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Image Processing 2008: San Diego, CA, USA
- Joseph M. Reinhardt, Josien P. W. Pluim:
Medical Imaging 2008: Image Processing, San Diego, California, United States, 16-21 February 2008. SPIE Proceedings 6914, SPIE 2008, ISBN 9780819470980 - Front Matter: Volume 6914. 691401
Segmentation I: Methodology
- Ismail Ben Ayed, Shuo Li
, Ali Islam, Gregory J. Garvin
, Rethy Chhem:
Area prior constrained level set evolution for medical image segmentation. 691402 - Peter J. Yim:
A resistive-network model for image segmentation. 691403 - Romeil Sandhu, Tryphon T. Georgiou
, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
A new distribution metric for image segmentation. 691404 - Yogesh Rathi, Samuel Dambreville, Marc Niethammer, James G. Malcolm, James J. Levitt, Martha Elizabeth Shenton
, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
Segmenting images analytically in shape space. 691405 - Konstantin Ens, Jens von Berg, Sven Kabus, Cristian Lorenz, Bernd Fischer:
A unified framework for joint registration and segmentation. 691406
Atlases and Population Studies
- Eva M. van Rikxoort, Ivana Isgum
, Marius Staring
, Stefan Klein, Bram van Ginneken
Adaptive local multi-atlas segmentation: application to heart segmentation in chest CT scans. 691407 - Xiahai Zhuang
, David J. Hawkes, William R. Crum, Redha Boubertakh
, Sergio Uribe
, David Atkinson
, Philipp G. Batchelor, Tobias Schaeffter, Reza Razavi
, Derek L. G. Hill:
Robust registration between cardiac MRI images and atlas for segmentation propagation. 691408 - Torsten Rohlfing, Natalie M. Zahr, Edith V. Sullivan
, Adolf Pfefferbaum:
The SRI24 multichannel brain atlas: construction and applications. 691409 - Karl Sjöstrand, Valerie A. Cardenas, Rasmus Larsen
, Colin Studholme:
A generalization of voxel-wise procedures for high-dimensional statistical inference using ridge regression. 69140A - Wim Van Hecke, Alexander Leemans
, Emiliano D'Agostino, Steve De Backer, Evert Vandervliet, Paul M. Parizel
, Jan Sijbers
The evaluation of a population based diffusion tensor image atlas using a ground truth method. 69140B - Shun Xu, Martin Styner, John H. Gilmore, Guido Gerig
Multivariate longitudinal statistics for neonatal-pediatric brain tissue development. 69140C
Registration I: Applications
- Stephan Preibisch
, Torsten Rohlfing, Michael P. Hasak, Pavel Tomancak:
Mosaicing of single plane illumination microscopy images using groupwise registration and fast content-based image fusion. 69140E - Christian Wachinger
, Nassir Navab:
Ultrasound specific similarity measures for three-dimensional mosaicing. 69140F - Janet Blumenfeld, Colin Studholme, Julio Carballido-Gamio, Thomas M. Link, Sharmila Majumdar:
Three-dimensional image registration of MR proximal femur images for the analysis of trabecular bone parameters. 69140G - Sovira Tan, Jianhua Yao
, Lawrence Yao, Ronald M. Summers, Michael M. Ward:
Vertebral surface registration using ridgelines/crestlines. 69140H - Dominique Zosso
, Benoît Le Callennec
, Meritxell Bach Cuadra, Kamiar Aminian
, Brigitte M. Jolles, Jean-Philippe Thiran
Bi-planar 2D-to-3D registration in Fourier domain for stereoscopic x-ray motion tracking. 69140I
Neurological Applications
- Maria A. Zuluaga
, Oscar Acosta
, Pierrick Bourgeat
, Marcela Hernández Hoyos, Olivier Salvado
, Sébastien Ourselin
Cortical thickness measurement from magnetic resonance images using partial volume estimation. 69140J - Evangelia I. Zacharaki
, Cosmina S. Hogea, Dinggang Shen, George Biros, Christos Davatzikos
Parallel optimization of tumor model parameters for fast registration of brain tumor images. 69140K - Jinzhong Yang
, Dinggang Shen, Chandan Misra, Xiaoying Wu, Susan M. Resnick, Christos Davatzikos
, Ragini Verma:
