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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) February 10, 2018

Prototyping an autonomous delivery vehicle

Prototypenentwicklung eines autonomen Lieferfahrzeugs
  • Benjamin C. Heinrich

    Benjamin C. Heinrich studied engineering cybernetics (biocybernetics) at the University of Stuttgart and the KTH Stockholm. At Ericsson AB, Kista, he worked on dead-time compensation and optimization for mobile networks. Since 2013 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include model predictive control and dead-time compensation.

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    , Thorsten Luettel

    Thorsten Luettel studied electrical engineering (mechatronics) at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. Since 2006 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. Recently, he has also led ‘Team MuCAR’ during successful international competitions. His research interests include sensor data fusion and system integration.

    , Dennis Fassbender

    Dennis Fassbender studied computer science at the University of Koblenz-Landau. Since 2012 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include trajectory planing, navigation and behavior.

    , Patrick Burger

    Patrick Burger studied electrical engineering and information technology (robotics & navigation) at the Technical University of Munich. Since 2015 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include SLAM, LiDAR point-cloud segmentation and feature extraction.

    , Felix Ebert

    Felix Ebert studied electrical engineering and information technology (automation technology) at the Technical University of Munich. Since 2014 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include object relative navigation.

    , Michael Himmelsbach

    Michael Himmelsbach studied computer science at Humboldt University Berlin. From 2007 to 2015 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include LIDAR environment and object perception with focus on machine learning and pattern recognition techniques. Since 2016 he has been working for a large German automobile company in the field of highly automated driving.

    , Hanno Jaspers

    Hanno Jaspers studied applied computer science (robotics) at the TU Dortmund. From 2012 to 2017 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include visual environment perception for autonomous vehicles. Since 2018 he has been working for a large German automobile company in the field of highly automated driving.

    , Michael Kusenbach

    Michael Kusenbach studied computer science at University of Koblenz-Landau. Since 2013 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include LiDAR data processing with a focus on object detection and classification.

    , Georg R. Mueller

    Georg R. Müller studied mechanical engineering (microtechnology & control technology) at the Technical University of Munich. Since 2012 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include online camera calibration.

    , Benjamin Naujoks

    Benjamin Naujoks studied technomathematics (scientific computing & optimization) at the Technical University of Dresden. Since 2015 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include probabilistic filter algorithmic, object-detection, especially in LiDAR point-clouds, parallelization with CUDA and machine-learning algorithms.

    , Felix Orth

    Felix Orth studied mechanical and process engineering (mechatronics) at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg. During his studies he worked for the Formula Student team UMD-Racing of the University of Magdeburg. After his Diploma, he was employed as a developer and race engineer at Motopark in Oschersleben. Since 2015 Felix is part of the department Autonomous Logistic at StreetScooter in Aachen.

    , Fabian Schmitt

    Fabian Schmitt studied mechanical engineering at the RWTH Aachen University. After his Diploma, he worked as research assistant at the Institute for Automotive Engineering of the RWTH. In 2010 he was employed at Streetscooter GmbH as chief vehicle engineer. Since 2015 he is CTO there.

    and Hans-Joachim Wuensche

    Hans-Joachim Wuensche got his PhD from University of the Bundeswehr Munich in 1987 with Ernst D. Dickmanns, where he co-developed the 4D-approach to computer vision. After many years in management, he returned to the same University to lead the Institute for Autonomous Systems Technology in 2004. His research interests include autonomous robots, especially on- and off-road vehicles exploring and navigating unknown terrain.


In this paper, we describe the hardware and software components of a fully autonomous prototype delivery vehicle. Equipped with a robotic arm, the demonstrator is capable of delivering packages and picking up new ones by interacting with custom-made delivery boxes. As highly accurate positioning w. r. t. a box is required for successful handover of packages, we track the pose (position and orientation) of the box using a high-resolution on-board camera. The resulting estimate is relayed to our planning and control modules, which ensure that the vehicle reaches its required pose with centimeter-level accuracy.

In order to deliver packages, the car needs to autonomously navigate our test facility, avoiding static and dynamic obstacles while obeying simple traffic rules. As one focus is on the practical challenges encountered when building a prototype, we cover issues ranging from sensor calibration and system identification to perception, planning, control, and the implementation of high-level behaviors. While some of the proposed solutions to these problems are not necessarily novel, they allowed us to demonstrate the vehicle’s capabilities after a development phase of less than 12 months.


