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UbiComp 2015: Osaka, Japan
- Kenji Mase, Marc Langheinrich, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Hans Gellersen, Tanzeem Choudhury, Koji Yatani:
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2015, Osaka, Japan, September 7-11, 2015. ACM 2015, ISBN 978-1-4503-3574-4
Keynote speakers
- Mitsuo Kawato:
Visualizing and manipulating brain dynamics. 1 - Daito Manabe:
Behind the scenes. 2
Novel sensing techniques
- Mingming Fan
, Khai N. Truong:
SoQr: sonically quantifying the content level inside containers. 3-14 - Edward Jay Wang
, TienJui Lee, Alexander Mariakakis
, Mayank Goel, Sidhant Gupta, Shwetak N. Patel:
MagnifiSense: inferring device interaction using wrist-worn passive magneto-inductive sensors. 15-26 - Frank Mokaya, Roland Lucas, Hae Young Noh, Pei Zhang:
MyoVibe: vibration based wearable muscle activation detection in high mobility exercises. 27-38 - Tauhidur Rahman, Alexander Travis Adams, Ruth Vinisha Ravichandran, Mi Zhang, Shwetak N. Patel, Julie A. Kientz, Tanzeem Choudhury:
DoppleSleep: a contactless unobtrusive sleep sensing system using short-range Doppler radar. 39-50
Quantifying and communicating through wearables
- Juhi Ranjan, Kamin Whitehouse:
Object hallmarks: identifying object users using wearable wrist sensors. 51-61 - Wallace Ugulino
, Hugo Fuks:
Landmark identification with wearables for supporting spatial awareness by blind persons. 63-74 - Julian Steil, Andreas Bulling
Discovery of everyday human activities from long-term visual behaviour using topic models. 75-85 - Kai Kunze, Katsutoshi Masai
, Masahiko Inami
, Ömer Sacakli, Marcus Liwicki, Andreas Dengel, Shoya Ishimaru, Koichi Kise:
Quantifying reading habits: counting how many words you read. 87-96
Tracking user's health
- Xiao Sun, Zongqing Lu, Wenjie Hu, Guohong Cao:
SymDetector: detecting sound-related respiratory symptoms using smartphones. 97-108 - Joseph Korpela, Ryosuke Miyaji, Takuya Maekawa, Kazunori Nozaki, Hiroo Tamagawa:
Evaluating tooth brushing performance with smartphone sound data. 109-120 - Eun Kyoung Choe, Bongshin Lee, Matthew Kay
, Wanda Pratt
, Julie A. Kientz:
SleepTight: low-burden, self-monitoring technology for capturing and reflecting on sleep behaviors. 121-132 - Tian Hao, Guoliang Xing, Gang Zhou:
RunBuddy: a smartphone system for running rhythm monitoring. 133-144
Cameras, circuits and interfaces
- Mayank Goel, Eric Whitmire, Alexander Mariakakis
, T. Scott Saponas, Neel Joshi, Dan Morris, Brian Guenter, Marcel Gavriliu, Gaetano Borriello, Shwetak N. Patel:
HyperCam: hyperspectral imaging for ubiquitous computing applications. 145-156 - Shuyu Shi, Lin Chen, Wenjun Hu, Marco Gruteser:
Reading between lines: high-rate, non-intrusive visual codes within regular videos via ImplicitCode. 157-168 - Çagdas Karatas
, Marco Gruteser:
Printing multi-key touch interfaces. 169-179 - Tung D. Ta, Masaaki Fukumoto, Koya Narumi, Shigeki Shino, Yoshihiro Kawahara
, Tohru Asami:
Interconnection and double layer for flexible electronic circuit with instant inkjet circuits. 181-190
Development tools and frameworks
- Seokjun Lee, Wonwoo Jung, Yohan Chon, Hojung Cha:
EnTrack: a system facility for analyzing energy consumption of Android system services. 191-202 - David Chu, Zengbin Zhang, Alec Wolman, Nicholas D. Lane:
Prime: a framework for co-located multi-device apps. 203-214 - Justin Huang, Maya Cakmak:
Supporting mental model accuracy in trigger-action programming. 215-225 - Haichen Shen, Aruna Balasubramanian, Anthony LaMarca, David Wetherall:
Enhancing mobile apps to use sensor hubs without programmer effort. 227-238
Design and experimental approaches
- Jennifer A. Rode
, Anne Weibert, Andrea Marshall, Konstantin Aal
, Thomas von Rekowski
, Houda el Mimoni, Jennifer Booker:
From computational thinking to computational making. 239-250 - Tao Dong, Mark W. Newman
, Mark S. Ackerman, Sarita Yardi Schoenebeck
Supporting reflection through play: field testing the home trivia system. 251-262 - Sarah Gallacher, Connie Golsteijn, Lorna Wall, Lisa Koeman
, Sami Andberg
, Licia Capra, Yvonne Rogers:
Getting quizzical about physical: observing experiences with a tangible questionnaire. 263-273 - Muhsin Ugur, Dvijesh J. Shastri, Panagiotis Tsiamyrtzis
, Malcolm Dcosta, Allison Kalpakci, Carla Sharp, Ioannis T. Pavlidis
Evaluating smartphone-based user interface designs for a 2D psychological questionnaire. 275-282
Sensing with smartphones
- Nicholas D. Lane, Petko Georgiev, Lorena Qendro:
DeepEar: robust smartphone audio sensing in unconstrained acoustic environments using deep learning. 283-294 - Rui Wang, Gabriella M. Harari
, Peilin Hao, Xia Zhou, Andrew T. Campbell:
SmartGPA: how smartphones can assess and predict academic performance of college students. 295-306 - Qiang Xu, Rong Zheng, Steve Hranilovic:
IDyLL: indoor localization using inertial and light sensors on smartphones. 307-318 - Muchen Wu, Parth H. Pathak, Prasant Mohapatra:
Monitoring building door events using barometer sensor in smartphones. 319-323
Interacting with animals and flying robots
- Robin J. Thompson, Ilias Kyriazakis
, Amey Holden, Patrick Olivier
, Thomas Plötz:
Dancing with horses: automated quality feedback for dressage riders. 325-336 - Charlotte L. Robinson, Clara Mancini
, Janet van der Linden
, Claire Guest, Lydia Swanson, Helen Marsden, Jose Valencia, Brendan Aengenheister:
Designing an emergency communication system for human and assistance dog partnerships. 337-347 - Diana Nowacka, Nils Y. Hammerla, Chris Elsden
, Thomas Plötz, David S. Kirk
Diri - the actuated helium balloon: a study of autonomous behaviour in interfaces. 349-360 - Jessica R. Cauchard
, Jane L. E
, Kevin Y. Zhai, James A. Landay
Drone & me: an exploration into natural human-drone interaction. 361-365
Secruity tricks
- Edmund Novak
, Yutao Tang, Zijiang Hao, Qun Li
, Yifan Zhang:
Physical media covert channels on smart mobile devices. 367-378 - Eiji Hayashi, Jason I. Hong
Knock x knock: the design and evaluation of a unified authentication management system. 379-389 - Imtiaj Ahmed
, Yina Ye, Sourav Bhattacharya, N. Asokan
, Giulio Jacucci
, Petteri Nurmi
, Sasu Tarkoma
Checksum gestures: continuous gestures as an out-of-band channel for secure pairing. 391-401 - Henning Pohl
, Markus Krause, Michael Rohs:
One-button recognizer: exploiting button pressing behavior for user differentiation. 403-407
Low-power systems and devices
- Tianxing Li
, Chuankai An, Ranveer Chandra, Andrew T. Campbell, Xia Zhou:
Low-power pervasive wi-fi connectivity using WiScan. 409-420 - Chulhong Min, Chungkuk Yoo, Inseok Hwang, Seungwoo Kang
, Youngki Lee, Seungchul Lee, Pillsoon Park, Changhun Lee, Seungpyo Choi, Junehwa Song:
Sandra helps you learn: the more you walk, the more battery your phone drains. 421-432 - Shaohan Hu, Lu Su, Shen Li, Shiguang Wang, Chenji Pan, Siyu Gu, Md. Tanvir Al Amin, Hengchang Liu, Suman Nath
, Romit Roy Choudhury, Tarek F. Abdelzaher:
Experiences with eNav: a low-power vehicular navigation system. 433-444 - Saman Naderiparizi, Yi Zhao, James Youngquist, Alanson P. Sample
, Joshua R. Smith:
Self-localizing battery-free cameras. 445-449
Reshaping UbiComp environments
- David Beattie, Lynne Baillie
, Martin Halvey
A comparison of artificial driving sounds for automated vehicles. 451-462 - Susan Wyche, Tawanna R. Dillahunt, Nightingale Simiyu, Sharon Alaka:
"If god gives me the chance i will design my own phone": exploring mobile phone repair and postcolonial approaches to design in rural Kenya. 463-473 - Tadashi Okoshi
, Julian Ramos, Hiroki Nozaki, Jin Nakazawa, Anind K. Dey, Hideyuki Tokuda:
Reducing users' perceived mental effort due to interruptive notifications in multi-device mobile environments. 475-486 - Harshit Agrawal, Sang-won Leigh, Pattie Maes:
L'evolved: autonomous and ubiquitous utilities as smart agents. 487-491
Combating negative experience and feelings
- Karen Hovsepian, Mustafa al'Absi, Emre Ertin, Thomas Kamarck, Motohiro Nakajima
, Santosh Kumar:
cStress: towards a gold standard for continuous stress assessment in the mobile environment. 493-504 - Moushumi Sharmin, Andrew Raij
, David H. Epstein, Inbal Nahum-Shani, J. Gayle Beck, Sudip Vhaduri, Kenzie Preston, Santosh Kumar:
Visualization of time-series sensor data to inform the design of just-in-time adaptive stress interventions. 505-516 - Brandon T. Taylor, Anind K. Dey, Daniel P. Siewiorek, Asim Smailagic:
Using physiological sensors to detect levels of user frustration induced by system delays. 517-528 - Jonathan Rubin, Hoda Eldardiry
, Rui Abreu
, Shane Ahern, Honglu Du, Ashish Pattekar, Daniel G. Bobrow:
Towards a mobile and wearable system for predicting panic attacks. 529-533
Urban dynamics
- Masamichi Shimosaka, Keisuke Maeda, Takeshi Tsukiji, Kota Tsubouchi
Forecasting urban dynamics with mobility logs by bilinear Poisson regression. 535-546 - Shuja Jamil Sheikh, Anas Basalamah, Ahmed Lbath, Moustafa Youssef
Hybrid participatory sensing for analyzing group dynamics in the largest annual religious gathering. 547-558 - Zipei Fan
, Xuan Song
, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Ryutaro Adachi:
CityMomentum: an online approach for crowd behavior prediction at a citywide level. 559-569 - Longbiao Chen
, Daqing Zhang, Gang Pan, Xiaojuan Ma
, Dingqi Yang, Kostadin Kushlev
, Wangsheng Zhang, Shijian Li:
Bike sharing station placement leveraging heterogeneous urban open data. 571-575
For the better workplace
- Akhil Mathur, Marc Van den Broeck, Geert Vanderhulst, Afra J. Mashhadi, Fahim Kawsar:
Tiny habits in the giant enterprise: understanding the dynamics of a quantified workplace. 577-588 - Philipp M. Scholl, Matthias Wille, Kristof Van Laerhoven
