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SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Volume 50
Volume 50, Number 1, 2012
- Bin Zhou, Zongli Lin, Guang-Ren Duan
A Lyapunov Inequality Characterization of and a Riccati Inequality Approach to LINFINITY and L2 Low Gain Feedback. 1-22 - Xianping Guo, Yonghui Huang, XinYuan Song:
Linear Programming and Constrained Average Optimality for General Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes in History-Dependent Policies. 23-47 - Habib Ammari, Josselin Garnier, Vincent Jugnon, Hyeonbae Kang:
Stability and Resolution Analysis for a Topological Derivative Based Imaging Functional. 48-76 - Yves Achdou, Fabio Camilli
, Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta:
Mean Field Games: Numerical Methods for the Planning Problem. 77-109 - Rob H. Gielen, Mircea Lazar, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
Lyapunov Methods for Time-Invariant Delay Difference Inclusions. 110-132 - Xin Chen
, Peng Sun:
Optimal Structural Policies for Ambiguity and Risk Averse Inventory and Pricing Models. 133-146 - Yacine Chitour, Frédéric Jean
, Paolo Mason
Optimal Control Models of Goal-oriented Human Locomotion. 147-170 - Amarjit Budhiraja, Xin Liu, Adam Shwartz
Action Time Sharing Policies for Ergodic Control of Markov Chains. 171-195 - Feng Xiao
, Long Wang
Asynchronous Rendezvous Analysis via Set-valued Consensus Theory. 196-221 - Bao-Zhu Guo
, Dong-Hui Yang:
Some Compact Classes of Open Sets under Hausdorff Distance and Application to Shape Optimization. 222-242 - Claudio Canuto, Fabio Fagnani, Paolo Tilli:
An Eulerian Approach to the Analysis of Krause's Consensus Models. 243-265 - Mark R. Opmeer
, Olof J. Staffans:
Coprime Factorization and Optimal Control on the Doubly Infinite Discrete Time Axis. 266-285 - Frédéric Mazenc, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Olivier Bernard
Exponentially Stable Interval Observers for Linear Systems with Delay. 286-305 - Federica Garin, Sandro Zampieri
Mean Square Performance of Consensus-Based Distributed Estimation over Regular Geometric Graphs. 306-333 - Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis:
Structural Invariants of Two-dimensional Systems. 334-356 - Vakhtang Lomadze:
Controllability as Minimality. 357-367 - Desheng Li, Yanling Wang:
Smooth Morse-Lyapunov Functions of Strong Attractors for Differential Inclusions. 368-387 - Michael Hintermüller
, Donat Wegner:
Distributed Optimal Control of the Cahn-Hilliard System Including the Case of a Double-Obstacle Homogeneous Free Energy Density. 388-418 - Francesco Bullo
, Ruggero Carli, Paolo Frasca
Gossip Coverage Control for Robotic Networks: Dynamical Systems on the Space of Partitions. 419-447 - Vasile Dragan, Hiroaki Mukaidani
, Peng Shi:
The Linear Quadratic Regulator Problem for a Class of Controlled Systems Modeled by Singularly Perturbed Itô Differential Equations. 448-470 - Matthias Chung
, Eldad Haber:
Experimental Design for Biological Systems. 471-489 - Roberto Ambrosino
, Marco Ariola
, Francesco Amato
A Convex Condition for Robust Stability Analysis via Polyhedral Lyapunov Functions. 490-506 - Tyrone E. Duncan, B. Maslowski
, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan:
Linear-quadratic Control for Stochastic Equations in a Hilbert Space with Fractional Brownian Motions. 507-531 - Li Xie:
Stochastic Comparison, Boundedness, Weak Convergence, and Ergodicity of a Random Riccati Equation with Markovian Binary Switching. 532-558 - Davide Barilari
, Ugo V. Boscain, Jean-Paul Gauthier:
On 2-Step, Corank 2, Nilpotent Sub-Riemannian Metrics. 559-582 - Daniel Michelbrink, Huiling Le:
A Martingale Approach to Optimal Portfolios with Jump-diffusions. 583-599
Volume 50, Number 2, 2012
- Gengsheng Wang, Guojie Zheng:
An Approach to the Optimal Time for a Time Optimal Control Problem of an Internally Controlled Heat Equation. 601-628 - Qingshuo Song
, Gang George Yin, Chao Zhu
Optimal Switching with Constraints and Utility Maximization of an Indivisible Market. 629-651 - Zhi-Gang Wu, Mehran Mesbahi:
Symplectic Transformation Based Analytical and Numerical Methods for Linear Quadratic Control with Hard Terminal Constraints. 652-671 - Maben Rabi
, George V. Moustakides, John S. Baras:
Adaptive Sampling for Linear State Estimation. 672-702 - Gareth Hegarty, Stephen W. Taylor
Classical Solutions of Nonlinear Beam Equations: Existence and Stabilization. 703-719 - Oswaldo L. V. Costa
, François Dufour
Singularly Perturbed Discounted Markov Control Processes in a General State Space. 720-747 - Stefano Bonaccorsi
, Fulvia Confortola, Elisa Mastrogiacomo:
Optimal Control for Stochastic Volterra Equations with Completely Monotone Kernels. 748-789 - Karel Janecek, Mihai Sîrbu:
Optimal Investment with High-watermark Performance Fee. 790-819 - Paola Loreti, Luciano Pandolfi, Daniela Sforza:
Boundary Controllability and Observability of a Viscoelastic String. 820-844 - Shuzhi Sam Ge
, Thanh Long Vu, Tong Heng Lee:
Quantum Measurement-Based Feedback Control: A Nonsmooth Time Delay Control Approach. 845-863 - Serdar Yüksel, Tamás Linder:
Optimization and Convergence of Observation Channels in Stochastic Control. 864-887 - Giovanni Bonfanti, Arrigo Cellina, Marco Mazzola
The Higher Integrability and the Validity of the Euler-Lagrange Equation for Solutions to Variational Problems. 888-899 - José Luiz Boldrini
, Anna Doubova
, Enrique Fernández-Cara
, Manuel González-Burgos
Some Controllability Results for Linear Viscoelastic Fluids. 900-924 - Zhao-Jing Wu
, Mingyue Cui, Peng Shi:
Backstepping Control in Vector Form for Stochastic Hamiltonian Systems. 925-942 - Roland Herzog
, Georg Stadler, Gerd Wachsmuth
Directional Sparsity in Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations. 943-963 - Xin Zhang, Robert J. Elliott
, Tak Kuen Siu
A Stochastic Maximum Principle for a Markov Regime-Switching Jump-Diffusion Model and Its Application to Finance. 964-990 - A. Fiaschi, Giulia Treu:
The Bounded Slope Condition for Functionals Depending on x, u, and ∇. 991-1011 - Manfredi Maggiore, Barry G. Rawn
, Peter W. Lehn:
Invariance Kernels of Single-Input Planar Nonlinear Systems. 1012-1037 - Rubén López
Approximations of Equilibrium Problems. 1038-1070
Volume 50, Number 3, 2012
- Kalle M. Mikkola
Real Solutions to Control, Approximation, and Factorization Problems. 1071-1086 - Moez Draief, Milan Vojnovic:
Convergence Speed of Binary Interval Consensus. 1087-1109 - Stefan Almér
, Ulf T. Jönsson:
Dynamic Phasor Analysis of Pulse-Modulated Systems. 1110-1138 - Daniel Hoehener:
Variational Approach to Second-Order Optimality Conditions for Control Problems with Pure State Constraints. 1139-1173 - Ciro D'Apice
, Umberto De Maio, Olga P. Kogut
Optimal Control Problems in Coefficients for Degenerate Equations of Monotone Type: Shape Stability and Attainability Problems. 1174-1199 - Liangliang Li, Yu Huang, Mingqing Xiao:
Observer Design for Wave Equations with van der Pol Type Boundary Conditions. 1200-1219 - Mark French, Wenming Bian:
A Biased Approach to Nonlinear Robust Stability and Performance with Applications to Adaptive Control. 1220-1243 - Kazuhito Kawaguchi, Hiroaki Morimoto:
An Irreversible Investment Problem with Maintenance Expenditure. 1244-1264 - Ovidiu Cârja:
The Minimum Time Function for Semilinear Evolutions. 1265-1282 - Giuseppe Benedetti, Luciano Campi