In diesem Beitrag beschreiben wir die Hard- und Softwarekomponenten eines vollständig autonomen prototypischen Lieferfahrzeugs. Ausgestattet mit einem Roboterarm, ist dieser Demonstrator in der Lage, Pakete an eigens hierfür gefertigte Postkästen auszuliefern sowie von dort aufzunehmen. Da die erfolgreiche Paketübergabe eine hochpräzise Positionierung relativ zu einem solchen Kasten erfordert, verfolgen wir dessen sog. Pose (Position und Orientierung) mit Hilfe einer hochauflösenden On-Board-Kamera. Das Schätzergebnis wird an unsere Planungs- und Regelungsmodule weitergeleitet, welche dafür sorgen, dass das Fahrzeug seine gewünschte Position zentimetergenau erreicht.

Um Pakete ausliefern zu können, muss das Fahrzeug autonom durch unser Versuchsgelände navigieren, statischen und dynamischen Hindernissen ausweichen und dabei einfache Verkehrsregeln beachten. Da unser Hauptaugenmerk unter anderem auf den praktischen Herausforderungen beim Aufbau eines Prototypen liegt, erstrecken sich die hier angesprochenen Themen von der Sensorkalibrierung und Systemidentifikation über die Wahrnehmung, Planung und Regelung bis hin zur Verhaltensgenerierung. Wenngleich einige der aufgezeigten Problemlösungen nicht unbedingt neuartig sind, so erlaubten sie es uns dennoch, die Leistungsfähigkeit des Systems nach einer Entwicklungszeit von weniger als zwölf Monaten erfolgreich zu demonstrieren.

About the authors

Benjamin C. Heinrich

Benjamin C. Heinrich studied engineering cybernetics (biocybernetics) at the University of Stuttgart and the KTH Stockholm. At Ericsson AB, Kista, he worked on dead-time compensation and optimization for mobile networks. Since 2013 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include model predictive control and dead-time compensation.

Thorsten Luettel

Thorsten Luettel studied electrical engineering (mechatronics) at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. Since 2006 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. Recently, he has also led ‘Team MuCAR’ during successful international competitions. His research interests include sensor data fusion and system integration.

Dennis Fassbender

Dennis Fassbender studied computer science at the University of Koblenz-Landau. Since 2012 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include trajectory planing, navigation and behavior.

Patrick Burger

Patrick Burger studied electrical engineering and information technology (robotics & navigation) at the Technical University of Munich. Since 2015 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include SLAM, LiDAR point-cloud segmentation and feature extraction.

Felix Ebert

Felix Ebert studied electrical engineering and information technology (automation technology) at the Technical University of Munich. Since 2014 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include object relative navigation.

Michael Himmelsbach

Michael Himmelsbach studied computer science at Humboldt University Berlin. From 2007 to 2015 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include LIDAR environment and object perception with focus on machine learning and pattern recognition techniques. Since 2016 he has been working for a large German automobile company in the field of highly automated driving.

Hanno Jaspers

Hanno Jaspers studied applied computer science (robotics) at the TU Dortmund. From 2012 to 2017 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include visual environment perception for autonomous vehicles. Since 2018 he has been working for a large German automobile company in the field of highly automated driving.

Michael Kusenbach

Michael Kusenbach studied computer science at University of Koblenz-Landau. Since 2013 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include LiDAR data processing with a focus on object detection and classification.

Georg R. Mueller

Georg R. Müller studied mechanical engineering (microtechnology & control technology) at the Technical University of Munich. Since 2012 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include online camera calibration.

Benjamin Naujoks

Benjamin Naujoks studied technomathematics (scientific computing & optimization) at the Technical University of Dresden. Since 2015 he has been researching autonomous driving at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. His research interests include probabilistic filter algorithmic, object-detection, especially in LiDAR point-clouds, parallelization with CUDA and machine-learning algorithms.

Felix Orth

Felix Orth studied mechanical and process engineering (mechatronics) at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg. During his studies he worked for the Formula Student team UMD-Racing of the University of Magdeburg. After his Diploma, he was employed as a developer and race engineer at Motopark in Oschersleben. Since 2015 Felix is part of the department Autonomous Logistic at StreetScooter in Aachen.

Fabian Schmitt

Fabian Schmitt studied mechanical engineering at the RWTH Aachen University. After his Diploma, he worked as research assistant at the Institute for Automotive Engineering of the RWTH. In 2010 he was employed at Streetscooter GmbH as chief vehicle engineer. Since 2015 he is CTO there.

Hans-Joachim Wuensche

Hans-Joachim Wuensche got his PhD from University of the Bundeswehr Munich in 1987 with Ernst D. Dickmanns, where he co-developed the 4D-approach to computer vision. After many years in management, he returned to the same University to lead the Institute for Autonomous Systems Technology in 2004. His research interests include autonomous robots, especially on- and off-road vehicles exploring and navigating unknown terrain.


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Article note

On our website (http://www.mucar3.de/at2018-delivery) we present videos of the system described in this paper.

Received: 2017-11-3
Accepted: 2018-1-15
Published Online: 2018-2-10
Published in Print: 2018-2-23

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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