Ad-scheduling of a graphG is a sequence of rounds, each consisting of some of the nodes of the graph, such that the distance between any two nodes participating in the same round is greater thand. Ad-scheduler is a protocol that determines ad-scheduling ofG. A 1-scheduler is applicable to process scheduling in a resource-sharing system, and to proper communication scheduling of the half-duplex model in communication networks. A 2-scheduler can be used as a collision-free protocol for radio networks.
In this paper a simpled-scheduler is analyzed. We first discuss basic properties of this scheduling, and give a complete characterization of this scheduling for trees and cycles. We study the period length of this scheduling, and the main result is a worst-case exponential lower bound for this length.
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Communicated by C. L. Liu.
The research of Shmuel Zaks was supported by the Fund for Research in Electronics, Computers, and Communications adminstered by the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
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Malka, Y., Moran, S. & Zaks, S. A lower bound on the period length of a distributed scheduler. Algorithmica 10, 383–398 (1993). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01769705
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01769705