Wearables in the wet lab: a laboratory system for capturing and guiding experiments. 589-599 - Markus Funk, Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Sven Mayer
, Lars Lischke
, Albrecht Schmidt
Pick from here!: an interactive mobile cart using in-situ projection for order picking. 601-609 - Wolfgang Narzt, Gustav Pomberger, Otto Weichselbaum, Reinhard Draxler, Markus Welser:
From research to industry: interactive mobile services for accelerating logistics processes. 611-615
Engagement and disengagement
- Daniel Harrison
, Paul Marshall
, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze
, Jon Bird:
Activity tracking: barriers, workarounds and customisation. 617-621 - Rayoung Yang
, Eunice Shin, Mark W. Newman
, Mark S. Ackerman:
When fitness trackers don't 'fit': end-user difficulties in the assessment of personal tracking device accuracy. 623-634 - Amanda Lazar
, Christian Koehler, Theresa Jean Tanenbaum, David H. Nguyen:
Why we use and abandon smart devices. 635-646 - James Clawson
, Jessica Annette Pater, Andrew D. Miller
, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Lena Mamykina:
No longer wearing: investigating the abandonment of personal health-tracking technologies on craigslist. 647-658
Sensing with crowd
- Liwen Xu, Xiaohong Hao, Nicholas D. Lane, Xin Liu, Thomas Moscibroda:
More with less: lowering user burden in mobile crowdsourcing through compressive sensing. 659-670 - Yung-Ju Chang
, Gaurav Paruthi, Mark W. Newman
A field study comparing approaches to collecting annotated activity data in real-world settings. 671-682 - Leye Wang, Daqing Zhang, Animesh Pathak, Chao Chen, Haoyi Xiong
, Dingqi Yang, Yasha Wang:
CCS-TA: quality-guaranteed online task allocation in compressive crowdsensing. 683-694 - Shigeya Morishita, Shogo Maenaka, Daichi Nagata, Morihiko Tamai, Keiichi Yasumoto
, Toshinobu Fukukura, Keita Sato:
SakuraSensor: quasi-realtime cherry-lined roads detection through participatory video sensing by cars. 695-705
Persuasive and personal
- Mashfiqui Rabbi, Min Hane Aung, Mi Zhang, Tanzeem Choudhury:
MyBehavior: automatic personalized health feedback from user behaviors and preferences using smartphones. 707-718 - Alexander Travis Adams, Jean Marcel dos Reis Costa, Malte F. Jung, Tanzeem Choudhury:
Mindless computing: designing technologies to subtly influence behavior. 719-730 - Daniel A. Epstein
, An Ping, James Fogarty, Sean A. Munson
A lived informatics model of personal informatics. 731-742 - Min Kyung Lee, Junsung Kim, Jodi Forlizzi, Sara B. Kiesler:
Personalization revisited: a reflective approach helps people better personalize health services and motivates them to increase physical activity. 743-754
DIY tools and strategies
- Ben Bedwell
, Peter Slack, Chris Greenhalgh
Learning from the experts: enabling and studying DIY development of location-based visitor experiences. 755-766 - Michael O. Jewell, Enrico Costanza, Jacob Kittley-Davies:
Connecting the things to the internet: an evaluation of four configuration strategies for wi-fi devices with minimal user interfaces. 767-778 - Jong-bum Woo, Youn-Kyung Lim:
User experience in do-it-yourself-style smart homes. 779-790 - Koya Narumi, Steve Hodges, Yoshihiro Kawahara
ConductAR: an augmented reality based tool for iterative design of conductive ink circuits. 791-800
Are you busy or bored?
- Liam D. Turner
, Stuart M. Allen, Roger M. Whitaker:
Interruptibility prediction for ubiquitous systems: conventions and new directions from a growing field. 801-812 - Abhinav Mehrotra, Mirco Musolesi
, Robert J. Hendley, Veljko Pejovic:
Designing content-driven intelligent notification mechanisms for mobile applications. 813-824 - Martin Pielot, Tilman Dingler
, José San Pedro, Nuria Oliver
When attention is not scarce - detecting boredom from mobile phone usage. 825-836 - Aleksandar Matic, Martin Pielot, Nuria Oliver
Boredom-computer interaction: boredom proneness and the use of smartphone. 837-841
Social life
- Elizabeth L. Murnane
, Saeed Abdullah, Mark Matthews
, Tanzeem Choudhury, Geri Gay:
Social (media) jet lag: how usage of social technology can modulate and reflect circadian rhythms. 843-854 - Kasthuri Jayarajah, Youngki Lee, Archan Misra
, Rajesh Krishna Balan:
Need accurate user behaviour?: pay attention to groups! 855-866 - Minsam Ko, Seung-Woo Choi, Subin Yang, Joonwon Lee, Uichin Lee:
FamiLync: facilitating participatory parental mediation of adolescents' smartphone use. 867-878 - Zhiwen Yu
, Rong Du, Bin Guo
, Huang Xu, Tao Gu
, Zhu Wang, Daqing Zhang:
Who should I invite for my party?: combining user preference and influence maximization for social events. 879-883
Indoor localization
- Kazuya Ohara, Takuya Maekawa, Yasue Kishino, Yoshinari Shirai, Futoshi Naya:
Transferring positioning model for device-free passive indoor localization. 885-896 - Suining He
, S.-H. Gary Chan, Lei Yu, Ning Liu:
Calibration-free fusion of step counter and wireless fingerprints for indoor localization. 897-908 - Jacob T. Biehl
, Adam J. Lee
, Gerry Filby, Matthew Cooper:
You're where? prove it!: towards trusted indoor location estimation of mobile devices. 909-919 - Xuan Bao, Bin Liu, Bo Tang, Bing Hu, Deguang Kong, Hongxia Jin:
PinPlace: associate semantic meanings with indoor locations without active fingerprinting. 921-925
Localization and navigation
- Zhangqing Shan, Hao Wu, Weiwei Sun, Baihua Zheng
COBWEB: a robust map update system using GPS trajectories. 927-937 - Seungwoo Lee, Yungeun Kim, Daye Ahn, Rhan Ha, Kyoungwoo Lee, Hojung Cha:
Non-obstructive room-level locating system in home environments using activity fingerprints from smartwatch. 939-950 - Shuai Wang, Xiaofeng Yu, Junqing Xie:
WISDOM: an efficient framework of predicting WLAN availability with cellular fingerprints. 951-962 - Han Xu, Zheng Yang, Zimu Zhou, Longfei Shangguan, Ke Yi, Yunhao Liu:
Enhancing wifi-based localization with visual clues. 963-974
People, traces and behaviors
- Wilhelm Kleiminger, Christian Beckel, Silvia Santini:
Household occupancy monitoring using electricity meters. 975-986 - Chandrayee Basu, Christian Koehler, Kamalika Das, Anind K. Dey:
PerCCS: person-count from carbon dioxide using sparse non-negative matrix factorization. 987-998 - Nazir Saleheen, Amin Ahsan Ali, Syed Monowar Hossain, Hillol Sarker, Soujanya Chatterjee, Benjamin M. Marlin
, Emre Ertin, Mustafa al'Absi, Santosh Kumar:
puffMarker: a multi-sensor approach for pinpointing the timing of first lapse in smoking cessation. 999-1010 - Isabel Suarez, Andreas Jahn, Christoph Anderson
, Klaus David:
Improved activity recognition by using enriched acceleration data. 1011-1015
Sensing and recognition
- Manya Sleeper, Sebastian Schnorf, Brian Kemler, Sunny Consolvo:
Attitudes toward vehicle-based sensing and recording. 1017-1028 - Edison Thomaz, Irfan A. Essa, Gregory D. Abowd:
A practical approach for recognizing eating moments with wrist-mounted inertial sensing. 1029-1040 - Nils Y. Hammerla, Thomas Plötz:
Let's (not) stick together: pairwise similarity biases cross-validation in activity recognition. 1041-1051 - Le T. Nguyen, Ming Zeng, Patrick Tague, Joy Zhang:
I did not smoke 100 cigarettes today!: avoiding false positives in real-world activity recognition. 1053-1063
Smarter homes and vehicles
- Jacky Bourgeois
, Stefan Foell, Gerd Kortuem
, Blaine A. Price
, Janet van der Linden
, Eiman Y. Elbanhawy, Christopher Rimmer:
Harvesting green miles from my roof: an investigation into self-sufficient mobility with electric vehicles. 1065-1076 - A. J. Bernheim Brush, John Krumm, Sidhant Gupta, Shwetak N. Patel:
EVHomeShifter: evaluating intelligent techniques for using electrical vehicle batteries to shift when homes draw energy from the grid. 1077-1088 - Chuan-Che (Jeff) Huang, Rayoung Yang
, Mark W. Newman
The potential and challenges of inferring thermal comfort at home using commodity sensors. 1089-1100 - Shoko Nakamura, Saeko Shigaki, Akihito Hiromori
, Hirozumi Yamaguchi
, Teruo Higashino:
A model-based approach to support smart and social home living. 1101-1105
Understanding and protecting privacy
- Haoyu Wang, Jason I. Hong
, Yao Guo
Using text mining to infer the purpose of permission use in mobile apps. 1107-1118 - Takamasa Higuchi, Paul Martin, Supriyo Chakraborty, Mani B. Srivastava
AnonyCast: privacy-preserving location distribution for anonymous crowd tracking systems. 1119-1130 - Shion Guha
, Stephen B. Wicker:
Spatial subterfuge: an experience sampling study to predict deceptive location disclosures. 1131-1135 - Elham Naghizade
, James Bailey, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin:
How private can i be among public users? 1137-1141
Skills development
- Mathieu Chollet
, Torsten Wörtwein, Louis-Philippe Morency, Ari Shapiro, Stefan Scherer:
Exploring feedback strategies to improve public speaking: an interactive virtual audience framework. 1143-1154 - Aftab Khan
, Sebastian Mellor, Eugen Berlin, Robin J. Thompson, Roisin McNaney
, Patrick Olivier
, Thomas Plötz:
Beyond activity recognition: skill assessment from accelerometer data. 1155-1166 - Michelle Fung, Yina Jin, RuJie Zhao, Mohammed (Ehsan) Hoque:
ROC speak: semi-automated personalized feedback on nonverbal behavior from recorded videos. 1167-1178 - Cynthia Ryan, Katherine Ciesinski, Mohammed (Ehsan) Hoque:
Vowel shapes: an open-source, interactive tool to assist singers with learning vowels. 1179-1183
Smartphone apps & usage
- Indrajeet Singh, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy
, Harsha V. Madhyastha, Iulian Neamtiu:
ZapDroid: managing infrequently used applications on smartphones. 1185-1196 - Simon L. Jones
, Denzil Ferreira, Simo Hosio
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Vassilis Kostakos
Revisitation analysis of smartphone app use. 1197-1208 - Arunesh Mathur, Brent Schlotfeldt, Marshini Chetty:
A mixed-methods study of mobile users' data usage practices in South Africa. 1209-1220 - Chakajkla Jesdabodi, Walid Maalej:
Understanding usage states on mobile devices. 1221-1225
Public displays
- Christopher James Ackad, Andrew Clayphan, Martin Tomitsch
, Judy Kay:
An in-the-wild study of learning mid-air gestures to browse hierarchical information at a large interactive public display. 1227-1238 - Victor Cheung, Stacey D. Scott:
A laboratory-based study methodology to investigate attraction power of large public interactive displays. 1239-1250 - Julie R. Williamson
, Daniel Sundén, Jay Bradley:
GlobalFestival: evaluating real world interaction on a spherical display. 1251-1261 - Robert Walter, Andreas Bulling
, David Lindlbauer
, Martin Schuessler
, Jörg Müller:
Analyzing visual attention during whole body interaction with public displays. 1263-1267
Tracking in the wild
- Sozo Inoue, Naonori Ueda, Yasunobu Nohara
, Naoki Nakashima:
Mobile activity recognition for a whole day: recognizing real nursing activities with big dataset. 1269-1280 - Fuzheng Zhang, Nicholas Jing Yuan, Kai Zheng, Defu Lian
, Xing Xie, Yong Rui:
Mining consumer impulsivity from offline and online behavior. 1281-1292 - Luca Canzian, Mirco Musolesi
Trajectories of depression: unobtrusive monitoring of depressive states by means of smartphone mobility traces analysis. 1293-1304 - Rúben Gouveia
, Evangelos Karapanos
, Marc Hassenzahl:
How do we engage with activity trackers?: a longitudinal study of Habito. 1305-1316
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