(|\xi |\) increases and then tails change. Particularly, the Weibull distribution on the left side of Fig. 1 approaches 1 sharply, and 0 slowly. Conversely, the Fréchet distribution approaches 1 more slowly as \(\xi \) increases on the right side of Fig. 1.
Following Calabrese and Osmetti (2013), for the GEV distribution function (3), \(\pi _i\) is given by
where \((1+\xi \mathbf{x}_i^{\prime }\varvec{\beta })>0\), with a non-canonical link function
for \(i=1,2,\ldots , n\), and correspondingly the log-likelihood function becomes:
where \(\pi _i\) is given by (4).
Calabrese and Osmetti (2013) discussed some computational issues related to the maximization of (6) and clarified that, because the Fisher information matrix is not diagonal, the parameters \(\varvec{\beta }\) and \(\xi \) need to be jointly estimated.
In the Appendix, they report that the gradient and Hessian of the log-likelihood function allow the attainment of the asymptotic variance of the parameters but simultaneously provide evidence of the analytical burden faced during the computation of the first and second-order derivatives. Moreover, given the asymptotic normality of the \(\varvec{\beta }\) and \(\xi \) maximum likelihood estimators, confidence intervals and proper tests can be built to evaluate the accuracy of the estimates and their significance, respectively.
These results further reveal that, as the complexity of the link function increases, the analytical computations related to the second-order derivatives, can be challenging to calculate.
Resampling techniques can significantly help eliminate analytical complexities that make it difficult for practitioners to build confidence intervals and testing procedures. Here, we introduce inferential results based on the bootstrap. To the best of our knowledge, this has not been previously addressed in the GEV regression domain. Thus, we reach two main objectives. First, no analytical computation of the Hessian matrix is needed, to overcome the aforementioned analytical issues. Second, the bootstrap procedure can be made almost automatic and used along with other link functions beyond the GEV function used in this study.
In Sect. 3, we consider the FRW bootstrap, largely discussed in Xu et al. (2020), to build confidence intervals for the parameters included in the vector \(\varvec{\beta }\) of the GEV regression model. Next, the bootstrap distribution is used to make variable selection. This takes place in the multiple testing setting, which will be discussed in Sect. 3.3.
An important advantage of the FRW bootstrap is that it can be properly used when the number of successes in the binary dependent variable, is related to rare events or where there is insufficient mixing of successes and failures across the features. Moreover, as will be discussed in Sect. 3, under mild conditions, the FRW version of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator is consistent and asymptotically follows the normal distribution.
3 Fractional-random-weighted bootstraping for GEV regression
The weighted bootstrap has had a long-established role in the bootstrap literature since the seminal paper of Efron (1982), where the standard bootstrap was shown to be equivalent to a weighting resampling scheme with random integer weights, and the weights were given by the number of times each observation is drawn in the resampling.
In the presence of binary imbalanced data, resampling bootstrap approaches do not work well because of the very low number of ones that could entail the selection of bootstrap samples with only zeroes. This leads to a preference for different bootstrap schemes where the resampling is replaced by a proper random weighting of the observations.
In this domain, we describe the FRW bootstrap (presented in Xu et al. 2020) which will be applied to gain inference regarding the parameters of the GEV regression, which is mainly used in the presence of imbalanced and rare events datasets.
3.1 Weighted bootstrap for GEV regression
Let \(\ell (\varvec{\beta }, \xi ;\, {{\mathbf {X}}}, {{\mathbf {y}}})\) be the log-likelihood function (6), with \(\ell _i(\varvec{\beta }, \xi ;\, {{\mathbf {x}}_i}, {{y}_i})\), for \(i=1,\ldots , n\), the contribution for the observation \(({\mathbf {x}}^\prime _i, y_i)\).
The random weighted log-likelihood is given as follows
where the weight vector \({\mathbf {w}}^*=(w^*_1, w^*_2, \ldots , w^*_n)^\prime \) is generated using a uniform Dirichlet distribution, multiplied by n. Therefore, \(\sum _{i=1}^n w^*_i=n\).
