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3. PReMI 2009: New Delhi, India
- Santanu Chaudhury, Sushmita Mitra, C. A. Murthy, P. S. Sastry, Sankar K. Pal:
Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Third International Conference, PReMI 2009, New Delhi, India, December 16-20, 2009 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5909, Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-11163-1
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Partha Pratim Chakrabarti, Sandip Aine:
New Approaches to Design and Control of Time Limited Search Algorithms. 1-6 - Namita Jain
, C. A. Murthy:
Feature Selection Using Non Linear Feature Relation Index. 7-12 - S. Chandrakala
, C. Chandra Sekhar:
Classification of Multi-variate Varying Length Time Series Using Descriptive Statistical Features. 13-18 - S. Manjunath, Devanur S. Guru, M. G. Suraj, R. Dinesh:
2D-LPI: Two-Dimensional Locality Preserving Indexing. 19-24 - Naresh Manwani, P. S. Sastry:
A Geometric Algorithm for Learning Oblique Decision Trees. 25-31 - Jayadeva, Sameena Shah, Suresh Chandra:
Kernel Optimization Using a Generalized Eigenvalue Approach. 32-37 - Jayadeva, Sameena Shah, Suresh Chandra:
Zero Norm Least Squares Proximal SVR. 38-43 - Faisal Zaman, Hideo Hirose:
Effect of Subsampling Rate on Subbagging and Related Ensembles of Stable Classifiers. 44-49 - C. A. Murthy, Sourav Pradhan:
Metric in Feature Space. 50-55 - T. Hitendra Sarma
, P. Viswanath
Speeding-Up the K-Means Clustering Method: A Prototype Based Approach. 56-61 - Arvind Singh Chandel, Aruna Tiwari
, Narendra S. Chaudhari
Constructive Semi-Supervised Classification Algorithm and Its Implement in Data Mining. 62-67 - C. Patvardhan, Prem Prakash Vuppuluri:
Novel Deterministic Heuristics for Building Minimum Spanning Trees with Constrained Diameter. 68-73 - Partha Pratim Kundu, Sushmita Mitra
Multi-objective Evolutionary Feature Selection. 74-79 - Suranjana Samanta, Sukhendu Das
A Fast Supervised Method of Feature Ranking and Selection for Pattern Classification. 80-85 - R. Arun, V. Suresh, C. E. Veni Madhavan:
Clustering in Concept Association Networks. 86-91
Soft Computing and Applications
- Andrzej Skowron
, Jan G. Bazan, Marcin Wojnarski:
Interactive Rough-Granular Computing in Pattern Recognition. 92-97 - Ajay Kumar Kaviti, K. K. Pathak, M. S. Hora
Application of Neural Networks in Preform Design of Aluminium Upsetting Process Considering Different Interfacial Frictional Conditions. 98-105 - Peng Huo, Simon Chi-Keung Shiu
, Haibo Wang, Ben Niu:
Case Indexing Using PSO and ANN in Real Time Strategy Games. 106-115 - Vladimír Janis
, Magdaléna Rencová, Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic
Construction of Fuzzy Relation by Closure Systems. 116-121 - Sampreeti Ghosh, Sushmita Mitra
Incorporating Fuzziness to CLARANS. 122-127 - Dipankar Ray, D. Dutta Majumder:
Development of a Neuro-fuzzy MR Image Segmentation Approach Using Fuzzy C-Means and Recurrent Neural Network. 128-133 - Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic
Weak Fuzzy Equivalence and Equality Relations. 134-139 - Abhishek Dhumal, R. Ganesh Narayanan
, Gurunathan Saravana Kumar
Estimation of Tailor-Welded Blank Parameters for Acceptable Tensile Behaviour Using ANN. 140-145
Bio and Chemo Informatics
- Shreyas Karnik, Joydeep Mitra
, Arunima Singh
, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni, V. Sundarajan, Vaidyanathan K. Jayaraman:
Identification of N-Glycosylation Sites with Sequence and Structural Features Employing Random Forests. 146-151 - Shreyas Karnik, Ajay Prasad, Alok Diwevedi, V. Sundararajan, Vaidyanathan K. Jayaraman:
Identification of Defensins Employing Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Random Forest Classifiers. 152-157 - Amarnath Gupta, Michael Baitaluk, Animesh Ray
, Aditya Bagchi:
Data Mining by Navigation - An Experience with Systems Biology. 158-164 - Ranajit Das, Sushmita Mitra
, C. A. Murthy, Subhasis Mukhopadhyay:
A Least Squares Fitting-Based Modeling of Gene Regulatory Sub-networks. 165-170 - Chandrasekhar Mamidipally, Santosh B. Noronha, Sumantra Dutta Roy
Automated Identification of Protein Structural Features. 171-176 - Taneja Shweta, Raheja Shipra, Kaur Savneet:
Using Supervised Learning and Comparing General and ANTI-HIV Drug Databases Using Chemoinformatics. 177-183 - Vineet Jha, Mohit Mazumder
, Hrishikesh Bhuyan, Ashwani Jha, Abhinav Nagar:
Multiple Sequence Alignment Based Upon Statistical Approach of Curve Fitting. 184-192 - Mouli Das, Subhasis Mukhopadhyay, Rajat K. De:
A Constraint Based Method for Optimization in Metabolic Pathways. 193-198 - Ranajit Das, Sushmita Mitra
, Subhasis Mukhopadhyay:
Cross-Correlation and Evolutionary Biclustering: Extracting Gene Interaction Sub-networks. 199-204
Text and Data Mining
- Mayur Rustagi, R. Rajendra Prasath
, Sumit Goswami, Sudeshna Sarkar
Learning Age and Gender of Blogger from Stylistic Variation. 205-212 - Suman Saha
, C. A. Murthy, Sankar K. Pal:
Hypertext Classification Using Tensor Space Model and Rough Set Based Ensemble Classifier. 213-218 - Muhammad Abulaish
, Jahiruddin, Mohammad Najmud Doja, Tanvir Ahmad
Feature and Opinion Mining for Customer Review Summarization. 219-224 - Sujan Kumar Saha
, Pabitra Mitra, Sudeshna Sarkar
A Semi-supervised Approach for Maximum Entropy Based Hindi Named Entity Recognition. 225-230 - S. K. Mirajul Haque, Lipika Dey, Anuj Mahajan:
A News Analysis and Tracking System. 231-236 - Nithi, Lipika Dey:
Anomaly Detection from Call Data Records. 237-242 - Mala Dutta, Anjana Kakoti Mahanta
Mining Calendar-Based Periodicities of Patterns in Temporal Data. 243-248 - Muhammad Abulaish
, Jahiruddin, Lipika Dey:
A Relation Mining and Visualization Framework for Automated Text Summarization. 249-254 - Fokrul Alom Mazarbhuiya
, Muhammad Abulaish
, Anjana Kakoti Mahanta
, Tanvir Ahmad
Mining Local Association Rules from Temporal Data Set. 255-260 - Plaban Kumar Bhowmick, Anupam Basu, Pabitra Mitra, Abhishek Prasad:
Multi-label Text Classification Approach for Sentence Level News Emotion Analysis. 261-266 - Tanmay Basu
, C. A. Murthy:
Semantic Relation between Words with the Web as Information Source. 267-272 - Kamal Sarkar
Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Medical Documents. 273-278
Image Analysis
- Rajarshi Pal, Jayanta Mukherjee, Pabitra Mitra:
An Approach for Preparing Groundtruth Data and Evaluating Visual Saliency Models. 279-284 - Debi Prosad Dogra, Arun K. Majumdar, Shamik Sural
Evaluation of Segmentation Techniques Using Region Size and Boundary Information. 285-290 - Sucheta Panda, P. K. Nanda:
Unsupervised Color Image Segmentation Using Compound Markov Random Field Model. 291-296 - Arijit Sur
, Piyush Goel, Jayanta Mukherjee:
A New Statistical Restoration Method for Spatial Domain Images. 297-302 - Sitansu Kumar Das, Bhabatosh Chanda, Dipti Prasad Mukherjee:
Prediction of Cloud for Weather Now-Casting Application Using Topology Adaptive Active Membrane. 303-308 - Dinabandhu Bhandari, C. A. Murthy, Sankar K. Pal:
Image Enhancement Using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms. 309-314 - Anand Singh Jalal
, Uma Shanker Tiwary
A Robust Object Tracking Method Using Structural Similarity in Daubechies Complex Wavelet Domain. 315-320 - Tanish Zaveri
, Mukesh A. Zaveri:
A Novel Multimodality Image Fusion Method Using Region Consistency Rule. 321-326 - Jignesh K. Bhavsar, Suman K. Mitra:
Deriving Sparse Coefficients of Wavelet Pyramid Taking Clues from Hough Transform. 327-332 - Aniruddha Das, Vikas Ramnani, Jignesh K. Bhavsar, Suman K. Mitra:
Improvised Filter Design for Depth Estimation from Single Monocular Images. 333-338 - V. B. Surya Prasath
Color Image Segmentation Based on Vectorial Multiscale Diffusion with Inter-scale Linking. 339-344 - Huiyu Zhou
, Gerald Schaefer:
Effective and Efficient Tracking and Ego-Motion Recovery for Mobile Cameras. 345-350 - Madhura Datta, C. A. Murthy:
Class Specific Threshold Selection in Face Space Using Set Estimation Technique for RGB Color Components. 351-356 - Nikhil Sawant, K. K. Biswas:
Human Action Recognition Based on Spatio-temporal Features. 357-362 - Tanish Zaveri
, Mukesh A. Zaveri:
A Novel Hybrid Pansharpening Method Using Contourlet Transform. 363-368
Document Image Processing
- Abhishek Khandelwal, Pritha Choudhury, Ram Sarkar
, Subhadip Basu
, Mita Nasipuri, Nibaran Das:
Text Line Segmentation for Unconstrained Handwritten Document Images Using Neighborhood Connected Component Analysis. 369-374 - Santanu Chaudhury, Megha Jindal, Sumantra Dutta Roy
Model-Guided Segmentation and Layout Labelling of Document Images Using a Hierarchical Conditional Random Field. 375-380 - Subhadip Basu
, Nibaran Das, Ram Sarkar
, Mahantapas Kundu, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kumar Basu:
Recognition of Numeric Postal Codes from Multi-script Postal Address Blocks. 381-386 - Shivananda Nirmala, P. Nagabhushan:
Foreground Text Extraction in Color Document Images for Enhanced Readability. 387-392 - C. Vasantha Lakshmi, Sarika Singh, Ritu Jain, C. Patvardhan:
A Novel Approach to Skeletonization for Multi-font OCR Applications. 393-399 - Rajesh Kumar
, Nikhil R. Pal, J. D. Sharma, Bhabatosh Chanda:
A Novel Approach for Detection of Alteration in Ball Pen Writings. 400-405 - A. G. Ramakrishnan
, Suresh Sundaram:
Resolving Ambiguities in Confused Online Tamil Characters with Post Processing Algorithms. 406-413
Watermarking and Steganography
- Santi P. Maity
, Claude Delpha
, Sofiane Braci, Rémy Boyer:
Hidden QIM Watermarking on Compressed Data Using Channel Coding and Lifting. 414-419 - Debasis Mazumdar, Apurba Das, Sankar K. Pal:
MRF Based LSB Steganalysis: A New Measure of Steganography Capacity. 420-425 - Nidhi Taneja, Balasubramanian Raman, Indra Gupta:
Partial Encryption on SPIHT Compressed Images. 426-431 - G. K. Rajput, R. K. Agrawal
Evaluation of Feature Selection Measures for Steganalysis. 432-439
- Ben Niu, Simon Chi-Keung Shiu
, Sankar K. Pal:
Mutual Neighborhood Based Discriminant Projection for Face Recognition. 440-445 - Shamsher Singh, K. K. Biswas:
Biometric Gait Recognition with Carrying and Clothing Variants. 446-451 - Mayank Vatsa
, Richa Singh
, Afzel Noore:
Context Switching Algorithm for Selective Multibiometric Fusion. 452-457 - Malay Kishore Dutta
, Phalguni Gupta, Vinay K. Pathak:
Biometric Based Unique Key Generation for Authentic Audio Watermarking. 458-463 - Hunny Mehrotra, Banshidhar Majhi, Phalguni Gupta:
Annular Iris Recognition Using SURF. 464-469 - Sweta Thakur, Jamuna Kanta Sing, Dipak Kumar Basu, Mita Nasipuri:
Face Recognition Using Posterior Distance Model Based Radial Basis Function Neural Networks. 470-475 - Rajesh M. Bodade, Sanjay N. Talbar
Segmentation for Iris Localisation: A Novel Approach Suitable for Fake Iris Detection. 476-482
Image and Video Retrieval
- Ram Ratan:
Key Independent Retrieval of Chaotic Encrypted Images. 483-488 - Pradhee Tandon, C. V. Jawahar
A Bayesian Approach to Hybrid Image Retrieval. 489-494 - Gaurav Sharma, Abhinav Dhall, Santanu Chaudhury, Rajen Bhatt:
Hierarchical System for Content Based Categorization and Orientation of Consumer Images. 495-500 - Surjeet Mishra, Hiranmay Ghosh:
Effective Visualization and Navigation in a Multimedia Document Collection Using Ontology. 501-506 - Anupama Mallik, Santanu Chaudhury:
Using Concept Recognition to Annotate a Video Collection. 507-512
Speech and Audio Processing
- Ved Prakash Sahu, Harendra Kumar Mishra, C. Chandra Sekhar:
Variational Bayes Adapted GMM Based Models for Audio Clip Classification. 513-518 - Aditya Bihar Kandali, Aurobinda Routray
, Tapan Kumar Basu
Cross-Lingual Vocal Emotion Recognition in Five Native Languages of Assam Using Eigenvalue Decomposition. 519-524 - Hemant A. Patil, Keshab K. Parhi
Variable Length Teager Energy Based Mel Cepstral Features for Identification of Twins. 525-530 - K. Sreenivasa Rao, Sudhamay Maity, Amol Taru, Shashidhar G. Koolagudi:
Unit Selection Using Linguistic, Prosodic and Spectral Distance for Developing Text-to-Speech System in Hindi. 531-536 - Shashidhar G. Koolagudi, K. Sreenivasa Rao:
Exploring Speech Features for Classifying Emotions along Valence Dimension. 537-542
- Sankalp Arora, S. Indu
A Novel Time Decaying Approach to Obstacle Avoidance. 543-548 - Bharat Bhushan Sharma, Indra Narayan Kar
Chaotic Synchronization and Secure Communication Using Contraction Theory. 549-554 - Mahendra Kumar, I. N. Kar
Fault Diagnosis of an Air-Conditioning System Using LS-SVM. 555-560 - K. R. Krishnanand
, Santanu Kumar Nayak, Bijaya K. Panigrahi, V. Ravikumar Pandi, Priyadarshini Dash:
Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using GA Based Optimal Feature Selection. 561-566 - Dipak M. Adhyaru
, I. N. Kar
, Madan Gopal:
Constrained Control of Weakly Coupled Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Network. 567-572 - Wenwei Lu, Jian Pan, Yi-hua Zhu:
A Network Coding and Genetic Algorithm Based Power Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. 573-578 - Manish Gupta, Sumant Mukherjee:
Towards Situation Awareness in Integrated Air Defence Using Clustering and Case Based Reasoning. 579-584 - Daniel P. Harvey, Peter Ping Liu:
Algorithms to Automate Estimation of Time Codes for Captioning Digital Media. 585-590 - Georg Peters, M. Gordon Hunter:
Disclosing Patterns in IT Project Management - A Rough Set Perspective. 591-596 - Altaf Hossain, Faisal Zaman, M. Nasser, M. Mufakhkharul Islam:
Comparison of GARCH, Neural Network and Support Vector Machine in Financial Time Series Prediction. 597-602 - Rupak Bhattacharyya, Mohuya B. Kar, Samarjit Kar, Dwijesh Dutta Majumder:
Mean-Entropy-Skewness Fuzzy Portfolio Selection by Credibility Theory Approach. 603-608 - Arun Pande, Bhushan G. Jagyasi, Ravidutta Choudhuri:
Late Blight Forecast Using Mobile Phone Based Agro Advisory System. 609-614
Evolutionary Computing
- Manish R. Joshi
, Pawan Lingras:
Evolutionary and Iterative Crisp and Rough Clustering I: Theory. 615-620 - Manish R. Joshi
, Pawan Lingras:
Evolutionary and Iterative Crisp and Rough Clustering II: Experiments. 621-627
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