Layer VI of macaque striate cortex contains a number of large solitary neurones called Meynert cells. It has been shown earlier that these Meynert cells project to the posterior bank of the superior temporal sulcus (area V5), but it has also been shown that they project to the superior colliculus. In retrograde fluorescent double-labelling experiments, it was found that Meynert cells represent a class of neurones which distribute divergent axon collaterals to the posterior bank of the superior temporal sulcus and to the superior colliculus, i.e. to a distant cortical and a subcortical structure. This feature appears to be unique among projecting neurones in monkey visual cortex.
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Fries, W., Keizer, K. & Kuypers, H.G.J.M. Large layer VI cells in macaque striate cortex (Meynert cells) project to both superior colliculus and prestriate visual area V5. Exp Brain Res 58, 613–616 (1985).
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