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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter June 13, 2014

A Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicle Path Planning

  • Zhonghua Tang and Yongquan Zhou EMAIL logo


Uninhabited combat air vehicle (UCAV) path planning is a complicated, high-dimension optimization problem. To solve this problem, we present in this article an improved glowworm swarm optimization (GSO) algorithm based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, which we call the PGSO algorithm. In PGSO, the mechanism of a glowworm individual was modified via the individual generation mechanism of PSO. Meanwhile, to improve the presented algorithm’s convergence rate and computational accuracy, we reference the idea of parallel hybrid mutation and local search near the global optimal location. To prove the performance of the proposed algorithm, PGSO was compared with 10 other population-based optimization methods. The experiment results show that the proposed approach is more effective in UCAV path planning than most of the other meta-heuristic algorithms.

1 Introduction

In modern warfare, an uninhabited combat air vehicle (UCAV) has a potentially stronger advantage over a manned fighter in a complicated battlefield. Hence, it becomes a new means in air precision strike weapon system, replacing manned aircraft in performing attack missions under risky and complicated battlefield environments. Path planning is one of the key technologies in a UCAV system. Flight path planning for UCAV in a large battlefield is a typical large-scale optimization problem, and a series of algorithms have been proposed to solve this complicated optimization problem, such as differential evolution (DE) [2], genetic algorithm (GA) [8], ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm [1, 3, 11], chaotic artificial bee colony [12], intelligent water drops optimization [4], and firefly algorithm (FA) and its variant [9]. These above-mentioned algorithms have acquired some significant results in solving the UCAV path-planning problem.

The glowworm swarm optimization (GSO) algorithm is a novel meta-heuristic algorithm based on swarm intelligence, inspired by the light emission behavior of glowworms, which is used to attract a peer or prey in nature. This algorithm is used to capture all the local optima of the multimodal function [6] and to detect multiple source locations [5]. However, no GSO algorithm for path planning of UCAV exists until now. In this article, we present an improved GSO algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO), which we call the particle glowworm swarm optimization (PGSO) algorithm. To prove the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach, PGSO is compared with other population-based optimization methods (ACO, BBO, DE, ES, GA, PBIL, PSO, FA, SGA, and MFA) under combating environments. The simulation experiments show that our method is more effective than most of other population-based optimization methods.

The rest of this article is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the mathematical model of the UCAV path-planning problem. Subsequently, the standard GSO and PGSO algorithms are introduced in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. An improved and modified GSO for UCAV path planning as well as the detailed implementation procedure is presented in Section 5. The simulation experiment is conducted in Section 6, and the conclusion and future work are given in Section 7.

2 Mathematical Model of UCAV Path Planning

Path planning for UCAV is a new low-altitude penetration technology used for terrain following, terrain avoidance, and flight with threat evasion, which is a key component of a mission-planning system [14]. The goal of path planning is to calculate the optimal or suboptimal flight route for UCAV within the appropriate time, which enables the UCAV to break through enemy-threat environments and survive with a perfect completion of mission. In our work, we use the mathematical model in UCAV path planning in Ref. [14], which is described as follows.

2.1 Problem Description

Path planning for UCAV is the design of an optimal flight route to meet certain performance requirements according to the special mission objective and is modeled by the constraints of the terrain, data, threat information, fuel, and time [13]. In this article, the route-planning problem is first transformed into a D-dimensional function optimization problem (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Coordinates Transformation Relation.
Figure 1.

Coordinates Transformation Relation.

In Figure 1, we transform the original coordinate system into a new coordinate whose horizontal axis is the connecting line from the starting point to the target point, according to the transform expressions shown in Equations (1) and (2), where point (x,y) is the coordinate in the original ground coordinate system OXY, point (x′, y′) is the coordinate in the new rotating coordinate system OX′Y′, θ is the rotation angle of the coordinate system, A and B are the start and end points, respectively, |AB| is the Euclidean distance from the starting point to the target point, and (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinate of the starting point and the target point in the original coordinate system, respectively.

