With the advent of cheap and powerful hardware for workstations and networks, a new cluster-based architecture for parallel processing applications has been envisioned. However, fine-grained asynchronous applications that communicate frequently are not the ideal candidates for such architectures because of their high latency communication costs. Hence, designers of fine-grained parallel applications on clusters are faced with the problem of reducing the high communication latency in such architectures. Depending on what kind of resources are available, the communication latency can be improved along the following dimensions: (a) reducing network latency by employing a higher performance network hardware (i.e., Fast Ethernet versus Myrinet); (b) reducing communication software overhead by developing more efficient communication libraries (MPICH versus TCPMPL (our TCP/IP based message passing layer) versus MPI-BIP); (c) rewriting/restructuring the application code for less frequent communication; and (d) exploiting application characteristics by deploying communication optimizations that exploit the application’s inherent communication characteristics. This paper discusses our experiences with building a communication subsystem on a cluster of workstations for a fine-grained asynchronous application (a Time Warp synchronized discrete-event simulator). Specifically, our efforts in reducing the communication latency along three of the four aforementioned dimensions are detailed and discussed. In addition, performance results from an in-depth empirical evaluation of the communication subsystem are reported in the paper.
Support for this work was provided in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency under contracts J-FBI-93-116 and DABT63-96-C-0055.
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Rajasekaran, U.K.V., Chetlur, M., Sharma, G.D., Radhakrishnan, R., Wilsey, P.A. (1999). Addressing communication latency issues on clusters for fine grained asynchronous applications—A case study. In: Rolim, J., et al. Parallel and Distributed Processing. IPPS 1999. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1586. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg . https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0097999
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0097999
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Print ISBN: 978-3-540-65831-3
Online ISBN: 978-3-540-48932-0
eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive