We show that two families of equations, the generalized inviscid Proudman–Johnson equation and the r-Hunter–Saxton equation (recently introduced by Cotter et al.), coincide for a certain range of parameters. This gives a new geometric interpretation of these Proudman–Johnson equations as geodesic equations of right invariant homogeneous \(W^{1,r}\)-Finsler metrics on the diffeomorphism group. Generalizing a construction of Lenells for the Hunter–Saxton equation, we analyze these equations using an isometry from the diffeomorphism group to an appropriate subset of real-valued functions. Thereby, we show that the periodic case is equivalent to the geodesic equations on the \(L^r\)-sphere in the space of functions, and the non-periodic case is equivalent to a geodesic flow on a flat space. This allows us to give explicit solutions to these equations in the non-periodic case, and answer several questions of Cotter et al. regarding their limiting behavior.
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The authors are grateful to S. Preston and G. Misiołek for various discussions during the preparation of the manuscript.
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M. Bauer was partially supported by NSF-Grants 1912037 and 1953244. Y. Lu was partially supported by NSF-Grant 1912037. C. Maor was partially supported by ISF-Grant 1269/19.
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Bauer, M., Lu, Y. & Maor, C. A Geometric View on the Generalized Proudman–Johnson and r-Hunter–Saxton Equations. J Nonlinear Sci 32, 17 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00332-021-09775-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00332-021-09775-5