(1)θ=arcsiny2y1|AB| (1)
(2)(xy)=(cosθsinθsinθcosθ)(xy)+(x1y1) (2)

Then we divide the horizontal axis X′ into D equal partitions and then optimize the vertical coordinate Y′ on the vertical line for each node to get a group of points composed of the vertical coordinate of the D points. Obviously, it is easy to get the horizontal abscissas of these points. We can get a path from the start point to the end point by connecting these points together so that the route-planning problem is transformed into a D-dimensional function optimization problem.

2.2 Performance Indicator

A performance indicator of path planning for UCAV is mainly the completion of the mandate of the safety performance indicator and fuel performance indicator, for example, indicators with the least threat and the least fuel.

  • Minimum of performance indicator for threat:

    (3)minJt=0Lwtdl,whereListhelengthofthepath. (3)
  • Minimum of performance indicator for fuel:

    (4)minJf=0Lwfdl,whereListhelengthofthepath. (4)
  • Total performance indicators for UCAV route:

    (5)minJ=kJt+(1k)Jf, (5)

where wt denotes the threat cost for each point on the route, wf denotes the fuel cost for each point on the path that depends on path length (in this article, wf ≡ 1), k(∈[0, 1]) is a balanced coefficient between safety performance and fuel performance, whose value is determined by the special-task UCAV performance; for example, if flight safety is of vital importance to the task, then the larger k is chosen, whereas if the speed is critical to the aircraft task, a smaller k is selected. For the same battlefield environments, the total cost value will decrease with the increase in k. In our experiment, we let k = 0.5 (to further clarify, see Section 6.1).

2.3 Threat Cost

When the UCAV is flying along path Lij, the total threat cost generated by Nt threats is calculated by

(6)wt,Lij=0Li,jk=1Nttk[(xxk)2+(yyk)2]dl. (6)

To simplify the calculations (as shown in Figure 2), each edge is divided into five equal partitions and the threat cost of every edge is calculated via the five midpoints of the five equal partitions. If the distance from the threat point to the edge is within the threat radius, we can calculate the corresponding threat cost according to

Figure 2. Calculation for Threat Cost.
Figure 2.

Calculation for Threat Cost.

(7)wt,Lij=Lij55k=1Nt(1d0.1,k4+1d0.3,k4+1d0.5,k4+1d0.7,k4+1d0.9,k4), (7)

where Lij is the length of the subsegment connecting node i and node j, d0.1,k4 is the distance from the 1/10 point on subsegment Lij to the kth threat, tk is the threat level of the kth threat. Moreover, it can simply consider the fuel cost wf to L. As fuel cost is related to flight length, we can consider wf to L≡, for simplicity, and the fuel cost of each edge can be expressed by wf,Lij = Lij.

3 The GSO Algorithm

The GSO algorithm was inspired by the foraging and/or courtship behavior of glowworms, which glow to attract companions. It was proposed by an Indian scholar for the first time in 2005 [5]. In GSO, each glowworm has a certain quantity of luciferin, which decides the intensity of the luminosity. In an algorithm operation process, each glowworm moves toward its neighbor that is brighter than itself. These movements are based only on local information that enables the swarm to partition into disjoint subgroups that converge to multiple optima of multimodal function. GSO consists of four main phases: glowworm distribute phase, luciferin update phase, glowworm movement phase, and neighborhood range update phase.

3.1 Glowworm Distribute Phase

A set of n glowworms are randomly distributed in different locations of the search space. All glowworms carry an equal quantity of luciferin l0.

3.2 Luciferin Update Phase

The luciferin update phase depends on the objective function value and previous individual luciferin level. The luciferin update rule is

(8)li(t)=(1ρ)li1(t1)+γJ(xi(t)), (8)

where li(t) denotes the luciferin value of glowworm i at the tth iteration, ρ and γ are the luciferin decay and enhancement factor, respectively, and J(xi(t)) is the value of the objective function at the location of glowworm i.