Multivariate Utility Maximization with Proportional Transaction Costs and Random Endowment. 1283-1308 - Ugo V. Boscain, Jean Duplaix, Jean-Paul Gauthier, Francesco Rossi
Anthropomorphic Image Reconstruction via Hypoelliptic Diffusion. 1309-1336 - Erhan Bayraktar
, Hao Xing:
Regularity of the Optimal Stopping Problem for Jump Diffusions. 1337-1357 - Xiongping Dai:
Criteria of Stabilizability for Switching-Control Systems with Solvable Linear Approximations. 1358-1388 - Iasson Karafyllis, Miroslav Krstic
Global Stabilization of Feedforward Systems Under Perturbations in Sampling Schedule. 1389-1412 - Maxim Kristalny, Leonid Mirkin
Input/Output Stabilization in the General Two-Sided Model Matching Setup. 1413-1438 - Angelo Alessandri
, Marco Baglietto
, Giorgio Battistelli
Min-Max Moving-Horizon Estimation for Uncertain Discrete-Time Linear Systems. 1439-1465 - Rainer Buckdahn, Jianhui Huang
, Juan Li:
Regularity Properties for General HJB Equations: A Backward Stochastic Differential Equation Method. 1466-1501 - Cesar O. Aguilar, Andrew D. Lewis:
Small-Time Local Controllability for a Class of Homogeneous Systems. 1502-1517 - Christian Wyss, Birgit Jacob
, Hans Zwart:
Hamiltonians and Riccati Equations for Linear Systems with Unbounded Control and Observation Operators. 1518-1547 - Ying Hu
, Hanqing Jin, Xun Yu Zhou:
Time-Inconsistent Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Control. 1548-1572 - Pierre Cardaliaguet, Rida Laraki
, Sylvain Sorin:
A Continuous Time Approach for the Asymptotic Value in Two-Person Zero-Sum Repeated Games. 1573-1596 - Grace S. Deaecto
, Jamal Daafouz, José Claudio Geromel
H2 and HINFINITY Performance Optimization of Singularly Perturbed Switched Systems. 1597-1615 - Florian Dörfler
, Francesco Bullo
Synchronization and Transient Stability in Power Networks and Nonuniform Kuramoto Oscillators. 1616-1642 - Xiaoyu Fu:
Sharp Decay Rates for the Weakly Coupled Hyperbolic System with One Internal Damping. 1643-1660 - Matthieu Léautaud:
Uniform Controllability of Scalar Conservation Laws in the Vanishing Viscosity Limit. 1661-1699 - Shodhan Rao
, Paolo Rapisarda:
An Algebraic Approach to the Realization of Lossless Negative Imaginary Behaviors. 1700-1720 - Vakhtang Lomadze:
Linear Systems and Taylor Complexes. 1721-1733
Volume 50, Number 4, 2012
- Eduardo Casas
, Christian Clason
, Karl Kunisch:
Approximation of Elliptic Control Problems in Measure Spaces with Sparse Solutions. 1735-1752 - Ioannis Lestas:
Large Scale Heterogeneous Networks, the Davis-Wielandt Shell, and Graph Separation. 1753-1774 - Joseph-Julien Yamé
Some Remarks on the Controllability of Sampled-Data Systems. 1775-1803 - Min Dai
, Zhou Yang, Yifei Zhong:
Optimal Stock Selling Based on the Global Maximum. 1804-1822 - Imran H. Biswas:
On Zero-Sum Stochastic Differential Games with Jump-Diffusion Driven State: A Viscosity Solution Framework. 1823-1858 - Georgi S. Medvedev:
Stochastic Stability of Continuous Time Consensus Protocols. 1859-1885 - Ari Arapostathis
, Vivek S. Borkar:
A Relative Value Iteration Algorithm for Nondegenerate Controlled Diffusions. 1886-1902 - Toshio Mikami:
A Characterization of the Knothe-Rosenblatt Processes by a Convergence Result. 1903-1920 - Daniel Cobb:
Singular Observer-Based Compensators and the Deterministic Separation Principle. 1921-1949 - Ge Chen
, Zhixin Liu, Lei Guo:
The Smallest Possible Interaction Radius for Flock Synchronization. 1950-1970 - Moshe Idan
, Jason L. Speyer:
State Estimation for Linear Scalar Dynamic Systems with Additive Cauchy Noises: Characteristic Function Approach. 1971-1994 - Saurabh A. Deshpande, Dominique Bonvin, Benoît Chachuat
