Ionic composition of waterbodies in central and southern Nepal sampled in spring 1985 differed from that normally found in freshwater. Distinguishing characteristics were: 1) predominance of bicarbonate among the anions — accounting for > 90% of the negative equivalents in two-thirds of the waterbodies, 2) the near absence of sulfates — accounting for < 1 % of the anions in half the samples so that chloride exceeded sulfate (as meq/L) in three-fourths of the waters tested and 3) calcium was the dominant cation, although in certain waters the relative proportion of either magnesium or the monovalent cations was much higher than the world average. Regional patterns in water chemistry were apparent and are largely explained by differences in local geology, inputs from artesian wells or extensive use by humans. Most ionic salinity values were <400 mg/L. Using conventional criteria to assess trophic state, most water-bodies were eutrophic or hypereutrophic when judged by total phosphorus and chlorophyll content but as a whole the lakes sampled were low in nitrogen. Nitrogen: phosphorus ratios (generally < 10) and a significant empirical relation for chlorophyll-nitrogen provide evidence that nitrogen limited algal biomass. Secchi transparency values indicate light regimes were affected by nonalgal materials.
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Jones, J.R., Knowlton, M.F. & Swar, D.B. Limnological reconnaissance of waterbodies in central and southern Nepal. Hydrobiologia 184, 171–189 (1989). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02392954
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02392954