This article is a contribution to the algebraic theory of automata, but it also contains an application to Büchi’s sequential calculus. The polynomial closure of a class of languagesC is the set of languages that are finite unions of languages of the formL 0 a 1 L 1 ···a nLn, where thea i’s are letters and theL i’s are elements ofC. Our main result is an algebraic characterization, via the syntactic monoid, of the polynomial closure of a variety of languages. We show that the algebraic operation corresponding to the polynomial closure is a certain Mal’cev product of varieties. This result has several consequences. We first study the concatenation hierarchies similar to the dot-depth hierarchy, obtained by counting the number of alternations between boolean operations and concatenation. For instance, we show that level 3/2 of the Straubing hierarchy is decidable and we give a simplified proof of the partial result of Cowan on level 2. We propose a general conjecture for these hierarchies. We also show that if a language and its complement are in the polynomial closure of a variety of languages, then this language can be written as a disjoint union of marked unambiguous products of languages of the variety. This allows us to extend the results of Thomas on quantifier hierarchies of first-order logic.
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Pin, J.E., Weil, P. Polynomial closure and unambiguous product. Theory of Computing Systems 30, 383–422 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02679467
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02679467