Spatial normalization of diffusion tensor images based on anisotropic segmentation. 69140L - Christoph Palm
, Graeme P. Penney, William R. Crum, Julia A. Schnabel
, Uwe Pietrzyk
, David J. Hawkes:
Fusion of rat brain histology and MRI using weighted multi-image mutual information. 69140M - Hemant D. Tagare, Yunmei Chen, Robert K. Fulbright:
Comparison of EM-based and level set partial volume segmentations of MR brain images. 69140N - Zhong Li, Jianping Fan:
3D MRI brain image segmentation based on region restricted EM algorithm. 69140O - Jack H. Noble, Frank M. Warren, Robert F. Labadie, Benoit M. Dawant:
Automatic segmentation of the facial nerve and chorda tympani using image registration and statistical priors. 69140P
Classification and Pattern Recognition
- Yong Fan, Susan M. Resnick, Christos Davatzikos
Feature selection and classification of multiparametric medical images using bagging and SVM. 69140Q - Michal W. Mackiewicz
, Mark Fisher, Crawford Jamieson:
Bleeding detection in wireless capsule endoscopy using adaptive colour histogram model and support vector classification. 69140R - Wilbur C. K. Wong, David H. Johnson, David L. Wilson
Statistical modeling and MAP estimation for body fat quantification with MRI ratio imaging. 69140S - Arish A. Qazi, Erik B. Dam
, Marco Loog, Mads Nielsen, François Lauze
, Claus Christiansen:
A variational method for automatic localization of the most pathological ROI in the knee cartilage. 69140T - Hui Luo, William J. Sehnert, Jacquelyn S. Ellinwood, David H. Foos, Bruce I. Reiner, Eliot L. Siegel:
Motion blur detection in radiographs. 69140U
Registration II: Methodology
- Stefan Wörz, Karl Rohr:
Hybrid physics-based elastic image registration using approximating splines. 69140V - Chih-Yao Hsieh, Hua-mei Chen, Ting-Hung Lin, Hsi-Yue Hsiao, Mei-Yi Chu, Guojun Liao, Hualiang Zhong:
On the development of a new non-rigid image registration using deformation based grid generation. 69140W - Graeme P. Penney, Lewis D. Griffin, Andrew P. King, David J. Hawkes:
A novel framework for multi-modal intensity-based similarity measures based on internal similarity. 69140X - Reinhard Hameeteman, Jifke F. Veenland
, Wiro J. Niessen
Volume preserving image registration via a post-processing stage. 69140Y - Jeremy D. P. Hoisak, Jinzi Zheng
, Christine Allen
, David A. Jaffray
Improved CT and MR image registration with the introduction of a dual-modality contrast agent: performance assessment using quantitative and information theoretic methods. 69140Z - Mads Fogtmann Hansen, Michael Sass Hansen, Rasmus Larsen
Conditional statistical model building. 691410
Cardiovascular Applications
- Nuwan D. Nanayakkara
, Bernard Chiu
, Abbas Samani
, John David Spence
, Grace Parraga
, Jagath Samarabandu, Aaron Fenster:
Nonrigid registration of carotid ultrasound and MR images using a "twisting and bending" model. 691411 - Darko Zikic, Martin Groher, Ali Khamene, Nassir Navab:
Deformable registration of 3D vessel structures to a single projection image. 691412 - Alfredo Lopez, Karl D. Fritscher, Thomas Trieb, Rainer Schubert, Julian Mattes:
3D inters-subject cardiac registration using 4D information. 691413 - Dagmar Kainmüller
, Roland Unterhinninghofen, Sebastian Ley
, Rüdiger Dillmann:
Level set segmentation of the heart from 4D phase contrast MRI. 691414 - Nora Baka, Julien Milles, Emile A. Hendriks, Avan Suinesiaputra
, Michael Jerosch-Herold, Johan H. C. Reiber, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt:
Segmentation of myocardial perfusion MR sequences with multi-band active appearance models driven by spatial and temporal features. 691415 - Yefeng Zheng
, Bogdan Georgescu, Adrian Barbu
, Michael Scheuering, Dorin Comaniciu
