The operation of sensors and actuators in engine control systems is always affected by errors, which are stochastic in nature. In this paper it is shown that, because of the non-linear interactions between engine performance and control laws in an open-loop engine control system, these errors can give rise to unexpected deviations of control variables, fuel consumption and emissions from the optimal values, which are not predictable in an elementary way.
A model for vehicle performance evaluation on a driving cycle is presented, which provides the expected values of fuel consumption and emissions in the case of stochastic errors in sensors and actuators, utilizing only steady-state engine data.
The stochastic model is utilized to obtain the optimal control laws; the resultant non-linear constrained minimization problem is solved by an Augmented Lagrangian approach, using a Quasi-Newton technique. The results of the stochastic optimization analysis indicate that significant reductions in performance degradation may be achieved with respect to the solutions provided by the classical deterministic approach.
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Rizzo, G., Pianese, C. A stochastic approach for the optimization of open-loop engine control systems. Ann Oper Res 31, 545–568 (1991). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02204869
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02204869