English: Castle Romeo nuclear test (yield 11 Mt) on Bikini Atoll. It was the first nuclear test conducted on a barge. The barge was located in the Castle Bravo crater.
Suomi: Ydinkoe Romeo (räjähdysvoima 11 Mt) Bikinin atollilla. Testi oli osa Operaatio Castlea. Romeo räjäytys oli ensimmäinen proomulla tehty ydinkoe. Proomu sijaitsi Bravo kokeen kraaterissa.
Français : Champignon atomique résultant de l'essai nucléaire Romeo, dans le cadre de l'opération Castle, dans l'atoll de Bikini.
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Ядерное испытание в Касл-Ромео (мощность 11 Мт) на атолле Бикини. Это было первое ядерное испытание, проведенное на барже. Баржа была расположена в кратере Касл-Браво.
"Operation Castle, ROMEO Event - The 11-megaton ROMEO Event was part of Operation Castle. It was detonated from a barge near Bikini atoll on 26 March 1954." ==Licensing== *Source: http://www.nv.doe.gov/library/photos/ {{PD-USGov-DOE}} [[Category:Nuclear
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