We present a new multiscale algorithm for solving regularized Optimal Transport problems on the GPU, with a linear memory footprint. Relying on Sinkhorn divergences which are convex, smooth and positive definite loss functions, this method enables the computation of transport plans between millions of points in a matter of minutes. We show the effectiveness of this approach on brain tractograms modeled either as bundles of fibers or as track density maps. We use the resulting smooth assignments to perform label transfer for atlas-based segmentation of fiber tractograms. The parameters – blur and reach – of our method are meaningful, defining the minimum and maximum distance at which two fibers are compared with each other. They can be set according to anatomical knowledge. Furthermore, we also propose to estimate a probabilistic atlas of a population of track density maps as a Wasserstein barycenter. Our CUDA implementation is endowed with a user-friendly PyTorch interface, freely available on the PyPi repository (pip install geomloss) and at www.kernel-operations.io/geomloss.
J. Feydy, P. Roussillon—Contributed equally to this work.
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1 Introduction
Optimal Transport. Matching unlabeled distributions is a fundamental problem in mathematics. Traced back to the work of Monge in the 1780’s, Optimal Transport (OT) theory is all about finding transport plans that minimize a ground cost metric under marginal constraints, which ensure a full covering of the input measures – see (1) and [11] for a modern overview. Understood as a canonical way of lifting distances from a set of points to a space of distributions, the OT problem has appealing geometric properties: it is robust to a large class of deformations, ensuring a perfect retrieval of global translations and small perturbations. Unfortunately though, standard combinatorial solvers for this problem scale in \(O(n^3)\) with the number of samples. Until recently, OT has thus been mostly restricted to applications in economy and operational research, with at most a thousand points per distribution.
Fast Computational Methods. In the last forty years, a considerable amount of work has been devoted to approximate numerical schemes that allow users to trade time for accuracy. The two most popular iterative solvers for large-scale Optimal Transport, the auction and the Sinkhorn (or IPFP, SoftAssign) algorithms, can both be understood as coordinate ascent updates on a relaxed dual problem [10]: assuming a tolerance \(\varepsilon \) on the final result, they allow us to solve the transportation problem in time \(O(n^2/\varepsilon )\). They met widespread diffusion in the computer vision literature at the turn of the XXI\(^{\text {st}}\) century [3].
Recent Progress. As of 2019, two lines of work strive to take advantage of the growth of (parallel) computing power to speed up large-scale Optimal Transport. The first track, centered around multiscale strategies, leverages the inner structure of the data with a coarse-to-fine scheme [13]. It was recently showcased to the medical imaging community [9] and provides solvers that generally scale in \(O(n\log (n/\varepsilon ))\) on the CPU, assuming an efficient octree-like decomposition of the input data. On the other hand, a second line of works puts a strong focus on entropic regularization and highly-parallel, GPU implementations of the Sinkhorn algorithm [4, 11]. Up to a clever debiasing of the regularized OT problem [12], authors in the Machine Learning community were able to provide the first strong theoretical guarantees for an approximation of Optimal Transport, from principled extensions for the unbalanced setting [2] to proofs of positivity, definiteness and convexity [6, 14].
Our Contribution. This paper is about merging together these two bodies of work, as we provide the first GPU implementation of a multiscale OT solver. Detailed in Sect. 2, our multiscale Sinkhorn algorithm is a symmetric coarse-to-fine scheme that takes advantage of key ideas developed in the past five years. Leveraging the routines of the KeOps library [1], our PyTorch implementation re-defines the state-of-the-art for discrete OT, allowing users to handle high-dimensional feature spaces in a matter of minutes. It is freely available on the PyPi repository (pip install geomloss) and at www.kernel-operations.io/geomloss.
