Mouse morulae are known to undergo cavitation as soon as some external cells have entered the sixth cell cycle (Garbutt et al. 1987). Since the early cytological features of cavitation are still unclear, we undertook a careful ultrastructural analysis of late morulae-nascent blastocysts. In addition, since maturation of lysosomes might be involved in the first step of cavity formation, we focused our attention on these organelles by means of the cytochemical localization of trimetaphosphatase activity and by the study of the effects of chloroquine on precavitation embryos. Our results suggest that cavitation starts in a few external cells (presumably competent cells entering the sixth cell cycle), by the chloroquine-sensitive formation of degradative autophagic vacuoles engulfing lipid droplets and vacuoles containing osmiophilic material. These complex structures enlarge (as a result of lipid metabolism?) and so transform into intrablastomeric cavities which, by means of a membrane fusion process, very rapidly become extracellular cavities that coalesce. The abembryonic pole of the blastocyst is determined in this way. Moreover, we suggest that the juxtacoelic cytoplasmic processes covering the inner cell mass (ICM) cells, which are known to restrict the expression of their totipotency during early cavitation (Fleming et al. 1984), are the latest remnants of the walls of the growing intrablastomeric cavities.
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Aziz, M., Alexandre, H. The origin of the nascent blastocoele in preimplantation mouse embryos ultrastructural cytochemistry and effect of chloroquine. Roux's Arch Dev Biol 200, 77–85 (1991).
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