The probability density function of the Dirichlet distribution of order \(n \ge 2\) with parameters \(\alpha _1, \dots , \alpha _n\) is given by:
with \(\Gamma (\cdot )\) denoting the Gamma function, \(\alpha _i > 0\), \(\sum _{i=1}^n w_i=1\) and \(w_i \ge 0\). When \(\alpha _1=\alpha _2=\dots =\alpha _n=1\), we get the uniform Dirichlet distribution.
Operationally, generating fractional weights using uniform Dirichlet distribution is equivalent to generating random weights using normalized exponential distribution with mean one. More precisely, the random vector \({\mathbf {w}}^*=(w^*_1, w^*_2, \ldots , w^*_n)^\prime \) is generated as follows:
where \(Z_1, \dots , Z_n\) are iid exponential distributions with mean one.
Generating the weights according to the previous scheme delivers FRW bootstrap estimators with good asymptotic properties, as long as the weights are positive, independent, and identically distributed from continuous random variables with equal mean and variance, as for the uniform Dirichlet case (see Jin et al. 2001 and empirical results in Xu et al. 2020).
The fractional random weight counterpart of the likelihood estimate \(\hat{\varvec{\beta }}\) is obtained by maximizing (7):
The probability law of \(\sqrt{n}\left( \hat{\varvec{\beta }^*}-\hat{\varvec{\beta }}\right) |\mathbf{X}\) delivers the bootstrap approximation for the unknown sampling distribution \(\sqrt{n}\left( \hat{\varvec{\beta }}-{\varvec{\beta }}\right) \).
There is a clear advantage in using fractional random weights in our framework. Integer weighting schemes, such as those based on the Multinomial distribution, have a random number of weights equal to zero. Consequently, some observations from the log-likelihood function (7) are excluded. This might cause serious estimation problems in contexts where the dependent variable or some predictors have rare levels, making the bootstrap procedure fail altogether or deliver poor results. In such cases, integer weights or sampling schemes (as in the under-sampling case) may lead to the selection of samples with binary variables, originally affected by rarity, having all values equal to zero because, for example, the small number of ones has not been sampled from the procedure. In a fractional weighted bootstrap scheme, the weights are never zero and all observations remain in the bootstrap samples. Therefore, the estimation difficulties associated with the resampling process do not arise.
The fractional-weighted bootstrap scheme for GEV regression delivers consistent results. Therefore, for \(n\rightarrow \infty \),
where \(I(\varvec{\beta })\) is the Fisher information matrix for \({\varvec{\beta }}\), as computed in the Appendix by Calabrese and Osmetti (2013).
The proof is straightforward. It starts with the results in Smith (1985) and Calabrese and Osmetti (2013), showing the regularity of the GEV maximum likelihood estimators when \(\xi >-0.5\). Particularly, under this condition, the maximum likelihood estimators have the usual asymptotic properties. Thus, for \(n\rightarrow \infty \)
Accordingly to Result 1 of Xu et al. (2020), the consistency of the fractional random weight \(\hat{\varvec{\beta }}^*\) estimators follows (see Eq. 9). The asymptotic normality (see Eq. 10) is instead obtained from Result 2 and the corresponding proof details given in the Supplement of Xu et al. (2020).
Based on the previous results, we can state that the probability laws of \(\sqrt{n}\left( \hat{\varvec{\beta }^*}-\hat{\varvec{\beta }}\right) |\mathbf{X}\) and \(\sqrt{n}\left( \hat{\varvec{\beta }}-{\varvec{\beta }}\right) \) are asymptotically equivalent. Thus, for large n, the unknown sampling distribution of \(\left( \hat{\varvec{\beta }}-{\varvec{\beta }}\right) \) can be approximated with the distribution of \((\hat{\varvec{\beta }^*}-\hat{\varvec{\beta }})|\mathbf{X}\).
The bootstrap distribution is difficult to analytically derive, and, as usual, it will be approximated using Monte Carlo, according to Algorithm 1. The approximated bootstrap distribution can be used to construct confidence intervals and tests for the parameters \(\varvec{\beta }\). The adaptation of our framework is straightforward and shown in Sects. 3.2 and 3.3.
3.2 Bootstrap confidence intervals
Given the distribution derived in Algorithm 1, several alternative confidence intervals can be constructed (see Shao and Tu 1995 for a general introduction).