White Matter Segmentation. From diffusion MR images, probabilistic tractography algorithms can reconstruct the architecture of the human brain white matter as bundles of 3D polylines [18], called fibers, or as track density maps [16]. In clinical neurology and neurosurgery, a task of interest is the segmentation of the white matter into anatomically relevant tracts. This can be carried out by: 1- manually delineating Regions of Interest (ROIs), which is tedious and time-consuming; 2- directly modeling the anatomical definitions [5]; 3- using learning strategies [17]; or 4- transferring labels of an atlas via non-linear deformations and clustering algorithms [8, 15]. This last class of methods usually depends on several hyperparameters (e.g. number of clusters, kernel size). In this paper, similarly to [15], we propose to use Optimal Transport for transferring the labels of a fiber atlas to a subject tractogram. Leveraging the proposed efficient and multi-resolution implementation, we are able to directly segment a whole brain tractogram without any pre-processing or clustering. The entire algorithm only depends on two meaningful hyperparameters, the blur and reach scales, that define the minimum and maximum distances at which two fibers or densities are compared with each other. On top of label transfer, we also propose to estimate a probabilistic atlas of a population of track density maps as a Wasserstein barycenter where each map describes, for every voxel in the space, the probability that a specific track (e.g. IFOF) passes through.
2 Methods
We now give a detailed exposition of our symmetric, unbiased, multiscale Sinkhorn algorithm for discrete OT. We will focus on vector data and assume that our discrete, positive measures \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are encoded as weighted sums of Dirac masses: \(\alpha = \textstyle \sum _{i=1}^\text {N}\alpha _i\,\delta _{x_i}\) and \(\beta = \textstyle \sum _{j=1}^\text {M}\beta _j\,\delta _{y_j}\) with weights \(\alpha _i, \beta _j \geqslant 0\) and samples’ locations \(x_i, y_j \in \mathcal {X}= \mathbb {R}^\text {D}\). We endow our feature space \(\mathcal {X}= \mathbb {R}^\text {D}\) with a cost function \(\text {C}(x,y)=\tfrac{1}{p}\Vert x-y\Vert ^p\), with \(p \in [1,2]\) (\(p=2\) in this paper), and recall the standard Monge-Kantorovitch transportation problem:
In most applications, the feature space \(\mathcal {X}\) is the ambient space \(\mathbb {R}^3\) endowed with the standard Euclidean metric. This is the case, for instance, when using track density maps where \(\alpha _i\) and \(\beta _j\) are the probabilities associated to the voxel locations \(x_i\) and \(y_j\), respectively. Meanwhile, when using fiber tractograms, a usual strategy is to resample each fiber to the same number of points \(\text {P}\). In this case, the feature space \(\mathcal {X}\) becomes \(\mathbb {R}^{\text {P}\times 3}\) and \(x_i\), \(y_j\) are the \(\text {N}\) and \(\text {M}\) fibers that constitute the source and target tractograms with uniform weights \(\alpha _i = \tfrac{1}{\text {N}}\) and \(\beta _j = \tfrac{1}{\text {M}}\), respectively. Distances can be computed using the standard Euclidean \(L^2\) norm – normalized by \(1/\sqrt{\text {P}}\) – and we alleviate the problem of fiber orientation by augmenting our tractograms with the mirror flips of all fibers. This corresponds to the simplest of all encodings for unoriented curves.
Robust, Regularized Optimal Transport. Following [2, 11], we consider a generalization of (1) where \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) don’t have the same total mass or may contain outliers: this is typically the case when working with fiber bundles. Paving the way for efficient computations, the relaxed OT problem reads:
where \(\mathrm {KL}(a_i,b_i) = \sum a_i \log (\tfrac{a_i}{b_i}) - a_i + b_i\) denotes the (generalized) Kullback-Leibler divergence and \(\varepsilon , \rho > 0\) are two positive regularization parameters homogeneous to the cost function \(\text {C}\). The equality between the primal and dual problems (2–3) – strong duality – holds through the Fenchel-Rockafellar theorem. With a linear memory footprint, optimal dual vectors f and g encode a solution of the \(\text {OT}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }\) problem given by:
Unbiased Sinkhorn Divergences. Going further, we consider
the unbiased Sinkhorn divergence that was recently shown to define a positive, definite and convex loss function for measure-fitting applications – see [6] for a proof in the balanced setting, extended in [14] to the general case.
