はじめまして。猫のニャーポーといいます。2024年12月30日生まれの0歳です。そんな風に見えないって? 気にしないでね。
Nice to meet you. I'm Cat the Nyah-Poh. I was born on December 30th, 2024, so I'm zero years old. Don't I look that way? Never mind.
I was created because the owner of this blog couldn't find a suitable photo for that day's post. Giving up the search, he quickly drew me on his smartphone using a 100-yen touch pen and then painted me on his PC.
なぜニャーポーという名前? 当日の投稿(救急車がテーマ)の僕のイラストをどうぞ。今後ニャーポーは、ブログ主が適切な写真を見つけられなかったり、写真を選ぶのが面倒なときに登場します(笑)。
Why was I named Nyah-Poh? Look at the illustration of me in that day's post, which was about calling an ambulance. From now on, Nyah-Poh will appear here whenever the blog owner can't find a suitable photo or finds it too troublesome to choose one (haha).
That's all about Nyah-Poh. From here, I, the blog owner, will continue with today's post.
I posted to this blog five times a month last year. I'll keep this pace this year, too, and put priority on keeping this pace rather than trying to write the best writing possible. As this is an English composition practice blog, the quality of each composition is important, but persisting in that can make writing a burden and eventually discourage me from writing. So, I'll write articles without worrying too much about their quality.
I believe that writing in this way still helps me improve my writing skills. AI plays an important role here! It's not just that AI corrects my writing, but it also answers my various questions about my sentences, consolidating my knowledge about English. I want to show an example, but doing so would make this post too long, so I'll write about it in another post.
(The English text is the original.)
(Illustration by Hakusekimatori)
1月6日に韓国のTV音楽番組MBN MUSICに中島美嘉さんが登場し、同YouTubeチャネルにその動画がアップロードされました。「雪の華」「僕が死のうと思ったのは」「WILL」を歌いました。良かったです。中島美嘉さんは韓国でも相当に知られているようで、その3曲を収めた動画は同じ日にアップされた他の動画よりもかなり視聴数が多くなってます。ハングル字幕を翻訳した日本語訳も一応は表示できますが、自分でハングルの字幕が早く直接読めるようになりた~い(笑)。