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The Computer Journal, Volume 35, 1992
Volume 35, Number 1, 1992
- Alan Burns, John A. McDermid, John E. Dobson:
On the Meaning of Safety and Security. 3-15 - Jing-Jang Hwang, Bao-Min Shao, PeCheng Wang:
A New Access Control Method Using Prime Factorisation. 16-20 - Mike Burmester, Yvo Desmedt, Thomas Beth:
Efficient Zero-Knowledge Identification Schemes for Smart Cards. 21-29 - Rogério de Lemos
, Amer Saeed, Tom Anderson:
A Train Set as a Case Study for the Requirements Analysis of Safety-Critical Systems. 30-40 - Brian A. Wichmann:
A Note on the Use of Floating Point in Critical Systems. 41-44 - Myoung-Ho Kim, Sakti Pramanik:
Optimizing Database Accesses for Parallel Processing of Multikey Range Searches. 45-51 - Ian F. Akyildiz:
Performance Analysis of a Multiprocessor System Model with Process Communication. 52-61 - Richard G. Börn, James R. Kenevan:
Theoretical Performance-Based Cost-Effectiveness of Multicomputers. 62-70 - Hong Shen:
Self-Adjusting Mapping: A Heuristic Mapping Algorithm for Mapping Parallel Programs on to Transputer Networks. 71-80 - Devinder Kaur:
Hierarchical Hypernet for Pipelining. 81-87 - Mario Vassallo, Anthony Ralston:
Algorithms for De Bruijn Sequences - A Case Study in the Empirical Analysis of Algorithms. 88-90 - Appie van de Liefvoort:
An Iterative Algorithm for the Reve's Puzzle (Short Note). 91-92
Volume 35, Number 2, 1992
- Wei Sun, Weiyi Meng, Clement T. Yu:
Query Optimisation in Distributed Object-Oriented Database Systems. 98-107 - John A. Mariani:
Oggetto: An Object Oriented Database Layered on a Triple Store. 108-118 - Alexandra Poulovassilis:
The Implementation of FDL, a Functional Database Language. 119-128 - J. S. H. Yang, Yeh-Hao Chin, C. G. Chung:
Many-Sorted First-Order Logic Database Language. 129-137 - Peter G. Harrison
, Hessam Khoshnevisan:
The Mechanical Transformation of Data Types. 138-147 - Theo P. van der Weide, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede
, Patrick van Bommel:
Uniquest: Determining the Semantics of Complex Uniqueness Constraints. 148-156 - Tom Conlon, Steve Gregory:
Debugging Tools for Concurrent Logic Programming. 157-169 - Simon J. Thompson
, Rafael Dueire Lins:
The Categorical Multi-Combinator Machine: CMCM. 170-176 - Olli Nevalainen, Timo Raita:
An Internal Hybrid Sort Algorithm Revisited. 177-183 - I. Shearer:
Retrospective Update: Data As It Was Believed To Be (Short Note). 184-186 - Tamás D. Gedeon:
The Reve's Puzzle: An Iterative Solution Produced by Transformation. 186-187
Volume 35, Number 3, 1992
- Maristella Agosti
, Pier Giorgio Marchetti:
User Navigation in the IRS Conceptual Structure through a Semantic Association Function. 194-199 - David C. Blair:
Information Retrieval and the Philosophy of Language. 200-207 - Peter Bruza
, Theo P. van der Weide:
Stratified Hypermedia Structures for Information Disclosure. 208-220 - Alison Cawsey, Julia Rose Galliers, Steven Reece, Karen Sparck Jones:
Automating the Librarian: Belief Revision as a Base for System Action and Communication with the User. 221-232 - Yves Chiaramella, Jean-Pierre Chevallet:
About Retrieval Models and Logic. 233-242 - Norbert Fuhr:
Probabilistic Models in Information Retrieval. 243-255 - David J. Harper, Andrew D. M. Walker:
ECLAIR: An Extensible Class Library for Information Retrieval. 256-267 - Alan F. Smeaton
Progress in the Application of Natural Language Processing to Information Retrieval Tasks. 268-278 - Howard R. Turtle, W. Bruce Croft:
A Comparison of Text Retrieval Models. 279-290 - C. J. van Rijsbergen:
Probabilistic Retrieval Revisited. 291-298 - Chin-Chen Chang, H. Y. Chen, C. Y. Chen:
Symbolic Gray Code As A Data Allocation Scheme For Two-Disc Systems. 299-305 - M. C. Er:
Efficient Generation of k-ary Trees in Natural Order (Short Note). 306-308 - W. R. Dufrene Jr., F. C. Lin:
An Efficient External Sort Algorithm with no Additional Space (Short Note). 308-310
Volume 35, Number 4, 1992
- Suzanne W. Dietrich, M. Brown, Enrique Cortes-Rello, S. Wunderlin:
A Practitioner's Introduction to Database Performance Benchmarks and Measurements. 322-331 - Daniel Hiak Ong Ling, David A. Bell:
Modelling and Managing Time in Database Systems. 332-341 - Esa Auramäki, Rudy Hirschheim, Kalle Lyytinen:
Modelling Offices Through Discourse Analysis: The SAMPO Approach. 342-352 - Mike Turega:
A Computer Architecture to Support Neural Net Simulation. 353-360 - Reinhard Männer, Oliver Stucky:
Fault-Tolerant Data Transfer in a Multiprocessor System by Forward and Backward Hardware Error Recovery. 361-368 - John Rosenberg, James Leslie Keedy, David Abramson
Addressing Mechanisms for Large Virtual Memories. 369-375 - Richard A. Frost:
Constructing Programs as Executable Attribute Grammars. 376-389 - Chin-Chen Chang, H. F. Lin, C. Y. Chen:
Optimality Properties of the Disc Modulo Allocation Method for k-ary Multiple Key Hashing Files. 390-394 - Renzo Sprugnoli:
Properties of Binary Trees Related to Position. 395-404 - Behrooz Parhami:
Systolic Number Radix Converters. 405-409 - S. Carlsson:
A Note on Heapsort (Short Note). 410-411
Volume 35, Number 5, 1992
- John Cooke:
Formal Methods - Mathematics, Theory, Recipes or What? 419-423 - Antony Galton:
Classical Logic: A Crash Course for Beginners. 424-430 - Antony Galton:
Logic as a Formal Method. 431-440 - Jim Woodcock
The Rudiments of Algorithm Refinement. 441-450 - T. Clement:
The Role of Data Reification in Program Refinement: Origins, Synthesis and Appraisal. 451-459 - Hartmut Ehrig, Bernd Mahr, Ingo Claßen, Fernando Orejas:
Introduction to Algebraic Specification. Part 1: Formal Methods for Software Development. 460-467 - Hartmut Ehrig, Bernd Mahr, Ingo Claßen, Fernando Orejas
Introduction to Algebraic Specification. Part 2: From Classical View to Foundations of System Specifications. 468-477 - Marten van Sinderen
, Luís Ferreira Pires
, Chris A. Vissers:
Protocol Design and Implementation Using Formal Methods. 478-491 - Esa Auramäki, Rudy Hirschheim, Kalle Lyytinen:
Modelling Offices Through Discourse Analysis: A Comparison and Evaluation of SAMPO with OSSAD and ICN. 492-500 - Bogdan D. Czejdo, Malcolm C. Taylor:
Integration of Information Systems Using an Object-Oriented Approach. 501-513 - Harald Søndergaard
, Peter Sestoft:
Non-Determinism in Functional Languages. 514-523 - Elena Lodi:
A Parallel Solution to the Approximate String Matching Problem (Short Note). 524-526 - D. J. Challab:
Flexible Arrays: Evaluation of the B-Tree Based System (Short Note). 527-529 - David Furber:
A Survey of the Teaching of Programming to Computer Undergraduates in U.K. Universities and Polytechnics (Short Note). 530-533 - David T. H. Ng, B. John Oommen
A Short Note on Doubly-Linked List Reorganizing Heuristics. 533-535 - Beverly Jamison, Stephan Olariu:
Indexing for Multi-Attribute Retrieval (Short Note). 535-537
Volume 35, Number 6, 1992
- Eerke A. Boiten, Helmuth Partsch, Daniel Tuijnman, Norbert Völker:
How to Produce Correct Software - An Introduction to Formal Specification and Program Development by Transformations. 547-554 - Peter G. Harrison
A Higher-Order Approach to Parallel Algorithms. 555-566 - Peter Gorm Larsen
, Nico Plat
Standards for Non- Executable Specification Languages. 567-573 - D. Richard Kuhn:
A Technique for Analyzing the Effects of Changes in Formal Specifications. 574-578 - Leonor Maria Melo Torcato Barroca
, John A. McDermid:
Formal Methods: Use and Relevance for the Development of Safety-Critical Systems. 579-599 - Lesley Semmens, Robert B. France, Thomas W. G. Docker:
Integrated Structured Analysis and Formal Specification Techniques. 600-610 - Vojislav B. Misic, L. Dusan Velasevic, Branislav Lazarevic:
Formal Specification of a Data Dictionary for an Extended ER Data Model. 611-622 - G. O'Neill:
Automatic Translation of VDM Specifications into Standard ML Programs (Short Note). 623-624 - Ivan Bruha:
Al Multilanguage System McPOPLOG: The Power of Communication Between its Subsystems. 625-629 - Ferruccio Barsi, Maria Cristina Pinotti
Adding Flexibility to Hybrid Number Systems. 630-635 - Ian J. Davis:
A Fast Radix Sort. 636-642 - Bing-Chao Huang, Michael A. Langston:
Fast Stable Merging and Sorting in Constant Extra Space. 643-650 - A. P. Robson, D. J. Kinniment:
SIMSTRICT: A Behavioural Simulator for Use with the STRICT Hardware Description Language (Short Note). 651-654 - Caroline M. Eastman, Robert P. Trueblood:
Occupancy Models for the Estimation of Block Accesses. 654-658 - Chu-Hsing Lin, Chin-Chen Chang, Richard C. T. Lee:
A Record-Oriented Cryptosystem for Database Sharing (Short Note). 658-660 - A. P. Korah, M. R. Kaimal:
A Short Note on Perfectly Balanced Binary Search Trees. 660-662 - Young-Chang Hou, Jong-Chuang Tsay:
On Equivalent Systolic Designs of LU Decomposition and Its Algebraic Representation (Short Note). 662-666 - Yannis Manolopoulos:
Reverse Chaining for Answering Temporal Logical Queries (Short Note). 666-668
Volume 35, Additional Papers, 1992
- Sakti Pramanik, Farshad Fotouhi:
Join and Semi-join Algorithms Based on Partial-relation Schemes. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A131-A140 (1992) - Emmanuel O. Onuegbe, Hung-Chang Du, E. W. Roethke:
A Locking Scheme for Associative Retrieval. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A141-A148 (1992) - Hung-Chang Du:
On the File Allocation for Power-2 Cartesian Product Files. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A149-A157 (1992) - D. J. Heath:
A Case Study in the Design of a Distributed System Using the Calculus of Communicating Systems. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A159-A165 (1992) - Mariusz Flasinski, Leszek Kotulski:
On the Use of Graph Grammers for the Control of a Distributed Software Allocation. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A167-A175 (1992)
- G. H. Harris, John J. H. Forster:
On the Number of Solutions, S(k, n), to a Class of Crossword Puzzles. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A177-A180 (1992) - G. H. Harris, L. J. Spring, John J. H. Forster:
An Efficient Algorithm for Crosswood Puzzle Solutions. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A181-A183 (1992) - T. Panayiotopoulos, George K. Papakonstantinou:
An Extension of the Certainty Factor Model in First Order Predicate Calculus. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A185-A192 (1992) - George K. Papakonstantinou, T. Panayiotopoulos, G. Dimitriou:
AGP: A Parallel Processor for Knowledge and Software Engineering. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A193-A199 (1992) - E. Ch. Foundas, Alkis Vazacopoulos:
Algorithms on Permutation Trees. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A201-A207 (1992) - P. D. Smith:
Experiments with Word-by-Word Compression of English Text using Lexicons. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A209-A213 (1992)
- Bipin C. Desai, Pankaj Goyal, Fereidoon Sadri:
Composite B-tree: an Access Aid for Query Processing and Integrity Enforcement. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A215-A225 (1992) - Chiun-Chieh Hsu, Sheng-De Wang, Te-Son Kuo:
A Well-informed Approach to Distributed Task Assignment. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A227-A236 (1992) - David B. H. Tay:
COPS: A Constraint Programming Approach to Resource-Limited Project Scheduling. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A237-A249 (1992) - Farshad Fotouhi, Andrew E. Johnson, Satyendra P. Rana:
A Hash-Based Approach for Computing the Transitive Closure of Database Relations. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A251-A259 (1992) - Wei-Pang Yang, T. C. Chiu, W. C. Lee, Shang-Sheng Tung:
A New Strategy for Multiple Stacks Manipulation. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A261-A266 (1992) - S. Dvorák:
An Interleaving Algorithm. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A267-A270 (1992) - K. Deljouie-Rakhshandeh:
Point Visibility of Polygonal Regions. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A271-A279 (1992) - Jin Ho Hur, Kilnam Chon:
Configuration of Objects in Parallel Object-Oriented Computation. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A281-A292 (1992) - Danny C. C. Poo:
Event-Driven Object-Oriented System Modelling. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A293-A307 (1992) - Sibsankar Haldar, D. K. Subramanian:
A Modified Round Robin Scheduler for Time-Sharing Systems. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A309-A315 (1992) - Emmanuel D. Adamides, Philippos Tsalides, Adonios Thanailakis:
Hierarchical Cellular Graph Automata as a Novel Architecture for Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A317-A328 (1992)
- M. M. Hamed, M. Reda El-Karaksy:
