The dioptrics of the Musca ommatidium acts as an inverting lens system. The distal endings of the rhabdomeres at the basis of the dioptric apparatus are separated and arranged in a typical asymmetric pattern. The optical axes of the individual rhabdomeres of one ommatidium are the geometric projections of the distal rhabdomere endings into the environment, inverted by 180° by the dioptric apparatus. The divergence angles between the optical axes of the rhabdomeres of one ommatidium correspond to divergence angles between the appropriate set of ommatidia in such a way, that seven rhabdomeres of seven ommatidia are looking at one point in the environment (in the intermediate region between dorsal and ventral part of the eye: eight to nine rhabdomeres of a set of eight to nine ommatidia). These facts were established from sections of living eyes and confirmed by using special optical methods in the intact animal.
The pattern of the decussation of individual retinulacell axons between retina and lamina was predicted adopting the hypothesis that the fibres of retinulacells number one to six, whose rhabdomers are looking at one point in the environment, project into a single “cartridge” in the lamina. These predicted connections were confirmed by other investigators. We have therefore a one to one correspondence between a lattice of points in the environment and the lattice of “cartridges” in the lamina.
It is shown that the unfused rhabdomeric structure of the Musca ommatidium increases the effective entrance pupil of the eye by a factor of seven (resp. eight to nine in the intermediate region between dorsal and ventral part of the eye) compared to the classical apposition eye. —The Musca compound eye can be regarded as a “neural superposition eye”.
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Kirschfeld, K. Die projektion der optischen umwelt auf das raster der rhabdomere im komplexauge von Musca. Exp Brain Res 3, 248–270 (1967).
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