IfS andS′ are products of γ matrices containing an odd number of γμ (μ=0, 1, 2, 3) and any number of γö, and if γα ...γ α is the relativistic scalar product, then Tr [γα S] Tr [γαS′] = 2 Tr [(S +S R )S′], whereS R is obtained fromS by reversing the order of allγ matrices.
SeS edS′ sono prodotti di matrici γ contenenti un numero dispari di γμ (μ = 0, 1, 2, 3) ed un numero qualunque di γ5, e seγ α ...γ α è il prodotto scalare relativistico, allora Tr [γα S] Tr [γ α S′] = 2 Tr [(S +S R )S′], in cuiS R si ottiene daS invertendo l’ordine di tutte le matrici γ.
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On leave of absence from the School of Mathematics Trinity College, Dublin
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Chisholm, J.S.R. Relativistic scalar products of γ matrices. Nuovo Cim 30, 426–428 (1963).
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