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Management Science, Volume 53
Volume 53, Number 1, January 2007
- Pino G. Audia, Jack A. Goncalo:
Past Success and Creativity over Time: A Study of Inventors in the Hard Disk Drive Industry. 1-15 - Raji Srinivasan, Pamela Haunschild, Rajdeep Grewal:
Vicarious Learning in New Product Introductions in the Early Years of a Converging Market. 16-28 - Mahesh Nagarajan, Greys Sosic:
Stable Farsighted Coalitions in Competitive Markets. 29-45 - S. Sriram, Manohar U. Kalwani:
Optimal Advertising and Promotion Budgets in Dynamic Markets with Brand Equity as a Mediating Variable. 46-60 - Wallace J. Hopp, Seyed M. R. Iravani, Gigi Y. Yuen:
Operations Systems with Discretionary Task Completion. 61-77 - Moshe Dror, Bruce C. Hartman:
Shipment Consolidation: Who Pays for It and How Much? 78-87 - Roland Geyer, Luk N. Van Wassenhove, Atalay Atasu:
The Economics of Remanufacturing Under Limited Component Durability and Finite Product Life Cycles. 88-100 - Syam Menon
, Sumit Sarkar
Minimizing Information Loss and Preserving Privacy. 101-116 - Louis Eeckhoudt, Béatrice Rey, Harris Schlesinger:
A Good Sign for Multivariate Risk Taking. 117-124 - Mariano Luque
, Rafael Caballero
, Julián Molina Luque
, Francisco Ruiz
Equivalent Information for Multiobjective Interactive Procedures. 125-134 - Walter Briec, Kristiaan Kerstens
, Octave Jokung:
Mean-Variance-Skewness Portfolio Performance Gauging: A General Shortage Function and Dual Approach. 135-149 - Preyas S. Desai, Oded Koenigsberg
, Devavrat Purohit:
Research Note - The Role of Production Lead Time and Demand Uncertainty in Marketing Durable Goods. 150-158 - Bikram Ghosh, Subramanian Balachander:
Research Note - Competitive Bundling and Counterbundling with Generalist and Specialist Firms. 159-168
Volume 53, Number 2, February 2007
- Ornit Raz, Peter A. Gloor
Size Really Matters - New Insights for Start-ups' Survival. 169-177 - Glenn Hoetker
, Anand Swaminathan
, Will Mitchell:
Modularity and the Impact of Buyer - Supplier Relationships on the Survival of Suppliers. 178-191 - Manu Goyal, Serguei Netessine
Strategic Technology Choice and Capacity Investment Under Demand Uncertainty. 192-207 - Didem Demirhan, Varghese S. Jacob, Srinivasan Raghunathan
Strategic IT Investments: The Impact of Switching Cost and Declining IT Cost. 208-226 - Vishal Gaur
, Young-Hoon Park:
Asymmetric Consumer Learning and Inventory Competition. 227-240 - Saif Benjaafar, Ehsan Elahi, Karen Donohue:
Outsourcing via Service Competition. 241-259 - Sandy D. Jap, Erin Anderson:
Testing a Life-Cycle Theory of Cooperative Interorganizational Relationships: Movement Across Stages and Performance. 260-275 - Felipe Caro, Jérémie Gallien:
Dynamic Assortment with Demand Learning for Seasonal Consumer Goods. 276-292 - Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz, Kamran Moinzadeh, Yong-Pin Zhou:
Coordinated Replenishment Strategies in Inventory/Distribution Systems. 293-307 - Shie Mannor
, Duncan Simester, Peng Sun, John N. Tsitsiklis:
Bias and Variance Approximation in Value Function Estimates. 308-322 - Turan G. Bali:
An Extreme Value Approach to Estimating Interest-Rate Volatility: Pricing Implications for Interest-Rate Options. 323-339 - Jin Gyo Kim, Ulrich Menzefricke, Fred M. Feinberg
Capturing Flexible Heterogeneous Utility Curves: A Bayesian Spline Approach. 340-354 - John R. Birge, Panos Kouvelis, Duane Seppi:
Call for Papers - Special Issue of Management Science: Interfaces of Operations and Finance. Manag. Sci. 53(2): 355 (2007)
Volume 53, Number 3, March 2007
