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5. CCGRID 2005: Cardiff, UK
- 5th International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2005), 9-12 May, 2005, Cardiff, UK. IEEE Computer Society 2005, ISBN 0-7803-9074-1
Volume 1
- 2005 organization.
- 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid.
- Copyright page.
- Omer F. Rana
Message from the programme committee chair. - International programme committee.
- Message from the organising committee.
- List of industrial sponsors.
- Welcome from the general co-chairs.
- CCGrid 2005 Committees.
- Oscar Ardaiz-Villanueva, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo, Amy W. Apon, Barry Wilkinson:
Collaborative and learning applications of grid technology and grid education. 1 - Angelo Gaeta
, Pierluigi Ritrovato, Francesco Orciuoli, Matteo Gaeta
Enabling technologies for future learning scenarios: the semantic grid for human learning. 3-10 - Zaheer Abbas, Muhammad Umer, Mohammed Odeh, Richard McClatchey
, Arshad Ali
, Hafiz Farooq Ahmad:
A semantic grid-based e-learning framework (SELF). 11-18 - Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo
, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo
, Eduardo Gómez-Sánchez
, Yannis A. Dimitriadis
, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez
Semantic search of learning services in a grid-based collaborative system. 19-26 - Marjorie Bardeen, Eric Gilbert, Thomas H. Jordan, Paul Nepywoda, Elizabeth Quigg, Michael Wilde, Yong Zhao:
The QuarkNet/grid collaborative learning e-Lab. 27-34 - Carles Pairot, Pedro García López, Robert Rallo
, Josep Blat
, Antonio Fernandez Gómez-Skarmeta
The Planet Project: collaborative educational content repositories on structured peer-to-peer grids. 35-42 - Erik Elmroth, Peter Gardfjäll, Johan Tordsson:
An advanced grid computing course for application and infrastructure developers. 43-50 - Richard O. Sinnott
, A. J. Stell, John P. Watt:
Experiences in teaching grid computing to advanced level students. 51-58 - Barry Wilkinson, Mark A. Holliday, Clayton Ferner:
Experiences in teaching a geographically distributed undergraduate grid computing course. 59-66 - Jens Mache, Amy W. Apon:
Grid computing in the undergraduate classroom topics, exercises and experiences. 67-73 - Cluster security - the paradigm shift. 74-76
- Chokchai Leangsuksun, Anand Tikotekar, Makan Pourzandi, Ibrahim Haddad:
Feasibility study and early experimental results towards cluster survivability. 77-81 - Nikolai Joukov, Abhishek Rai, Erez Zadok:
Increasing distributed storage survivability with a stackable RAID-like file system. 82-89 - Khin Mi Mi Aung, Kiejin Park, Jong Sou Park:
A rejuvenation methodology of cluster recovery. 90-95 - Makan Pourzandi, David Gordon, William Yurcik, Gregory A. Koenig:
Clusters and security: distributed security for distributed systems. 96-104 - Manhee Lee, Mazin S. Yousif:
Instant attack stopper in InfiniBand architecture. 105-110 - William Yurcik, Chao Liu:
A first step toward detecting SSH identity theft in HPC cluster environments: discriminating masqueraders based on command behavior. 111-120 - Gregory A. Koenig, Xin Meng, Adam J. Lee
, Michael Treaster, Nadir Kiyanclar, William Yurcik:
Cluster security with NVisionCC: process monitoring by leveraging emergent properties. 121-132 - James E. Prewett:
Incorporating information from a cluster batch scheduler and center management software into automated log file analysis. 133-139 - Fabrice Gadaud, M. Blanc, F. Combeau:
An adaptive instrumented node for efficient anomalies and misuse detections in HPC environment. 140-145 - Adam J. Lee
, Gregory A. Koenig, Xin Meng, William Yurcik:
Searching for open windows and unlocked doors: port scanning in large-scale commodity clusters. 146-151 - Line Pouchard, Luc Moreau
, V. Tamma
First international workshop on semantic infrastructure for grid computing applications (SIGAW). 152-153 - Ana Marilza Pernas, Mario A. R. Dantas
Ontology based service for grid resources description. 154-159 - Jane Hunter
, S. Choudhury:
Semi-automated preservation and archival of scientific data using semantic grid services. 160-167 - Bin Yang, Alan Bundy, Alan Smaill, Lucas Dixon:
Deductive synthesis of workflows for e-Science. 168-175 - Jens Schwidder
, Tara D. Talbott, James D. Myers
Bootstrapping to a semantic grid. 176-181 - Andrew Woolf
, Ray Cramer, Marta Gutierrez, Kerstin Kleese van Dam
, Siva Kondapalli, Susan Latham, Bryan Lawrence
, Roy K. Lowry, Kevin O'Neill:
Semantic integration of file-based data for grid services. 182-188 - Martin Szomszor
, Terry R. Payne
, Luc Moreau
Using semantic Web technology to automate data integration in grid and Web service architectures. 189-195 - Giovanni Aloisio
, Massimo Cafaro
, Italo Epicoco
, Sandro Fiore
, Maria Mirto:
A semantic grid-based data access and integration service for bioinformatics. 196-203 - International workshop on global and peer-to-peer computing. 204
- (Withdrawn) An adaptive routing mechanism for P2P resource discovery. 205-212
- Sujoy Basu, Sujata Banerjee
, Puneet Sharma, Sung-Ju Lee:
NodeWiz: peer-to-peer resource discovery for grids. 213-220 - Yuh-Jzer Joung
, Jiaw-Chang Wang:
Reducing maintenance overhead in Chord via heterogeneity. 221-228 - Yun He, Jianzhong Zhang, Xiaoguang Niu, Qi Zhao:
Search and index in locality-based clustering overlay. 229-236 - Peter Merz, Katja Gorunova:
Efficient broadcast in P2P grids. 237-242 - Sylvain Dahan, Jean-Marc Nicod, Laurent Philippe:
The distributed spanning tree: a scalable interconnection topology for efficient and equitable traversal. 243-250 - Gabriel Antoniu, Philip J. Hatcher, Mathieu Jan
, David A. Noblet:
Performance evaluation of JXTA communication layers. 251-258 - Kazuyuki Shudo, Yoshio Tanaka, Satoshi Sekiguchi:
P3: P2P-based middleware enabling transfer and aggregation of computational resources. 259-266 - Arindam Mitra, Ranganath Udupa, Muthucumaru Maheswaran:
A secure trust and incentive management framework for public-resource based computing utilities. 267-274 - Thanasis G. Papaioannou
, George D. Stamoulis:
An incentives' mechanism promoting truthful feedback in peer-to-peer systems. 275-283 - Cyril Randriamaro, Olivier Soyez, Gil Utard, Francis Wlazinski:
Data distribution in a peer to peer storage system. 284-291 - 1st international workshop on grid performability. 292
- Ernest Sithole, Gerard P. Parr
, Sally I. McClean
Data grid performance analysis through study of replication and storage infrastructure parameters. 293-300 - Hong Linh Truong, Thomas Fahringer
, Francesco Nerieri, Schahram Dustdar
Performance metrics and ontology for describing performance data of grid workflows. 301-308 - Mala Ghanesh, Sathish Kumar, Jaspal Subhlok:
Empirical evaluation of shared parallel execution on independently scheduled clusters. 309-316 - Anne Benoit
, Murray Cole, Stephen Gilmore, Jane Hillston:
Enhancing the effective utilisation of grid clusters by exploiting on-line performability analysis. 317-324 - Workshop on agent-based grid economics. 325
- Percival Xavier, Wentong Cai
, Bu-Sung Lee:
Employing economics to achieve fairness in usage policing of cooperatively shared computing resources. 326-333 - Ingo J. Timm, Dirk Pawlaszczyk
Large scale multiagent simulation on the grid. 334-341 - Florian Lang:
Developing dynamic strategies for multi-issue automated contracting in the agent based commercial grid. 342-349 - Amnon Barak, Amnon Shiloh, Lior Amar:
An organizational grid of federated MOSIX clusters. 350-357 - Quoc-Thuan Ho, Wentong Cai
, Yew-Soon Ong
Design and implementation of an efficient multi-cluster GridRPC system. 358-365 - Nawab Ali, Mario Lauria
SEMPLAR: high-performance remote parallel I/O over SRB. 366-373 - Sundeep Narravula, Pavan Balaji, Karthikeyan Vaidyanathan, Hyun-Wook Jin, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
Architecture for caching responses with multiple dynamic dependencies in multi-tier data-centers over InfiniBand. 374-381 - Grzegorz Czajkowski, Michal Wegiel, Laurent Daynès, Krzysztof Palacz, Mick J. Jordan, Glenn Skinner, Ciarán Bryce:
Resource management for clusters of virtual machines. 382-389 - Sven Graupner, Akhil Sahai:
Policy-based resource topology design for enterprise grids. 390-397 - Thomas Röblitz, Alexander Reinefeld:
Co-reservation with the concept of virtual resources. 398-406 - Third workshop on grids and advanced networks. 407-409
- Tsung-i Huang, Jaspal Subhlok:
Fast pattern-based throughput prediction for TCP bulk transfers. 410-417 - Neena R. Kaushik, Silvia M. Figueira:
A dynamically adaptive hybrid algorithm for scheduling lightpaths in lambda-grids. 418-425 - Bruno Volckaert
, Pieter Thysebaert, Marc De Leenheer, Filip De Turck
, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester:
A distributed resource and network partitioning architecture for service grids. 426-433 - Jason Zurawski
, D. Martin Swany
, Micah Beck, Ying Ding:
Logistical multicast for data distribution. 434-441 - Marinho P. Barcellos, Maziar M. Nekovee
, M. Koyabe, Michael Daw, J. Brooke:
Evaluating high-throughput reliable multicast for grid applications in production networks. 442-449 - Chun-Hsi Huang, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran:
BioGrid- bridging life science and information technology. 450-454 - Dinanath Sulakhe, Alex A. Rodriguez, Mark D'Souza, Michael Wilde, Veronika Nefedova, Ian T. Foster, Natalia Maltsev:
GNARE: an environment for grid-based high-throughput genome analysis. 455-462 - Toyokazu Akiyama, Kazunori Nozaki, Seiichi Kato, Shinji Shimojo
, Steven Peltier, Abel W. Lin, Tomas E. Molina, George Yang, David Lee, Mark H. Ellisman, Kiyokazu Yoshida, Hirotaro Mori:
Scientific grid activities in Cybermedia Center, Osaka University. 463-470 - Peter M. A. Sloot, Alexander Boukhanovsky, Wilco Keulen, Charles A. Boucher:
A grid-based HIV expert system. 471-486 - Cécile Germain, Vincent Breton
, Patrick Clarysse, Yann Gaudeau, Tristan Glatard, Emmanuel Jeannot, Yannick Legré, Charles Loomis, Johan Montagnat, Jean-Marie Moureaux, Angel Osorio, Xavier Pennec
, Romain Texier:
Grid-enabling medical image analysis. 487-495 - Frederic T. Stahl
, Daniel P. Berrar, Cândida G. Silva
, R. J. Rodrigues
, Rui M. M. Brito
, Werner Dubitzky:
Grid warehousing of molecular dynamics protein unfolding data. 496-503 - Ignacio Blanquer, Vicente Hernández, Damià Segrelles
Creating virtual storages and searching DICOM medical images through a grid middleware based in OGSA. 504-511 - Martin T. Swain, T. Hunniford, Johannes J. Mandel, Niall M. Palfreyman, Werner Dubitzky:
Modeling gene-regulatory networks using evolutionary algorithms and distributed computing. 512-519 - Tae-Kyung Kim, Sang-Keun Oh, Kyung-Hee Lee, Dong-Hyun Roh, Wan-Sup Cho:
HGBS: a hardware-oriented grid BLAST system. 520-526 - Jean-Marc Pierson
, Lionel Brunie, Clarisse Dhaenens
, Abdelkader Hameurlain, Nordine Melab, Maryvonne Miquel, Franck Morvan, El-Ghazali Talbi, Anne Tchounikine:
Grid for Geno-Medicine: a glimpse on the GGM project. 527-528 - Conor Teljeur, Alan Kelly, Imanol Montoya:
The potential of parallel computing for locating primary care services. 529-533 - Morihiko Tamai, Naoki Shibata
, Keiichi Yasumoto
, Minoru Ito:
Distributed market broker architecture for resource aggregation in grid computing environments. 534-541 - Chuliang Weng, Minglu Li, Xinda Lu, Qianni Deng:
An economic-based resource management framework in the grid context. 542-549 - Ryoichi Ueda, Matti A. Hiltunen, Richard D. Schlichting:
Applying grid technology to Web application systems. 550-557 - Yan Huang, Qifeng Huang:
WS-based workflow description language for message passing. 558-565 - Youssef Hamadi:
Continuous resources allocation in Internet data centers. 566-573 - Martin Kacer, Daniel Langr
, Pavel Tvrdík:
Clondike: Linux cluster of non-dedicated workstations. 574-581 - Serafeim Zanikolas, Rizos Sakellariou
Application-level simulation modelling of large grids. 582-589 - Huaglory Tianfield:
Towards agent based grid resource management. 590-597 - Yang-Suk Kee, Dionysios Logothetis, Richard Y. Huang, Henri Casanova, Andrew A. Chien:
Efficient resource description and high quality selection for virtual grids. 598-606
Volume 2
- Vijay K. Naik, Chuang Liu, Lingyun Yang, Jonathan Wagner:
Online resource matching for heterogeneous grid environments. 607-614 - Ladislau Bölöni, Damla Turgut, Dan C. Marinescu:
n-Cycle: a set of algorithms for task distribution on a commodity grid. 615-622 - Hanhua Chen, Hai Jin, Xiaoming Ning, Zhipeng Lu:
Q-SAC: toward QoS optimized service automatic composition. 623-630 - Spyros Lalis, Catherine E. Houstis, Marios Pitikakis
, George Vasilakis, Manolis Vavalis:
Providing support for integrated scientific computing: metacomputing meets the grid and the semantic Web. 631-637 - Hongxia Cai, Tao Yu, Minglun Fang, Yongmei Lei:
Security solution to manufacturing grid usage scenarios. 638-643 - Matthew Smith, Thomas Friese, Bernd Freisleben
Intra-engine service security for grids based on WSRF. 644-653 - John D. Ainsworth
, Jon MacLaren, John M. Brooke:
Implementing a secure, service oriented accounting system for computational economies. 654-660 - Keyur Gor, Dheepak Ra, Shakeb Ali, Lech D. Alves, Neel Arurkar, Ira Gupta, Anirban Chakrabarti, Amit Sharma, Shubhashis Sengupta
Scalable enterprise level workflow and infrastructure management in a grid computing environment. 661-667 - Rui Zhang, Steve Moyle, Steve McKeever, Stephen Heisig:
OGSA-based grid workload monitoring. 668-675 - Thomas Fahringer
, Jun Qin, S. Hainzer:
Specification of grid workflow applications with AGWL: an Abstract Grid Workflow Language. 676-685 - Maria Lin, David W. Walker
, Yu Chen, Jason W. Jones:
A grid-based problem solving environment for GECEM. 686-693 - John P. Morrison, Sunil John, David A. Power, Neil Cafferkey, Adarsh Patil:
A grid application development platform for WebCom-G. 694-701 - Sébastien Cahon, Nouredine Melab, El-Ghazali Talbi:
An enabling framework for parallel optimization on the computational grid. 702-709 - Harshawardhan Gadgil, Geoffrey C. Fox, Shrideep Pallickara, Marlon E. Pierce
, Robert Granat:
A scripting based architecture for management of streams and services in real-time grid applications. 710-717 - J. A. L. Sanches, Patrícia Kayser Vargas
, Inês de Castro Dutra
, Vítor Santos Costa
, Cláudio F. R. Geyer:
ReGS: user-level reliability in a grid environment. 718-725 - Li Weng, Ümit V. Çatalyürek
, Tahsin M. Kurç, Gagan Agrawal, Joel H. Saltz:
Servicing range queries on multidimensional datasets with partial replicas. 726-733 - Lingyun Yang, Jennifer M. Schopf, Ian T. Foster:
Improving parallel data transfer times using predicted variances in shared networks. 734-742 - Beomseok Nam, Alan Sussman
Spatial indexing of distributed multidimensional datasets. 743-750 - K. Zhang, Henrique Andrade, Louiqa Raschid, Alan Sussman
