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3. IWANN 1995: Torremolinos, Spain
- José Mira, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
From Natural to Artificial Neural Computation, International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN '95, Malaga-Torremolinos, Spain, June 7-9, 1995, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 930, Springer 1995, ISBN 3-540-59497-3
1. Neuroscience
- Stephen Grossberg:
Are There Universal Principles of Brain Computation? 1-6 - Liset Menendez de la Prida:
Modeling Cortical Networks. 7-14 - José Mira, Angeles Manjarrés Riesco, Salvador Ros, Ana E. Delgado García, José R. Álvarez:
Cooperative Organization of Connectivity Patterns and Receptive Fields in the Visual Pathway: Application to Adaptive Thresholding. 15-23 - Frédéric Alexandre, Frédéric Guyot:
Neurobiological Inspiration for the Architecture and Functioning of Cooperating Neural Networks. 24-30 - Richard J. Duro, José Santos Reyes, A. Gómez:
Synaptic Modulation Based Artificial Neural Networks. 31-36 - Martin Stetter, M. Kussinger, Armin Schels, E. Seeger, Elmar Wolfgang Lang:
Self-Organization of Cortical Receptive Fields and Columnar Structures in a Hebb Trained Neural Network. 37-44 - Jaap Hoekstra, Mohamed Maouli:
An Analytical Solution of the Compartment Model for Use in Logical Learning in Artificial Neural Networks. 45-52 - J. G. (Iain) Wallace, Kevin Bluff:
Should ANN be ANGN? 53-60 - Tino Lourens:
Modeling Retinal High and Low Contrast Sensitivity Filters. 61-68 - José Miró-Nicolau:
Neural Micro-Structures. Three Simple Models. 69-75 - Andreas Daffertshofer
, Hermann Haken:
Adaptive Hierarchical Structures. 76-84 - Etelvina Andreu
, Bernat Soria
, S. Bolea, Juan Vicente Sánchez-Andrés:
Optimal Range of Input Resistance in the Oscillatory Behavior of the Pancreatic beta-Cell. 85-89 - Peter Kruizinga, Nicolai Petkov:
A Computational Model of Periodic-Pattern-Selective Cells. 90-99 - Ilya A. Rybak, Julian F. R. Paton, James S. Schwaber
Modeling and Analysis of Some Neural Mechanisms for the Genesis and Control of Respiratory Pattern. 100-107 - Federico Morán, Miguel A. Andrade:
A Neural Network Model for Plasticity in Adult Striate Cortex. 108-113 - Elena Valderrama, Rosa Villa
, Enric Cabruja
, Paco Garrido, Xavier Navarro, Miquel Buti, Santiago Calvet:
Regenerative-Type Neural Interface. 114-120 - Rosa Villa, Jordi Aguiló:
New Perspectives in Auditory Coding: Bases for a New Cochlear Behavioural Model. 121-129 - Jorge Mpodozis, Juan-Carlos Letelier, Humberto R. Maturana:
Nervous System as a Closed Neural Network: Behavioral and Cognitive Consequences. 130-136
2. Computational Models of Neurons and Neural Nets
- Miguel Angel Fernández, José Mira, María T. López, José R. Álvarez, Angeles Manjarrés Riesco, Senén Barro:
Local Accumulation of Persistent Activity at Synaptic Level: Application to Motion Analysis. 137-143 - Manuel Graña, Alicia D'Anjou, Francisco Xabier Albizuri
, Alvaro de la Hera, Iñaki García:
High Order Boltzmann Machines with Continuous Units: Some Experimental Results. 144-150 - Jun Nishii:
An Adaptive Control Model of a Locomotion by the Central Pattern Generator. 151-157 - Igor Grabec
Self-Consistent Neural Receptive Fields. 158-165 - Paul M. Hofman, Francisco de Borja Rodríguez Ortiz
, Juan A. Sigüenza