A Decomposition Procedure for the Design of Normalised Relational Schemata. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A329-A333 (1992) - J. Bradley:
Co-Relationships, Levels of Significance, and the Source of the Connection Trap in Relational Databases. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A335-A342 (1992) - J. Bradley:
Recursive Relationships and Natural Quantifier Set Theoretic Expression Techniques. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A343-A348 (1992) - H. Chen:
LHPD: A Practical Algorithm for Program Parallelisation. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A349-A353 (1992) - Francesca Cesarini, Giovanni Soda:
Generating Sample Relational Databases on Small Machines. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A355-A362 (1992) - Ing-Ray Chen, Sayed Atef Banawan:
A Reduced Markov Model for the Performance Analysis of Data Structure Servers with Periodic Maintenance. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A363-A368 (1992) - K. R. Santhosh, S. V. Raghavan:
Performance Studies on Asynchronous Communication Server for Local Area Networks. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A369-A375 (1992) - Philippos Tsalides, Adonios Thanailakis, Nikos Pitsianis, Georgios L. Bleris:
Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata: Properties and Applications of a New VLSI Architecture. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A377-A386 (1992) - Arif Ghafoor:
An Expert System for Diagnosis and Repair. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A387-A394 (1992) - Brian Knight:
A Deductive Approach to Temporal Databases. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A395-A402 (1992) - Annie Y. H. Chou, W.-P. Wang, Chin-Chen Chang:
Greedy File - a New Data Organisation Concept for Partial Match Retrieval. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A403-A408 (1992) - N. Prakash:
Events in Time and Space. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A409-A414 (1992)
- Fereidoon Sadri:
Data Dependencies in Deductive Databases. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A415-A423 (1992) - K. N. Dandeker:
Implementation of Parameterised Views in Relational Query Languages with a Macro Processor. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A425-A428 (1992) - Vangelis Th. Paschos, Andreas Stafylopatis:
Evaluation of the Execution Cost of Recursive Definitions. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A429-A437 (1992) - Francis Neelamkavil, S. O'Shea:
Interfacing Eiffel and PCTE. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A439-A444 (1992) - Emmanuel J. Yannakoudakis, Hussain Ali Attar-Bashi:
Constructing Natural Language Sentences from Database Tuples. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A445-A461 (1992) - Paul W. Oman, Karen Van Houten:
On the Use of Binary Strings to Represent Tree Structures. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A463-A466 (1992)
- Tak-Sun Yuen, David H. C. Du:
Dynamic File Organizations For Partial Match Retrieval Based On Linear Hashing. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A467-A474 (1992) - Clive Ruggles, Ian A. Newman, David Medyckyj-Scott, David R. F. Walker:
Structuring Spatially Related Meta-Information for Effective Entry and Retrieval. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A475-A486 (1992) - Emmanuel J. Yannakoudakis, A. A. Shahid:
A Controlled Environment for Semantic Information Processing within Inter-process Communication. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A487-A497 (1992) - James K. Mullin:
Hash Functions for Hash-based Join Methods. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A499-A503 (1992) - Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Derick Wood:
A Generic Adaptive Sorting Algorithm. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A505-A512 (1992) - Raúl Héctor Gallard:
Improving Firing Control via Explicit Enabling Rules in Petri Nets. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A513-A517 (1992) - Nicola Leone, Pasquale Rullo:
An Efficient Strategy for the Bottom-up Evaluation of Datalog Queries. Comput. J. 35(Additional-Papers): A519-A527 (1992)
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