Applications that process continuous information flows are challenging to write because the application programmer must deal with flow-specific concurrency and timing requirements, necessitating the explicit management of threads, synchronization, scheduling and timing. We believe that middleware can ease this burden, but middleware that supports control-flow centric interaction models such as remote method invocation does not match the structure of these applications. Indeed, it abstracts away from the very things that the information-flow centric programmer must control
We are defining Infopipes as a high-level abstraction for information flow, and we are developing a middleware framework that supports this abstraction directly. Infopipes handle the complexities associated with control flow and multi-threading, relieving the programmer of this task. Starting from a high-level description of an information flow configuration, the framework determines which parts of a pipeline require separate threads or coroutines, and handles synchronization transparently to the application programmer. The framework also gives the programmer the freedom to write or reuse components in a passive style, even though the configuration will actually require the use of a thread or coroutine. Conversely, it is possible to write a component using a thread and know that the thread will be eliminated if it is not needed in a pipeline. This allows the most appropriate programming model to be chosen for a given task, and existing code to be reused irrespective of its activity model
This work is partially supported by DARPA/ITO under the Information Technology Expeditions, Ubiquitous Computing, Quorum, and PCES programs, by NFS award CDA-9703218, and by Intel
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Koster, R., Black, A.P., Huang, J., Walpole, J., Pu, C. (2001). Thread Transparency in Information Flow Middleware. In: Guerraoui, R. (eds) Middleware 2001. Middleware 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2218. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45518-3_7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45518-3_7
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
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Online ISBN: 978-3-540-45518-9
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