, Vicente López, Santiago Carrillo-Menéndez:
A Simple Probabilistic Neural Model Producing Multimodal ISHs. 166-173 - María Teresa Signes Pont
, Juan Vicente Sánchez-Andrés:
An Associative Neural Network to Model the Developing Mammalian Hippocampus. 174-179 - Marc-Denis Weitze, G. Ludwig Hofacker:
The Implementation of Propositional Logic in Random Neural Networks. 180-188 - James V. Stone, Alistair J. Bray:
A Learning Rule for Extracting Temporal Invariances. 189-194 - Jun Han, Claudio Moraga:
The Influence of the Sigmoid Function Parameters on the Speed of Backpropagation Learning. 195-201 - A. M. C.-L. Ho, Philippe De Wilde
General Transient Length Upper Bound for Recurrent Neural Networks. 202-208 - Roberto Moreno-Díaz Jr., K. Nicholas Leibovic:
On Some Methods in Neuromathematics. 209-215 - Nabil H. Farhat, Emílio Del Moral Hernandez:
Logistic Networks With DNA-Like Encoding and Interactions. 216-222 - Chris Christodoulou
, Trevor G. Clarkson:
A Review on the Stochastic Firing Behaviour of Real Neurons and How it can be Modelled. 223-230 - Bertrand Augereau, Thierry Simon, Jacky Bernard, Bernard Heit:
The BP-lambdaL1 Algorithm: Non-Chaotic and Accelerated Learning in a MLP Network. 231-238 - Teo Jasic, Hean-Lee Poh:
Analysis of Pruning in Backpropagation Networks for Artificial and Real Worls Mapping Problems. 239-245 - Margarita Kuzmina, Eduard A. Manykin, Irina Surina:
Oscillatory Networks with Hebbian Matrix of Connections. 246-251 - Victor Giménez, Pedro Gómez Vilda
, Emilio Torrano, Margarita Pérez-Castellanos:
A new Algorithm for Implementing a Recursive Neural Network. 252-259 - José Barahona da Fonseca, Isabel Barahona da Fonseca, José Simões da Fonseca:
Visual Information Processing from the Viewpoint of Symbolic Operations. 260-267 - Isabel Barahona da Fonseca, José Barahona da Fonseca, José Simões da Fonseca:
Dentritic Computation in the Brain. 268-275 - Pavel Hruby:
Stochastic Neuronal Models with Realistic Synaptic Inputs and Oscillatory Inputs. 276-282 - Gonzalo Joya Caparrós
, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
A Neural Paradigm for Controlling Autonomous Systems with Reflex Behaviour and Learning Capability. 283-290 - Ana M. González, Carlos Santa Cruz, Vicente López, José R. Dorronsoro:
Fast Automatic Architecture Selection on RBF Networks. 291-297 - Laura Viana:
Collective Behaviour of a Chain of Hopfield Subnetworks Interconnected Unidirectionally. 298-307
3. Organization Principles
- Kate Butchart, Neil Davey, Rod Adams:
A Comparative Study of Three Neuronal Networks that use Soft Competition. 308-314 - Dimitris C. Dracopoulos, Antonia J. Jones:
Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms for the Attitude Control Problem. 315-321 - John A. Flanagan, Martin Hasler:
Self-Organising Artificial Neural Networks. 322-329 - Emmanuel Stocker, Yves Lecourtier, Abdel Ennaji:
A Distributed Classifier Based on Yprel Networks Cooperation. 330-337 - A. Kosak, Karl Goser:
A Fractal Selforganizing Map with Partially Chaotic Neurons. 338-344 - Enrique Cervera, Angel P. del Pobil
Multiple Self-Organizing Maps for Supervised Learning. 345-352 - Jianfeng Feng, Brunello Tirozzi:
An Application of the Saturated Attractor Analysis to Three Typical Models. 353-360
4. Learning
- Christian Jutten:
Learning in Evolutive Neural Architectures: An Ill-Posed Problem? 361-373 - Andries P. Engelbrecht, Ian Cloete, Jaco Geldenhuys, Jacek M. Zurada:
Automatic Scaling using Gamma Learning for Feedforward Neural Networks. 374-381 - Andries P. Engelbrecht, Ian Cloete, Jacek M. Zurada:
Determining the Significance of Input Parameters using Sensitivity Analysis. 382-388 - Naum N. Aizenberg, Igor N. Aizenberg, Georgy A. Krivosheev:
Multi-Valued Neurons: Learning, Networks, Application to Image Recognition and Extrapolation of Temporal Series. 389-395 - Qiangfu Zhao, Tatsuo Higuchi:
Individual Evolutionary Algorithm and its Application to Learning of Nearest Neighbor Based MLP. 396-403 - Jean-Luc Voz, Michel Verleysen, Philippe Thissen, Jean-Didier Legat:
A Practical View of Suboptimal Bayesian Classification with Radial Gaussian Kernels. 404-411 - Fernando J. Corbacho, Michael A. Arbib:
Schema Based Learning & Learning to Detour. 412-418 - Josef Göppert, Wolfgang Rosenstiel:
Neurons with Continuous Varying Activation in Self-Organizing Maps. 419-426 - Luis A. Trejo, Carlos Sandoval:
Improving Back-Propagation: Epsilon-Back-Propagation. 427-432 - M. Asunción Castaño, Enrique Vidal, Francisco Casacuberta:
Finite State Automata and Connectionist Machines: A Survey. 433-440 - Yelin Guan, Trevor G. Clarkson, John G. Taylor:
Learning Transformed Prototypes (LTP) - A Statistical Pattern Classification Technique of Neural Networks. 441-447 - Ramón Ferreiro García, Francisco Javier Perez Castelo:
Fuzzy Function Estimators as Basis on Learning from Experience. 448-453 - Arthur Flexer:
Connectionists and Statisticans, Friends or Foes? 454-461 - Manfred Leisenberg:
Unsupervised Neural Networks for Speech Perception with Cochlear Implant Systems for the Profoundly Deaf. 462-470 - Eduardo Zalama Casanova
, Paolo Gaudiano, Juan López Coronado:
Obstacle Avoidance by Means of an Operant Conditioning Model. 471-477 - Bernardo Morcego Seix, Andreu Català Mallofré, Núria Piera Carreté:
Qualitative Approach to Gradient Based Learning Algorithms. 478-485 - Francisco J. Vico, F. Ortega, J. Almaraz, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
Character Recognition with Neural Assemblies. 486-491 - Zoltan Schreter:
Learning by Attentional Scanning. 492-497 - Joanna Lis:
The Synthesis of the Ranked Neural Networks Applying Genetic Algorithm with the Dynamic Probability of Mutation. 498-504 - Francisco Javier Marín Martín, F. García, Francisco Sandoval Hernández:
Global Versus Local Heuristic Terminal Attractor. 505-512 - Andreas Kanstein
, Karl Goser:
Dynamic Learning of Radial Basis Functions for Fuzzy Clustering. 513-518 - Rachida Chentouf, Christian Jutten:
Incremental Learning with a Stopping Criterion - Experimental Results. 519-526 - Domingo Benítez-Díaz
, J. García-Quesada:
Learning Algorithm with Gaussian Membership Function for Fuzzy RBF Neural Networks. 527-534 - Georg Thimm, Emile Fiesler:
Neural Network Initialization. 535-542 - Akbar Farhoodi Nejad, Tamás D. Gedeon:
Bidirectional Neural Networks Reduce Generalization Error. 543-550 - Tamás D. Gedeon, Patrick M. Wong
, D. Harris:
Balancing Bias and Variance: Network Topology and Pattern Set Reduction Techniques. 551-558 - Didier Puzenat
Priming an Artificial Neural Classifier. 559-565
5. Cognitive Science and AI
- Igor Aleksander:
Artificial Neuroconsciousness an Update. 566-583 - Philippe De Wilde
Physical and Linguistic problems in the Modelling of Consciousness by Neural Networks. 584-588 - Ken-ichiro Miura, Takashi Nagano:
A Neural Network Model for the Velocity Vector of an Object and its Consistency with Psychological Phenomena. 589-596 - Fabio Crestani
Implementation and Evaluation of a Relevance Feedback Device Based on Neural Networks. 597-604 - Rafael C. Carrasco, Mikel L. Forcada:
Second-Order Recurrent Neural Networks Can Learn Regular Grammars from Noisy Strings. 605-610 - Herna L. Viktor, Ian Cloete:
Extracting DNF Rules from Artificial Neural Networks. 611-618 - Erich Prem
Dynamic Symbol Grounding, State Construction and the Problem of Teleology. 619-626 - Enrique Monte, J. M. Calvet, S. Vilarrubla:
Analysis of Industrial Economics by means of Neural Nets. 627-633 - F. Díaz-Otero, A. Caballero, A. Lorenzo, Juan A. Sigüenza
Effects of Spatial Frequency and Stimulus Size on the Orientation Sensitivity of Humans. 634-641
6. Neurosimulators
- Jean-Marc Adamo, Davide Anguita
Object Oriented Design of a Simulator for Large BP Neural Networks. 642-649 - Pablo Varona, Juan A. Sigüenza
Introducing XSim: A Neural Network Simulator that Incorporates Biological Parameters. 650-657 - José Santos Reyes, Ramón P. Otero, José Mira:
NETTOOL: A Hybrid Connectionist-Symbolic Development Environment. 658-665 - Marcello Chiaberge, G. Di Bene, S. Di Pascoli, R. Lambert, Beatrice Lazzerini
, Adriana Maggiore, Leonardo Maria Reyneri:
EL-SIM: a Development Environment for Neuro-Fuzzy Intelligent Controllers. 666-672 - Yves Cheneval:
Packlib, an Interactive Environment to Develop Modular Software for Data Processing. 673-682 - Alfredo Weitzenfeld:
NSL-Neural Simulation Language. 683-688
7. Implementation
- Antonio Jesús Torralba Silgado:
Low-Cost Accelerator for the Simulation of Cellular Neural Networks. 689-695 - Philippe Thissen, Michel Verleysen, Jean-Didier Legat, Jordi Madrenas
, Jordi Domínguez:
A VLSI System for Neural Bayesian and LVQ Classification. 696-703 - Philippe Thissen, Michel Verleysen, Jean-Didier Legat:
An Associative Processor Dedicated to Classification by Neural Methods. 704-711 - Bonifacio Martín-del-Brío, Javier Blasco-Alberto:
Hardware-Oriented Models for VLSI Implementation of Self-Organizing Maps. 712-719 - Ulrich Roth, Axel Jahnke, Heinrich Klar:
Hardware Requirements for Spike-Processing Neural Networks. 720-727 - Francisco J. Pelayo, Eduardo Ros Vidal, P. Martin-Smith, F. J. Fernández, Alberto Prieto:
A VLSI Approach to the Implementation of Additive and Shunting Neural Networks. 728-735 - Mancia Anguita
, Francisco J. Pelayo, F. J. Fernández, Alberto Prieto:
A Low-Power Analog Implementation of Cellular Neural Networks. 736-743 - José Manuel Benítez Sánchez, Julio Ortega, Ignacio Requena:
Asynchronously Parallel Boltzmann Machines Mapped onto Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors. 744-751 - Francisco Castillo, Jose A. García, Juan Manuel Moreno, Joan Cabestany:
A Coprocessor Card for Fast Neural Network Emulation. 752-760 - Juan Manuel Moreno, Jordi Madrenas
, S. San Anselmo, Francisco Castillo, Joan Cabestany:
Digital Hardware Implementation of ROI Incremental Algorithms. 761-770 - N. Maria, Anne Guérin-Dugué, Juan Manuel Moreno, François Blayo