- Kartik Kalaignanam
, Venkatesh Shankar, Rajan Varadarajan:
Asymmetric New Product Development Alliances: Win-Win or Win-Lose Partnerships? 357-374 - Victoria L. Mitchell, Barrie R. Nault
Cooperative Planning, Uncertainty, and Managerial Control in Concurrent Design. 375-389 - Noah Gans, Sergei V. Savin
Pricing and Capacity Rationing for Rentals with Uncertain Durations. 390-407 - Gérard P. Cachon, Fuqiang Zhang:
Obtaining Fast Service in a Queueing System via Performance-Based Allocation of Demand. 408-420 - Kaijie Zhu, Rachel Q. Zhang, Fugee Tsung
Pushing Quality Improvement Along Supply Chains. 421-436 - Adrian S. Choo, Kevin W. Linderman, Roger G. Schroeder:
Method and Psychological Effects on Learning Behaviors and Knowledge Creation in Quality Improvement Projects. 437-450 - Paulo Albuquerque, Bart J. Bronnenberg, Charles J. Corbett:
A Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Global Diffusion of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Certification. 451-468 - Han Bleichrodt, Jose Maria Abellan-Perpiñan, Jose Luis Pinto-Prades
, Ildefonso Mendez-Martinez
Resolving Inconsistencies in Utility Measurement Under Risk: Tests of Generalizations of Expected Utility. 469-482 - René Garcia, Éric Renault, Georges Tsafack:
Proper Conditioning for Coherent VaR in Portfolio Management. 483-494 - Thomas Pfeiffer
, Georg Schneider
Residual Income-Based Compensation Plans for Controlling Investment Decisions Under Sequential Private Information. 495-507 - San-Lin Chung
, Pai-Ta Shih:
Generalized Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Binomial Models. 508-520 - Eric Chuan-Fong Shih, Kenneth L. Kraemer, Jason L. Dedrick:
Research Note: Determinants of Country-Level Investment in Information Technology. 521-528
Volume 53, Number 4, April 2007
- Pankaj Ghemawat, Bruno Cassiman:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Strategic Dynamics. 529-536 - Adam Brandenburger, Harborne Stuart:
Biform Games. 537-549 - Olivier Chatain
, Peter Zemsky:
The Horizontal Scope of the Firm: Organizational Tradeoffs vs. Buyer-Supplier Relationships. 550-565 - Michael D. Ryall
, Olav Sorenson
Brokers and Competitive Advantage. 566-583 - Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, David B. Yoffie:
Wintel: Cooperation and Conflict. 584-598 - Michael J. Lenox, Scott F. Rockart, Arie Y. Lewin:
Interdependency, Competition, and Industry Dynamics. 599-615 - Steven Klepper:
Disagreements, Spinoffs, and the Evolution of Detroit as the Capital of the U.S. Automobile Industry. 616-631 - John M. de Figueiredo, Brian S. Silverman:
Churn, Baby, Churn: Strategic Dynamics Among Dominant and Fringe Firms in a Segmented Industry. 632-650 - Gonçalo Pacheco-de-Almeida, Peter Zemsky:
The Timing of Resource Development and Sustainable Competitive Advantage. 651-666 - Tat Y. Chan, Jack A. Nickerson, Hideo Owan:
Strategic Management of R&D Pipelines with Cospecialized Investments and Technology Markets. 667-682 - John D. Sterman, Rebecca Henderson, Eric D. Beinhocker, Lee I. Newman:
Getting Big Too Fast: Strategic Dynamics with Increasing Returns and Bounded Rationality. 683-696
Volume 53, Number 5, May 2007
- Krishnan S. Anand, Karan Girotra:
The Strategic Perils of Delayed Differentiation. 697-712 - Liming Liu
, Mahmut Parlar, Stuart X. Zhu:
Pricing and Lead Time Decisions in Decentralized Supply Chains. 713-725 - Xuanming Su:
Intertemporal Pricing with Strategic Customer Behavior. 726-741 - Haim Mendelson, Tunay I. Tunca:
Strategic Spot Trading in Supply Chains. 742-759 - Juan Alcácer, Wilbur Chung:
Location Strategies and Knowledge Spillovers. 760-776 - Yossi Aviv:
On the Benefits of Collaborative Forecasting Partnerships Between Retailers and Manufacturers. 777-794 - René Caldentey
, Gustavo J. Vulcano
Online Auction and List Price Revenue Management. 795-813 - Jérémie Gallien, Shobhit Gupta:
Temporary and Permanent Buyout Prices in Online Auctions. 814-833 - Ayse Kocabiyikoglu, Ioana Popescu:
Managerial Motivation Dynamics and Incentives. 834-848 - Florin Sabac:
Dynamic Agency with Renegotiation and Managerial Tenure. 849-864
Volume 53, Number 6, June 2007
- Edieal J. Pinker:
An Analysis of Short-Term Responses to Threats of Terrorism. 865-880 - Jehoshua Eliashberg, Sam K. Hui, Z. John Zhang
From Story Line to Box Office: A New Approach for Green-Lighting Movie Scripts. 881-893 - Anita L. Tucker
, Ingrid M. Nembhard, Amy C. Edmondson:
Implementing New Practices: An Empirical Study of Organizational Learning in Hospital Intensive Care Units. 894-907 - Peter Thompson:
How Much Did the Liberty Shipbuilders Forget? 908-918 - Thomas Hellmann
When Do Employees Become Entrepreneurs? 919-933 - Gérard P. Cachon, A. Gürhan Kök:
Category Management and Coordination in Retail Assortment Planning in the Presence of Basket Shopping Consumers. 934-951 - Byungjoon Yoo, Vidyanand Choudhary
, Tridas Mukhopadhyay
Electronic B2B Marketplaces with Different Ownership Structures. 952-961 - Pengfei Guo
, Paul H. Zipkin:
Analysis and Comparison of Queues with Different Levels of Delay Information. 962-970 - Susan H. Xu, Long Gao
, Jihong Ou:
Service Performance Analysis and Improvement for a Ticket Queue with Balking Customers. 971-990 - Mahender P. Singh, Mandyam M. Srinivasan:
Performance Bounds for Flexible Systems Requiring Setups. 991-1004 - Andrew F. Siegel, Artemiza Woodgate:
Performance of Portfolios Optimized with Estimation Error. 1005-1015 - Michael H. Birnbaum, Jeffrey P. Bahra:
Gain-Loss Separability and Coalescing in Risky Decision Making. 1016-1028 - Edward J. Anderson
, Frank Kelly, Richard Steinberg, Robert Waters:
Erratum - A Contract and Balancing Mechanism for Sharing Capacity in a Communication Network. 1029-1031
Volume 53, Number 7, July 2007
- Luís A. Nunes Amaral, Brian Uzzi
Complex Systems - A New Paradigm for the Integrative Study of Management, Physical, and Technological Systems. 1033-1035 - Nobuyuki Hanaki
, Alexander Peterhansl, Peter Sheridan Dodds
, Duncan J. Watts:
Cooperation in Evolving Social Networks. 1036-1050 - Robin Cowan, Nicolas Jonard
, Jean-Benoit Zimmermann:
Bilateral Collaboration and the Emergence of Innovation Networks. 1051-1067 - Jan W. Rivkin, Nicolaj Siggelkow:
Patterned Interactions in Complex Systems: Implications for Exploration. 1068-1085 - Wonseok Oh, Sangyong Jeon:
Membership Herding and Network Stability in the Open Source Community: The Ising Perspective. 1086-1101 - Seyed M. R. Iravani, Bora Kolfal
, Mark P. Van Oyen:
Call-Center Labor Cross-Training: It's a Small World After All. 1102-1112 - Melissa A. Schilling, Corey C. Phelps
Interfirm Collaboration Networks: The Impact of Large-Scale Network Structure on Firm Innovation. 1113-1126 - Dan Braha, Yaneer Bar-Yam:
The Statistical Mechanics of Complex Product Development: Empirical and Analytical Results. 1127-1145 - Zan Huang, Daniel Dajun Zeng, Hsinchun Chen:
Analyzing Consumer-Product Graphs: Empirical Findings and Applications in Recommender Systems. 1146-1164 - Scott C. Linn
, Nicholas S. P. Tay:
Complexity and the Character of Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence and a Model of Asset Prices Based on Complex Investor Learning. 1165-1180 - Bruce Kogut, Pietro Urso, Gordon Walker:
Emergent Properties of a New Financial Market: American Venture Capital Syndication, 1960 - 2005. 1181-1198
Volume 53, Number 8, August 2007
- Zhuo (June) Cheng, Barrie R. Nault
Industry Level Supplier-Driven IT Spillovers. 1199-1216 - Elie Ofek, Muhamet Yildiz, Ernan Haruvy:
The Impact of Prior Decisions on Subsequent Valuations in a Costly Contemplation Model. 1217-1233 - Ashish Arora
, Amy Greenwald
, Karthik N. Kannan, Ramayya Krishnan:
Effects of Information-Revelation Policies Under Market-Structure Uncertainty. 1234-1248 - Georgia Perakis, Guillaume Roels
The Price of Anarchy in Supply Chains: Quantifying the Efficiency of Price-Only Contracts. 1249-1268 - Jan A. Van Mieghem
Risk Mitigation in Newsvendor Networks: Resource Diversification, Flexibility, Sharing, and Hedging. 1269-1288 - Xinxin Hu, Izak Duenyas, Roman Kapuscinski
Existence of Coordinating Transshipment Prices in a Two-Location Inventory Model. 1289-1302 - Tony Haitao Cui, Jagmohan S. Raju, Z. John Zhang
Fairness and Channel Coordination. 1303-1314 - Wai Fong Boh
, Sandra Slaughter, J. Alberto Espinosa:
Learning from Experience in Software Development: A Multilevel Analysis. 1315-1331 - Nicholas Argyres
, Lyda Bigelow:
Does Transaction Misalignment Matter for Firm Survival at All Stages of the Industry Life Cycle? 1332-1344 - Zhiling Guo
, Gary J. Koehler, Andrew B. Whinston:
A Market-Based Optimization Algorithm for Distributed Systems. 1345-1358
Volume 53, Number 9, September 2007
- Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ram D. Gopal, Kaveepan Lertwachara, James R. Marsden, Rahul Telang
The Effect of Digital Sharing Technologies on Music Markets: A Survival Analysis of Albums on Ranking Charts. 1359-1374 - Sanjiv R. Das, Mike Y. Chen:
Yahoo! for Amazon: Sentiment Extraction from Small Talk on the Web. 1375-1388 - Robert W. Day, S. Raghavan:
Fair Payments for Efficient Allocations in Public Sector Combinatorial Auctions. 1389-1406 - Aradhna Krishna, Fred M. Feinberg
, Z. John Zhang
Should Price Increases Be Targeted? - Pricing Power and Selective vs. Across-the-Board Price Increases. 1407-1422 - Jane E. J. Ebert, Drazen Prelec:
The Fragility of Time: Time-Insensitivity and Valuation of the Near and Far Future. 1423-1438 - Sanjiv R. Das, Rangarajan K. Sundaram:
An Integrated Model for Hybrid Securities. 1439-1451 - Karan Girotra, Christian Terwiesch, Karl T. Ulrich:
Valuing R&D Projects in a Portfolio: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry. 1452-1466 - Susan H. Xu, Zhaolin Li
Managing a Single-Product Assemble-to-Order System with Technology Innovations. 1467-1485 - Hasan Arslan, Stephen C. Graves, Thomas A. Roemer:
A Single-Product Inventory Model for Multiple Demand Classes. 1486-1500 - Marie-Cécile Fagart, Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné:
Ranking Contingent Monitoring Systems. 1501-1509 - Robert Zeithammer:
Research Note - Strategic Bid-Shading and Sequential Auctioning with Learning from Past Prices. 1510-1519
Volume 53, Number 10, October 2007
- David Soberman, Loïc Sadoulet:
Campaign Spending Limits and Political Advertising. 1521-1532 - Enno Siemsen
, Sridhar Balasubramanian, Aleda V. Roth:
Incentives That Induce Task-Related Effort, Helping, and Knowledge Sharing in Workgroups. 1533-1550 - Ganesh Iyer, Chakravarthi Narasimhan, Rakesh Niraj:
Information and Inventory in Distribution Channels. 1551-1561 - Fangruo Chen:
Auctioning Supply Contracts. 1562-1576 - Terry A. Taylor, Erica L. Plambeck:
Supply Chain Relationships and Contracts: The Impact of Repeated Interaction on Capacity Investment and Procurement. 1577-1593 - Jaksa Cvitanic, Levon Goukasian, Fernando Zapatero:
Optimal Risk Taking with Flexible Income. 1594-1603 - Didier Cossin
, Henry Schellhorn:
Credit Risk in a Network Economy. 1604-1617 - Arvids A. Ziedonis
Real Options in Technology Licensing. 1618-1633 - Dmitri Kuksov:
Brand Value in Social Interaction. 1634-1644 - Zhiang (John) Lin, Haibin Yang
, Irem Demirkan
The Performance Consequences of Ambidexterity in Strategic Alliance Formations: Empirical Investigation and Computational Theorizing. 1645-1658 - Mohammed Abdellaoui, Han Bleichrodt, Corina Paraschiv
Loss Aversion Under Prospect Theory: A Parameter-Free Measurement. 1659-1674
Volume 53, Number 11, November 2007
- Dirk Sliwka
Managerial Turnover and Strategic Change. 1675-1687 - Sriram Venkataraman, Stefan Stremersch:
The Debate on Influencing Doctors' Decisions: Are Drug Characteristics the Missing Link? 1688-1701 - Oguzhan Alagöz
, Lisa M. Maillart
, Andrew J. Schaefer
, Mark S. Roberts:
Choosing Among Living-Donor and Cadaveric Livers. 1702-1715 - Robert J. Jensen, Gabriel Szulanski:
Template Use and the Effectiveness of Knowledge Transfer. 1716-1730 - David V. Budescu, Ning Du:
Coherence and Consistency of Investors' Probability Judgments. 1731-1744 - Kenneth C. Lichtendahl Jr., Robert L. Winkler:
Probability Elicitation, Scoring Rules, and Competition Among Forecasters. 1745-1755 - Vadim Lesnevski, Barry L. Nelson, Jeremy Staum:
Simulation of Coherent Risk Measures Based on Generalized Scenarios. 1756-1769 - Peter P. Wakker, Daniëlle R. M. Timmermans, Irma Machielse:
The Effects of Statistical Information on Risk and Ambiguity Attitudes, and on Rational Insurance Decisions. 1770-1784 - Eran Hanany, D. Marc Kilgour, Yigal Gerchak:
Final-Offer Arbitration and Risk Aversion in Bargaining. 1785-1792 - Alex W. H. Chan, Nai-fu Chen:
Convertible Bond Underpricing: Renegotiable Covenants, Seasoning, and Convergence. 1793-1814 - Rik Pieters, Michel Wedel, Jie Zhang:
Optimal Feature Advertising Design Under Competitive Clutter. 1815-1828
Volume 53, Number 12, December 2007
- Sanjeev Dewan, Charles Shi, Vijay Gurbaxani:
Investigating the Risk-Return Relationship of Information Technology Investment: Firm-Level Empirical Analysis. 1829-1842 - Sang-Hyun Kim, Morris A. Cohen, Serguei Netessine
Performance Contracting in After-Sales Service Supply Chains. 1843-1858 - Erica L. Plambeck, Terry A. Taylor:
Implications of Breach Remedy and Renegotiation Design for Innovation and Capacity. 1859-1871 - Erica L. Plambeck, Terry A. Taylor:
Implications of Renegotiation for Optimal Contract Flexibility and Investment. 1872-1886 - Barry L. Bayus, Rajshree Agarwal:
The Role of Pre-Entry Experience, Entry Timing, and Product Technology Strategies in Explaining Firm Survival. 1887-1902 - Eelke Wiersma
Conditions That Shape the Learning Curve: Factors That Increase the Ability and Opportunity to Learn. 1903-1915 - Jürgen Branke
, Stephen E. Chick, Christian Schmidt:
Selecting a Selection Procedure. 1916-1932 - Sri Devi Duvvuri, Asim Ansari, Sunil Gupta:
Consumers' Price Sensitivities Across Complementary Categories. 1933-1945 - Zhengrui Jiang
, Sumit Sarkar
, Prabuddha De, Debabrata Dey:
A Framework for Reconciling Attribute Values from Multiple Data Sources. 1946-1963 - Alain Bensoussan, Suresh P. Sethi:
The Machine Maintenance and Sale Age Model of Kamien and Schwartz Revisited. 1964-1976
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