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8th iCAST 2017: Taichung, Taiwan
- IEEE 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, iCAST 2017, Taichung, Taiwan, November 8-10, 2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-2965-9
- Ryuichi Oka:
Keynote speech I: Big data, non-big data, and algorithms for recognizing the real world data. 1-4 - Yuching Lu, Goutam Chakraborty, Tzu-Chuen Lu:
Hidden content quality aware stego-image hiding method using re-encoding strategy. 1-6 - Jia-Wei Liu, Tzu-Chuen Lu, Qiangfu Zhao:
Improving the performance of lossless reversible steganography via data sharing. 7-12 - Weilun Wang, Goutam Chakraborty:
Probes minimization still maintaining high accuracy to classify target stimuli P300. 13-17 - Zhe Guo
, Yu Wang, Yanghua Shen, Xin Zhu, Daiki Nemoto, Daisuke Takayanagi, Masoto Aizawa, Noriyuki Isohata, Kenichi Utano, Kensuke Kumamoto, Shungo Endo, Kazutomo Togashi:
Automatic polyp recognition from colonoscopy images based on bag of visual words. 18-22 - (Withdrawn) Using conceptual framework for target tracking based on wireless sensor networks. 23-26
- Ruo-Wei Hung
, Jun-Lin Li, Chih-Han Lin:
The Hamiltonian connectivity of some alphabet supergrid graphs. 27-34 - Wen-Chang Cheng, Yan-Zhi Wu:
A user's intention detection method for smart walker. 35-39 - Shih-Cheng Horng, Shieh-Shing Lin:
Apply ordinal optimization to solve the quadratic programming problems. 40-44 - Hui-Shih Leng, Hsien-Wen Tseng:
Maximizing the payload of the octagon-shaped shell-based data hiding scheme. 45-49 - Yi-Horng Lai, Fen Fen Huang, Piao-Yi Chiou
Analysis of user feedback in the mobile app store using text mining: A case study of Google Fit. 50-54 - Jingjing Tong, Shuang Liu, Yufeng Ke, Bin Gu, Feng He, Baikun Wan, Dong Ming:
EEG-based emotion recognition using nonlinear feature. 55-59 - Chih-Wei Lin, Wei-Peng Tan, Su-Shiang Lee, Shin-I Tseng, Yu-Sheng Lin
, Wei-Hsun Hsu:
The influence of experience satisfaction and sports attitude on somatosensory experience of information technology products: A case study of Wii sports. 60-63 - Hui-Chu Chiu, Yao-Hsien Lee, Chih-Wei Wang, Deng-Yiv Chiu, Chun-Jung Juan, Wei-Jun Chang:
To explore mortality of posterior fossa hemorrhage with artificial intelligence approach. 64-67 - Yu-Che Huang, Tai-Shen Huang:
A study of physiological responses to different forms of exercise. 68-74 - Yung-Fu Huang
, Ming-Wei Weng, Rung-Hung Su, Kuei-Kuei Lai:
An EPQ model for deteriorating items with allowable shortage and price difference-dependent demand. 75-81 - Chih-Yu Wang, Jia-Jung Wang, Jeng-Yiiang Li, Shing-Hong Liu:
Exploring the performance of dyslexic children in reciting and writing Chinese characters through the use of electroencephalogram. 82-86 - Roozbeh Sadeghian Broujeny
, Kurosh Madani, Abdennasser Chebira, Laurent Hurtard:
A multi-layer system for smart-buildings' functional and energy-efficiency awareness: Implementation on a real five-floors building. 87-92 - Chin-Ling Chen, Yung-Wen Tang, Nian-Qiao Zhang, Jungpil Shin:
Neurofeedback based attention training for children with ADHD. 93-97 - Tsai-Fa Yen:
Managing self-congruity across gender in organic food contexts. 98-102 - Enrico Laoh
, Isti Surjandari, Zulkarnain
Reconfiguring oil distribution route using graph partitioning and graph optimization. 103-108 - Isti Surjandari, Asma Rosyidah:
Fixed broadband customer area mapping using spatial analysis. 109-114 - Asma Rosyidah, Isti Surjandari:
Spatio-temporal analysis of fixed broadband customer acquisition. 115-120 - Puteri Prameswari, Zulkarnain
, Isti Surjandari, Enrico Laoh
Mining online reviews in Indonesia's priority tourist destinations using sentiment analysis and text summarization approach. 121-126 - Shih-Shuo Tung, Hao-Chiang Shao
, Wen-Liang Hwang:
Extending depth of field in noisy light field photography. 127-131 - Munkhjargal Gochoo
, Shing-Hong Liu, Damdinsuren Bayanduuren, Tan-Hsu Tan, Vijayalakshmi Velusamy, Tsung-Yu Liu:
Deep convolutional neural network classifier for travel patterns using binary sensors. 132-137 - Hung-Yi Chen, Yueh-Chin Chen, Huei-Ling Li, Hsiao-Chun Wu:
Developing volunteer management system with Java EE Technology: The case of Taichung volunteer service promotion center. 138-142 - Yueh-Chin Chen, Yen-His Lee, Hsiao-Chun Wu, Yu-Chin Sung, Hung-Yi Chen:
Online apparel shopping behavior: Effects of consumer information search on purchase decision making in the digital age. 143-148 - Arian Dhini
, Benyamin Kusumoputro, Isti Surjandari:
Neural network based system for detecting and diagnosing faults in steam turbine of thermal power plant. 149-154 - Anggita Larasati, Isti Surjandari:
Consumer behaviour analysis using speaker-listener label propagation algorithm (SLPA). 155-160 - Xiaodan Zhou, Ling-Hsiu Chen, Rung-Ching Chen:
Measuring student mental readiness for flipped blended learning: Scale development and validation. 161-164 - Jong-Shin Chen, Chi-Yueh Hsu, Cheng-Ying Yang, Ching-Chuan Wei, Han Guo Ciang:
A data mining method for Facebook social network: Take "New Row Mian (Beef Noodle)" in Taiwan for example. 165-169 - Jeang-Kuo Chen, Wei-Zhe Lee:
Data conversion from RDB to HBase. 170-175 - Chi-Yueh Hsu, Jong-Shin Chen, Kuan-Chuan Tao, Bo-Jun He, Han Guo Ciang:
A survey of the distribution of tea in Taiwan by the well-known social network. 176-181 - Ja-Hwung Su, Chu-Yu Chin, Jyun-Yu Li, Vincent S. Tseng:
Efficient big image data retrieval using clustering index and parallel computation. 182-187 - Sheng Zhang, Incheon Paik:
An efficient algorithm for web service selection based on local selection in large scale. 188-193 - Xiao-Dong Wang, Rung-Ching Chen, Fei Yan:
Fast and robust K-means clustering via feature learning on high-dimensional data. 194-198 - Joy Iong-Zong Chen, Den Ji Chuang:
Embedding of MRC in TM to increase the security for IoT technologies. 199-204 - Noriki Uchida, Takahiro Shingai, Takato Shigetome, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Implementations of data triage methods for DTN based disaster information networks. 205-209 - Kuo-Ching Chiou, Hsiu-Hui Su, Yu-Ying Hsieh, Chung-Han Tien:
Application of simultaneous importance-performance analysis to evaluate customer loyalty towards corporation: A case study of direct selling company S. 210-214 - Hsin-Ying Liang, Kuan-Chung Chou, Hung-Chi Chu:
A modified SLM scheme with two-stage scrambling for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems. 215-218 - Yu-Huei Cheng, Ching-Ming Lai, Jiashen Teh
Memetic algorithm for fuel economy and low emissions parallel hybrid electric vehicles. 219-222 - Jiashen Teh
, Yu-Huei Cheng, Ching-Ming Lai:
A framework for transmission network planning. 223-227 - Rong-Chung Chen, Wei-Xiu Hong:
Improve the problem of insufficient bandwidth and path congestion in the cloud computing environment by using self-adjustment scheduler. 228-233 - Ching-Ming Lai, Jiashen Teh
, Yu-Huei Cheng:
An efficient active ripple filter for use in single-phase DC-AC conversion system. 234-237 - Shyi-Ching Liang, Yu-Chien Chen, Tzu-Chuen Lu:
Using pictorial story based english to improve English words underachievers learning in remedial teaching. 238-243 - Yuichi Yaguchi, Keisuke Moriuchi, Keigo Amma:
Comparison of camera configuration for real-time drone route planning in 3D building maze. 244-249 - Jia-Jung Wang, June-Der Li, Jhen-Yang Syu, Jia-Hao Li, Yu-An Shih, Wei-Kung Tseng:
Comparison of arterial stiffness between the dominant and non-dominant hands. 250-253 - Rojanee Khummongkol, Masao Yokota:
An approach to mental image based understanding of natural language: Focused on static and dynamic spatial relations. 254-259 - Yi-Jui Chen, Hung-Yu Chien:
IoT-based green house system with splunk data analysis. 260-263 - Yueh-Hsun Shih, Chia-Hung Hsiao, Woei-Chyn Chu:
Establishing the application of personal healthcare service system for cancer patients. 264-267 - Yi-Chi Tsai, Kun-Wei Lin
Application of back propagation neuron network on data linkage transmission of semiconductor hydrogen detection device. 268-272 - Akira Sakuraba, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Disaster state information management gis system based on tiled diplay environment. 273-278 - Cheng-Hsiung Hsieh, Shih-Cheng Homg, Zen-Jun Huang, Qiangfu Zhao:
Objective haze removal assessment based (Two-objective optimization. 279-283 - Fang-Lin Chao, Chung-Shun Feng, Boxiu Fanjiang, Chang-Liang Sun:
Design Jigsaw puzzle and app for Nostalgia-based support on elderly with Dementia. 284-289 - Mao-Lun Chiang
, Hui-Ching Hsieh, Wen-Chung Tsai, Ming-Ching Ke:
An improved task scheduling and load balancing algorithm under the heterogeneous cloud computing network. 290-295 - Hiroaki Yuze, Shinichi Nabeta, Muneomi Sagara:
Analysis of information registration behavior to safety confirmation system for university. 296-300 - Chin-Feng Lee, Ying-Xiang Wang:
An image hiding scheme based on magic square. 301-305 - Yi-Chi Tsai, Cheng-Yih Hong:
The application of evolutionary approach for stock trend awareness. 306-311 - Chungho Lee, Incheon Paik:
Stock market analysis from Twitter and news based on streaming big data infrastructure. 312-317 - Li-Hua Li, Fu-Ming Lee, Bo-Liang Chen, Shin-Fu Chen:
A simplified method for improving the performance of product recommendation with sparse data. 318-323 - Isuru Jayarathne
, Michael Cohen
, Senaka Amarakeerthi:
Survey of EEG-based biometric authentication. 324-329 - Chuan-Bi Lin, Te-Chu Hu, Hsiang-Yu Chan:
The implementation of multi-path delivery for data flows using Raspberry Pi boards in software-defined networks. 330-333 - Long-Sheng Chen
, Meng-Ru Lin, Yi-Ting Pan:
Find crucial factors of in-game purchase using neural networks. 334-338 - Lichao Xu, Jiapeng Xu, Kun Wang
, Zhongpeng Wang, Minpeng Xu, Feng He, Dong Ming, Hongzhi Qi:
An source-based common spatial filter selection for improving mis-triggering problem in brain-computer interface based on motor imagery. 339-342 - Chiun-Li Chin, Ho-Feng Chen, Bing-Jhang Lin, Ming-Chieh Chi, Wei-En Chen, Zih-Yi Yang:
Facial wrinkle detection with texture feature. 343-347 - Koichi Sato, Junbo Wang
, Zixue Cheng:
Design of a method to support Twitter based event detection with heterogeneous data resources. 348-354 - Chao-Kuei Hung:
Making machine-learning tools accessible to language teachers and other non-techies: T-SNE-lab and rocanr as first examples. 355-358 - Chung-Huang Huang, Cheng-Yih Hong, Jian-Fa Li:
A dynamic industry-related analysis on investment, energy consumption and CO2 emissions. 359-362 - Tsung-Nan Chou:
Perception of patterns and trends in financial markets using polar graph and contour mapping. 363-367 - Chiun-Li Chin, Bing-Jhang Lin, Guei-Ru Wu, Tzu-Chieh Weng, Cheng-Shiun Yang, Rui-Cih Su, Yu-Jen Pan:
An automated early ischemic stroke detection system using CNN deep learning algorithm. 368-372 - Kuo-Lung Hung, Shih-Che Lai:
Exemplar-based video inpainting approach using temporal relationship of consecutive frames. 373-378 - Chiun-Li Chin, Guei-Ru Wu, Tzu-Chieh Weng, Yun-Yun Kang, Bing-Jhang Lin, Ho-Feng Chen:
Skin condition detection of smartphone face image using multi-feature decision method. 379-382 - Jianguo Yu
, Konstantin Markov:
Deep learning based personality recognition from Facebook status updates. 383-387 - Fu-Shiung Hsieh:
Context-generation for workflows in IoT-enabled cyber-physical systems. 388-393 - Hsiu-Chia Ko, Jia-Hui Chang:
Exploring the motivations of social commerce: A perspective of consumer shopping value. 394-399 - Wen-Chung Tsai, Shi-Xiang Zhu, Ming-Hong Lu, Julien Merzoug, Chiang Yu, Ian Huang:
An implementation of IoT gateway for home appliances control over cellular network. 400-404 - Cédric Bornand, Alexia Stantzos, Angelika Güsewell
, Emilie Bovet, Gilles Bangerter, Goutam Chakraborty:
A user aware interface for seclusion rooms. 405-409 - Ren Chen, Gui-Sen Li, Bin Dai, Shun-Zhi Zhu:
Priority-based application level multicast for distributed interactive applications based on distance. 410-415 - Yi-Cheng Tsai, Wei-Hsun Lee, Chien-Ming Chou:
A safety driving assistance system by integrating in-vehicle dynamics and real-time traffic information. 416-421 - Fatma S. Abousaleh, Neng-Hao Yu
, Kai-Lung Hua
, Wen-Huang Cheng:
Medical image denoising using sparse representations. 422-427 - Tsung-Hsin Wei, Ju-Chin Chen:
Integrating motion estimation and convolutional neural network for video super-resolution. 428-431 - Bin Gu, Long Chen, Yufeng Ke, Shuang Liu, Jiabei Tang, Zhongpeng Wang, Yijie Zhou, Haiqing Yu, Dong Ming:
The effects of cognitive parallel task with varying memory load on motor imagery BCI. 432-435 - Cheng-Wei Wu, Hua-Zhi Yang, Yan-Ann Chen
, Ensa Bajo, Yi Ren, Yu-Chee Tseng:
Applying machine learning to head gesture recognition using wearables. 436-440 - Hung-Chi Chu, Chi-Kun Wang:
Using K-means algorithm for the road junction time period analysis. 441-446 - Yi Chen Shiao, Lijuan Liu, Qiangfu Zhao, Rung Ching Chen:
Predicting passenger flow using different influence factors for Taipei MRT system. 447-451 - Bin Dai, Ren Chen, Rung-Ching Chen:
Temperature control with fuzzy neural network. 452-455 - Ing-Chau Chang, Ching-Ru Chang:
SATR: Socially-aware trajectory-based routing in vehicular social networks. 456-461 - Li-Chun Liao, Kuo-Wei Chien:
The large-signal SFG model of DC-DC buck-boost converters. 462-465 - Hsuan-Fu Wang, Yung-Fa Huang
Performance evaluation of the universal filtered multi-carrier communications under various multipath fading propagation conditions. 466-469 - Yu-Yan Chen, Jiun-Jian Liaw:
A novel real-time monitoring system for illegal logging events based on vibration and audio. 470-474 - Masaki Otomo, Koji Hashimoto, Noriki Uchida, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Mobile cloud computing usage for onboard vehicle servers in collecting disaster data information. 475-480 - Zhang Lin, Lin Xu, Fuquan Zhang:
Based on ARM wireless intelligent control system for vital-sign monitoring. 481-485 - Shu-Xia Dong, Jeng-Shyang Pan
, Chun-Sheng Yang, Chiou-Yng Lee:
Hardware implementation of double basis multiplier using TMVP approach over GF (2m). 486-493 - Pengfei Song, Jeng-Shyang Pan
, Chun-Sheng Yang, Chiou-Yng Lee:
An efficient FPGA-based accelerator design for convolution. 494-500 - Jiali Yan, Longfei Zhang, Yufeng Wu, Penghui Guo, Shuo Tang, Gangyi Ding, Fuquan Zhang, Lin Xu:
Research on face recognition method based on deep learning in natural environment. 501-506 - Peng Mei, Fuquan Zhang, Lin Xu, Hongyong Leng, Lei Chen, Guo Liu:
Transitioning conditional probability to discriminative classifier over inductive reasoning. 507-513 - Kuo-Ching Chiou, Ming-Min Lo, Guo-Wei Wu:
The minimizing prediction error on corporate financial distress forecasting model: An application of dynamic distress threshold value. 514-517 - Yi-Chun Chang, Jian-Wei Li, Fu-Syuan Yang:
The implementation of the multimedia content subscription and push notification mechanism based on the IP multimedia subsystem. 518-522 - Chung-Hong Lee, Hsin-Chang Yang
, Bo-Chun Xu:
Exploring cross-event relations on Twitter datasets via topic recommendation and word embedding. 523-526 - Jittiphong Klomjit, Atthapol Ngaopitakkul, Bancha Sreewirote:
Comparison of mother wavelet for classification fault on hybrid transmission line systems. 527-532 - Kenta Ito, Koji Hashimoto, Yoshitaka Shibata:
V2X communication system for sharing road alert information using cognitive network. 533-538 - Kotaro Nakano, Basabi Chakraborty:
Effect of dynamic feature for human activity recognition using smartphone sensors. 539-543 - Xiaofeng Du, Yifan He, Jianmin Li, Xiaozhu Xie:
Single image super-resolution via multi-scale fusion convolutional neural network. 544-551 - Kuang Yu Huang, Shann-Bin Chang, Lieh-Dai Yang:
The approach to classifying multi-output datasets based on cluster validity index method. 552-556 - Yung-Fu Huang, Ming-Wei Weng, Ching-Chang Lee, Hung-Fu Huang:
An economic production quantity model with imperfect production processes and corrective maintenance under allowable shortages. 557-563 - Atsushi Kawamura, Basabi Chakraborty:
A hybrid approach for optimal feature subset selection with evolutionary algorithms. 564-568 - Wen-Feng Shih, Keitaro Naruse, Shih-Hung Wu
Implement human-robot interaction via robot's emotion model. 580-585
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