Query planning for the grid: adapting to dynamic resource availability. 751-758 - James Blythe, S. Jain, Ewa Deelman, Yolanda Gil
, Karan Vahi, Anirban Mandal
, Ken Kennedy:
Task scheduling strategies for workflow-based applications in grids. 759-767 - Marco Aurélio Stelmar Netto, Ardala Breda, Osmar Norberto de Souza
Scheduling complex computer simulations on heterogeneous non-dedicated machines: a case study in structural bioinformatics. 768-775 - Nicolas Capit, Georges Da Costa
, Yiannis Georgiou, Guillaume Huard, Cyrille Martin, Grégory Mounié, Pierre Neyron, Olivier Richard:
A batch scheduler with high level components. 776-783 - Hashim H. Mohamed, Dick H. J. Epema:
Experiences with the KOALA co-allocating scheduler in multiclusters. 784-791 - Gaurav Khanna, Nagavijayalakshmi Vydyanathan, Tahsin M. Kurç, Ümit V. Çatalyürek
, Pete Wyckoff, Joel H. Saltz, P. Sadayappan:
A hypergraph partitioning based approach for scheduling of tasks with batch-shared I/O. 792-799 - Xuli Liu, Hong Jiang, Leen-Kiat Soh:
Exploiting the advantages of object-based DSM in a heterogeneous cluster environment. 800-807 - Jon B. Weissman, Seonho Kim, Darin England:
Supporting the dynamic grid service lifecycle. 808-815 - Luc Moreau
, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
, Maggie R. Breedy, Larry Bunch, Patrick J. Hayes
, Matt Johnson, Shriniwas Kulkarni, James Lott, Niranjan Suri, Andrzej Uszok:
Behavioural specification of grid services with the KAoS policy language. 816-823 - Laurent Baduel, Françoise Baude, Denis Caromel:
Object-oriented SPMD. 824-831 - Ken-ichi Kurata, Hiroshi Nakamura
, Vincent Breton
Secret sequence comparison on public grid computing resources. 832-839 - Edoardo Pignotti, Peter Edwards
, Alun D. Preece, J. Gareth Polhill
, Nicholas Mark Gotts:
Semantic support for computational land-use modelling. 840-847 - Vasilii Zhakhovskii
, Katsunobu Nishihara, Yuko Fukuda, Shinji Shimojo
, Toyokazu Akiyama, Shoji Miyanaga, H. Sone, H. Kobayashi, E. Ito, Y. Seo, M. Tamura, Y. Ueshima:
A new dynamical domain decomposition method for parallel molecular dynamics simulation. 848-854 - Ligang He, Stephen A. Jarvis
, Daniel P. Spooner, David A. Bacigalupo, Guang Tan, Graham R. Nudd:
Mapping DAG-based applications to multiclusters with background workload. 855-862 - Eun-Kyu Byun, Jae-Wan Jang, Wook Jung, Jin-Soo Kim:
A dynamic grid services deployment mechanism for on-demand resource provisioning. 863-870 - Fifth international workshop on distributed shared memory. 871-872
- Zhiyi Huang, Martin K. Purvis, Paul Werstein:
View-oriented update protocol with integrated diff for view-based consistency. 873-880 - Marco Ballette, Antonio Liotta
, S. M. Ramzy:
Execution time prediction in DSM-based mobile grids. 881-888 - H. Midorikawa:
The performance analysis of portable parallel programming interface MpC for SDSM and pthread. 889-896 - Louis Rilling, Christine Morin:
A practical transparent data sharing service for the grid. 897-904 - Tyng-Yeu Liang, Chun-Yi Wu, Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh:
Teamster-G: a grid-enabled software DSM system. 905-912 - Renaud Lachaize, Jorgen S. Hansen:
A distributed shared buffer space for data-intensive applications. 913-920 - Cristian Tapus, Jason Hickey:
Distributed synchronization with shared semaphore sets. 921-928 - Anna Kobusinska
, Cezary Sobaniec
, Marek Libuda, Dariusz Wawrzyniak
Version vector protocols implementing session guarantees. 929-936 - Christiane V. Pousa, Luís F. W. Góes
, Carlos Augusto Paiva da Silva Martins:
Reconfigurable consistency model for object-based software DSM. 937-944 - Ranjit Noronha, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
Can high performance software DSM systems designed with InfiniBand features benefit from PCI-Express? 945-952 - Baiyi Song, Carsten Ernemann
, Ramin Yahyapour
User group-based workload analysis and modelling. 953-961 - Antonios Litke
, Konstantinos Tserpes
, Theodora A. Varvarigou:
Computational workload prediction for grid oriented industrial applications: the case of 3D-image rendering. 962-969 - Marta Beltrán
, José Luis Bosque
Information policies for load balancing on heterogeneous systems. 970-976 - Yudong Sun, Anil Wipat, Matthew R. Pocock, Pete A. Lee, Paul Watson, Keith Flanagan, James T. Worthington:
A grid-based system for microbial genome comparison and analysis. 977-984 - Sumit Naiksatam, Silvia M. Figueira, Stephen A. Chiappari, Nirdosh Bhatnagar:
Analyzing the advance reservation of lightpaths in lambda-grids. 985-992 - Reza Nejabati, Georgios Zervas, G. Dimitriades, Dimitra Simeonidou:
Programmable optical burst switched network: a novel infrastructure for grid services. 993-999 - Vlad Olaru, Walter F. Tichy:
On the design and performance of kernel-level TCP connection endpoint migration in cluster-based servers. 1000-1007 - Pete Wyckoff, Jiesheng Wu:
Memory registration caching correctness. 1008-1015 - Renaud Lottiaux, Pascal Gallard, Geoffroy Vallée, Christine Morin, B. Boissinot:
OpenMosix, OpenSSI and Kerrighed: a comparative study. 1016-1023 - Clovis Seragiotto Jr., Thomas Fahringer
Performance analysis for distributed and parallel Java programs with Aksum. 1024-1031 - Rodrigo Kassick, Caciano Machado
, Everton Hermann, Rafael Bohrer Ávila, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Yves Denneulin:
Evaluating the performance of the dNFSP file system. 1032-1038 - Dean Hildebrand, Peter Honeyman
Scaling NFSv4 with parallel file systems. 1039-1046 - Jeffrey J. Evans, Cynthia S. Hood:
Network performance variability in NOW clusters. 1047-1054 - Yawei Li, Zhiling Lan:
A novel workload migration scheme for heterogeneous distributed computing. 1055-1062 - Menno Dobber, Ger Koole, Robert D. van der Mei:
Dynamic load balancing experiments in a grid. 1063-1070 - Lars-Olof Burchard, Barry Linnert, Jörg Schneider:
A distributed load-based failure recovery mechanism for advance reservation environments. 1071-1078 - Wolfgang Blochinger, W. Westje, Wolfgang Küchlin, Sebastian Wedeniwski:
ZetaSAT - Boolean SATisfiability solving on Desktop Grids. 1079-1086 - Motoi Okuda, Masahiro Watanabe, Teruo Matsuzawa:
Construction of a diagnostic support system for circulatory disease in a volume communications environment. 1087-1092 - Vasilis Dialinos, Rosa M. Badia
, Raül Sirvent
, Josep M. Pérez
, Jesús Labarta
Implementing phylogenetic inference with GRID superscalar. 1093-1100 - Olivier Aumage, Rutger F. H. Hofman, Henri E. Bal:
NETIBIS: an efficient and dynamic communication system for heterogeneous grids. 1101-1108 - Adrien Lebre, Yves Denneulin:
aIOLi: an input/output library for cluster of SMP. 1109-1116 - Xinran (Ryan) Wu, Andrew A. Chien, Matti A. Hiltunen, Richard D. Schlichting, S. Sen:
A high performance configurable transport protocol for grid computing. 1117-1125 - Eric Weigle, Andrew A. Chien:
The Composite Endpoint Protocol (CEP): scalable endpoints for terabit flows. 1126-1134 - Robert B. Ross, Robert Latham, William Gropp
, Rajeev Thakur
, Brian R. Toonen:
Implementing MPI-IO atomic mode without file system support. 1135-1142 - Yu-Kwong Kwok, Shanshan Song, Kai Hwang:
Selfish grid computing: game-theoretic modeling and NAS performance results. 1143-1150 - Catalin Dumitrescu, Ian T. Foster:
GangSim: a simulator for grid scheduling studies. 1151-1158
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