Four-chamber heart modeling and automatic segmentation for 3D cardiac CT volumes. 691416 - Jochen Peters, Olivier Ecabert, Cristian Lorenz, Jens von Berg, Matthew J. Walker, Thomas Ivanc, Mani Vembar, Mark E. Olszewski, Jürgen Weese:
Segmentation of the heart and major vascular structures in cardiovascular CT images. 691417 - Danijela Vukadinovic, Theo van Walsum, Rashindra Manniesing
, Aad van der Lugt, Thomas de Weert, Wiro J. Niessen
AdaBoost classification for model-based segmentation of the outer wall of the common carotid artery in CTA. 691418
Image Restoration and Enhancement
- Hrvoje Bogunovic
, Alessandro G. Radaelli, Mathieu De Craene, David Delgado-Gómez
, Alejandro F. Frangi
Image intensity standardization in 3D rotational angiography and its application to vascular segmentation. 691419 - Rudolf Hanel, Kees Joost Batenburg, Steve De Backer, Paul Scheunders
, Jan Sijbers
Fast bias field reduction by localized Lloyd-Max quantization. 69141A - Howard Zhou, Mei Chen, Richard Gass, James M. Rehg
, Laura Ferris, Jonhan Ho, Laura Drogowski:
Feature-preserving artifact removal from dermoscopy images. 69141B - Stephan Rupp:
A quantitative performance measure for a clinical evaluation of comb structure removal algorithms in flexible endoscopy. 69141C - Renbin Peng, Pramod K. Varshney, Hao Chen, James H. Michels:
Digital mammogram enhancement based on ROI enhancement and background suppression. 69141D
Liver Applications
- Qingyang Shang, Logan W. Clements, Robert L. Galloway, William C. Chapman, Benoit M. Dawant:
Adaptive directional region growing segmentation of the hepatic vasculature. 69141F - Saradwata Sarkar, Ramkrishnan Narayanan, Hyunjin Park
, Bing Ma, Peyton H. Bland, Charles R. Meyer:
Quantitative growth measurement of lesions in hepatic interval CT exams. 69141G - Aaron M. Mintz, Daniela Stan Raicu, Jacob D. Furst:
Liver segmentation combining Gabor filtering and traditional vector field snake. 69141H
Pulmonary Applications
- Thomas Blaffert, Hans Barschdorf, Jens von Berg, Sebastian P. M. Dries
, Astrid Franz, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Steffen Renisch, Rafael Wiemker:
Lung lobe modeling and segmentation with individualized surface meshes. 69141I - Michael W. Graham, Jason D. Gibbs, William E. Higgins:
Robust system for human airway-tree segmentation. 69141J - Pechin Lo, Marleen de Bruijne
Voxel classification based airway tree segmentation. 69141K - Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz, Jens von Berg, Steffen Renisch, Thomas Blaffert, Jörn Ostermann
4DCT image-based lung motion field extraction and analysis. 69141L - Michalis Aristophanous
, Charles A. Pelizzari:
The evaluation of a highly automated mixture model based technique for PET tumor volume segmentation. 69141M
Segmentation II: Applications
- Shelly Lotenberg, Shiri Gordon, Hayit Greenspan:
Shape priors for segmentation of the cervix region within uterine cervix images. 69141N - Stephen A. Thompson
, Graeme P. Penney, Damien Buie, Prokar Dasgupta, Dave Hawkes:
Use of a CT statistical deformation model for multi-modal pelvic bone segmentation. 69141O - Tobias Heimann, Matthias Baumhauer, Tobias Simpfendörfer, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Ivo Wolf
Prostate segmentation from 3D transrectal ultrasound using statistical shape models and various appearance models. 69141P - Jens N. Kaftan, Atilla P. Kiraly, Annemarie Bakai, Marco Das, Carol L. Novak, Til Aach:
Fuzzy pulmonary vessel segmentation in contrast enhanced CT data. 69141Q - Meindert Niemeijer, Mona Kathryn Garvin, Bram van Ginneken
, Milan Sonka
, Michael D. Abràmoff
Vessel segmentation in 3D spectral OCT scans of the retina. 69141R - Daniel Maleike, Michael Fabel, Ralf Tetzlaff, Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk
, Tobias Heimann, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Ivo Wolf
Lymph node segmentation on CT images by a shape model guided deformable surface methodh. 69141S - Xiaorong He, Qingmin Liao:
A novel shape prior based segmentation of touching or overlapping ellipse-like nuclei. 69141T
Posters: Classification and Pattern Recognition
- Keigo Nakamura, Yuanzhong Li, Wataru Ito, Kazuo Shimura:
A machine learning approach for body part recognition based on CT images. 69141U - Keisuke Fukuta, Toshiaki Nakagawa, Yoshinori Hayashi, Yuji Hatanaka, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita:
Personal identification based on blood vessels of retinal fundus images. 69141V - Xabier Artaechevarria, Arrate Muñoz-Barrutia, Carlos Ortiz-de-Solórzano
Efficient classifier generation and weighted voting for atlas-based segmentation: two small steps faster and closer to the combination oracle. 69141W - Benedikt Fischer, Michael Sauren, Mark Oliver Güld, Thomas M. Deserno:
Scene analysis with structural prototypes for content-based image retrieval in medicine. 69141X - Ruchaneewan Susomboon, Daniela Raicu, Jacob Furst, Timothy Ben Johnson:
A co-occurrence texture semi-invariance to direction, distance, and patient size. 69141Y - Xiaolei Huang, Wei Wang, Zhiyun Xue, Sameer K. Antani
, L. Rodney Long, Jose Jeronimo:
Tissue classification using cluster features for lesion detection in digital cervigrams. 69141Z
Posters: Image Restoration and Enhancement
- Yoshiro Kitamura, Masahiko Yamada, Wataru Ito:
An image reconstruction method based on machine learning for dual-energy subtraction radiography. 691420 - Eiji Nishimaru, Katsuhiro Ichikawa, Izumi Okita, Yuuji Ninomiya, Yukihiro Tomoshige, Takehiro Kurokawa, Yutaka Ono, Yuko Nakamura, Masayuki Suzuki:
Development of adaptive noise reduction filter algorithm for pediatric body images in a multi-detector CT. 691421 - Jian Chen, Jie Tian:
Retinal vessel enhancement based on directional field. 691422 - Dong Hye Ye, Dongjin Kwon, Il Dong Yun, Sang Uk Lee:
Fast multiscale vessel enhancement filtering. 691423 - Gerhard Tech, Robert Schwann, Götz Kappen, Michael Först, Tobias G. Noll:
Adaptive kernel algorithm for FPGA-based speckle reduction. 691424 - Ifeoma Nwogu
, Vipin Chaudhary
Enhancing regional lymph nodes from endoscopic ultrasound images. 691425 - Liyang Wei, Dinesh K. Kumar
, Animesh Khemka, Ram Turlapati, Jasjit S. Suri:
Clinical validation and performance evaluation of enhancement methods acquired from interventional C-ARM x-ray. 691426 - Paul Wighton, Tim K. Lee, M. Stella Atkins:
Dermascopic hair disocclusion using inpainting. 691427 - Renchao Jin
, Enmin Song, Lijuan Zhang, Zhifang Min, Xiangyang Xu, Chih-Cheng Huang:
Denoising of brain MRI images using modified PDE based on pixel similarity. 691428 - Oscar Acosta
, Hans Frimmel, Aaron Fenster, Olivier Salvado
, Sébastien Ourselin
Pyramidal flux in an anisotropic diffusion scheme for enhancing structures in 3D images. 691429 - Md. Khayrul Bashar, Kensaku Mori
, Yasuhito Suenaga, Takayuki Kitasaka, Yoshito Mekada:
Informative frame detection from wireless capsule video endoscopic images. 69142A
Posters: Motion Analysis
- Xinhua Cao, Tracy Tetrault, Fred Fahey, Ted Treves:
Automated motion correction based on target tracking for dynamic nuclear medicine studies. 69142B - Lauge Sørensen
, Jakob Østergaard, Peter Johansen, Marleen de Bruijne
Multi-object tracking of human spermatozoa. 69142C - Patrick M. Kellen, Darci Becker, Joseph M. Reinhardt
, Douglas van Daele
Tracking the hyoid bone in videofluoroscopic swallowing studies. 69142D
Posters: MRI
- Jan Klein
, Hannes Stuke, Jan Rexilius, Bram Stieltjes, Horst K. Hahn, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
Towards user-independent DTI quantification. 69142E - Dirk H. J. Poot, Jan Sijbers, Arnold J. den Dekker:
An exploration of spatial similarities in temporal noise spectra in fMRI measurements. 69142F - Orly Zvitia, Arnaldo Mayer, Hayit Greenspan:
White matter tractographies registration using Gaussian mixture modeling. 69142G - Alex D. Leow
, Siwei Zhu:
Tensor distribution function. 69142H - Wouter Pintjens, Dirk H. J. Poot, Marleen Verhoye
, Annemarie van der Linden
, Jan Sijbers
Susceptibility correction for improved tractography using high field DT-EPI. 69142I - Diwei Zhou
, Ian L. Dryden
, Alexey Koloydenko, Li Bai:
A Bayesian method with reparameterization for diffusion tensor imaging. 69142J - Martin Styner, Rebecca C. Knickmeyer
, Christopher L. Coe, Sarah J. Short
, John H. Gilmore:
Automatic regional analysis of DTI properties in the developmental macaque brain. 69142K
Posters: Multiresolution and Wavelets
- Philippe Thévenaz, Thierry Blu, Michael Unser
Short basis functions for constant-variance interpolation. 69142L - Enrique Corona, Brian Nutter
, Sunanda Mitra, Jiangling Guo, Tanja Karp:
Efficient random access high resolution region-of-interest (ROI) image retrieval using backward coding of wavelet trees (BCWT). 69142M
Posters: Registration
- Olivier Pauly, Gözde B. Ünal
, Gregory G. Slabaugh
, Stephane G. Carlier
, Tong Fang:
Semi-automatic matching of OCT and IVUS images for image fusion. 69142N - Evgeny Gladilin, Roland Eils
Nonlinear elastic model for image registration and soft tissue simulation based on piecewise St. Venant-Kirchhoff material approximation. 69142O - Torbjørn Vik, Sven Kabus, Jens von Berg, Konstantin Ens, Sebastian P. M. Dries
, Tobias Klinder, Cristian Lorenz:
Validation and comparison of registration methods for free-breathing 4D lung CT. 69142P - Sune Darkner
, Martin Vester-Christensen, Rasmus R. Paulsen, Rasmus Larsen:
Non-rigid registration of 2D manifolds in 3D Euclidian space. 69142R - Sabine Mollus, Jördis Lübke, Andreas J. Walczuch, Heidrun Schumann, Jürgen Weese:
Model-to-image based 2D-3D registration of angiographic data. 69142S - Sune Darkner
, Dan Witzner Hansen, Rasmus R. Paulsen, Rasmus Larsen:
Robust registration for change detection. 69142T - Boris Peter Selby, Georgios Sakas, Stefan Walter, Wolf-Dieter Groch, Uwe Stilla
Reconstruction and registration of multispectral x-ray images for reliable alignment correction in radiation treatment devices. 69142U - Ulas Bagci
, Li Bai:
Registration of standardized histological images in feature space. 69142V - Hsi-Yue Hsiao, Hua-mei Chen, Ting-Hung Lin, Chih-Yao Hsieh, Mei-Yi Chu, Guojun Liao, Hualiang Zhong:
A new parametric nonrigid image registration method based on Helmholtz's theorem. 69142W - Ramkrishnan Narayanan, Dinggang Shen, Christos Davatzikos
, E. David Crawford, Albaha Barqawi, Priya N. Werahera, Dinesh K. Kumar
, Jasjit S. Suri:
3-D statistical cancer atlas-based targeting of prostate biopsy using ultrasound image guidance. 69142X - Zhe Fan, Christoph Vetter, Christoph Guetter, Daphne N. Yu, Rüdiger Westermann, Arie E. Kaufman, Chenyang Xu:
Optimized GPU implementation of learning-based non-rigid multi-modal registration. 69142Y - Chamith S. Rajapakse, Jeremy F. Magland, Suzanne L. Wehrli, Henry Zhang, X. Sherry Liu
, X. Edward Guo, Felix W. Wehrli:
Efficient 3D rigid-body registration of micro-MR and micro-CT trabecular bone images. 69142Z - Hyun Hee Jo, Julip Jung, Yujin Jang, Helen Hong, Hak Jong Lee:
Histopathology and MR image fusion of the prostate. 691430 - Sebastian Schafer, Kenneth R. Hoffmann, Peter B. Noël, Christina L. Bloebaum:
3D-3D alignment using particle swarm optimization. 691431 - Darko Zikic, Steven Sourbron, Xinxing Feng, Henrik J. Michaely, Ali Khamene, Nassir Navab:
Automatic alignment of renal DCE-MRI image series for improvement of quantitative tracer kinetic studies. 691432 - Yiwen Wang, Li Zhang:
Consistent detection of mid-sagittal planes for follow-up MR brain studies. 691433 - Joseph Barbiere, Joseph Hanley:
A rapid and robust iterative closest point algorithm for image guided radiotherapy. 691434 - Sangyeol Lee, Michael D. Abràmoff
, Joseph M. Reinhardt
Retinal image mosaicing using the radial distortion correction model. 691435 - Bin Wang, Jianhua Xuan, Qingrong Jackie Wu, Su Zhang, Yue Wang:
Deformation estimation and analysis for adaptive radiation therapy. 691436
Posters: Segmentation
- Jan Ehrhardt, Alexander Schmidt-Richberg, Heinz Handels
Simultaneous segmentation and motion estimation in 4D-CT data using a variational approach. 691437 - Frank Schmitt, Lutz Priese:
Recent advances in 3D-CSC based MR brain image segmentation. 691438 - Sebastian P. M. Dries
, Vladimir Pekar, Daniel Bystrov, Harald S. Heese, Thomas Blaffert, Clemens Bos, Arianne M. C. van Muiswinkel:
Automatic knee cartilage delineation using inheritable segmentation. 691439 - Wenjing Li, Daron G. Ferris, Rich W. Lieberman:
Computerized image analysis for acetic acid induced intraepithelial lesions. 69143A - K. Y. Esther Leung, Marijn van Stralen
, Marco M. Voormolen, Nico de Jong, Anton F. W. van der Steen, Johan H. C. Reiber, Johan G. Bosch:
Improving 3D active appearance model segmentation of the left ventricle with Jacobian tuning. 69143B - Lutz Guendel, Michael Sühling, Helmut Eckert:
Novel method for digital subtraction of tagged stool in virtual colonoscopy. 69143C - Andrzej Szymczak, James Vanderhyde:
Airway segmentation by topology-driven local thresholding. 69143D - Sankar Venkataraman, Wenjing Li:
Improving cervical region of interest by eliminating vaginal walls and cotton-swabs for automated image analysis. 69143E - Jiang Liu
, Joo-Hwee Lim, Huiqi Li:
CALM: cascading system with leaking detection mechanism for medical image segmentation. 69143F - Claudia Leavens, Torbjørn Vik, Heinrich Schulz, Stéphane Allaire, John J. Kim, Laura Dawson
, Brian O'Sullivan
, Stephen L. Breen, David A. Jaffray
, Vladimir Pekar:
Validation of automatic landmark identification for atlas-based segmentation for radiation treatment planning of the head-and-neck region. 69143G - Wei Qu, Xiaolei Huang, Yuanyuan Jia:
Segmentation in noisy medical images using PCA model based particle filtering. 69143I - Christian Harrer, Sonja Kirchhoff, Andreas Keil, Chlodwig Kirchhoff, Thomas Mussack, Andreas Lienemann, Maximilian Reiser, Nassir Navab:
Semi-automatic detection of Gd-DTPA-saline filled capsules for colonic transit time assessment in MRI. 69143K - Xiaoqing Liu, Jagath Samarabandu, Gregory J. Garvin
, Rethy Chhem, Shuo Li
A learning-based automatic spinal MRI segmentation. 69143L - Jian Chen, Jie Tian:
Reclassification of segmentation boundary base on neighboring function. 69143M - Namkug Kim
, Joon Beom Seo, Yu Sub Sung, Bum-Woo Park, Youngjoo Lee, Seong Hoon Park, Young Kyung Lee, Suk-Ho Kang:
Effect of various binning methods and ROI sizes on the accuracy of the automatic classification system for differentiation between diffuse infiltrative lung diseases on the basis of texture features at HRCT. 69143N - Tobias Schwarz, Tobias Heimann, Ralf Tetzlaff, Anne-Mareike Rau, Ivo Wolf
, Hans-Peter Meinzer:
Interactive surface correction for 3D shape based segmentation. 69143O - Eduard Angelats, Kraisorn Chaisaowong, Achim Knepper, Thomas Kraus, Til Aach:
An approach to segment lung pleura from CT data with high precision. 69143P - Thorsten Zerfaß, Thomas Rehn, Thomas Wittenberg:
Boundary-precise segmentation of nucleus and plasma of leukocytes. 69143Q - Olivier Cuisenaire
, Sunny Virmani, Mark E. Olszewski, Roberto Ardon:
Fully automated segmentation of carotid and vertebral arteries from contrast enhanced CTA. 69143R - Kang Li, Marie-Pierre Jolly:
Simultaneous detection of multiple elastic surfaces with application to tumor segmentation in CT images. 69143S - Jochen Abhau, Otmar Scherzer
An efficient topology adaptation system for parametric active contour segmentation of 3D images. 69143T - Christoph Palm
, Uwe Pietrzyk
Time-dependent joint probability speed function for level-set segmentation of rat brain slices. 69143U - Peter Zhilkin, Murray E. Alexander:
Multi-phase image segmentation using level sets. 69143V - Liyang Wei, Ramkrishnan Narayanan, Dinesh K. Kumar
, Aaron Fenster, Albaha Barqawi, Priya N. Werahera, E. David Crawford, Jasjit S. Suri:
Bidirectional segmentation of prostate capsule from ultrasound volumes: an improved strategy. 69143W - Xuejun Sun, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Walker H. Land:
Robust segmentation using kernel and spatial based fuzzy c-means methods on breast x-ray images. 69143X - Shishir Dube, Jason J. Corso
, Alan L. Yuille
, Timothy F. Cloughesy, Suzie El-Saden, Usha Sinha:
Hierarchical segmentation of malignant gliomas via integrated contextual filter response. 69143Y - Shingo Tate, Norimichi Tsumura, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Yoichi Miyake:
Local control of speed function in level set segmentation using interactive interface for CT images. 69143Z - Ahmet M. Bagci, Rashid Ansari, Mahnaz Shahidi:
Automated retinal layer segmentation in OCT images using spatially variant filtering. 691440 - Yingxuan Zhu, Eric Olson, Arun Subramanian, David H. Feiglin, Pramod K. Varshney, Andrzej Król:
Neuronal nuclei localization in 3D using level set and watershed segmentation from laser scanning microscopy images. 691441 - Payel Ghosh, Melanie Mitchell:
Prostate segmentation on pelvic CT images using a genetic algorithm. 691442 - Rachid Fahmi, Anna K. Jerebko, Matthias Wolf, Aly A. Farag:
Robust segmentation of tubular structures in medical images. 691443 - Steven J. Rysavy
, Arturo Flores, Reyes Enciso, Kazunori Okada
Segmentation of large periapical lesions toward dental computer-aided diagnosis in cone-beam CT scans. 691444 - Chia-Yen Lee, Chi-Chun Hsieh, Chung-Ming Chen:
Segmentation of sonographic breast lesions: fuzzy cell-competition algorithm and bias field reduction. 691445 - Jakub Kratky, Jan Kybic
Three-dimensional segmentation of bones from CT and MRI using fast level sets. 691447 - Hackjoon Shim, Soochahn Lee, Bohyeong Kim, Cheng Tao, Samuel Chang, Il Dong Yun, Sang Uk Lee, C. Kent Kwoh, Kyongtae Ty Bae:
3-D segmentation of articular cartilages by graph cuts using knee MR images from osteoarthritis initiative. 691448 - Kyongtae T. Bae, Paul K. Commean, Barry S. Brunsden, D. A. Baumgarten, Bernard F. King, L. H. Wetzel, P. J. Kenney, Arlene B. Chapman, Vicente E. Torres, J. J. Grantham, L. M. Guay-Woodford, C. Tao, J. Philip Miller
, C. M. Meyers, W. M. Bennett:
Segmentation and volumetric measurement of renal cysts and parenchyma from MR images of polycystic kidneys using multi-spectral analysis method. 691449 - Kristians Diaz, Benjamín Castañeda
Semi-automated segmentation of the prostate gland boundary in ultrasound images using a machine learning approach. 69144A - Michael Sass Hansen, David Alberg Holm
, Karl Sjöstrand, Carsten Dan Ley, Ian John Rowland, Rasmus Larsen:
Multiscale hierarchical support vector clustering. 69144B - James G. Malcolm, Yogesh Rathi, Anthony J. Yezzi, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
Fast approximate surface evolution in arbitrary dimension. 69144C - Jiahui Wang, Qiang Li, Toshinori Hirai
, Shigehiko Katsuragawa, Feng Li, Kunio Doi:
An accurate segmentation method for volumetry of brain tumor in 3D MRI. 69144D - Teruhiko Kitagawa, Xiangrong Zhou, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita, Ryujiro Yokoyama, Hiroshi Kondo, Masayuki Kanematsu, Hiroaki Hoshi:
Automated segmentation of middle hepatic vein in non-contrast x-ray CT images based on an atlas-driven approach. 69144E - Ke Li, Baowei Fei
A deformable model-based minimal path segmentation method for kidney MR images. 69144F - Jiali Wang, Misael del Valle, Juan M. Franquiz, Anthony J. McGoron:
Automated lung tumor detection and quantification for respiratory gated PET/CT images. 69144G - Christopher R. Wagner, Douglas P. Perrin
Efficient curvature estimations for real-time (25Hz) segmentation of volumetric ultrasound data. 69144H - Pavlina Sonkova, Iordanis E. Evangelou, Antonio Gallo
, Fredric K. Cantor, Joan Ohayon, Henry F. McFarland, Francesca Bagnato:
Semi-automatic segmentation and modeling of the cervical spinal cord for volume quantification in multiple sclerosis patients from magnetic resonance images. 69144I - Eva M. van Rikxoort, Marleen de Bruijne
, Bram van Ginneken
Integrating local voxel classification and global shape models for medical image segmentation. 69144J - Kensaku Mori
, Yuichi Nakada, Takayuki Kitasaka, Yasuhito Suenaga, Hirotsugu Takabatake, Masaki Mori, Hiroshi Natori:
Lung lobe and segmental lobe extraction from 3D chest CT datasets based on figure decomposition and Voronoi division. 69144K
Posters: Shape
- Holger F. Böhm, Alexandra Panteleon, Tobias Vogel, Dominik Burklein, Maximilian Reiser:
A novel approach to fracture-risk-assessment in osteoporosis by ROI-oriented application of the Minkowski-functionals to dual x-ray absorptiometry scans of the hip. 69144M - Matthias Fenchel, Stefan Thesen, Andreas Schilling
Reconstructing liver shape and position from MR image slices using an active shape model. 69144N - Romulo Pinho, Toon Huysmans
, Wim Vos
, Jan Sijbers
Tracheal stent prediction using statistical deformable models of tubular shapes. 69144O - Rami Zewail
, Ahmed Elsafi, Nelson G. Durdle:
Vertebral classification using localized pathology-related shape model. 69144P - Sylvia Rueda, Jayaram Koteshwar Udupa, Li Bai:
Local curvature scale: a new concept of shape description. 69144Q - Ja-Yeon Jeong, Joshua V. Stough, James Stephen Marron, Stephen M. Pizer:
Conditional-mean initialization using neighboring objects in deformable model segmentation. 69144R - Robert Toth, Pallavi Tiwari, Mark Rosen, Arjun Kalyanpur, Sona Pungavkar, Anant Madabhushi
A multi-modal prostate segmentation scheme by combining spectral clustering and active shape models. 69144S - Heike Hufnagel, Xavier Pennec
, Jan Ehrhardt, Nicholas Ayache, Heinz Handels
Comparison of statistical shape models built on correspondence probabilities and one-to-one correspondences. 69144T
Posters: Texture
- Roberto A. Monetti, Jan S. Bauer, Dirk Müller, Ernst J. Rummeny, Thomas M. Link, Sharmila Majumdar, Maiko Matsuura, Felix Eckstein, Irina Sidorenko
, Christoph Räth:
Studying the effect of noise on the performance of 2D and 3D texture measures for quantifying the trabecular bone structure as obtained with high resolution MR imaging at 3 tesla. 69144U - Irina N. Sidorenko
, Jan S. Bauer, Roberto A. Monetti, Dirk Müller, Ernst J. Rummeny, Felix Eckstein, Christoph Räth:
Comparison and combination of scaling index method and Minkowski functionals in the analysis of high resolution magnetic resonance images of the distal radius in vitro. 69144V
Posters: Validation
- Sovira Tan, Michael M. Ward:
Semi-synthetic digital phantoms incorporating natural structured noise and boundary inhomogeneities. 69144W - Jan Rexilius, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
Evaluation of accuracy in partial volume analysis of small objects. 69144X - Jan Rexilius, Olaf Konrad, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
A software assistant for the design of realistic software phantoms. 69144Y
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