3.3 Glowworm Movement Phase

During the movement step, each glowworm, according to a probabilistic mechanism, move toward a neighbor that has more luminosity than its own. For each glowworm i, the probability of moving toward a neighbor j is

(9)pij(t)=(lj(t)li(t))kNi(t)(lk(t)li(t)), (9)

where jNi(t), Ni(t) is a set, which can be confirmed by

(10)jNi(t),Ni(t)={j:dij(t)<rdi(t);li(t)<lj(t)}, (10)

where dij(t) denotes the Euclidean distance between glowworms i and j at the tth iteration and rdi(t) represents the variable neighborhood range associated with glowworm i at the tth iteration. Then the model of the glowworm movement is

(11)xi(t+1)=xi(t)+st(xj(t)xi(t)xj(t)xi(t)), (11)

where xi(t)∈Rm is the location of glowworm i at the tth iteration in the m-dimensional real space Rm, ∣∣·∣∣ represents the Euclidean norm operator, and st(> 0) is the step size.

3.4 Neighborhood Range Update Phase

Assuming r0 as an initial neighborhood domain for all glowworm, the neighborhood domain of each glowworm is given in the following in every generation:

(12)rdi(t+1)=min{rs,max{0,rdi(t)+β(ntNi(t))}}, (12)

where β is a constant, nt is a parameter to control the number of neighborhoods, rs denotes the sensory radius of glowworm, and Ni(t) denotes neighborhoods set. The pseudo-code of GSO is given in Algorithm 1.

4 Modified GSO Algorithm (PGSO)

4.1 Individual Location Update Model of PGSO

The basic GSO algorithm has shown some weaknesses in global and high-dimension search such as slow convergence rate and low computational accuracy. The slow convergence rate is caused mainly by the individual location update model of the original GSO, which only contains local information. It is obvious that a glowworm individual changes its position only via local information, which slows the global convergence rate. The low computational accuracy is because of the individual updating its location in all dimensions at the same time. Sometimes, the objective function value is likely to deteriorate in a high-dimensional space if independent variables change their value in all dimensions at the same time. Inspired by the PSO, we proposed an individual PGSO location update according to Equations (13) and (14). According to Equation (13), individual location updates relate to both local and global information. In addition, the update dimensions of individual locations decrease gradually along with the increase in generations.

(13)xi(t+1)=xi(t)+c1rand(xj(t)x(t)i)+c2rand(xgb(t)xi(t)), (13)

where xi(t) is the location of individual i at the tth iteration, xj(t) is the location of the i’s neighbor that is selected, xgb(t) is the location of the global optimal individual, c1 and c2 denote the acceleration factors, and rand is a random number.

(14)m(t)=Dceil(D*t/gen)+1, (14)

where m(t) is the update dimensions of location at the tth iteration, D is the problem dimension, and gen is the maximum evolution generations.

Algorithm 1. GSO Algorithm.

Step 1: Initialization. Set the generation G = 1; problem dimensions = m; population size = n;

Step size = st(0); initial luciferin = l0; initialization parameter β; γ and r0

Step 2: Glowworms distribute. Glowworms are randomly uniformity distributed in search space.

    All glowworms carry an equal quantity of luciferin l0 and on the same initial neighborhood domain radius r0

Step 3: While the G < max generation do

  for i = 1: n (all glowworms) do

  3.1: Update luciferin according to Equation (8)

  3.2: Confirm the set of neighbors according to Equation (10);

  3.3: Compute the probability of movement according to Equation (9);

  3.4: Select a neighbor j using probabilistic mechanism;

  3.5: Glowworm i moves toward j according to Equation (11);

         3.6: Update neighborhood range according to Equation (12);

      End for

Step 4: End while

Step 5: Output and algorithm end

4.2 Parallel Hybrid Mutation

The idea of parallel hybrid mutation is derived from Ref. [7], in which the authors have concluded that this model can be used to improve population diversity. The detailed process of parallel hybrid mutation is given as follows:

  1. Solve Equation (15) to set the mutation capability value of each individual,

    (15)mci=0.05+0.45(exp(5(i1)/(n1))1)exp(5)1, (15)

    where n denotes the population size, i denotes the individual serial number, and mci denotes the mutation capability value of an individual, which is represented by i. Figure 3 shows an example of the mutation capability value assigned for 40 glowworms. Each glowworm corresponds to a mutation capability value, which ranges from 0.05 to 0.5.

