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Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, September 2000
- Tomaz Amon, Stephan Diehl:
Educational applications of VRML. - Tomaz Amon, Vojko Valencic:
VRML - enhanced learning in biology and medicine. 1-6 - Will Rourk:
Virtual biochemistry - a case study. 7-14 - Michael Schroeder:
Towards a visualization of arguing agents. 15-26 - Carlo Zinzani:
Virtual Computer Project "Delivering content in a VRML world". 27-37 - Nikolay Avgoustinov:
VRML as means of expressive 4D illustration in CAM education. 39-48 - Hugo Jonkers:
On the use of VRML in educational software: Experiences from the project: JIMM Problem Solver. 49-56 - Toshiya Naka, Yoshiyuki Mochizuki, Shigeo Asahara:
WonderSpace: web based humanoid animation. 57-64 - Steve Guynup, Kyle Carlson:
Avatar as Content Delivery Platform. 65-71 - Ryo Yoshida, Takaaki Murao, Tatsuo Miyazawa:
3D web environment for knowledge management. 73-78 - Jan-Torsten Milde, Bernhard Jung:
Educational use of VRML and Java in agent-based AI and computer graphics. 79-87
Volume 17, Number 2, October 2000
- Paul A. Fishwick:
Preface. - Hessam S. Sarjoughian, Bernard P. Zeigler, Sunwoo Park:
Collaborative distributed network system: a lightweight middleware supporting collaborative DEVS modeling. 89-105 - Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, Petra Tyschler, Dirk Tyschler:
Modeling and simulation of mobile agents. 107-118 - John A. Miller, Andrew F. Seila, Xuewei Xiang:
The JSIM web-based simulation environment. 119-133 - Heidi R. Ammerlahn, Michael E. Goldsby, Michael M. Johnson, David M. Nicol:
A geographically distributed enterprise simulation system. 135-146 - Nuha El-Khalili, Ken W. Brodlie:
Surgical training on the web. 147-158 - Ernest H. Page, Jeffrey M. Opper:
Investigating the application of web-based simulation principles within the architecture for a next-generation computer generated forces model. 159-169 - Rego Granlund, Erik Berglund, Henrik Eriksson:
Designing web-based simulation for learning. 171-185 - Chien-Chung Shen:
Discrete-event simulation on the Internet and the Web. 187-196
Volume 17, Number 3, November 2000
- Muhammet Fikret Ercan, Yu-Fai Fung, M. Suleyman Demokan:
Parallel image processing with one-dimensional DSP arrays. 197-214 - Huey-Ling Chen, Chung-Ta King:
Eager scheduling with lazy retry in multiprocessors. 215-226 - Zhiyi Huang, Chengzheng Sun, Abdul Sattar:
Handling side-effects and cuts with selective recomputation in parallel Prolog. 227-245 - Gianluca Dini, Lanfranco Lopriore:
Sharing objects in a distributed, single address space environment. 247-264 - Taesoon Park, Heon Young Yeom:
An efficient logging and recovery scheme for lazy release consistent distributed shared memory systems. 265-278 - Fuyuki Shimojo, Timothy Campbell, Rajiv K. Kalia, Aiichiro Nakano, Priya Vashishta, Shuji Ogata, Kenji Tsuruta:
A scalable molecular-dynamics algorithm suite for materials simulations: design-space diagram on 1024 Cray T3E processors. 279-291 - Andrzej M. Goscinski:
Towards an operating system managing parallelism of computing on clusters. 293-314 - Sotirios G. Ziavras, Haim Grebel, Anthony T. Chronopoulos, Florent Marcelli:
A new-generation parallel computer and its performance evaluation. 315-333
Volume 17, Number 4, January 2001
- Albert Y. Zomaya, Fikret Erçal, Stephan Olariu:
Parallel computing problems and nature-inspired solutions. - Roger L. King, Samuel H. Russ, Aric B. Lambert, Donna S. Reese:
An artificial immune system model for intelligent agents. 335-343 - Dan C. Marinescu, Ladislau Bölöni:
Biological metaphors in the design of complex software systems. 345-360 - Piotr Wasiewicz, Artur Malinowski, Robert M. Nowak, Jan J. Mulawka, Piotr Borsuk, Piotr Weglenski, Andrzej Plucienniczak:
DNA computing: implementation of data flow logical operations. 361-378 - Lúcia M. A. Drummond, Luiz Satoru Ochi, Dalessandro Soares Vianna:
An asynchronous parallel metaheuristic for the period vehicle routing problem. 379-386 - Franciszek Seredynski, Jacek Koronacki, Cezary Z. Janikow:
Distributed multiprocessor scheduling with decomposed optimization criterion. 387-396 - S. Mounir Alaoui, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, Ophir Frieder, Abdelghani Bellaachia, Amine Bensaid:
Mapping tasks onto nodes: a parallel local neighborhood approach. 397-403 - Piotr Jedrzejowicz, Ireneusz Czarnowski, Aleksander Skakovski, Henryk Szreder:
Evolution-based scheduling of multiple variant and multiple processor programs. 405-414 - Peter K. K. Loh, Venson Shaw:
A genetic-based fault-tolerant routing strategy for multiprocessor networks. 415-423 - Claudia Leopold:
Structuring statement sequences in instance-based locality optimization. 425-440 - El-Ghazali Talbi, Olivier Roux, Cyril Fonlupt, D. Robillard:
Parallel Ant Colonies for the quadratic assignment problem. 441-449 - Enrique Alba, José M. Troya:
Analyzing synchronous and asynchronous parallel distributed genetic algorithms. 451-465 - Prachya Chalermwat, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, Jacqueline Le Moigne:
2-phase GA-based image registration on parallel clusters. 467-476 - Giuseppe A. Sena, Dalila Megherbi, Germinal Isern:
Implementation of a parallel Genetic Algorithm on a cluster of workstations: Traveling Salesman Problem, a case study. 477-488 - Tadeusz Szuba:
A formal definition of the phenomenon of collective intelligence and its IQ measure. 489-500
Volume 17, Number 5, March 2001
- Agostino G. Bruzzone:
Web-based simulation: Best of Websim99. 501-502 - Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis:
3D integrated circuit layout visualization using VRML. 503-511 - Miki Fukunari, Yu-Liang Chi, Philip M. Wolfe:
JavaBean-based simulation with operational procedure table (OPT). 513-523 - Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto:
Interactive parallel simulations with the Jane framework. 525-537 - Herbert Praehofer, Johannes Sametinger, Alois Stritzinger:
Concepts and architecture of a simulation framework based on the JavaBeans component model. 539-559 - Rego Granlund:
Web-based micro-world simulation for emergency management training. 561-572 - Miguel Sánchez López, Pietro Manzoni:
ANEJOS: a Java based simulator for ad hoc networks. 573-583 - Kangsun Lee, Paul A. Fishwick:
Building a model for real-time simulation. 585-600 - Chris Walshaw, Mark Cross:
Multilevel mesh partitioning for heterogeneous communication networks. 601-623 - Arnoud Visser, Kai Nagel:
Traffic simulation. 625-626 - Frans Middelham:
Predictability: some thoughts on modeling. 627-636 - Marcus Rickert, Kai Nagel:
Dynamic traffic assignment on parallel computers in TRANSIMS. 637-648 - Michael Schreckenberg, L. Neubert, Joachim Wahle:
Simulation of traffic in large road networks. 649-657 - S. Rosswog, Christian Gawron, S. Hasselberg, R. Böning, Peter Wagner:
Computational aspects in traffic simulation problems. 659-665
Volume 17, Number 6, April 2001
- Victor E. Malyshkin:
Parallel computing technologies. 667-668 - Achour Mostéfaoui, Michel Raynal, Paulo Veríssimo:
The logically instantaneous communication mode: a communication abstraction. 669-678 - Stefania Bandini, Giancarlo Mauri, Giulio Pavesi, Carla Simone:
Parallel simulation of reaction-diffusion phenomena in percolation processes : A model based on cellular automata. 679-688 - Sergey G. Pudov:
Learning of cellular neural networks. 689-697 - Bernard Goossens:
Handling 16 instructions per cycle in a superscalar processor. 699-709 - Franck Cappello, Olivier Richard, Daniel Etiemble:
Understanding performance of SMP clusters running MPI programs. 711-720 - Zoran Jovanovic, Slavko Maric:
A heuristic algorithm for dynamic task scheduling in highly parallel computing systems. 721-732 - Chi-Hung Chi, Jun-Li Yuan:
Load-balancing data prefetching techniques. 733-744 - R. C. Braun, Kevin T. Pedretti, Thomas L. Casavant, Todd E. Scheetz, Clayton L. Birkett, Chad A. Roberts:
Parallelization of local BLAST service on workstation clusters. 745-754 - M. A. Kraeva, Victor E. Malyshkin:
Assembly technology for parallel realization of numerical models on MIMD-multicomputers. 755-765 - Benno J. Overeinder, Henk J. Sips:
Wide-area distributed applications in high performance computing. 767-768 - Aske Plaat, Henri E. Bal, Rutger F. H. Hofman, Thilo Kielmann:
Sensitivity of parallel applications to large differences in bandwidth and latency in two-layer interconnects. 769-782 - Thomas L. Casavant, Terry A. Braun, Sureshkumar Kaliannan, Todd E. Scheetz, Kyle J. Munn, Clayton L. Birkett:
A parallel/distributed architecture for hierarchically heterogeneous web-based cooperative applications. 783-793 - Mauro Migliardi, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
Plug-ins, layered services and behavioral objects: Application programming styles in the Harness metacomputing system. 795-811 - Thierry Priol, Guillaume Alléon:
A client/server approach for HPC applications within a networking environment. 813-822
Volume 17, Number 7, May 2001
- Jaap A. Kaandorp, Shay Gueron:
Particle based modelling methods applied in biology. - Lila Kari:
DNA computing in vitro and in vivo. 823-834 - E. Palsson:
A three-dimensional model of cell movement in multicellular systems. 835-852 - Christopher P. Lowe:
A hybrid particle/continuum model for micro-organism motility. 853-862 - Jürgen Lenz:
Many-particle simulation of ameboid motility. 863-872 - Birgitt Schönfisch:
Simple individual based models of movement, alignment and schooling behaviour. 873-882 - Daniela Morale:
Modeling and simulating animal grouping : Individual-based models. 883-891 - Shay Gueron:
Deterministic approximations for stochastic processes in population biology. 893-899 - Sabine Dormann, Andreas Deutsch, Anna T. Lawniczak:
Fourier analysis of Turing-like pattern formation in cellular automaton models. 901-909
Volume 17, Number 8, June 2001
- Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Marian Bubak:
High-performance computing and networking enables complex applications. - Stephen Pickles, John M. Brooke, Fumie C. Costen, Edgar Gabriel, Matthias S. Müller, Michael M. Resch, Stephen M. Ord:
Metacomputing across intercontinental networks. 911-918 - A. J. C. Beliën, Bart van der Holst, Margreet Nool, Auke van der Ploeg, J. P. Goedbloed:
Spectral calculations in magnetohydrodynamics using the Jacobi-Davidson method. 919-924 - Mardochée Magolu monga Made, Henk A. van der Vorst:
A generalized domain decomposition paradigm for parallel incomplete LU factorization preconditionings. 925-932 - Cornelis Vuik, Jason Frank:
Coarse grid acceleration of a parallel block preconditioner. 933-940 - A. M. Alkindi, Darren J. Kerbyson, Efstathios Papaefstathiou, Graham R. Nudd:
Optimisation of application execution on dynamic systems. 941-949 - P. F. Spinnato, G. Dick van Albada, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Performance of N-body codes on hybrid machines. 951-959 - David Lecomber, Michael Rudgyard:
Efficient parallel algorithms for numerical simulation. 961-967 - Fabrizio Baiardi, Sarah Chiti, Paolo Mori, Laura Ricci:
Integrating load balancing and locality in the parallelization of irregular problems. 969-975 - Peter Brezany, Przemyslaw Czerwinski, Marianne Winslett:
A generic interface for parallel access to large data sets from HPF applications. 977-985 - Marian Bubak, Dawid Kurzyniec, Piotr Luszczek:
Convenient use of legacy software in Java with Janet package. 987-997 - Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Ersin Cem Kaletas, Ammar Benabdelkader, César Garita, Louis O. Hertzberger:
A reference architecture for scientific virtual laboratories. 999-1008 - Luis M. Camarinha-Matos:
Execution system for distributed business processes in a virtual enterprise. 1009-1021 - George A. Papadopoulos, Farhad Arbab:
Configuration and dynamic reconfiguration of components using the coordination paradigm. 1023-1038 - Ruey-Kai Sheu, Yue-Shan Chang, Shyan-Ming Yuan:
Managing and sharing collaborative files through WWW. 1039-1049 - Yike Guo, Patrick Wendel:
Developing a distributed scalable Java component server. 1051-1057
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