Point compression is an essential technique to save bandwidth and memory when deploying elliptic curve based security solutions in wireless communication systems. In this contribution, we provide new linear algebra (LA) based compression algorithms for multiple points on elliptic curves, that are compression algorithms which only make use of LA (with a constant number of field multiplications and at most one inversion, with no quadratic or higher degree polynomial root finding). In particular, we extend the results of Khabbazian et al. (IEEE Trans Comput 56(3):305–313, 2007) to four (resp. five) points on elliptic curves by generically storing five (resp. six) field elements and provide an asymptotic generalization to any number n of points on a curve \(y^2=f(x)\) by generically storing \(n+1\) values.
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In fact, as noticed by a reviewer of a previous version of this work, since one inversion is roughly equivalent to one square root extraction, there is the easier compression method of always storing \((x_1, x_2, y_1, b)\), where b is a bit allowing to compute \(y_2\) from \(f(x_2)=y^2_2\). The decompression then simply costs 1 inversion.
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We would like to thank Changbo Chen for the discussion about Gröbner bases and specifically about pointing us to the Shape Lemma. The project is financially supported by the grant of the Corporate Fund “Fund of Social Development” to Adilet Otemissov and Francesco Sica.
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Communicated by C. Mitchell.
This work was done when Xinxin Fan was a research associate at the University of Waterloo.
Adilet Otemissov worked on part of this project as his capstone thesis at Nazarbayev University.
Appendix 1: Expression of the polynomials \(g_i\) when \(n=4\)
Next, \(g_3(a_1)\) equals
divided by
The formula for \(g_4(a_1)\) is
divided by
These formulas were obtained by running the following commands in SAGE (www.sagemath.org):
Appendix 2: Computational complexity of the decompression for \(n = 4\)
1.1 All points are decompressed
The calculation of the complexity is based on the principles described in [23], which are as follows.
Only the square and multiply operations are counted; the computational cost of the addition and subtraction is neglected.
Multiplication by a constant is neglected as well.
It most cases inversion is computationally costly as compared to multiplication and square operations. For that reason, we will minimize the number of the inversions.
Then Eq. (10) yields
The computation of \(y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4\) separately using the equation above ends up with 4 inversions. For the sake of efficiency, it makes sense to compute \(y_i\)’s in the following way:
Here all \(y_i\)’s are converted to the common denominator, which means that only one inversion is needed.
Table 1 shows how the computational complexity is calculated.
Overall, the decompression algorithm require \(55M + 11S + 1I\).
1.2 Only one point is decompressed
The complexity of the decompression can be reduced when one has to extract only one \(y_i, i \in \{1, 2, 3, 4\},\) and not all of them. Note that in many practical situations only one of the y-coordinates has to be extracted for the archive.
Without loss of generality, suppose we have to recover \(y_1\). We will compute \(y_1\) using Eq. (23).
Then in Table 1 we can avoid the computation of the following values: \(D + E y_2^2\), \(D + E y_3^2\), \(D + E y_4^2\), \(\big (D + E y_1^2\big ) \big (D + E y_2^2\big ) \big (D + E y_3^2\big ) \big (D + E y_4^2\big )\), \(B + C\big (a_2 y_2^2 + y_2^4\big )\), \(B + C\big (a_2 y_3^2 + y_2^4\big )\), \(B + C\big (a_2 y_4^2 + y_2^4\big )\). This saves us \(1M + 1M + 1M + 3M + 2M + 2M + 2M = 12M\).
Instead of inverting \(\big (D + E y_1^2\big ) \big (D + E y_2^2\big ) \big (D + E y_3^2\big ) \big (D + E y_4^2\big )\) we will invert \(\big (D + E y_1^2\big )\) so we still need 1I.
In the end we needed extra 16M to compute \(y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4\) (see the very end of Sect. 1). And now we will need 1M instead: this is the multiplication \(\Big (B + C \big (a_2 y_1^2 + y_1^4\big )\Big ) \cdot \big (D + E y_1^2\big )^{-1}\). This saves us 15M.
In total we save \(12M + 15M = 27M\) and the overall complexity becomes \((55M + 11S + 1I) - 27M = 28M + 11S + 1I\).
Furthermore, in the case when the decompression algorithm may output the projective coordinates of the point (which is acceptable e.g. when the decompressed point is used for the point addition or point doubling) we can avoid the inversion.
Appendix 3: Computational complexity of the decompression for \(n = 5\)
1.1 Preparation step
Table 2 shows the cost of computing \(y_i^2, b_i\), \(i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5\) as well as C, F, G, H, K, L.
1.2 Final computation of \(y_i\)
Table 3 demonstrates the cost of the computation of \(y_i\), \(i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5\) in the case when the goal is to retrieve the y-coordinates of all five points. Table 4 shows the cost of the computational complexity can be reduced significantly when the goal is to retrieve only one \(y_i, i \in \{1, 2, 3, 4, 5\}\).
The overall computational complexity of the decompression algorithm is \(120 M + 12 S + I\) in the case when the goal is to retrieve the y-coordinates of all five points. If only one point has to be retrieved the complexity reduces to \(64 M + 12 S + I\). Furthermore, when the decompression algorithm may output the projective coordinates we can avoid the inversion.
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Fan, X., Otemissov, A., Sica, F. et al. Multiple point compression on elliptic curves. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 83, 565–588 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-016-0251-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-016-0251-2