The problem is vim (neovim 0.4.3 to be accurate) is shown somewhat monochrome but it is not. The following screenshot shows the same source file how it has been recorded:
If I download the screencast and replay it locally (with asciinema play 333664.cast) the colors are back to normal, so I suppose the file has been uploaded properly.
asciinema recorder doesn’t capture actual colors, as there’s no easy, universal way for the application running inside a terminal to know this. It captures color numbers instead, which are then rendered in a browser according to the selected color theme. You can set the color theme for your account, or per recording.
Good news: asciinema 3.0 captures the original terminal colors. The final version hasn’t been released yet, but there’s release candidate you can try: Release v3.0.0-rc.1 · asciinema/asciinema · GitHub
3.7.0 supports it. In order for it to use the original terminal colors you must not use theme option though.
In the upcoming 3.7.2 there will be "auto/dracula" syntax support for the theme option, which will automatically use original colors (if available), falling back to dracula (or any other named theme you specify).
If the theme field is not saved in the file then the CLI couldn’t auto-detect. This requires a terminal that supports color querying via OSC 4, OSC 10, OSC 11 control sequences.