Comparing Implementations of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks on Three Parallel Machines. 771-780 - François Blayo, Anne Guérin-Dugué, N. Maria:
Implementing Radial Basis Functions Neural Networks on the Systolic MANTRA Machine. 781-788 - Antonio Jesús Torralba Silgado, Francisco Colodro Ruiz, Leopoldo García Franquelo:
A Mixed Parallel-Sequential SHNN for Large Networks. 789-793 - O. Vermesan:
A Modular VLSI Architecture for Neural Networks Implementation. 794-799 - Alfred Strey, Narcís Avellana, Raul Holgado, J. Alberto Fernández, Ramon Capillas, Elena Valderrama:
A Massively Parallel Neurocomputer with a Reconfigurable Arithmetical Unit. 800-806 - I. Saxena, Emile Fiesler:
An All-Optical Propagation Multilayer Neural Network. 807-814 - David J. Mayes, Alister Hamilton:
A VLSI Current Mode Synapse Chip. 815-821 - Valeriu Beiu
, John G. Taylor:
Optimal Mapping of Neural Networks onto FPGA's - A New Constructive Algorithm -. 822-829 - E. Miranda, Leonardo Maria Reyneri:
A CPWM Synapsis for Weighted Radial Basis Functions. 830-837 - José Luis Bernier, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Julio Ortega, Alberto Prieto:
Test Pattern Generation for Analog Circuits Using Neural Networks and Evolutive Algorithms. 838-844
8. Neural Networks for Perception
- Jeanny Hérault:
About Some Perception Problems in Neural Networks. 845-859 - David López Vilariño, Diego Cabello, Antonio Mosquera González:
Optimization Neural Networks for Image Segmentation. 860-867 - W. P. Cheung, C. K. Lee, K. C. Li:
Segmentation of Range Images: A Neural Network Approach. 868-874 - Javier Ruiz-del-Solar
, Mario Köppen:
A Neural Architecture for Preattentive Segmentation of Sewage Pipes Video Images. 875-881 - Miguel A. Jaramillo Morán, Francisco Javier López Aligué, Miguel Macías Macías, M. Isabel Acevedo Sotoca:
A CNN Model for Grey Scale Image Processing. 882-889 - René Natowicz:
Kohonen's Self Organizing Maps for Contour Segmentation of Gray Level and Color Images. 890-897 - Carlos García Puntonet, Manuel Rodríguez Álvarez, Alberto Prieto:
A Geometrical Based Procedure for Source Separation Mapped to a Neural Network. 898-905 - Alberto Ruiz García, Francisco J. Arcas Túnez:
Quasi-Optimum Combination of Multilayer Perceptrons for Adaptive Multiclass Pattern Recognition. 906-912 - Javier Echanobe, José Ramón González de Mendívil, José Ramón Garitagoitia:
A Text Recognition System Based on a Neural Network and on a Deformed System. 913-918 - Soheil Shams:
Simultaneous Recognition of Multiple Objects Using the MEM Model. 919-925 - Jung-Wook Cho, Soo-Young Lee, Cheol Hoon Park:
On-line Handwritten Character Recognition by a Hybrid Method based on Neural Networks and Pattern Matching. 926-933 - J. Pérez Maroto, Yannis A. Dimitriadis, J. Manuel Cano Izquierdo, Juan López Coronado:
Analysis and Application of the STORE Neural Model in Recognizing Handwritten Symbols. 934-941 - Francisco Ibarra Picó, Juan Manuel García Chamizo, Ramón Rizo Aldeguer, D. Corredor Lacha:
An Adaptive Orthogonal Associative Memory and its Application to Character Recognition. 942-947 - D. Asensi Muñoz, A. Almagro León, Francisco Ibarra Picó:
Texture Classification on Real Time Using Semi-cover Vector and and Orthogonal Neural Network. 948-955 - Patricia M. Palagi, Anne Guérin-Dugué:
An Architecture for Texture Segmentation: from Energy Features to Region Detection. 956-962 - Pedro Gómez Vilda
, María Victoria Rodellar Biarge, Victor Nieto Lluis, M. A. Hombrados:
A Lattice-Based Time-Delay Neural Network for Speech Processing. 963-970 - Itsuki Noda:
Acquisition of Internal Representation by Learning of Identity-mapping Using Overload Learning. 971-978 - Cesar Bandera, I. M. Conde, J. Jerez, M. González, Francisco J. Vico, F. Ortega:
A Multiacuity Connectionist Model for Local Speed Estimation. 979-986 - Fernando Arroyo, Ana Gonzalo, José Ramón Hilera:
Using Artificial Neural Networks for Ultrasonic Signals Processing from Simple Geometric Shapes. 987-992 - Darío Maravall Gómez-Allende, Luis Baumela:
A Hierarchical Neural Network for Mobile Visual Tracking with a Robot Head. 993-1000 - Ricardo Salem Zebulum, Karla Guedes, Marley M. B. R. Vellasco, Marco Aurélio Cavalcanti Pacheco:
Short Term Load Forecasting Using Neural Nets. 1001-1008 - Stanislaw Osowski, Robert Waszczuk, Piotr Bojarczak:
Image Compression Using Feedforward Neural Networks - Hierarchical Approach. 1009-1015
9. Neural Networks for Communications and Control
- Carme Torras
, Gabriela Cembraño, José del R. Millán, Gordon Wells:
Neural Approaches to Robot Control: Four Representative Applications. 1016-1035 - José R. Álvarez, José Mira, R. A. Fernández, L. Sainz, Valentín Arroyo
, Ana E. Delgado García:
On Line Identification of Causal Relationships Between Variables in the Feed Water System of a Nuclear Power Plant. 1036-1044 - Mihiar Ayoubi, M. Schäfer, S. Sinsel:
Dynamic Neural Units for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Identification. 1045-1051 - V. Vergara, S. Sinne, Claudio Moraga:
Optimal Identification Using Feed-Forward Neural Networks. 1052-1059 - M. Domínguez, J. M. Michelin, J. M. Martinez:
Recurrent Neural Networks for Identification of Friction. 1060-1067 - Salvatore Cavalieri, M. Martini:
Solving and End-Effector Positioning Problem by Hopfield Neural Network. 1068-1075 - Peter F. McGuire, Gabriele M. T. D'Eleuterio:
Visuomotor Control using an Artificial Neural Network. 1076-1083 - Cristina Versino, Luca Maria Gambardella
Learning the Visuomotor Coordination of a Mobile Robot by Using the Invertible Kohonen Map. 1084-1091 - Jesús E. Villadangos, José Ramón González de Mendívil, Carlos F. Alastruey, José Ramón Garitagoitia:
Neural Networks for Automatic Fuzzy Control System Design. 1092-1098 - Pierre Comon, Yves Cheneval:
Supervised Classification With Variable Kernel Estimators. 1099-1106 - Marie Cottrell, Bernard Girard, Yvonne Girard, Corinne Muller, Patrick Rousset
Daily Electrical Power Curves: Classification and Forecasting Using a Kohonen Map. 1107-1113 - Gilles Mercier, Kurosh Madani:
CMAC Real-Time Adaptive Control Implementation on a D.S.P. Based Card. 1114-1120 - Inma Ortuño Ortin, Joan Serra-Sagristà
Neural Networks in Digital Data Transmission. 1121-1127 - Morteza Saheb Zamani, Graham R. Hellestrand:
A New Neural Network Approach to the Floorplanning of Hierarchical VLSI Designs. 1128-1134 - Thomas Stützle:
A Neural Network Approach to Quality Control Charts. 1135-1141 - Eugenio Fernández, Ignacio Olmeda:
Bankruptcy Prediction with Artificial Neural Networks. 1142-1146
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