Let \(\beta _j\) be the parameter of interest and \({\hat{\beta }}_j\) its maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), with \(j=0,1,2,\ldots , p\). The distribution derived from Algorithm 1 can be used to construct approximate confidence intervals using the hybrid (or basic) bootstrap method. The approximate \(100(1-\alpha )\%\) bootstrap interval for \(\beta _j\) is given by:
where \(q_\alpha \) denotes the percentile of order \(\alpha \) of the ECDF of \(\{\delta _{j,1}^*,\delta _{j,2}^*, \ldots , \delta _{j,B}^*\}\) with \(\delta _{j,b}^*={\hat{\beta }}_{j,b}^{*}-{\hat{\beta }}_{j}\).
This method delivers a valid asymptotic approximation, but the interval limits are neither range-preserving nor transformation invariant. This is an essential and crucial property of our framework, where some quantities of interest in the applications need to be written as smooth functions of the model parameters vector.
An alternative approach is the bootstrap confidence interval obtained using the percentile method. The approximate \(100(1-\alpha )\%\) bootstrap percentile interval for \(\beta _j\) is given as follows:
where \({\hat{\beta }}_{j,(\alpha )}^{*}\) denotes the percentile of order \(\alpha \) of the empirical distribution of the bootstrap replicates \({\hat{\beta }}_{j,1}^{*}, {\hat{\beta }}_{j,2}^{*}, \ldots , {\hat{\beta }}_{j,B}^{*}\). This is the simplest way to derive a bootstrap confidence interval because it is easy to compute, range-preserving, and transformation invariant. However, it tends to be too narrow for small n (Hesterberg 2015).
A better alternative is given by the bias corrected (BC) percentile method. The basic idea of the BC method is to replace the percentiles \(\alpha /2\) and \( 1- \alpha /2\) used in the simple percentile method with the adjusted percentiles \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\). Particularly, the confidence interval using the BC percentile method is given as follows:
with \(\Phi (\cdot )\) denoting the CDF of the Standard Gaussian distribution, \(z_\alpha \) denoting the percentile of order \(\alpha \) of the Standard Gaussian distribution, and \(\hat{b}\) denoting the fraction of the values \(\left\{ {\hat{\beta }}_{j,b}^{*}, b=1,2, \ldots , B\right\} \) that are less than \({\hat{\beta }}_{j}\). The value \(z_{\hat{b}}\) is the bias-correction, that is, the value that corrects for the median bias in the distribution of \({\hat{\beta }}_{j}^{*}\), on the Standard Gaussian scale.
The BC percentile method is less intuitive than the other two methods and requires the estimation of a bias-correction term. However, it delivers confidence intervals that are range-preserving and transformation invariant, works well for a variety of parameters, and is second-order accurate (see DiCiccio and Efron 1996).
3.3 Bootstrap variable selection
The variable selection problem can be seen as a multiple testing problem and is implemented using the bootstrap distribution derived in Algorithm 1. Let
and consider the following test statistics
Clearly “large” values of the \(T_j\) are indicative of the alternative.
Here, the problem is how to perform the test given the multitude of tests. Accordingly, we refer to a bootstrap procedure suggested by Romano and Wolf (2005a, 2005b) to control Familywise Error Rate (FWE), which indicates the probability of having at least one false rejection. In our case, it is the probability of having at least one wrongly labeled variable as relevant to the model.
The procedure runs as follows. Relabel all hypotheses in descending order of the observed test statistics, \(T_{r_1} \ge T_{r_2} \ge \cdots \ge T_{r_p}\). Accordingly to the labels \(\{r_1, r_2, \ldots , r_p\}\), \(H_{r_1}\) denotes the “most significant” variable and \(H_{r_p}\), the “least significant” variable. Now, consider the absolute values of the bootstrap replicates obtained in Algorithm (1)
and compute
for \(s=1,2,\ldots , p\) and \(b=1,2, \ldots , B\).
Finally, let \(\hat{c}(1-\alpha ,s)\) be the \( 1-\alpha \) percentile of the set \(\left\{ \text {max}_{T,s}^{*,b}, b=1,2, \ldots , B\right\} \).