Generalizing ideas introduced by [7], we can write \(\text {S}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }\) in dual form as
where \((f_i,g_j) = (b^{\beta \rightarrow \alpha }_i, a^{\alpha \rightarrow \beta }_j)\) is a solution of \(\text {OT}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }(\alpha ,\beta )\) and \(a^{\alpha \leftrightarrow \alpha }_i\), \(b^{\beta \leftrightarrow \beta }_j\) correspond to the unique solutions of \(\text {OT}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }(\alpha ,\alpha )\) and \(\text {OT}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }(\beta ,\beta )\) on the diagonal of the space of dual pairs. We can then derive the equations at optimality for the three \(\text {OT}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }\) problems and write the gradients \(\partial _{\alpha _i} \text {S}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }\), \(\partial _{x_i} \text {S}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }\), \(\partial _{\beta _j} \text {S}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }\), \(\partial _{y_j} \text {S}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }\) as expressions of the four dual vectors \(b^{\beta \rightarrow \alpha }_i, a^{\alpha \leftrightarrow \alpha }_i \in \mathbb {R}^\text {N}\), \(a^{\alpha \rightarrow \beta }_j, b^{\beta \leftrightarrow \beta }_j \in \mathbb {R}^\text {M}\) [6, 11].
Multiscale Sinkhorn Algorithm. To estimate these dual vectors, we propose a symmetrized Sinkhorn loop that retains the iterative structure of the baseline SoftAssign algorithm, but replaces alternate updates with averaged iterations – for the sake of symmetry – and uses the \(\varepsilon \)-scaling heuristic of [10]:
Coarse-to-fine Strategy. To speed-up computations and tend towards the \(O(n \log (n))\) complexity of multiscale methods, we use a coarse subsampling of the \(x_i\)’s and \(y_j\)’s in the first few iterations. Here, we use a simple K-means algorithm, but other strategies could be employed. We can then use the coarse dual vectors to prune out useless computations at full resolution and thus implement the kernel truncation trick introduced by [13]. Note that to perform these operations on the GPU, our code heavily relies on the block-sparse, online, generic reduction routines provided by the KeOps library [1]. Our implementation provides a x1,000 speed-up when compared to simple PyTorch GPU implementations of the Sinkhorn loop [4], while keeping a linear (instead of quadratic) memory footprint. Benchmarks may be found on our website.
The blur and reach Parameters. In practice, the only two parameters of our algorithm are the blur and reach scales, which specify the temperature \(\varepsilon \) and the strength \(\rho \) of the soft covering constraints. Intuitively, blur is the resolution of the finest details that we try to capture, while reach acts as an upper bound on the distance that points may travel to meet their targets – instead of seeing them as outliers. In our applications, they define the minimum and maximum distances at which two fibers or densities are compared with each other.
Label Transfer. Given a subject tractogram \(\alpha \) and a segmented fiber atlas \(\beta \) with \(\text {L}\) classes, we propose to transfer the labels from the atlas to the subject with an OT matching. Having computed optimal dual vectors \((f_i,g_j) = (b^{\beta \rightarrow \alpha }_i, a^{\alpha \rightarrow \beta }_j)\) solutions of \(\text {OT}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }(\alpha ,\beta )\), we encode the atlas labels as one-hot vectors \(\ell _j\) in the probability simplex of \(\mathbb {R}^\text {L}\), and compute soft segmentation scores \(\text {Lab}_i = \tfrac{1}{\alpha _i}(\pi _{\varepsilon ,\rho }\ell )_i\) using the implicit encoding (4):
If a fiber \(x_i\) is mapped by \(\pi _{\varepsilon ,\rho }\) to target fibers \(y_j\) of the atlas \(\beta \), the marginal constraints ensure that \(\text {Lab}_i\) is a barycentric combination of the corresponding labels \(\ell _j\) on the probability simplex. However, if \(x_i\) is an outlier, the i-th line of \(\pi _{\varepsilon ,\rho }\) will be almost zero and \(\text {Lab}_i\) will be close to \(\mathbf {0}_{\mathbb {R}^\text {L}}\). In this way, we can detect and discard aberrant fibers. Please note that the OT plan is computed on the augmented data, using both original and flipped fibers; only one version of each fiber will be matched to the atlas and thus kept for the transfer of labels.