Directional Input Adaptation in Parametric Optimal Control Problems. 1995-2024 - Vincent Perrollaz
Exact Controllability of Scalar Conservation Laws with an Additional Control in the Context of Entropy Solutions. 2025-2045 - Xu Liu, Xu Zhang:
Local Controllability of Multidimensional Quasi-Linear Parabolic Equations. 2046-2064 - Marcel Nutz
, H. Mete Soner
Superhedging and Dynamic Risk Measures under Volatility Uncertainty. 2065-2089 - Pierre Cardaliaguet, Anne Souquière:
A Differential Game with a Blind Player. 2090-2116 - Winnifried Wollner
Optimal Control of Elliptic Equations with Pointwise Constraints on the Gradient of the State in Nonsmooth Polygonal Domains. 2117-2129 - Guofeng Zhang
, Heung-Wing Joseph Lee
, Bo Huang, Hu Zhang:
Coherent Feedback Control of Linear Quantum Optical Systems via Squeezing and Phase Shift. 2130-2150 - Xiaoshan Chen
, Fahuai Yi:
A Problem of Singular Stochastic Control with Optimal Stopping in Finite Horizon. 2151-2172 - Hideaki Iiduka
, Isao Yamada:
Computational Method for Solving a Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Control Problem Given an Unsolvable Stochastic Algebraic Riccati Equation. 2173-2192 - Lior Fainshil, Michael Margaliot
A Maximum Principle for the Stability Analysis of Positive Bilinear Control Systems with Applications to Positive Linear Switched Systems. 2193-2215 - Jinglai Shen
, Jianghai Hu:
Stability of Discrete-Time Switched Homogeneous Systems on Cones and Conewise Homogeneous Inclusions. 2216-2253 - Bernt Øksendal, Agnès Sulem:
Singular Stochastic Control and Optimal Stopping with Partial Information of Itô-Lévy Processes. 2254-2287 - Viorel Barbu:
Stabilization of Navier-Stokes Equations by Oblique Boundary Feedback Controllers. 2288-2307 - Bing-Chang Wang, Ji-Feng Zhang:
Mean Field Games for Large-Population Multiagent Systems with Markov Jump Parameters. 2308-2334 - Daya Ram Sahu
, Ngai-Ching Wong, Jen-Chih Yao:
A Unified Hybrid Iterative Method for Solving Variational Inequalities Involving Generalized Pseudocontractive Mappings. 2335-2354 - Eduardo Casas
Second Order Analysis for Bang-Bang Control Problems of PDEs. 2355-2372 - Hiroaki Hata, Shuenn-Jyi Sheu:
On the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation for an Optimal Consumption Problem: I. Existence of Solution. 2373-2400 - Hiroaki Hata, Shuenn-Jyi Sheu:
On the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation for an Optimal Consumption Problem: II. Verification Theorem. 2401-2430 - Catherine Donnelly
, Andrew J. Heunis:
Quadratic Risk Minimization in a Regime-Switching Model with Portfolio Constraints. 2431-2461 - Erlend Grong
Controllability of Rolling without Twisting or Slipping in Higher Dimensions. 2462-2485 - Chong Li, Jen-Chih Yao:
Variational Inequalities for Set-Valued Vector Fields on Riemannian Manifolds: Convexity of the Solution Set and the Proximal Point Algorithm. 2486-2514 - Nadir Arada
Optimal Control of Shear-Thinning Fluids. 2515-2542
Volume 50, Number 5, 2012
- Gilles-Edouard Espinosa, Nizar Touzi:
Detecting the Maximum of a Scalar Diffusion with Negative Drift. 2543-2572 - Eladio Ocaña Anaya
, Pierre Cartigny:
Explicit Solutions for Singular Infinite Horizon Calculus of Variations. 2573-2587 - Michael Schuresko, Jorge Cortés
Distributed Tree Rearrangements for Reachability and Robust Connectivity. 2588-2620 - Bi-Qiang Mu
, Han-Fu Chen:
Recursive Identification of Wiener-Hammerstein Systems. 2621-2658 - Hanne Tiesler, Robert M. Kirby
, Dongbin Xiu, Tobias Preusser:
Stochastic Collocation for Optimal Control Problems with Stochastic PDE Constraints. 2659-2682 - Farzad Rezaei, Charalambos D. Charalambous