Now, we can apply Algorithm 3.1 described in Romano and Wolf (2016), which we report in Algorithm 2 adapted to our variable selection testing problem.
When the number of the hypothesis is in the hundreds or thousands, controlling the FWE might lead to test procedures that are too conservative. Therefore, variables may be wrongly labeled as irrelevant to the model, when they actually are relevant. Alternatively, the k-FWE, defined as the probability of rejecting at least k of the true null hypotheses, can be used to construct more powerful tests. Algorithm 2 can be easily extended for controlling the k-FWE along the lines described in Algorithm 4.2 in Romano et al. (2008). Finally, when \(k=1\), controlling the k-FWE reduces to controlling the FWE.
4 Numerical study
4.1 Monte Carlo simulation
This section discusses the results of a Monte Carlo simulation study used to assess the performance in finite samples of the proposed fractional-weighted bootstrap scheme for GEV regression models. These performances are compared with those obtained from the maximum likelihood method. Particularly, the primary purpose is to investigate the effect on the accuracy of alternative inference procedures when the data are affected by unbalanced and rare events in the dependent and independent variables. The latter scenario has received less attention in the literature. However, it appears to be very frequent in real applications, especially when considering one-hot-encoding transformations used to deal with categorical predictors. Such transformations often generate very unbalanced binary variables when some of the levels are associated with rare events.
For this purpose, we have considered a GEV regression model with p features, where \(p=\{2, 4, 10\}\), including numeric and binary variables. The first p/2 predictors are numeric variables and the last p/2 are binary variables. Let \(p_{\text {num}}\) be the number of numeric variables and \(p_{\text {bin}}\) the number of binary variables, such that \(p=p_{\text {num}}+p_{\text {bin}}\). The \(p_{\text {bin}}\) binary variables are generated using independent Bernoulli distributions, where the probability of success assumes the values \(p_X\) given in the set \(\{0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50\}\), which includes balanced and imbalanced classes. The \(p_{\text {num}}\) numeric variables are generated from a \(p_{\text {num}}\)-variate normal random variable where all variables have mean zero, unit variance, and \(\text {corr}(X_{i}, X_{j})=\rho \), for \(i\ne j\) and \(i=j=1,\dots , p_{\text {num}}\), where \(\rho \in \{0.0, 0.5\}\). Given the p features, the dependent variable Y is generated using the binary GEV regression model with \(P[Y|\mathbf{x}]\) given in (4). Three different values are considered for the shape parameter \(\xi =\{0.10, -0.10,-0.20\}\), \(\varvec{\beta }=(\beta _0, \beta _1,\dots , \beta _p)^{\prime }\) with \(\beta _j=0\), for \(j=1,\ldots , p\), whereas \(\beta _0\) is set at different levels to guarantee that \(P(Y|\mathbf{x}) \in \{0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50\}\).
Furthermore, we have assumed \(B=1999\) bootstrap runs, 1000 Monte Carlo replicates, and sample size n varying in the set \(\{250, 500, 1000, 2000\}\). Finally, the fractional weights of the FRW bootstrap are generated using a uniform Dirichlet distribution (with all parameters equal to one). The overall simulation design comprises a total of 1152 design points.
To better clarify the simulation design, in Algorithm 3, all settings and the structure of the Monte Carlo study, are shortly described. All procedures are implemented in R (R Core Team 2022) and the code is included as Supplementary file.
Given the large simulation study, we only discuss the cases with \(\xi =-0.10\) and \(\rho =0.5\), because the overall results are significantly similar when \(\xi =\{-0.20, 0.10\}\) and \(\rho =0\). Moreover, the moderately correlated features scenario appears to be more realistic than the scenario where all numeric features are uncorrelated.
Given the copious number of plots, we include only the plots where the number of predictors is \(p=4\). This is because the results obtained by fixing \(p=2\) and \(p=10\), are very similar. In any case, the complete set of results is available from the authors as supplementary material.
