# G (S) denotes the complexity of a finite semigroup as introduced by Krohn and Rhodes. IfI is a maximal ideal or maximal left ideal of a semigroupS, then# G (I) ⩽ # G (S) ⩽ # G (I) + 1. Thus, ifV is an ideal ofS with# G (S) = n ⩾ k = # G (V), then there is a chain of ideals ofS
with# G (V j ) =j, i.e., complexity is continuous with respect to ideals.
Given a representation ofS as a subsemigroup ofF R (Q), all mappings on the setQ(e.g., as the semigroup of a finite state sequential machine with statesQ) a rank ideal consists of all elements ofS whose range contains no more thank elements for some fixed integerk. The above result also applies to rank ideals.
Existing results on complexity are reviewed in the language of finite-state sequential machines.
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This research was supported by the United States Air Force, Air Force Systems Command, Systems Engineering Group, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, under Contract Number: AF 33(615)-3893.
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Krohn, K., Mateosian, R. & Rhodes, J. Complexity of ideals in finite semigroups and finite-state machines. Math. Systems Theory 1, 59–66 (1967). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01692497
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01692497