Track Density Atlas. Given K track density maps of a specific bundle encoded as normalized volumes \(\beta _1\), ..., \(\beta _\text {K}\), we also propose to estimate a probabilistic atlas as a Wasserstein barycenter (or Fréchet mean) by minimizing with respect to the points \(x_i\in \mathbb {R}^3\) of the atlas. This procedure relies on the computation of \(\text {S}_{\varepsilon ,\rho }(\alpha , \beta _k)\) with the squared Wasserstein-2 distance when \(p=2\), reach \(=+\infty \) and blur is equal to the voxel size.
3 Results and Discussion
Dataset. Experiments below are based on 5 randomly selected healthy subjects of the HCPFootnote 1 dataset. Whole-brain tractograms of one million fibers are estimated with MRTrix3Footnote 2 using a probabilistic algorithm (iFOD2) and the Constrained Spherical Deconvolution model. Segmentations of the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF) are obtained as described in [5], and track density maps are computed using MRTrix3. We ran our scripts on an Intel Xeon E5-1620V4 with a GeForce GTX 1080.
Toy Example. In Fig. 1, we compare different existing strategies for transferring labels from a fiber atlas to a subject bundle with an U-shape. In this example, there is a bijection between the atlas and the subject bundle except for an outlier. The only method that estimates the correct correspondence and finds the outlier is the proposed one since, unlike the first two strategies, it takes into account the organization of the bundle. Note that for the second strategy, a different value of K would not have changed the resulting labeling. The third and fourth strategies are based on diffeomorphic deformations and, regardless of the data-term, cannot correctly align the crossing fibers.
Label Transfer. In Fig. 2, we show some of the labels transferred from the atlas proposed in [18] towards one test subject of the HCP dataset. The atlas is composed of 800 clusters, with \(\sim \) 800K fibers. To speed up computations and improve interpretability, we separately analyze the two brain hemispheres and the inter-hemispheric fibers – here, we only show results for the left hemisphere. To validate our results, we also compare the proposed segmentation of the left IFOF with a manual segmentation. Results indicate that the estimated labels are coherent with the clusters of the atlas and with the manual segmentation. The blur and the reach are empirically set to 2 mm and 20 mm respectively. The computation time of a transport plan for the left hemisphere is about 10 min (with \(\sim \) 250K and \(\sim \) 200K fibers sampled with \(\text {P}=20\) points for the subject and the atlas, respectively).
Track Density Atlas. Using 5 track density maps of the left IFOF, we estimate a probabilistic atlas shown in Fig. 3. Each density map is a volume of \(145\times 174 \times 145\) voxels of 1 \(\mathrm {mm}^3\) where approximately 20,000 voxels have a probability (i.e. \(\beta _j\)) different from zero. The barycenter is initialized with the arithmetic average of the dataset densities and then up-sampled (factor of 6) to increase the resolution, resulting in \(\sim \)400,000 Dirac samples. The blur is equal to the voxel size and the reach is set to \(+\infty \). The computation time to estimate the Wasserstein barycenter is 9 s.
Conclusion. We presented an efficient, fast and scalable algorithm for solving the regularised (entropic) Optimal Transport problem and showed its effectiveness in two applications. First, OT plans can be used to transport labels from a fiber atlas to a subject tractogram. This method takes into account the organization of the bundles – unlike standard nearest neighbours or clustering algorithms –, detects outliers and is not hampered by fiber crossings. Second, we use Sinkhorn divergences to estimate a geometric average of track density maps. In future works, we plan to study more relevant features for modeling white-matter fibers, including for instance directional and FA information.
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This research was partially supported by Labex DigiCosme (ANR) as part of the program Investissement d’Avenir Idex ParisSaclay.
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Feydy, J., Roussillon, P., Trouvé, A., Gori, P. (2019). Fast and Scalable Optimal Transport for Brain Tractograms. In: Shen, D., et al. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2019. MICCAI 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11766. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32248-9_71
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32248-9_71
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-32247-2
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-32248-9
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