This paper contains a summary of a survey of computational mechanics of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. It begins with a description of some very important experimental results. Subsequently, mathematical models for the simulation of the material behavior are reviewed briefly, followed by an exemplary overview over the finite element method (FEM) for reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. The apparent success of constitutive models for concrete, resting on the theory of plasticity, is based, to a great extent, on the excellent works of the late Prof. J. C. Simo, representing milestones of progress in computational plasticity. The survey is completed by two examples of numerical analyses of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.
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Communicated by S. N. Atluri, 18 August 1995
Dedicated to J. C. Simo
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Hofstetter, G., Mang, H.A. Computational plasticity of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. Computational Mechanics 17, 242–254 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00364827
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00364827