  2. Choose the mode of mutation according to Algorithm 2. pu is the mutation factor that denotes the ratio of the uniform distribution mutation; correspondingly, 1 – pu is the ratio of the Gaussian distribution mutation. The Gaussian(σ) returns a random number drawn from a Gaussian distribution with a standard deviation σ. Ceil(p) generates the elements of p to the nearest integers greater than or equal to p. Here we adopt linear mutation factor, and the function is given as

Figure 3. Individual Mutation Capability Curve.
Figure 3.

Individual Mutation Capability Curve.

(16)pu(t)=1tgen, (16)

where t denotes the current generation and gen denotes the maximum generation.

Algorithm 2. Choose the Mutation Model.Algorithm 3. Local Search.
For i=1: n

 If ceil(mci+rand – 1) == 1

 If rand< = pu

Xi(t) = (1 +rand) *xi(t)


Xi(t) = Gaussian(σ) *xi(t)

 End if

For i = : 4


 If f(xgb(t))<f(xgb(t))



 End if

End for

4.3 Local Searching Strategy

In Ref. [10], the authors presented a modified GSO algorithm, which was inspired by the glowworms’ mating behavior. Enlightened by this idea, we introduced the strategy of local searching in PGSO. The strategy of local searching is somewhat similar to the above-mentioned idea but is not the same with it. In PGSO, we implement local search in the global optimal individual vicinity of each five generations. For each local search, we implement a search near the global optimal individual. If the objective value of a new position is better than the original position, the global optimal individual moves to the new position and the search is terminated. Local search can be performed four times at most. Algorithm 3 is the local search algorithm.

(17)xgb(t)=st(t)randxgb(t), (17)

where xgb(t) denotes the global optimal position of the tth generation, st(t) denotes the step size of the tth iteration, and xgb(t) denotes the new position. The value of st(t) is calculated via

(18)st=st(0)(1t/gen)+104, (18)

where st(0) is the initial step size, t is the current number of iterations, gen is the maximum number of iterations, and 10–4 is the lower bound of the step size, whose value can be found in Reference [15]. The PGSO algorithm pseudo-code is as follows:

Algorithm 4. PGSO Algorithm.

Step 1: Initialization. Set the generation G = 1; problem dimensions = m; population size = n;

Step size = st(0); initial luciferin = l0; initialization parameter β; γ and r0

Step 2: Glowworms distribute. Glowworms are randomly uniformity distributed in search space.

    All glowworms carry an equal quantity of luciferin l0 and own initial neighborhood domain radius r0

Step 3: While the G < max generation do

   3.1: For i = 1: n (all glowworms) do

   Update luciferin according to Eq. (8)

   Confirm the set of neighbors according to Eq. (10);

   Compute the probability of movement according to Eq. (9);

   Select a neighbor j using probabilistic mechanism;

   Glowworm i moves toward j according to Eq. (11);

             Update neighborhood range according to Eq. (12);

         end for

       3.2: If (G%5 == 0)

             Execution Algorithm 2

             Execution Algorithm 3

          End if

Step 4: End while

Step 5: Output and algorithm end

5 PGSO for UCAV Path Planning

5.1 PGSO for Solving UCAV Path-Planning Algorithm

In PGSO, the standard ordinates are inconvenient in directly solving UCAV path planning. To apply PGSO to UCAV path planning, one of the key issues is to transform the original ordinate into rotation ordinate using Equations (1) and (2). Then we divide the horizontal axis X′ into D equal partitions and optimize the vertical coordinate Y′ on the vertical line for each node to get a group of points composed of the vertical coordinate of the D points. We can get a path from the start point to the end point by connecting these points together, so that the route-planning problem is transformed into a D-dimensional function optimization problem. At the beginning, we let every individual denote a feasible solution. The luciferin value of every glowworm is related to the objective function value of its location. If an objective value is smaller, its luciferin is larger. By running PGSO, worms will move to the global optimal location. The detailed PGSO process for UCAV path planning is shown in Algorithm 5.

Algorithm 5. PGSO for Solving UCAV Path-Planning Algorithm.