, Nasir Uddin Ahmed:
Optimal Control of Uncertain Stochastic Systems Subject to Total Variation Distance Uncertainty. 2683-2725 - Olivier Glass, Thierry Horsin:
Prescribing the Motion of a Set of Particles in a Three-Dimensional Perfect Fluid. 2726-2742 - Ting-Li Chen
, Wei-Kuo Chen, Chii-Ruey Hwang, Hui-Ming Pai:
On the Optimal Transition Matrix for Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling. 2743-2762 - Anahita Mirtabatabaei, Francesco Bullo
Opinion Dynamics in Heterogeneous Networks: Convergence Conjectures and Theorems. 2763-2785 - Makhin Thitsa, W. Steven Gray:
On the Radius of Convergence of Interconnected Analytic Nonlinear Input-Output Systems. 2786-2813 - Thomas Chambrion
, Alexandre Munnier:
Generic Controllability of 3D Swimmers in a Perfect Fluid. 2814-2835 - Gerd Wachsmuth
Optimal Control of Quasi-static Plasticity with Linear Kinematic Hardening, Part I: Existence and Discretization in Time. 2836-2861 - Valery Y. Glizer:
Stochastic Singular Optimal Control Problem with State Delays: Regularization, Singular Perturbation, and Minimizing Sequence. 2862-2888 - Bui Trong Kien, Nguyen Thi Toan, M.-M. Wong, Jen-Chih Yao:
Lower Semicontinuity of the Solution Set to a Parametric Optimal Control Problem. 2889-2906 - Son Luu Nguyen, Minyi Huang:
Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Mixed Games with Continuum-Parametrized Minor Players. 2907-2937 - Gengsheng Wang, Enrique Zuazua
On the Equivalence of Minimal Time and Minimal Norm Controls for Internally Controlled Heat Equations. 2938-2958 - S. Chowdhury, Mythily Ramaswamy, Jean-Pierre Raymond:
Controllability and Stabilizability of the Linearized Compressible Navier-Stokes System in One Dimension. 2959-2987 - Fritz Colonius:
Minimal Bit Rates and Entropy for Exponential Stabilization. 2988-3010 - Dario Bauso, Raffaele Pesenti
Team Theory and Person-by-Person Optimization with Binary Decisions. 3011-3028 - Peter Butkovic
, Hans Schneider, Sergei Sergeev
Recognizing Weakly Stable Matrices. 3029-3051 - Roland Herzog
, Christian Meyer, Gerd Wachsmuth
C-Stationarity for Optimal Control of Static Plasticity with Linear Kinematic Hardening. 3052-3082 - Olof J. Staffans, George Weiss
A Physically Motivated Class of Scattering Passive Linear Systems. 3083-3112 - Renming Yang
, Yuzhen Wang:
Finite-Time Stability and Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems. 3113-3131 - Denis V. Efimov
Global Lyapunov Analysis of Multistable Nonlinear Systems. 3132-3154
Volume 50, Number 6, 2012
- Claudio De Persis, Bayu Jayawardhana
Coordination of Passive Systems under Quantized Measurements. 3155-3177 - Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Bilel Daoud:
Minimum Time Control of the Restricted Three-Body Problem. 3178-3202 - K. Suresh Kumar:
Singular Perturbations in Stochastic Ergodic Control Problems. 3203-3223 - Henri Bonnel, Jacqueline Morgan
Semivectorial Bilevel Convex Optimal Control Problems: Existence Results. 3224-3241 - Alain Sarlette, Christian Lageman:
Synchronization with Partial State Coupling on SO(n). 3242-3268 - Li-Qun Cao, Jianjun Liu, Walter Allegretto, Yanping Lin:
A Multiscale Approach for Optimal Control Problems of Linear Parabolic Equations. 3269-3291 - Yaodong Pan, Krishna Dev Kumar, Guangjun Liu:
Extremum Seeking Control with Second-Order Sliding Mode. 3292-3309 - Huizhen Yu
Least Squares Temporal Difference Methods: An Analysis under General Conditions. 3310-3343 - Bruno Bouchard, Marcel Nutz
Weak Dynamic Programming for Generalized State Constraints. 3344-3373 - Rubén López
Erratum: Approximations of Equilibrium Problems. 3374
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