This paper presents an integrated, new, and generic framework for layout optimization of viscoelastic damping for noise control of mid-frequency vibro-acoustic systems. The method is developed based on the concept of power balance among different modal energies between coupled structural and acoustic subsystems and is formulated within the framework of a statistical modal energy distribution analysis (SmEdA). In the novel optimization formulation, the total energy of the acoustic subsystem is chosen as the objective function for minimizing the internal acoustic response in the vibro-acoustic system; and the relative material volume densities for viscoelastic element groups are selected as design variables using a volume-preserving Heaviside function. A new sensitivity analysis formulation is developed in a semi-analytical form via a SmEdA for solving the vibro-acoustic optimization problem. Two numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the present method. The present numerical results reveal two important findings: (a) the total acoustic energy of the chosen vibro-acoustic system can be significantly reduced; and (b) the optimum viscoelastic material layouts not only decrease the peak values of the modal coupling strengths between structural and acoustic subsystems but also create relatively more uniform acoustic modal energy distribution.
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- ap(t):
Modal amplitude corresponding to the pth displacement mode
- bq(t):
Modal amplitude corresponding to the qth acoustic mode
- c air :
Sound speed of the air in acoustic cavity
- cq(t):
Integrated modal amplitude corresponding to the qth acoustic mode
- C 11 :
Modal coupling factor matrix of structural subsystem
- C 12 :
Modal coupling factor matrix between structural subsystem and acoustic subsystem
- C 21 :
Modal coupling factor matrix between acoustic subsystem and structural subsystem
- C 22 :
Modal coupling factor matrix of acoustic subsystem
- E(dB):
Energy units measured by decibels
- E(J):
Energy units measured by joules
- E i :
Surrogate Young’s modulus of the design material in the ith design domain
- E min :
A very small modulus assigned to void regions and is set to be 0.001E0 in this study
- Ep (Eq):
The p (q)th modal energy of structural (acoustic) subsystem
- E ref :
Reference value when transforming from joules to decibels
- E steel :
Young’s modulus of steel plate
- Estr (Eaco):
Total energy of structural (acoustic) subsystem
- \( {E}_{visc}^{\ast } \) :
Complex Young’s modulus of the viscoelastic damping material
- E 0 :
Real Young’s modulus of the design material
- E 1 :
Modal energy vector of structural subsystem
- E 2 :
Modal energy vector of acoustic subsystem
- f :
Prescribed volume fraction
- Fp(t) (Fq(t)):
The p (q)th generalized modal force acting on structural (acoustic) subsystem
- k :
Penalty factor used in modified SIMP model and is designated as 3 in this paper
- Kba (Mba):
Stiffness (mass) matrix of the base structure
- \( {K}_{visc}^{\ast }\ \left({M}_{visc}^{\ast}\right) \) :
Complex stiffness (mass) matrix of the viscoelastic damping material
- Lpq(t) (Lqp(t)):
Interaction forces between structural and acoustic subsystems
- M :
An arbitrary point in structural domain
- M ′ :
An arbitrary point in acoustic domain
- M e :
Excitation point on the surface of structural subsystem
- Mp (Mq):
The p (q)th modal mass of structural (acoustic) subsystem
- N :
Number of design domains
- N1(N2):
Number of resonant modes of structural (acoustic) subsystem
- p :
Modal order of structural subsystem
- P(M′, t):
Sound pressure of acoustic domain at M′
- \( {\tilde{P}}_q\left({M}^{\prime}\right) \) :
The qth acoustic mode of acoustic subsystem
- q :
Modal order of acoustic subsystem
- S coupling :
Fluid-structure coupling surface
- S FF :
Power spectral density of the generalized external force F
- \( {S}_{F_p} \) :
Power spectral density of the generalized modal force Fp(t)
- U(M, t):
Displacement of structural domain at M
- \( {\tilde{U}}_p(M) \) :
The pth displacement mode of structural subsystem
- \( {\tilde{U}}_p\left({M}_e\right) \) :
Modal displacement at excitation point Me with respect to the pth displacement mode of structural subsystem
- V i :
Volume of the the ith design domain
- W :
Total weight of the design material
- W pq :
Modal coupling work between the pth structural mode and the qth acoustic mode
- W 0 :
Allowable maximum material weight
- \( {\tilde{x}}_i \) :
Surrogate material density, i.e., relative material volume density of the ith design domain
- x i :
The ith design variable
- x :
Vector of design variables
- x min :
Vector denoting the low bounds of the design variables
- α, θ :
Two control parameters in the volume-preserving Heaviside function
- β pq :
Modal coupling factor between the pth structural mode and qth acoustic mode
- \( {\lambda}_p^{\ast } \) :
The pth complex eigenvalue evaluated from the structural subsystem treated with viscoelastic damping material
- η air :
Modal damping loss factors of the air in the acoustic cavity
- η mat :
Damping loss factor of the viscoelastic damping material
- ηp(ηq):
The p (q)th modal damping loss factor of structural (acoustic) subsystem
- ν steel :
Poisson’s ratio of the steel plate
- ν visc :
Poisson’s ratio of the viscoelastic material
- \( {\varPi}_p^{diss} \) :
Time-averaged power dissipated by internal damping
- \( {\varPi}_p^{inj} \) :
Time-averaged power injected into the pth mode (modal input power)
- Π pq :
Time-averaged power flow transmitted from the pth structural mode to the qth acoustic mode
- Π 1 :
Vector of modal input powers of structural subsystem
- Π 2 :
Vector of modal input powers of acoustic subsystem
- ρ air :
Mass density of the air in the acoustic cavity
- ρ i :
Surrogate material mass density of the design material at the ith design domain
- ρ steel :
Mass density of the steel plate
- ρ visc :
Mass density of the viscoelastic material
- ρ 0 :
Real mass density of the design material
- ωp(ωq):
The p (q)th angular frequency of structural (acoustic) subsystem
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The research project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1508209, 11072049), Liaoning BaiQianWan Talents Program and Dalian Science and Technology Innovation Fund (2018J11CY003). The authors would like to acknowledge the support of these funds. The authors are also grateful to Krister Svanberg of KTH in Stockholm for providing the MMA optimization subroutines.
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Yu, Y., Tong, L. & Zhao, G. Layout optimization of viscoelastic damping for noise control of mid-frequency vibro-acoustic systems. Struct Multidisc Optim 62, 667–684 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-020-02524-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-020-02524-4