Step 1: Initialization. Set the generation G = 1; problem dimensions = m; population size = n;

 Step size = st(0); initial luciferin = l0; initialization parameter β; γ and r0

Step 2: Generating rotation coordinate system. Transform the original coordinate system into new rotation coordinate according to Equations (1) and (2); divide the axis X′ into D equal partitions. Each feasible solution denoted by P = {p1, p2, …, pD} is an array indicated by the composition of D coordinates.

Step 2: Glowworms distribute. Glowworms are randomly uniformity distributed in search space. The location of each glowworm denote a feasible solution P = {p1, p2, …, pD}. All glowworms carry on an equal quantity luciferin l0 and own initial neighborhood domain radius r0.

Step 3: While the G < max generation do

  3.1: For i = 1: n (all glowworms) do

  Calculate the objective function value via Equation (7)

  Update luciferin according to Equation (8)

  Confirm the set of neighbors according to Equation (10);

  Compute the probability of movement according to Equation (9);

  Select a neighbor j using probabilistic mechanism;

  Glowworm i moves toward j according to Equation (11);

             Update neighborhood range according to Equation (12);

            End for

      3.2: If (G%5 == 0)

           Execution Algorithm 2

           Execution Algorithm 3

          End if

Step 4: End while

Step 5: Coordinate transformation. Transform the final optimal path into the original coordinate.

Step 6: Output and algorithm end

5.2 Parameters Analysis

To analyze how these two parameters, c1 and c2, influence optimization results, we run our proposed algorithm for the UCAV path-planning problem with c1 = 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, …, 2.0 and c2 = 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, …, 2.0. In the parameter analysis tests, the evolutionary generation, population, and problem dimensions are 200, 30, and 20, respectively. The optimization results are shown in Table 1. Each data in Table 1 is the mean value of the PGSO algorithm independently running 30 times. From Table 1, we can see that the minimum threaten cost value 52.31 is acquired when the parameter combination is c1 = 1.2 and c2 = 1.7. Hence, the parameter value of c1 and c2 are set to 1.2 and 1.7, respectively, on the simulation experiments in this article.

Table 1.

Optimization Results of Different Parameters Combination of c1 and c2.


6 Simulation Experiments

To study the presented algorithm, PGSO was compared with 10 other population-based optimization methods (ACO, BBO, DE, ES, GA, PBIL, PSO, SGA, FA, and MFA). We used the battlefield environment parameter described in Table 2. The results are recorded in Tables 510 after 100 Monte Carlo runs. The experimental data of 10 other optimization algorithm stem from Ref. [9]. All dates in the tables are the experimental values minus 50. Tables 57 show the best, worst, and average values, respectively, of different evolutionary generations. Tables 810 shows the best, worst, and average values, respectively, on the different dimensions of the problem. Table 11 shows the standard deviation of six algorithms on different evolutionary generations. We use ps and MG to represent population size and evolutionary generation in all tables.

Table 2.

Mean Optimization Results on Different k.


6.1 The Value of the k Setting

To illustrate how the value of k in the model impacts on the total cost, we let our algorithm run 30 times in the same battlefield (see Table 3). Table 2 shows the mean total cost in the same battlefield when the value of k increases from 0.1 to 0.9. It is obvious that the total cost value decreases with the k increases in the same battlefield. To reconcile with Ref. [9], we let k = 0.5 in our experiment, which means that we assume that the importance of safety and fuel is equal.

Table 3.

Information about Battlefield.

Start Point[10, 10]End Point[55, 100]k0.5
Treat center[45, 50][12, 40][32, 68][36, 26][58, 80]
Treat radius10108129
Treat grade210123

6.2 Experimental Platform and Parameter Settings

All the experiments were implemented on a PC with an AMD II X4 640 running at 3.0 GHz, 4.00 MB of RAM, and a hard drive of 500G. Our implementation was compiled using MATLAB R2011b (7.1) running under Windows 7. PGSO algorithm parameter setting is ρ = 0.4, β = 0.08, γ = 0.6, nt = 5, l0 = 5, st(0) = 0.03, σ = 1, c1 = 1.2, c2 = 1.7.

6.3 Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test

To ensure the effectiveness of PGSO, we adopted the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank sum tests to determine whether the difference is significant or not. We implement the Wilcoxon rank sum tests when the population size is 30, maximum generation is 200, and dimension is 20. Table 4 shows the test results. The test criterion can be found in Equation (19).

