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Journal of Scientific Computing, Volume 82
Volume 82, Number 1, January 2020
- Hao Li, Xiangxiong Zhang
Superconvergence of C0-Qk Finite Element Method for Elliptic Equations with Approximated Coefficients. 1 - Wenwen Xu
, Dong Liang, Hongxing Rui, Xindong Li
A Multipoint Flux Mixed Finite Element Method for Darcy-Forchheimer Incompressible Miscible Displacement Problem. 2 - Xiaoli Lu, Pengzhan Huang
A Modular Grad-Div Stabilization for the 2D/3D Nonstationary Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic Equations. 3 - Binjie Li, Tao Wang
, Xiaoping Xie:
Analysis of a Time-Stepping Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equations with Nonsmooth Data. 4 - Ming Cui, Shangyou Zhang
On the Uniform Convergence of the Weak Galerkin Finite Element Method for a Singularly-Perturbed Biharmonic Equation. 5 - Amin Faghih
, P. Mokhtary
An Efficient Formulation of Chebyshev Tau Method for Constant Coefficients Systems of Multi-order FDEs. 6 - Peter O. Olatunji
, M. N. O. Ikhile:
Strongly Regular General Linear Methods. 7 - Zhijie Du, Huoyuan Duan:
A Mixed Method for Maxwell Eigenproblem. 8 - Wei Liu, Jintao Cui
, Zhifeng Wang:
A New Numerical Method for an Asymptotic Coupled Model of Fractured Media Aquifer System. 9 - Chaobao Huang
, Martin Stynes
Superconvergence of a Finite Element Method for the Multi-term Time-Fractional Diffusion Problem. 10 - Shangqi Gao
, Qibin Fan:
Robust Schatten-p Norm Based Approach for Tensor Completion. 11 - Lina Zhao
, Eun-Jae Park
A New Hybrid Staggered Discontinuous Galerkin Method on General Meshes. 12 - Mahmoud A. Zaky
, Ahmed S. Hendy
, Jorge Eduardo Macías-Díaz
Semi-implicit Galerkin-Legendre Spectral Schemes for Nonlinear Time-Space Fractional Diffusion-Reaction Equations with Smooth and Nonsmooth Solutions. 13 - Adam M. Oberman, Tiago Salvador
A Partial Differential Equation Obstacle Problem for the Level Set Approach to Visibility. 14 - Asha Kumari Meena, Rakesh Kumar
, Praveen Chandrashekar:
Positivity-Preserving Finite Difference WENO Scheme for Ten-Moment Equations with Source Term. 15 - Tomas Lundquist, Jan Nordström
Stable and Accurate Filtering Procedures. 16 - Sheng Chen
, Jie Shen
An Efficient and Accurate Numerical Method for the Spectral Fractional Laplacian Equation. 17 - Xue-Li Li, Yu-Xin Ren
High Order Compact Generalized Finite Difference Methods for Solving Inviscid Compressible Flows. 18 - Wenrui Hao
, Jan S. Hesthaven, Guang Lin
, Bin Zheng
A Homotopy Method with Adaptive Basis Selection for Computing Multiple Solutions of Differential Equations. 19 - Fei Xu, Qiumei Huang:
Local and Parallel Multigrid Method for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems. 20 - Qianqian Ding, Shipeng Mao
A Convergent Finite Element Method for the Compressible Magnetohydrodynamics System. 21 - Anqi Chen, Yingda Cheng
, Yong Liu
, Mengping Zhang:
Superconvergence of Ultra-Weak Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Linear Schrödinger Equation in One Dimension. 22 - Yize Yu, Yan Jiang, Mengping Zhang:
Free-Stream Preserving Finite Difference Schemes for Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics on Curvilinear Meshes. 23 - Qian Zhang, Yinhua Xia
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Ostrovsky-Vakhnenko Equation. 24 - Xiuhua Wang, Jisheng Kou
, Jianchao Cai
Stabilized Energy Factorization Approach for Allen-Cahn Equation with Logarithmic Flory-Huggins Potential. 25
Volume 82, Number 2, February 2020
- Andrea Cangiani
, Emmanuil H. Georgoulis, Mohammad Sabawi:
A Posteriori Error Analysis for Implicit-Explicit hp-Discontinuous Galerkin Timestepping Methods for Semilinear Parabolic Problems. 26 - Wai Sun Don
, Dong-Mei Li, Zhen Gao, Bao-Shan Wang
A Characteristic-wise Alternative WENO-Z Finite Difference Scheme for Solving the Compressible Multicomponent Non-reactive Flows in the Overestimated Quasi-conservative Form. 27 - Lukas Failer, Thomas Richter
A Parallel Newton Multigrid Framework for Monolithic Fluid-Structure Interactions. 28 - Hongchao Kang
, Hong Wang:
Asymptotic Analysis and Numerical Methods for Oscillatory Infinite Generalized Bessel Transforms with an Irregular Oscillator. 29 - Jolene Britton, Yulong Xing
High Order Still-Water and Moving-Water Equilibria Preserving Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Ripa Model. 30 - Yanfang Yang, Shubin Fu
, Eric T. Chung:
Online Mixed Multiscale Finite Element Method with Oversampling and Its Applications. 31 - Guoqiao You
, Shingyu Leung
Fast Construction of Forward Flow Maps using Eulerian Based Interpolation Schemes. 32 - Xiaolong Zhang
, John P. Boyd
Optimal Truncations for Multivariate Fourier and Chebyshev Series: Mysteries of the Hyperbolic Cross: Part I: Bivariate Case. 34 - K. R. Arun, Saurav Samantaray:
Asymptotic Preserving Low Mach Number Accurate IMEX Finite Volume Schemes for the Isentropic Euler Equations. 35 - Hao Li, Xiangxiong Zhang
Superconvergence of High Order Finite Difference Schemes Based on Variational Formulation for Elliptic Equations. 36 - Thi-Thao-Phuong Hoang
, Lili Ju
, Zhu Wang
Nonoverlapping Localized Exponential Time Differencing Methods for Diffusion Problems. 37 - Aytekin Cibik, Fatma G. Eroglu
, Songül Kaya
Analysis of Second Order Time Filtered Backward Euler Method for MHD Equations. 38 - Wei Su
, Peng Wang, Yonghao Zhang
, Lei Wu
Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Boltzmann Equation. 39 - Arbaz Khan
Spectral Method and Spectral Element Method for Three Dimensional Linear Elliptic System: Analysis and Application. 40 - David A. Craig Penner
, David W. Zingg:
Superconvergent Functional Estimates from Tensor-Product Generalized Summation-by-Parts Discretizations in Curvilinear Coordinates. 41 - Shuai Lou
, Chao Yan
, Li-Bin Ma, Zhen-Hua Jiang:
The Flux Reconstruction Method with Lax-Wendroff Type Temporal Discretization for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. 42 - Lulu Tian, Hui Guo, Rui Jia, Yang Yang:
An h-Adaptive Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Simulating Wormhole Propagation with Darcy-Forcheiner Model. 43 - David P. Nicholls
, Carlos Pérez-Arancibia
, Catalin Turc
Sweeping Preconditioners for the Iterative Solution of Quasiperiodic Helmholtz Transmission Problems in Layered Media. 44 - Levon Nurbekyan
, Alexander Iannantuono, Adam M. Oberman:
No-Collision Transportation Maps. 45 - Ibrahim O. Sarumi
, Khaled M. Furati
, Abdul Q. M. Khaliq:
Highly Accurate Global Padé Approximations of Generalized Mittag-Leffler Function and Its Inverse. 46 - Jiaxi Gu
, Jae-Hun Jung:
Adaptive Radial Basis Function Methods for Initial Value Problems. 47 - Manuel J. Castro
, Carlos Parés
Well-Balanced High-Order Finite Volume Methods for Systems of Balance Laws. 48 - Thomas P. Wihler
, Marcel Wirz:
Stability and Convergence of Spectral Mixed Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for 3D Linear Elasticity on Anisotropic Geometric Meshes. 49 - Jason E. Hicken
Entropy-Stable, High-Order Summation-by-Parts Discretizations Without Interface Penalties. 50
Volume 82, Number 3, March 2020
- Cedric Enaux, S. Guisset, C. Lasuen, Q. Ragueneau
Numerical Resolution of a Three Temperature Plasma Model. 51 - Andrew J. Christlieb, Wei Guo, Yan Jiang, Hyoseon Yang
Kernel Based High Order "Explicit" Unconditionally Stable Scheme for Nonlinear Degenerate Advection-Diffusion Equations. 52 - Wenrui Hao
, Chunyue Zheng:
An Adaptive Homotopy Method for Computing Bifurcations of Nonlinear Parametric Systems. 53 - Mourad Boulsane, NourElHouda Bourguiba, Abderrazek Karoui
Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions: Further Spectral Analysis and Some Related Applications. 54 - Xiaofeng Yang
, Guo-Dong Zhang:
Convergence Analysis for the Invariant Energy Quadratization (IEQ) Schemes for Solving the Cahn-Hilliard and Allen-Cahn Equations with General Nonlinear Potential. 55 - Yann-Meing Law
, Alexandre Noll Marques, Jean-Christophe Nave:
Treatment of Complex Interfaces for Maxwell's Equations with Continuous Coefficients Using the Correction Function Method. 56 - Roberto Cavoretto
, Alessandra De Rossi, Francesco Dell'Accio
, Filomena Di Tommaso
An Efficient Trivariate Algorithm for Tetrahedral Shepard Interpolation. 57 - Qing-Wen Wang
, Xiang-Xiang Wang:
Arnoldi Method for Large Quaternion Right Eigenvalue Problem. 58 - Rihui Lan
, Pengtao Sun
A Monolithic Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Finite Element Analysis for a Stokes/Parabolic Moving Interface Problem. 59 - Riccardo Sacco, Aurelio Giancarlo Mauri, Giovanna Guidoboni:
A Stabilized Dual Mixed Hybrid Finite Element Method with Lagrange Multipliers for Three-Dimensional Elliptic Problems with Internal Interfaces. 60 - Yunzhang Li
, Chi-Wang Shu
, Shanjian Tang:
An Ultra-Weak Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Implicit-Explicit Time-Marching for Generalized Stochastic KdV Equations. 61 - Andrea Alessandro Ruggiu
, Jan Nordström
Multigrid Schemes for High Order Discretizations of Hyperbolic Problems. 62 - Youngsoo Ha, Changho Kim, Hyoseon Yang
, Jungho Yoon:
Construction of an Improved Third-Order WENO Scheme with a New Smoothness Indicator. 63 - Tongke Wang
, Meng Qin, Zhiyue Zhang:
The Puiseux Expansion and Numerical Integration to Nonlinear Weakly Singular Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind. 64 - Juan A. Acebrón
A Probabilistic Linear Solver Based on a Multilevel Monte Carlo Method. 65 - Yao Rong
, Joseph A. Fiordilino:
Numerical Analysis of a BDF2 Modular Grad-Div Stabilization Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations. 66 - Jiao-Fen Li
, Wen Li, Seak-Weng Vong, Qilun Luo
, MingQing Xiao:
A Riemannian Optimization Approach for Solving the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem for Nonsquare Matrix Pencils. 67 - Enrico Facca
, Sara Daneri, Franco Cardin, Mario Putti
Numerical Solution of Monge-Kantorovich Equations via a Dynamic Formulation. 68 - Gero Schnücke
, Nico Krais, Thomas Bolemann, Gregor J. Gassner
Entropy Stable Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes on Moving Meshes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. 69 - Siavosh Shadpey
, David W. Zingg:
Entropy-Stable Multidimensional Summation-by-Parts Discretizations on hp-Adaptive Curvilinear Grids for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. 70 - Weifeng Zhao, Wen-An Yong:
Boundary Scheme for a Discrete Kinetic Approximation of the Navier-Stokes Equations. 71 - Benjamin W. Ong
, Satyen Dhamankar:
Towards an Adaptive Treecode for N-body Problems. 72 - James Kent:
A Positive Definite Limiter for Advection Problems. 73 - Daniele Casati
, Ralf Hiptmair
Coupling FEM with a Multiple-Subdomain Trefftz Method. 74 - Hung T. Huynh
Discontinuous Galerkin via Interpolation: The Direct Flux Reconstruction Method. 75 - Jan S. Hesthaven
, Fabian Mönkeberg
Two-Dimensional RBF-ENO Method on Unstructured Grids. 76 - Will Trojak
, Rob Watson
, Ashley Scillitoe
, Paul G. Tucker:
Effect of Mesh Quality on Flux Reconstruction in Multi-dimensions. 77 - Rong Huang:
Accurate Eigenvalues of Some Generalized Sign Regular Matrices via Relatively Robust Representations. 78 - Hongxing Rui
, Yue Sun:
A MAC Scheme for Coupled Stokes-Darcy Equations on Non-uniform Grids. 79 - Isaac Harris
Approximation of the Zero-Index Transmission Eigenvalues with a Conductive Boundary and Parameter Estimation. 80 - Wenjuan Yao, Jie Shen
, Zhichang Guo, Jiebao Sun, Boying Wu:
A Total Fractional-Order Variation Model for Image Super-Resolution and Its SAV Algorithm. 81
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