Given the aim of the simulation study, the accuracy of the bootstrap estimators has been evaluated by comparing the variance of \({{\hat{\beta }}}_j^*\), for \(j=0,1,\ldots , 4\), with the “true” variance (based on further 20000 Monte Carlo replicates where the corresponding ML estimates are obtained for each of them). To compare the bootstrap results with that of a competing method, the ratios between the variance of the maximum likelihood estimator \({{\hat{\beta }}}_j\), obtained from the Monte Carlo study described in Algorithm 3, and the “true” variance are further computed. In Figs. 3 and 4, the empirical distributions of the bootstrap and maximum likelihood (ML) variance ratios are shown for all \(\beta _j\), with \(j \in \{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 \}\), for different levels of imbalance in the dependent variable Y and across the binary covariates, \(X_3\) and \(X_4\). It can be noted that the variability of the methods increases as the rarity of Y, \(X_3\), and \(X_4\) grows, and no remarkable differences are seen among them. This latter point could be seen as an advantage for the bootstrap method. This is because when the complexity of the link function does not allow to easily obtain the second derivatives for the Hessian, the bootstrap approach can be considered as a valid alternative to maximize the likelihood and effectively gain inference about the unknown parameters of the model. Moreover, the bootstrap resampling scheme does not change whatever the complexity of the chosen link function is. Therefore, it can be applied beyond the GEV regression considered in this study.
the FRW bootstrap distributions of the GEV regression parameters are further used to build bootstrap confidence intervals (CIs). As clarified in Sect. 3.2, we consider the following three methods: the percentile, bias-corrected, and hybrid methods.
Given the nominal confidence level \(1-\alpha =0.90\), in Figs. 5 and 6 the lengths of the bootstrap confidence intervals are compared with those obtained from the maximum likelihood approach. The similar behavior of the lengths, for all values of \(p_X\) and p, further provide evidence of what was previously noted.
Finally, the empirical coverage of the three different methods in the FRW bootstrap domain with imbalanced data is shown and compared with the empirical coverage of the confidence intervals based on the likelihood approach. To simplify the presentation of results and obtain clearer plots, in Figs. 7, 8, 9 and 10, the empirical coverage of the confidence intervals is evaluated by separately considering the lower and upper confidence bounds. In Figs. 7 and 8, we consider the empirical percentage error obtained by comparing the true \(\beta _j\) value, for \(j \in \{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 \}\) with the lower confidence bound. In Figs. 9 and 10, the corresponding empirical percentage error for the upper bound is considered.
If we evaluate the results of the lower bounds, the four methods are almost equivalent for all \(\beta _j\), \(j \in \{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 \}\), for all rates of imbalance in the data, and for small values of n. In all cases, the empirical error rate is close to the nominal level \(\alpha /2=0.05\).
A different evaluation arises from Figs. 9 and 10, panels (c) and (d). In these cases, when n is not sufficiently large, the small number of ones in Y, \(X_3\), and \(X_4\) comprise the upper empirical percentage errors of the bootstrap CIs for \(\beta _3\) and \(\beta _4\), far from the nominal level \(\alpha /2=0.05\) (the dark gray line). In any case, the BC and Hybrid methods outperform the Percentile method as expected. However, all bootstrap methods are almost equivalent to the likelihood method, as n grows.
Finally, as presented in Sect. 3.3, the FWR bootstrap distributions are used in a multiple testing setting, for variable selection. To the best of our knowledge, the FWR bootstrap has not been previously used in this domain.
Following the steps of Algorithm 2, the test is built by controlling the probability of having at least one false rejection (FWE), which, in practice, corresponds to the case where at least one variable is wrongly labeled as relevant.
Given the nominal FWE level 0.10, Fig. 11 shows the corresponding empirical values obtained using the FWR bootstrap distribution of the GEV regression parameters.
Note that what mainly affects the testing performance is the imbalance of Y and the predictors, which could lead to the inclusion of irrelevant variables in the model. In all other cases, the performance of multiple testing procedure is satisfactory.
It confirms the following results of the construction of the CIs: the FRW bootstrap delivers reasonable good results in all cases, except when the dependent and independent variables are highly imbalanced across small sample sizes.
4.2 Empirical data analysis
Our proposal for imbalanced binary data is evaluated by analyzing a complex dataset related to university students’ careers. Particularly, we are interested in investigating students’ churn, defined as students’ choice to enroll for a master course in the same university they graduated from with a bachelor’s degree. Thus, the event of interest can be modeled by a binary response variable Y, which takes the value of 1 if students stay in the same university, and 0 otherwise.