Table 4.

Result of Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test.







α = 0.05.

(19)result={1ifP<α0ifpα (19)

If P is less than α, two algorithm experiment data are statistically different. If P is equal or greater than α, two algorithm experiment data are not statistically different. From Table 4, we can observe that the performance of PGSO is statistically different from the other five algorithms.

6.4 Comparing the Worst, Best, and Mean Optimization Results

From Tables 57., we see that the performance of PGSO is better than ACO, BBO, ES, PBIL, PSO, and SGA on different evolutionary generations. Compared with FA, the mean and worst values of our algorithm are better; however, the best is not good as FA. The performance of PGSO is worse than MFA on different evolutionary generations.

Table 5.

Best Optimization Results on Different Evolutionary Generations.

Table 6.

Worst Optimization Results on Different Evolutionary Generations.

Table 7.

Mean Optimization Results on Different Evolutionary Generations.


From Tables 810, we understand that PGSO performance is better than 10 other algorithms on dimensions 5 and 10. With the increase in problem dimension, the performance of DE, FA, MFA, and SGA becomes better than the represented algorithm. The performance of the proposed algorithm is better than ACO, BBO, ES, PBIL, and PSO on all test dimensions.

Table 8.

Best Optimization Results on Different Dimensions.

Table 9.

Worst Optimization Results on Different Dimensions.

Table 10.

Mean Optimization Results on Different Dimensions.


6.5 Comparing the Standard Deviation

To further prove the effectiveness of PGSO, we choose six algorithms with better performance and test their standard deviation. The data can be found in Tables 11 and 12.

Table 11.

Standard Deviation on Different Evolutionary Generations.

Table 12.

Standard Deviation on Different Dimensions.


Table 11 shows that the standard deviation values of six algorithms on different evolutionary generations. It is obvious that the performance of PGSO is more superior than other algorithms except MFA.

Table 12 shows that the standard deviation values of six algorithms on different dimensions. It is obvious that the performance of PGSO is more superior than the performance of DE, FA, and PSO on all different dimensions and has a more superior performance than SGA with the exception of dimensions 10 and 15. The MFA has the more superior performance than four other algorithms. Figure 4 is the best optimization for the UCAV flying trajectory when problem dimension, population size, and evolutionary generation are 20, 30, and 200, respectively. Figure 5 is the convergence graph. The coordinates of the best optimization path of UCAV are given in Table 13.

Figure 4. UCAV Flying Trajectory.
Figure 4.

UCAV Flying Trajectory.

Figure 5. Convergence Curves.
Figure 5.

Convergence Curves.

Table 13.

The Coordinates of UCAV Flying Trajectory.

(14.4, 13.2)(17.8, 16.8)(19.6, 21.3)(22.3, 25.3)(24.3, 29.7)(25.5, 34.4)(28.6, 38.2)
(29.7, 43.0)(31.7, 47.4)(32.6, 52.3)(35.4, 56.2)(37.6, 60.5)(39.6, 64.8)(40.5, 69.7)
(42.3, 74.2)(43.2, 79.1)(44.3, 83.9)(48.3, 87.3)(52.9, 90.3)(54.1, 94.6)

7 Conclusions

This article presented a modified GSO algorithm for UCAV path planning in a complicated battlefield environment. Experiment results have showed that PGSO is feasible for solving that problem. Our future work will focus on developing an improved GSO algorithm to solve three-dimensional path planning for UCAV.

Corresponding author: Yongquan Zhou, Guangxi Key Laboratory of Hybrid Computation and Integrated Circuit Design Analysis, Nanning, Guangxi 530006, China, e-mail:


This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61165015, the Key Project of Guangxi Science Foundation under Grant No. 2012GXNSFDA053028, and the Key Project of Guangxi High School Science Foundation under Grant No. 20121ZD008 and is funded by the Open Research Fund Program of the Key Lab of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding, Ministry of Education of China, under Grant No. IPIU01201100 and the Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education under Grant No. gxun-chx2012103.


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Received: 2013-8-14
Published Online: 2014-6-13
Published in Print: 2015-3-1

©2015 by De Gruyter

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