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Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Volume 30
Volume 30, Number 1, February 2011
- Bin Jiang, Peng Shi, Zehui Mao:
Sliding Mode Observer-Based Fault Estimation for Nonlinear Networked Control Systems. 1-16 - Guangdeng Zong
, Linlin Hou, Yuqiang Wu:
Robust l2-l∞ Guaranteed Cost Filtering for Uncertain Discrete-Time Switched System with Mode-Dependent Time-Varying Delays. 17-33 - Yi Zuo, Yaonan Wang, Ying Zhang, Xinzhi Liu, Lihong Huang, Zengyun Wang, Xiru Wu:
On Global Robust Stability of a Class of Delayed Neural Networks with Discontinuous Activation Functions and Norm-Bounded Uncertainty. 35-53 - Salim Ben Chaabane, Mounir Sayadi
, Farhat Fnaiech, Eric Brassart, Franck Betin:
A New Method for the Estimation of Mass Functions in the Dempster-Shafer's Evidence Theory: Application to Colour Image Segmentation. 55-71 - Zhengrong Xiang, Ronghao Wang, Bin Jiang:
Nonfragile Observer for Discrete-Time Switched Nonlinear Systems with Time Delay. 73-87 - Masud H. Chowdhury, Pervez Khaled, Juliana Gjanci:
An Innovative Power-Gating Technique for Leakage and Ground Bounce Control in System-on-a-Chip (SOC). 89-105 - Magdi Sadek Mahmoud
, Yuanqing Xia:
A Generalized ℋ2 Filtering of Uncertain Discrete-Time Singular Systems with Time-Varying Delays. 107-123 - M. D. S. Aliyu, El Kébir Boukas:
Kalman Filtering for Affine Nonlinear Descriptor Systems. 125-142 - Abhirup Lahiri, Maneesha Gupta
Realizations of Grounded Negative Capacitance Using CFOAs. 143-155 - Juha Yli-Kaakinen
, Tapio Saramäki:
An Efficient Algorithm for the Optimization of FIR Filters Synthesized Using the Multistage Frequency-Response Masking Approach. 157-183 - Georges Kaddoum
, Anthony J. Lawrance, Pascal Chargé, Daniel Roviras:
Chaos Communication Performance: Theory and Computation. 185-208 - M. N. S. Swamy:
Mutators, Generalized Impedance Converters and Inverters, and Their Realization Using Generalized Current Conveyors. 209-232 - Siddharth Kirtikar, Harish J. Palanthandalam-Madapusi, Elena Zattoni
, Dennis S. Bernstein:
l-Delay Input and Initial-State Reconstruction for Discrete-Time Linear Systems. 233-262
Volume 30, Number 2, April 2011
- Athanasios Tsitouras, Fotis Plessas:
Ultra-Wideband, Low-Power, Inductorless, 3.1-4.8 GHz, CMOS VCO. 263-285 - Jiqing Qiu, Haikuo He, Peng Shi:
Robust Stochastic Stabilization and H∞ Control for Neutral Stochastic Systems with Distributed Delays. 287-301 - Huaicheng Yan, Hao Zhang, Hongbo Shi, Max Q.-H. Meng, Jiujun Cheng:
Robust H∞ Filtering for Uncertain Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Mode-dependent Time-delays and Markovian Jump Parameters. 303-321 - Shuping He
, Fei Liu:
On Delay-Dependent Stability of Markov Jump Systems with Distributed Time-Delays. 323-337 - Jian-Feng Gu, Ping Wei, Heng-Ming Tai
Two-Dimensional DOA Estimation by Cross-Correlation Matrix Stacking. 339-353 - Fernando A. P. Barúqui
, Antonio Petraglia:
A Fully Differential CMOS Voltage Buffer for Continuous- and Discrete-Time Applications. 355-370 - Stefano Manetti
, Maria Cristina Piccirilli
Log-Domain Filter Design Based on Impedance Scaling of LC Ladder Structures. 371-389 - Ting Long, Houjun Wang, Bing Long:
A Classical Parameter Identification Method and a Modern Test Generation Algorithm. 391-412 - Xinguo Chen, Xiaofei Yang, Huihui Xiong, Jun Ouyang:
A Novel Method to Detect Initial Time of Weak Sinusoidal Signal Embedded in Non-stationary Noise. 413-420 - Konstantinos S. Tsakalis, Nikolaos Vlassopoulos, George Lentaris, Dionysios I. Reisis:
A Control-Theoretic Approach for Efficient Design of Filters in DAC and Digital Audio Amplifiers. 421-438 - Paulo S. R. Diniz
Convergence Performance of the Simplified Set-Membership Affine Projection Algorithm. 439-462
Volume 30, Number 3, June 2011
- Sung-Nien Yu
, Chien-Nan Lin, Yun-Kai Hsu:
A Configurable Digital Cellular Neural Network with Template Decomposition. 463-482 - Zoran Saric
, Dragan Simic
, Slobodan T. Jovicic:
A New Post-filter Algorithm Combined with Two-step Adaptive Beamformer. 483-500 - Zhicheng Li, Hongyang Liu, Huijun Gao:
A Delay Partitioning Approach to H∞ Filtering for Continuous Time-Delay Systems. 501-513 - Xizhong Shen, Guang Meng:
MIMO Instantaneous Blind Identification Based on Second-Order Temporal Structure and Steepest-Descent Method. 515-525 - Wei-Lung Mao, Wann-Jiun Ma, Ying-Ren Chien
, Chia-Hao Ku:
New Adaptive All-pass Based Notch Filter for Narrowband/FM Anti-jamming GPS Receivers. 527-542 - Huda Ibrahim Ashiba, Kamal H. Awadalla, Said Mohammad El-Halfawy, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie:
Adaptive Least Squares Interpolation of Infrared Images. 543-551 - Jinwang Liu, Dongmei Li, Mingsheng Wang:
On General Factorizations for n-D Polynomial Matrices. 553-566 - Maurizio Martina, Guido Masera
Multiplierless Mumford and Shah Functional Implementation. 567-586 - Thushara K. Gunaratne
, Len T. Bruton:
Adaptive Complex-Coefficient 2D FIR Trapezoidal Filters for Broadband Beamforming in Cognitive Radio Systems. 587-608 - Yanyan Yin
, Fei Liu, Peng Shi:
Finite-Time Gain-Scheduled Control on Stochastic Bioreactor Systems with Partially Known Transition Jump Rates. 609-627 - Yuanqing Xia, Hongjiu Yang, Mengyin Fu, Peng Shi:
Sliding Mode Control for Linear Systems with Time-Varying Input and State Delays. 629-641 - Sudhanshu Maheshwari, Jitendra Mohan, Durg Singh Chauhan:
Novel Cascadable All-Pass/Notch Filters Using a Single FDCCII and Grounded Capacitors. 643-654 - Yufei Xu, Bin Jiang, Gang Tao, Zhifeng Gao:
Fault Tolerant Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Application to Near Space Vehicle. 655-672 - V. C. Prasad:
Simplification of Signal Flow Graphs. 673-682
Volume 30, Number 4, August 2011
- A. Prasad Vinod
, Edmund Ming-Kit Lai, Pramod Kumar Meher, Jacques Palicot, Shahriar Mirabbasi:
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Embedded Signal Processing Circuits and Systems for Cognitive Radio-Based Wireless Communication Devices. 683-688 - Abhinav Kumar Tyagi, Ratnam V. Raja Kumar:
A Wideband RF Frontend Architecture for Software Defined Radio. 689-704 - Tayfun Nesimoglu
Design and Analysis of Frequency-Tunable Amplifiers using Varactor Diode Topologies. 705-720 - Amir Amirabadi
, Mojtaba Chehelcheraghi, Mahmoud Kamarei:
High IIP3 and Low-Noise CMOS Mixer Using Non-linear Feedback Technique. 721-739 - Bo Shi
, Michael Yan Wah Chia
Design of a Noise-Canceling CMOS Wideband Receiver Front-End with Inherent Active Balun. 741-753 - Yichuang Sun, James Moritz, Xi Zhu:
Multistandard Analogue Baseband Filters for Software-Defined and Cognitive Radio Receivers. 755-774 - Jaakko Marttila
, Markus Allén
, Mikko Valkama
Quadrature ΣΔ Modulators for Cognitive Radio - I/Q Imbalance Analysis and Complex Multiband Principle. 775-797 - Navin Michael
, A. Prasad Vinod
, Christophe Moy
, Jacques Palicot:
Flexibility and Reusability in the Digital Front-End of Cognitive Radio Terminals. 799-821 - Duy Duong Nguyen, Surya Dharma Tio, A. S. Madhukumar
A Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Technique with Dynamic Frequency Boundary Detection and Information-Entropy-Fusion for Primary User Detection. 823-845 - Adel Metref, Daniel Le Guennec, Jacques Palicot:
A Carrier Recovery Loop for Cognitive Radio Applications. 847-870 - Jimson Mathew, Koushik Maharatna
, Babita R. Jose, Hafizur Rahaman
, Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
Pseudo-Parallel Datapath Structure for Power Optimal Implementation of 128-pt FFT/IFFT for WPAN. 871-882
Volume 30, Number 5, October 2011
- Tsung-Sum Lee, Chi-Chang Lu:
A 330 MHz 11 bit 26.4 mW CMOS Low-Hold-Pedestal Fully Differential Sample-and-Hold Circuit. 883-898 - Shuxia Ye
, Weiqun Wang, Yun Zou, Huiling Xu:
Non-Fragile Robust Guaranteed Cost Control of 2-D Discrete Uncertain Systems Described by the General Models. 899-914 - Vivekananda Bhat K.
, Indranil Sengupta, Abhijit Das:
A New Audio Watermarking Scheme Based on Singular Value Decomposition and Quantization. 915-927 - Yao-Jen Chang, Chia-Lu Ho:
SCFNN-Based Decision Feedback Equalization Robust to Frequency Offset and Phase Noise. 929-940 - Wuneng Zhou, Dongbing Tong, Hongqian Lu, Qing-Chang Zhong, Jian-An Fang:
Time-Delay Dependent H∞ Model Reduction for Uncertain Stochastic Systems: Continuous-Time Case. 941-961 - Yanfei Cao, Kai Wang, Wenjiang Pei, Yujie Liu, Yifeng Zhang:
Design of High-Order Extrapolated Impulse Response FIR Filters with Signed Powers-of-Two Coefficients. 963-985 - Tom J. Moir:
A Control Theoretical Approach to the Polynomial Spectral-Factorization Problem. 987-998 - Zongbo Xie, Jiuchao Feng:
Codebook Design for Vector Quantization Based on a Kernel Fuzzy Learning Algorithm. 999-1010 - Pagavathigounder Balasubramaniam
, Shanmugam Lakshmanan
LMI Conditions for Robust Stability Analysis of Stochastic Hopfield Neural Networks with Interval Time-Varying Delays and Linear Fractional Uncertainties. 1011-1028 - Mohammad Samar Ansari, Syed Atiqur Rahman:
DVCC-Based Non-linear Feedback Neural Circuit for Solving System of Linear Equations. 1029-1045 - Tom J. Moir:
A Unified Family of Recursive Algorithms Using Feedback. 1047-1054 - Lei Zhou
, Xiaoqing Xiao, Guoping Lu:
Network-Based Control of Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems with Random Delays. 1055-1070 - Fabian Khateb
, Dalibor Biolek
Bulk-Driven Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier. 1071-1089 - Ahmed M. Soliman:
Generation of Generalized Impedance Converter Circuits Using NAM Expansion. 1091-1114 - Huiliang Shang
, Feng Li, XianDing Tang, Peng-Yung Woo:
A New Algorithm for Isomorphism Determination of Undirected Graphs-Circuit Simulation Method. 1115-1130
Volume 30, Number 6, December 2011
- Te-Jen Su, Jui-Chuang Cheng, Ming-Yuan Huang, Tzu-Hsiang Lin, Cheng-Wu Chen:
Applications of Cellular Neural Networks to Noise Cancelation in Gray Images Based on Adaptive Particle-swarm Optimization. 1131-1148 - Ji-Wei Wen, Fei Liu:
FIR Filtering for Discrete-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems. 1149-1164 - Likui Wang, Xiaodong Liu:
Gain Scheduled State Feedback Control for Discrete-Time-Varying Polytopic Systems Subject to Input Saturation. 1165-1182 - Guanghui Sun, Mao Wang, Lilian Huang, Liqun Shen
Generating Multi-Scroll Chaotic Attractors via Switched Fractional Systems. 1183-1195 - Vyacheslav P. Tuzlukov:
Signal Processing by Generalized Receiver in DS-CDMA Wireless Communication Systems with Frequency-Selective Channels. 1197-1230 - Bo Chen
, Li Yu, Wen-an Zhang:
H∞ Filtering for Markovian Switching Genetic Regulatory Networks with Time-Delays and Stochastic Disturbances. 1231-1252 - Jinliang Liu
, Bingxue Yao
, Zhou Gu
Delay-Dependent H∞ Filtering for Markovian Jump Time-Delay Systems: A Piecewise Analysis Method. 1253-1273 - Sen Li, Limin Song, Tianshuang Qiu:
Steady-state and Tracking Analysis of Fractional Lower-order Constant Modulus Algorithm. 1275-1288 - Sudipta Majumdar, Harish Parthasarathy:
Wavelet Based Transistor Parameter Estimation Using Second Order Volterra Model. 1289-1311 - Zhexin Xu, Lin Wang, Guanrong Chen
Designing Delay Lines Based on the SD/DE Algorithm for Transmitted-Reference Ultra-Wideband Systems. 1313-1328 - Wanzhou Ye:
Optimality of the Median Filtering Operator. 1329-1340 - Shu Yin, Li Yu, Wen-an Zhang:
A Switched System Approach to Networked H∞ Filtering with Packet Losses. 1341-1354 - Jianxin Feng, Zidong Wang
, Ming Zeng:
Recursive Robust Filtering with Finite-Step Correlated Process Noises and Missing Measurements. 1355-1368 - Jun Huang, Zhengzhi Han, Xiushan Cai, Leipo Liu:
Robust Stabilization of Linear Differential Inclusions with Affine Uncertainty. 1369-1382 - Yongan Li:
A Modified CDTA (MCDTA) and Its Applications: Designing Current-Mode Sixth-Order Elliptic Band-Pass Filter. 1383-1390 - Georges Kaddoum
, Samuel Gagné, François Gagnon
Removing Cyclostationary Properties in a Chaos-Based Communication System. 1391-1400 - Mahdi Pourgholi
, Vahid Johari Majd:
A Nonlinear Adaptive Resilient Observer Design for a Class of Lipschitz Systems Using LMI. 1401-1415 - Tsung-Lieh Hsien, Chien-Hua Lee:
Robust Stability of Discrete Bilinear Uncertain Time-Delay Systems. 1417-1443 - Evangelos Vassalos, Dimitris Bakalis
, Haridimos T. Vergos:
On the Design of Modulo 2n±1 Subtractors and Adders/Subtractors. 1445-1461 - Michael V. Basin
, Alexander G. Loukianov, Miguel Hernández-González:
Optimal Controller for Stochastic Polynomial Systems with State-Dependent Polynomial Input. 1463-1479 - Renato J. Cintra
An Integer Approximation Method for Discrete Sinusoidal Transforms. 1481-1501 - Lianqing Su, Xiaodan Zhu, Jiqing Qiu:
Non-Fragile H∞ Guaranteed Cost Control for a Non-linear Stochastic System with Both Distributed Delays and Input Delays. 1503-1520 - Mohammed Bahoura
, Hassan Ezzaidi:
FPGA-Implementation of Parallel and Sequential Architectures for Adaptive Noise Cancelation. 1521-1548 - Saleh Abdel-Hafeez, Ann Gordon-Ross:
A Gigahertz Digital CMOS Divide-by-N Frequency Divider Based on a State Look-Ahead Structure. 1549-1572 - Xiaomei Zhang, Guoping Lu, Yufan Zheng:
Synchronization for Time-Delay Lur'e Systems with Sector and Slope Restricted Nonlinearities Under Communication Constraints. 1573-1593 - Pagavathigounder Balasubramaniam
, M. Kalpana
, Rajan Rakkiyappan:
Existence and Global Asymptotic Stability of Fuzzy Cellular Neural Networks with Time Delay in the Leakage Term and Unbounded Distributed Delays. 1595-1616 - S. Muralisankar, N. Gopalakrishnan, Pagavathigounder Balasubramaniam
Robust Exponential Stability Criteria for T-S Fuzzy Stochastic Delayed Neural Networks of Neutral Type. 1617-1641 - Francisco Garcia-Herrero
, Javier Valls
, Pramod Kumar Meher:
High-Speed RS(255, 239) Decoder Based on LCC Decoding. 1643-1669
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