The analysis aims to i) identify which students’ characteristics influence their choice and ii) sketch a profile of the students who are willing to enroll in a master program from the same university they received their bachelor degrees from.
For these purposes and given the complexity of the factors contributing to the university churn under analysis, we collected information from two main sources. The first is the Student Information System (ESSE3), a student management system used by most Italian universities, which manages the entire career of students from enrollment to graduation. It contains information about students’ high school diplomas, personal characteristics, exams, abroad experience, internship, and degrees. Therefore, given the large amount of available data, from this source, we collected and merged information on students’ enrollment, exams, and graduation for all years under analysis (Fig. 2). The second source is the AlmaLaurea Consortium (https://www.almalaurea.it/en). It is an inter-university consortium that collects information and assessments of partner universities and their activities every year, for statistical and research purposes. It also facilitates the entry of young graduates into the labour market using its innovative online platform. Accordingly, Almalaurea also carries out the following two statistical surveys:
graduates’ profiles, which provide a portrait of the characteristics of graduates, their university achievements, experiences they have gained during their studies, and the evaluation of the studies completed;
graduates’ employment status, which provides, at certain time points (one/three/five year(s) after graduation), a portrait of the graduates’ job placement in the labor market, characteristics of the jobs found, and skills acquired during university studies.
The micro-data collected by both surveys are delivered to all affiliated universities. The datasets of the two AlmaLaurea surveys are characterized by a large number of variables (i.e. 145 and 159 variables in the surveys on the graduates’ profiles and employment status, respectively) (Fig. 2). The data from ESSE3 and Almalaurea are not freely available and can be acquired from the university staff for research purposes only.
Given the complexity and large size of the datasets, we only focused on the University of Salerno, established in 1968 in Southern Italy. It has 17 Departments and about 90 bachelor and master programs. Additionally, among all departments and programs, we opted for analyzing the bachelor courses in Business Administration (BA), Economics (E), and Administration and Organization (A &O) at the Department of Economics and Statistics for eight academic years (2013–2020).
Thus, the analysis covers 1543 students (BA = 697; E = 654; A &O = 192) that have started a master program at the University of Salerno \(Y=1\) (1036 students) or elsewhere \(Y=0\) (507 students). Next, we merged the datasets from ESSE3 and Almalaurea using students’ identification numbers, to finalize the data matrix, which contains information about students’ high school diplomas, university career, evaluation and satisfaction of their experience in university, first job experience, and family background (Fig. 2).
Given the large number of features resulting from the merging procedure, we reduce the number of risk factors by taking into account the aim of the study. A first screening of the covariates was performed by testing their statistical significance on the response variable Y. The final set of the variables identified as potential characteristics, affecting the students’ churn, is shown in Table 1. They are classified into the following four groups: high school, bachelor degree, socio-demographic information, and job position.
The analyzed dataset consists of some binary variables with different levels of imbalance, which have to be managed along with the imbalance in the response variable. This is because they might affect the estimates, as discussed in Sect. 1 and shown in the simulation study (Sect. 4.1).
Thus, for sketching the profiles of students who enrolled for a master program in the same university they received their bachelor degrees from, we estimate the GEV regression model and make inferences on the estimated parameters using the FRW bootstrap distribution. Particularly, because we aim to estimate students’ churn and identify the main students’ characteristics that might affect their choice of continuing their career in the same university they received their bachelor degree from, we compared the variables selected by multiple testing based on controlling FWE, with those obtained by estimating a generalized linear model with c-log-log link function and elastic-net regression.
Given that the FRW bootstrap procedure is based on the numerical maximization of the log-likelihood, it requires the specification of starting values for the model parameters. The starting values for the \(\varvec{\beta }\)s are fixed at the values estimated using c-log-log link function because, for \(\xi \) close to zero, the GEV distribution becomes a Gumbel distribution, which corresponds to c-log-log link. Furthermore, for the shape parameter \(\xi \), two approaches are suggested in Calabrese and Osmetti (2013), Calabrese and Giudici (2015); Calabrese et al. (2016). The first consists of fixing a grid of values for \(\xi \), and choosing the value that maximizes the likelihood or gives the best empirical predictive performance. The second approach suggests to jointly estimate the shape parameter \(\xi \) and coefficients \(\varvec{\beta }\) by maximizing the likelihood. In this analysis, we adopt both proposals. Given that the estimates for \(\xi \) are substantially equal for both approaches (\(\xi =-0.25\) for the first approach and \(\xi =-0.26\) for the second approach), the initial value for the shape parameter is set at \(\xi =-0.25\).
