Standardization is a major part of the current Industrie 4.0 activities. Dealing with spatial data, i.e., the location of assets and products is required in Industrie 4.0 to support use cases such as indoor navigation to support service technicians. In this article we analyze standards for spatial data and services defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) can be used within Industrie 4.0.
Die Standardisierung ist ein wichtiger Teil aktueller Industrie 4.0 Aktivitäten. Mit Lokalisierungsinformationen von Assets und Produkten in einer Fabrik umgehen zu können ist nötig um Szenarien wie z. B. Innenraumnavigation für Servicetechniker umsetzen zu können. In diesem Artikel werden Standards des Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) bzgl. der Verwendbarkeit in der Industrie 4.0 untersucht.
About the authors
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Goldschmidt is principal scientist at ABB Corporate Research in Ladenburg; working on research in the area domain-specific languages and software architecture in the automation domain. Currently working on Industrie 4.0 solutions and member of the expert committee GMA FA 7.21 “Industrie 4.0”.
ABB AG Forschungszentrum, Wallstadter Straße 59, 68526 Ladenburg, Germany
Dr. rer nat. Ingo Simonis is Director Interoperability Programs and Science and responsible for planning, managing and developing software architectures for interoperability initiatives such as testbeds, pilots, research projects, and interoperability experiments. His current research focuses on data modeling and semantic annotation.
Open Geospatial Consortium Europe (OGC), 236 Gray's Inn Road, WC1X8HB London, UK
©2016 Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston