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5. CAIP 1993: Budapest, Hungary
- Dmitry Chetverikov, Walter G. Kropatsch:
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 5th International Conference, CAIP'93, Budapest, Hungary, September 13-15, 1993, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 719, Springer 1993, ISBN 3-540-57233-3
Performance Evaluation
- Robert M. Haralick:
Performance Characterization in Computer Vision. 1-9
Image Models
- Georgy L. Gimel'farb:
Low-Level Computational Mono and Stereo Vision: A Bayesian Approach. 10-23 - Oleg R. Musin:
Topographic Structure of Image. 24-30
Image Data Structures
- Walter G. Kropatsch, Christian Reither, Dieter Willersinn, Güther Wlaschitz:
The Dual Irregular Pyramid. 31-40 - Michael Vassilakopoulos, Yannis Manolopoulos:
Analytical Results on the Quadtree Storage-Requirements. 41-48 - Miklós Kertész, Ágnes Kummert, Ferenc Csillag:
From Pyramids to Quadtrees: Approximation of Heterogeneous Surfaces by Fixing Complexity. 49-57 - Ágnes Kummert, Sándor Kabos:
Calculation and Estimation of Sample Statistics of Binary Images Using Quadtree Data Representations. 58-64
Image Processing
- Adrian N. Evans
, Mark S. Nixon:
Temporal Speckle Reduction for Feature Extraction in Ultrasound Images. 65-73 - Tamás Szirányi
Noise Effects in Statistical Subpixel Pattern Recognition. 74-81 - Hans Georg Feichtinger, Thomas Strohmer:
Fast Iterative Reconstruction of Band-Limited Images from Non-Uniform Sampling Values. 82-89 - I. Bajla, M. Marusiak, Milos Srámek:
Anisotropic Filtering of MRI Data Based upon Image Gradient Histogram. 90-97 - Leonid V. Kasperovich, Vladimir F. Babkin:
Fast Discrete Cosine Transform Approximation for JPEG Image Compression. 98-104 - Wladyslaw Skarbek, Adam Pietrowcew:
Error Diffusion in Block Truncation Coding. 105-112 - Zoran S. Bojkovic, Dragorad Milanovic, Andreja Samcovic
On a Bound on Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Subband Coding of Gaussian Image Process. 113-117 - Bernhard Bundschuh:
A Linear Predictor as a Regularization Function in Adaptive Image Restoration and Reconstruction. 118-122 - Herbert Süße, Klaus Voss:
Inversion of Convolution by Small Kernels. 123-127 - Ventzeslav Valev:
A Model-Based Image Quantization Technique for Supervised Image Recognition. 128-132
Edges and Contours
- Karsten Ottenberg:
Brightness-Contrast Diffusion and the Grouping of Missing Angles. 133-140 - Djemel Ziou, Jean-Pierre Fabre:
Rotation Invariance in Edge Detection. 141-148 - W. Alshatti, Patrick Lambert:
Using Eigenvectors of a Vector Field for Deriving a Second Directional Derivative Operator for Color Images. 149-156 - Nazha Selmaoui
, Claire Leschi, Hubert Emptoz:
Crest Lines Detection in Grey Level Images: Studies of Different Approaches and Proposition of a New One. 157-164 - Jean Pierre Asselin de Beauville, M. C. Mraghni:
Contour-Detection Using the Shape of the Nearest Neighbors Set (NN-Set). 165-169 - Jun Shen, Serge Castan, Jian Zhao:
A Comparative Study of Performance for Noisy Roof Edge Detection. 170-174
Hough Transform and Related Methods
- Lam T. S. Lam, Wilson C. Y. Lam, Dennis N. K. Leung:
A Hough-Like Prediction/Correction Approach for Ellipse Detection. 175-182 - Wilson C. Y. Lam, Shiu Yin Yuen
, Dennis N. K. Leung:
Fourier Parameterization Provide Uniform Bounded Hough Space. 183-190 - Heikki Kälviäinen:
Motion Estimation and the Randomized Hough Transform (RHT): New Methods with Gradient Information. 191-198 - Mark S. Nixon:
Circle Extraction via Least Squares and the Kalman Filter. 199-207
- Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Edouard Thiel:
A Multiresolution Shape Description Algorithm. 208-215 - Ryszard S. Choras
Image Coding by Morphological Skeleton Transformation. 216-222 - Gary Brown, Peter Forte, Ron Malyan, Peter Barnwell:
A Non-Linear Shape Abstraction Technique. 223-230 - Nickolay M. Korneenko:
Minimum-Space Time-Optimal Convex Hull Algorithms. 231-236 - Jinn-Kwei Guo, Rein-Lien Hsu, Chin-Hsing Chen, Yung-Nien Sun:
Detecting Corners of Polygonal and Polyhedral Objects. 237-244 - Trond Melen, Takouhi Ozanian:
A Fast Algorithm for Dominant Point Detection on Chain-Coded Contours. 245-253 - Michel Jourlin, Isabelle Fillere, Jean-Marie Becker, Marie-José Labouré:
Shapes and Metrics. 254-258
- Valery V. Starovoitov:
Simplified Technique of Structure Extraction from Textural Images. 259-266 - Stephen Wang-Cheung Lam, Horace Ho-Shing Ip:
Adaptive Pyramid Approach to Texture Segmentation. 267-274 - Georgy L. Gimel'farb, Alexey Zalesny:
Markov Random Fields with Short- and Long-Range Interaction for Modelling Gray-Scale Textured Images. 275-282 - Stefano Fioravanti, Daniele D. Giusto:
Texture Recognition by the q-th Order Fractal Analysis. 283-290
Structural Approaches
- Eiichi Tanaka, Hiroaki Awano, Sumio Masuda:
A Proximity Measure of Line Drawings for Comparison of Chemical Compounds. 291-298 - Horst Bunke, Guido Kaufmann:
Jigsaw Puzzle Solving Using Approximate String Matching and Best-First Search. 299-308 - Nikos Georgis, Maria Petrou, Josef Kittler:
A Morphological Approach to the Generalised 2-stage Stock-Cutting Problem. 309-316 - Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz
Primitive and Compound Patterns. 317-321 - Nobuyuki Washio, Eiichi Tanaka, Sumio Masuda:
A Similarity Measure between 3-D Objects and its Parallel Computation. 322-326
Knowledge Representation and Learning
- Claus-E. Liedtke, Thorsten Schnier, Arnold Blömer:
Automated Learning of Rules Using Genetic Operators. 327-334 - Jacky Desachy, El-Hadi Zahzah:
Symbolic an Iconic Information Combination for Satellite Imagery Interpretation. 335-342 - Cheryl G. Howard, Peter Bock:
Multi-Class Classification and Symbolic Cognitive Processing with ALISA. 343-354
- Homero Ríos:
Computing Image Flow Using a Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Spatiotemporal Filters. 355-362 - Wlodzimierz Kasprzak, Heinrich Niemann:
Visual Motion Estimation from Image Contour Tracking. 363-370 - Michal Irani, Benny Rousso, Shmuel Peleg
Robust Recovery of Ego-Motion. 371-378 - J. Bulas-Cruz, A. T. Ali, Erik L. Dagless:
A Temporal Smoothing Technique for Real-Time Motion Detection. 379-386 - Nikos Nikolaidis, Ioannis Pitas, Michael G. Strintzis:
Combined Evaluation of Motion and Disparity Vector Fields for Stereoscopic Sequence Coding. 387-394 - Jukka Heikkonen:
Recovering Translational Motion Parameters from Image Sequences Using Randomized Hough Transform. 395-402 - R. Agarwal, Jack Sklansky:
Estimating Optical Flow for Large Interframe Displacements. 403-411
3-D Vision
- Tomás Pajdla, Václav Hlavác
Surface Discontinuities in Range Images. 412-419 - Reinhard Klette, Volker Rodehorst
Algorithms for Shape from Shading, Lighting Direction and Motion. 420-427 - Ales Jaklic, Franc Solina:
Separating Diffuse and Specular Component of Image Irradiance by Translating a Camera. 428-435 - Xiaoping Hu, Narendra Ahuja:
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Unique Solution of Plane Motion and Structure. 436-443 - Karsten Schlüns:
Photometric Stereo for Non-Lambertian Surfaces Using Color Information. 444-451 - Kjell Brunnström, Jan-Olof Eklundh:
Active Fixation for Junction Classification. 452-459 - Zhengyou Zhang:
Point Matching for Registration of Free-Form Surfaces. 460-467 - Jean-Marc Bost, Ruggero Milanese, Thierry Pun:
Temporal Precedence in Asynchronous Visual Indexing. 468-475 - T. P. Monks, John N. Carter:
Improved Stripe Matching for Colour Encoded Structured Light. 476-485 - B. Chebaro, Alain Crouzil, Louis Massip-Pailhes, Serge Castan:
Fusion of the Stereoscopic and Temporal Matching Results by an Algorithm of Coherence Control and Conflicts Management. 486-493 - Evelyne Lutton:
3D Model Based Stereo Reconstruction using Coupled Markov Random Fields. 494-501 - Volker Steinhage:
Occlusions and Special Views within the Reconstruction of Polyhedral Scenes. 502-509 - Björn Gudmundsson, Clas Tengenfeldt:
Fast Shadowing of Volume Data. 510-517 - Xuan Guo:
Three-Dimensional Moment Invariants under Rigid Transformation. 518-522 - M. D. Hemus, John N. Carter:
Parameterisation of Simple Geometrical Lambertian Surfaces using Photometric Stereo. 523-527 - Shinjiro Kawato:
Hough Transform to Extract 3D Information from Images of Different View Points. 528-532 - Marina Kolesnik:
Fast Algorithm for the Stereo Pair Matching with Parallel Computation. 533-537 - Andreas F. Koschan:
Dense Stereo Correspondence Using Polychromatic Block Matching. 538-542 - Jasna Maver, Ales Leonardis, Franc Solina:
Planning the Next View Using the Max-Min Principle. 543-547
Reconstruction from Projections
- Vladimir Shapiro:
Cross-Correlation with Reconstruction: A New Approach to Pattern Matching. 548-555 - Wieslaw Lucjan Nowinski:
The Iterated Normalized Backprojection Method of Image Reconstruction. 556-563 - Oleg Trofimov:
Cone Beam Reconstruction and Fourier Transform of Distributions. 564-571
Character Recognition and Document Processing
- Jan Flusser, Tomás Suk:
Character Recognition by Affine Moment Invariants. 572-577 - Reiner Fageth, William G. Allen, Uwe Jäger:
Ultra Fast Pattern Classification by Fuzzy Logic. 578-585 - Bernd Klauer, Klaus Waldschmidt:
An Object-Oriented Pen-Based Recognizer for Handprinted Characters. 586-593 - Evgeny V. Shchepin, G. M. Nepomnyashchii:
On the Method of Critical Points in Character Recognition. 594-598 - Sergey Ablameyko
, Oleg Okun:
Printed Text Segmentation Using Distance Transform. 599-603 - Seishi Takamura, Mikio Takagi:
Recognition of Handwritten Layout Drawings. 604-608 - Frank-Lothar Krause, Helmut Jansen, Nailja Luth:
Automatic Recognition of Scanned Technical Drawings. 609-613
Biomedical Applications
- Tatjana P. Belikova:
Digital Image Processing in Radiology. An Experience of Development of Technology for Computer-Aided Diagnosis. 614-626 - J. Reynaldo Vargas, Ron D. Appel, Denis F. Hochstrasser, Christian Pellegrini:
Modeling and Quantification of Protein Maps by Gaussian Fitting. 627-633 - Vassili A. Kovalev
, Nikolai V. Mytzik:
Computer Analysis of the Large Intestine Contours for the Recognition of Diseases. 634-640 - Petia Radeva:
A Rule-Based Approach to Hand X-Ray Image Segmentation. 641-648 - Chun-Han Chen, Yen-Ching Yu, Jinn-Kwei Guo, Chin-Hsing Chen, Yung-Nien Sun, C. I. Yu:
3-D Cerebral Vessel Reconstruction from Angiograms. 649-656 - J. Jan, B. Gabrhel, J. Haluziková, P. Kilián, R. Kubák Jr., Ivo Provazník:
Comparison of Different Approaches to Suppress Speckles in Ultrasonic Tomograms. 657-663 - Krystian Mikolajczyk, J. Owczarczyk, W. Recko:
A Test-Bed for Computer-Assisted Fusion of Multi-Modality Medical Images. 664-668 - Dietrich Paulus, Matthias Wolf:
Object-Oriented Volume Segmentation. 669-673 - Vojtech Jankovic, Eugen Ruzický, Ludovít Niepel:
Smooth Morphological Transformation of CT and MR Medical Data. 674-678 - Vladimír Smutný, Tatjana Dostálová, Jana Dusková
, Václav Hlavác
Evaluation of Plaque Formation - Surface Reflectance Measurement. 679-686 - Gábor Székely, Guido Gerig, Thomas Koller, Christian Brechbühler, Olaf Kübler:
Analysis of MR Angiography Volume Data Leading to the Structural Description of the Cerebral Vessel Tree. 687-692 - L. N. Wiffen, John T. Kent:
The Automatic Classification of Normal and Abnormal Chromosomes Using Image Analysis. 693-697
Industrial Applications
- Milan Hanajík, Ruud G. van Vliet:
Real Time Image Processing for Fast Seam Tracking. 698-705 - Giuseppe Boccignone, L. Esposito, Angelo Marcelli:
An Experimental Vision Tool for Real Time Quality Control. 706-710 - Jianyong Wen:
High-Tech Approaches of Computer Vision in Industry. 711-715 - E. Ivanov, D. Holm, W. Osten, W. Jüptner:
An Image Processing System for Material Flow Control in Coal Mining Industry. 716-720 - Stéphane Bres, Hubert Emptoz, G. Merle:
Transparency Quantification. Application to Composite Materials Quality Controls by Image Processing. 721-725 - H. Boulecane, Nicole Vincent, M. Ruffier, Hubert Emptoz:
Control of Composite Material Structure by Fractal Methods. 726-731 - Roman M. Palenichka, Roman T. Mysak:
Model-Based Adaptive Preprocessing of Images in Automated Visual Inspection. 732-737
Other Applications
- Petra Perner:
Application of Knowledge-Based Image Inspection System for Diagnosis of Misprints in Offsetprinting. 738-749 - Charles K. Toth, Toni Schenk:
Multiple Image Matching in an Automatic Aerotriangulation System. 750-758 - Stanislava Simberová, Tomás Suk:
Digital Processing of Skylab-X-Ray Images of the Solar Corona. 759-765 - Guangzheng Yang, Thomas S. Huang:
Finding Human Faces in a Picture. 766-769 - Gy. Csaba Hegedüs:
CADI: Computer Assisted Educational Package for Digital Image Processing. 770-774 - Yuri Dobrusin, Yael Edan, Joseph Grinshpun, Uri M. Peiper, Isaac Wolf, Amots Hetzroni:
Computer Image Analysis to Locate Targets for an Agricultural Robot. 775-779 - József Berke
, Katalin Györffy, Géza Fischl, Lászlo Kárpáti, József Bakonyi:
The Application of Digital Image Processing in the Evaluation of Agricultural Experiments. 780-787 - Katsumi Hattori, Masaru Yamaguchi, Naofumi Iwama, Masashi Hayakawa:
GCV-Aided Linear Image Regularization for the Reconstruction of Wave Distribution Function of Magnetospheric VLF/ELF Waves. 788-792 - A. S. Alekseev, V. P. Pyatkin, G. I. Salov:
Crater Detection in Aero-Space Imagery Using Simple Nonparametric Statistical Tests. 793-799
Human Vision Models
- Ulf Hönisch:
Digital Retina - Simulating Dynamic Behavior of Visual Perception. 800-804
Architectures for Image Analysis
- Vito Di Gesù, Gaetano Gerardi, Sebastiano Impedovo, Biagio Lenzitti, Giancarlo Parodi, Domenico Tegolo:
A New Heterogeneous and Reconfigurable Architecture for Image Analysis. 805-812
Neural Networks
- Tamás Roska:
The Analogic Single-Chip CNN Visual Supercomputer - a Review. 813-821 - Constantine Kotropoulos, Ioannis Pitas:
A Variant of Learning Vector Quantizer Based on Split-Merge Statistical Tests. 822-829 - Laurent Mascarilla, El-Hadi Zahzah, Jacky Desachy:
Neural Networks Classifiers Based on Geocoded Data and MultiSpectral Images for Satellite Image Interpretation. 830-837 - Bernd Michaelis, Gerald Krell:
Artificial Neural Networks for Image Improvement. 838-845 - András G. Radványi:
Using Cellular Neural Network to "See" Random-Dot Stereograms. 846-853
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