Table 2 shows the variables that are significant by observing the p-values of the maximum likelihood estimates in c-log-log regression and using the elastic net procedure. When controlling FWE, only one variable is selected as relevant. Thus, all other previously identified features might be wrongly labeled as relevant.
For the significant variable, Back to the start: Yes, but same course, different University, we plot the bootstrap distribution of the corresponding estimates based on the GEV maximum likelihood, with its BC bootstrap confidence interval (Fig. 12). For sake of comparison, we also report the c-log-log maximum likelihood estimate and corresponding confidence interval (Fig. 12). It is evident that the bootstrap distribution is slightly negative skewed. Moreover, the likelihood-based confidence interval is wider than the BC. Finally, the negative value of the estimate denotes a decrease in the probability of starting a master program at the University of Salerno for those students that, going back to the first-level enrolment, would choose the same course but different university. This might appear quite obvious but provide clear implications in terms of university policies that need to focus their attention on the overall satisfaction of students. In fact, it emerges that students are not unsatisfied with the selection of the type of course of study, but other factors might compromise their positive experience at the University of Salerno (Table 2).
5 Concluding remarks
We addressed the problem of imbalance and rareness in binary dependent and independent variables, which may produce inaccurate inferences. To model these data, we employed GEV regression models from Calabrese and Osmetti (2013) and Wang and Dey (2010), which use an asymmetric link function based on the quantile function of the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution.
Furthermore, instead of using the inferential results presented in Wang and Dey (2010) and Calabrese and Osmetti (2013), we propose to implement the Fractional-Random-Weighted (FRW) bootstrap, proposed by Xu et al. (2020), to construct both bootstrap confidence intervals and a multiple testing procedure for selecting the set of relevant variables.
The following advantages can be obtained from the use of the FRW bootstrap: i) it is flexible because the same algorithm can be used for all link functions; ii) it can be easily applied when the link function is challenging to analytically manage; iii) it overcomes the disadvantage of other sampling techniques (i.e. oversampling and undersampling), which might change the data structure; and iv) it considers the rareness and imbalance in both response variable and features, while other sampling techniques usually focus only on the dependent variable.
The simulation study shows that the imbalance in the binary independent variables seems to have a higher impact on the variability of the estimates, compared to the binary imbalanced response variable. In fact, when the probability of having one in the features is less than 0.10, the estimates have larger variability, especially for small sample sizes. Moreover, the effect of rare events in the response variable is mitigated by the asymmetric distribution of GEV. These results are achieved in the presence of ML and FRW bootstrap estimators. However, the advantages of the latter approach enable the use of FRW for practitioners.
The FRW bootstrap distribution is then used to construct a variable selection procedure which considers the multiple testing structure of the problem. The simulation results show that the imbalance of Y and the predictors, combined with that of the small values of n, leads to the inclusion of irrelevant variables in the model. However, satisfactory results are obtained even with these imbalanced data, as n grows.
As an application to a real dataset, we analyzed university students’ churn, defined as their choice to opt for continuing their studies in other universities after earning their first-level graduation at a specific university. We identified the main factors that might contribute to this choice using different variable selection approaches. The multiple testing procedure based on the FRW bootstrap distributions of the GEV regression parameters with fixed FWE, reduced the number of false positives.
Change history
19 June 2023
A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-023-01365-1
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The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful inspection, expert opinions, and detailed comments, which were crucial to the revision of the manuscript. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the University of Salerno for providing the dataset on which the empirical analysis was based.
Open access funding provided by Università degli Studi di Salerno within the CRUI-CARE Agreement.
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La Rocca, M., Niglio, M. & Restaino, M. Bootstrapping binary GEV regressions for imbalanced datasets. Comput Stat 39, 181–213 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-023-01330-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-023-01330-y