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8th AAAI 1990: Boston, Massachusetts
- Howard E. Shrobe, Thomas G. Dietterich, William R. Swartout:
Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 29 - August 3, 1990, 2 Volumes. AAAI Press / The MIT Press 1990, ISBN 0-262-51057-X
Automated Reasoning
Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Eugene C. Freuder:
Complexity of K-Tree Structured Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 4-9 - Itay Meiri, Judea Pearl, Rina Dechter:
Tree Decomposition with Applications to Constraint Processing. 10-16 - Steven Minton, Mark D. Johnston, Andrew B. Philips, Philip Laird:
Solving Large-Scale Constraint-Satisfaction and Scheduling Problems Using a Heuristic Repair Method. 17-24 - Sanjay Mittal, Brian Falkenhainer:
Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 25-32 - Bernard A. Nadel:
The Complexity of Constraint Satisfaction in Prolog. 33-39 - Qiang Yang:
An Algebraic Approach to Conflict Resolution in Planning. 40-45 - Ramin Zabih:
Some Applications of Graph Bandwidth to Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 46-51
Distributed and Parallel Systems
- Toru Ishida, Makoto Yokoo, Les Gasser:
An Organizational Approach to Adaptive Production Systems. 52-58 - Wing Lee, Dan I. Moldovan:
The Design of a Marker Passing Architecture for Knowledge Processing. 59-64 - James G. Schmolze, Suraj Goel:
A Parallel Asynchronous Distributed Production System. 65-71
Distributed Artificial Intelligence
- David Murray Bridgeland, Michael N. Huhns:
Distributed Truth Maintenance. 72-77 - Susan E. Conry, Douglas J. MacIntosh, Robert A. Meyer:
DARES: A Distributed Automated REasoning System. 78-85 - Edmund H. Durfee, Thomas A. Montgomery:
A Hierarchical Protocol for Coordinating Mulitagent Behaviors. 86-93 - Hector J. Levesque, Philip R. Cohen, José H. T. Nunes:
On Acting Together. 94-99 - Gilad Zlotkin, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein:
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Non-Cooperative Domains. 100-105
Evidential Reasoning
- Eugene Charniak, Solomon Eyal Shimony:
Probabilistic Semantics for Cost Based Abduction. 106-111 - Joseph Y. Halpern, Ronald Fagin:
Two Views of Belief: Belief as Generalized Probability and Belief as Evidence. 112-119 - Yen-Teh Hsia:
The Belief Calculus and Uncertain Reasoning. 120-125 - Ross D. Shachter, Bruce D'Ambrosio, Brendan Del Favero:
Symbolic Probabilistic Inference in Belief Networks. 126-131
- Thomas Dean, Greg Siegle:
An Approach to Reasoning About Continuous Change for Applications in Planning. 132-137 - Mark Drummond, John L. Bresina:
Anytime Synthetic Projection: Maximizing the Probability of Goal Satisfaction. 138-144 - Charles Elkan:
Incremental, Approximate Planning. 145-150 - Roy Feldman, Paul Morris:
Admissible Criteria for Loop Control in Planning. 151-157 - Steve Hanks:
Practical Temporal Projection. 158-163 - Froduald Kabanza:
Synthesis of Reactive Plans for Multi-Path Environments. 164-169 - Subbarao Kambhampati:
Mapping and Retrieval During Plan Reuse: A Validation Structure Based Approach. 170-175 - Subbarao Kambhampati:
A Theory of Plan Modification. 176-182 - Martha E. Pollack, Marc Ringuette:
Introducing the Tileworld: Experimentally Evaluating Agent Architectures. 183-189 - Marc B. Vilain:
Getting Serious About Parsing Plans: A Grammatical Analysis of Plan Recognition. 190-197 - Michael P. Wellman:
The STRIPS Assumption for Planning Under Uncertainty. 198-203 - Qiang Yang, Josh D. Tenenberg:
ABTWEAK: Abstracting a Nonlinear, Least Commitment Planner. 204-209
- Matthew L. Ginsberg, Michael Frank, Michael P. Halpin, Mark C. Torrance:
Search Lessons Learned from Crossword Puzzles. 210-215 - Matthew L. Ginsberg, William D. Harvey:
Iterative Broadening. 216-220 - Sunil Issar:
Path-Focused Duplication: A Search Procedure for General Matings. 221-226 - Vikram A. Saletore, Laxmikant V. Kalé:
Consistent Linear Speedups to a First Solution in Parallel State-Space Search. 227-233
Theorem Proving and Program Synthesis
- Nachum Dershowitz, Eli Pinchover:
Inductive Synthesis of Equational Programs. 234-239 - Emmanuel Kounalis, Michaël Rusinowitch:
Mechanizing Inductive Reasoning. 240-245 - William McCune:
Skolem Functions and Equality in Automated Deduction. 246-251 - Karen L. Myers:
Automatically Generating Universal Attachments Through Compilation. 252-257 - Gerald E. Peterson:
Solving Term Inequalities. 258-263
Truth Maintenance Systems
- Johan de Kleer:
Exploiting Locality in a TMS. 264-271 - Kave Eshghi:
Computing Stable Models by Using the ATMS. 272-277 - Ulrich Junker, Kurt Konolige:
Computing the Extensions of Autoepistemic and Default Logics with a Truth Maintenance System. 278-283 - Louiqa Raschid:
Maintaining Consistency in a Stratified Production System Program. 284-289
Cognitive Modeling
Case-Based Reasoning
- Kristian J. Hammond, Timothy M. Converse:
Integrating Planning and Acting in a Case-Based Framework. 292-297 - Makoto Iwayama, Takenobu Tokunaga, Hozumi Tanaka:
A Method of Calculating the Measure of Salience in Understanding Metaphors. 298-303 - Michael Redmond:
Distributed Cases for Case-Based Reasoning: Facilitating Use of Multiple Cases. 304-309 - Evangelos Simoudis, James Miller:
Validated Retrieval in Case-Based Reasoning. 310-315
Commonsense Reasoning
Model-Based Diagnosis and Design
- Lawrence Birnbaum, Gregg Collins, Michael Freed, Bruce Krulwich:
Model-Based Diagnosis of Planning Failures. 318-323 - Johan de Kleer, Alan K. Mackworth, Raymond Reiter:
Characterizing Diagnoses. 324-330 - Gerhard Friedrich, Georg Gottlob, Wolfgang Nejdl
Physical Impossibility Instead of Fault Models. 331-336 - Hwee Tou Ng, Raymond J. Mooney:
On the Role of Coherence in Abductive Explanation. 337-342 - Bart Selman, Hector J. Levesque:
Abductive and Default Reasoning: A Computational Core. 343-348 - Brian C. Williams:
Interaction-Based Invention: Designing Novel Devices from First Principles. 349-356 - Thomas D. Wu:
Efficient Diagnosis of Multiple Disorders Based on a Symptom Clustering Approach. 357-364
Qualitative Modeling of Physical Systems
- James M. Crawford, Adam Farquhar, Benjamin Kuipers:
QPC: A Compiler from Physical Models into Qualitative Differential Equations. 365-372 - Dennis DeCoste:
Dynamic Acioss-Time Measurement Interpretation. 373-379 - Kenneth D. Forbus, Brian Falkenhainer:
Self-Explanatory Simulations: An Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge. 380-387 - Joseph L. Hellerstein:
Obtaining Quantitative Predictions from Monotone Relationships. 388-394
Reasoning with Multiple Models
- Zheng-Yang Liu, Arthur M. Farley:
Shifting Ontological Perspectives in Reasoning About Physical Systems. 395-400 - Shankar A. Rajamoney, Sang Hoe Koo:
Qualitative Reasoning with Microscopic Theories. 401-406 - Daniel S. Weld:
Approximation Reformulations. 407-412 - Alexander S. Yeh:
Finding the Average Rates of Change in Repetitive Behavior. 413-418
Education & Artificial Intelligence
- Gerhard Fischer, Andreas C. Lemke, Raymond McCall:
Towards a System Architecture Supporting Contextualized Learning. 420-425 - Danilo Fum, Paolo Giangrandi, Carlo Tasso:
Backward Model Tracing: An Explanation-Based Approach for Reconstructing Student Reasoning. 426-433 - William R. Murray:
A Blackboard-based Dynamic Instructional Planner. 434-441
Intelligent Interfaces
- Steven Feiner, Kathleen R. McKeown:
Coordinating Text and Graphics in Explanation Generation. 442-449 - Joseph Marks, Ehud Reiter:
Avoiding Unwanted Conversational Implicatures in Text and Graphics. 450-456 - Johanna D. Moore, William R. Swartout:
Pointing: A Way Toward Explanation Dialogue. 457-464 - Gordon S. Novak, William C. Bulko:
Understanding Natural Language with Diagrams. 465-470
Plan Recognition
- Sandra Carberry:
Incorporating Default Inferences Into Plan Recognition. 471-478 - Andreas C. Lemke, Gerhard Fischer:
A Cooperative Problem Solving System for User Interface Design. 479-484 - Karen E. Lochbaum, Barbara J. Grosz, Candace L. Sidner:
Models of Plans to Support Communication: An Initial Report. 485-490 - Loren G. Terveen, David A. Wroblewski:
A Collaborative Interface for Editing Large Knowledge Bases. 491-496
Knowledge Acquisition
Expert System Design Methodologies
- Peter W. Mullarkey:
An Experiment in Direct Knowledge Acquisition. 498-504 - Niall Murtagh, Masamichi Shimura:
Parametric Engineering Design Using Constraint-Based Reasoning. 505-510 - Young-Tack Park, David C. Wilkins:
Establishing the Coherence of an Evplanation to Improve Refinement of an Incomplete Knowledge Base. 511-516 - Dmitry Volovik, Imran A. Zualkernan, Paul E. Johnson, Charles E. Matthews:
A Design Based Approach to Constructing Computational Solutions to Diagnostic Problems. 517-522
Knowledge Representation
Causality and Introspection
- Hector Geffner:
Causal Theories for Nonmonotonic Reasoning. 524-530 - Gerhard Lakemeyer:
Decidable Reasoning in First-Order Knowledge Bases with Perfect Introspection. 531-537 - Leora Morgenstern:
A Formal Theory of Multiple Agent Nonmonotonic Reasoning. 538-544 - Eunok Paek:
A Circumscriptive Theory for Causal and Evidential Support. 545-549
Complexity and Expressiveness
- Marco Cadoli, Maurizio Lenzerini:
The Complexity of Closed World Reasoning and Circumscription. 550-555 - Rina Dechter:
On the Expressiveness of Networks with Hidden Variables. 556-562 - Lokendra Shastri, Venkat Ajjanagadde:
An Optimally Efficient Limited Inference System. 563-570 - Jonathan Stillman:
It's Not My Default: The Complexity of Membership Problems in Restricted Propositional Default Logics. 571-578
- Robert F. Hadley:
Connectionism, Rule Following, and Symbolic Manipulation. 579-586 - Steffen Hölldobler:
A Structured Connectionist Unification Algorithm. 587-593
Default Representations
- Craig Boutilier:
Conditional Logics of Normality as Modal Systems. 594-599 - David W. Etherington, Sarit Kraus, Donald Perlis:
Nonmonotonicity and the Scope of Reasoning: Preliminary Report. 600-607 - Ramanathan V. Guha:
The Representation of Defaults in Cyc. 608-614 - Piotr Rychlik:
The Generalized Theory of Model Preference. 615-620
- Franz Baader:
Terminological Cycles in KL-ONE-based Knowledge Representation Languages. 621-626 - Ramiro A. de T. Guerreiro, Andrea S. Hemerly, Yoav Shoham:
On the Complexity of Monotonic Inheritance with Roles. 627-632 - John F. Horty, Richmond H. Thomason:
Boolean Extensions of Inheritance Networks. 633-639 - Albrecht Schmiedel:
Temporal Terminological Logic. 640-645
Representation and Uncertainty
- Moisés Goldszmidt, Paul H. Morris, Judea Pearl:
A Maximum Entropy Approach to Nonmonotonic Reasoning. 646-652 - Alessandro Saffiotti:
A Hybrid Framework for Representing Uncertain Knowledge. 653-658 - Ken Satoh:
A Probabilistic Interpretation for Lazy Nonmonotonic Reasoning. 659-664 - Haim Schweitzer:
Probabilities that Imply Certainties. 665-670
- Robert M. Colomb, Charles Y. C. Chung:
Very Fast Decision Table Execution of Propositional Expert Systems. 671-676 - Donald P. McKay, Timothy W. Finin, Anthony B. O'Hare:
The Intelligent Database Interface: Integrating AI and Database Systems. 677-684 - Daniel P. Miranker, David A. Brant, Bernie J. Lofaso, David Gadbois:
On the Performance of Lazy Matching in Production Systems. 685-692 - Milind Tambe, Paul S. Rosenbloom:
A Frameworkfor Investigating Production System Formulations with Polynomially Bounded Match. 693-700 - John Yen:
A Principled Approach to Reasoning About the Specificity ofRules. 701-707
Temporal and Spatial Reasoning
- Glenn A. Kramer:
Solving Geometric Constraint Systems. 708-714 - Gerard Ligozat:
Weak Representations of Interval Algebras. 715-720 - Amitabha Mukerjee, Gene Joe:
A Qualitative Model for Space. 721-727 - Peter van Beek:
Reasoning about Qualitative Temporal Information. 728-734
Machine Learning
Inductive Learning
- Wray L. Buntine:
Myths and Legends in Learning Classification Rules. 736-742 - William W. Cohen:
Learning from Textbook Knowledge: A Case Study. 743-748 - Usama M. Fayyad, Keki B. Irani:
What Should Be Minimized in a Decision Tree? 749-754 - Alan M. Frisch, C. David Page Jr.:
Generalization with Taxonomic Information. 755-761 - Robert M. Fung, Stuart L. Crawford:
Constructor: A System for the Induction of Probabilistic Models. 762-769 - Dan Geiger, Azaria Paz, Judea Pearl:
Learning Causal Trees from Dependence Information. 770-776 - Allen Ginsberg:
Theory Reduction, Theory Revision, and Retranslation. 777-782 - Lawrence O. Hall, Steve G. Romaniuk:
A Hybrid Connectionist, Symbolic Learning System. 783-788 - Hiroaki Kitano:
Empirical Studies on the Speed of Convergence of Neural Network Training Using Genetic Algorithms. 789-795 - Pattie Maes, Rodney A. Brooks:
Learning to Coordinate Behaviors. 796-802 - Christopher J. Matheus:
Adding Domain Knowledge to SBL Through Feature Construction. 803-808 - Yoichiro Nakakuki, Yoshiyuki Koseki, Midori Tanaka:
Inductive Learning in Probabilistic Domain. 809-814 - Dirk Ourston, Raymond J. Mooney:
Changing the Rules: A Comprehensive Approach to Theory Refinement. 815-820 - Paul S. Rosenbloom, Jans Aasman:
Knowledge Level and Inductive Uses of Chunking (EBL). 821-827 - Cullen Schaffer:
A Proven Domain-Independent Scientific Function-Finding Algorithm. 828-833 - Wei-Min Shen:
Complementary Discrimination Learning: A Duality Between Generalization and Discrimination. 834-839 - David B. Skalak, Edwina L. Rissland:
Inductive Learning in a Mixed Paradigm Setting. 840-847 - Benjamin D. Smith, Paul S. Rosenbloom:
Incremental Non-Backtracking Focusing: A Polynomially Bounded Generalization Algorithm for Version Spaces. 848-853 - Ming Tan, Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
Two Case Studies in Cost-Sensitive Concept Acquisition. 854-860 - Geoffrey G. Towell, Jude W. Shavlik, Michiel O. Noordewier:
Refinement ofApproximate Domain Theories by Knowledge-Based Neural Networks. 861-866 - Marc B. Vilain, Phyllis Koton, Melissa P. Chase:
On Analytical and Similarity-Based Classification. 867-874 - Larry Watanabe, Larry A. Rendell:
Effective Generalization of Relational Descriptions. 875-881 - Richard C. Yee, Sharad Saxena, Paul E. Utgoff, Andrew G. Barto:
Explaining Temporal Differences to Create Useful Concepts for Evaluating States. 882-888 - Jan M. Zytkow, Jieming Zhu, Abul Hussam:
Automated Discovery in a Chemistry Laboratory. 889-894
Learning and Problem Solving
- Neeraj Bhatnagar, Jack Mostow:
Adaptive Search by Explanation-Based Learning of Heuristic Censors. 895-901 - Brad Blumenthal:
Empirical Comparisons of Some Design Replay Algorithms. 902-907 - Megan Eskey, Monte Zweben:
Learning Search Control for Constraint-Based Scheduling. 908-915 - Oren Etzioni:
Why PRODIGY/EBL Works. 916-922 - Craig A. Knoblock:
Learning Abstraction Hierarchies for Problem Solving. 923-928 - Philip D. Laird, Evan Gamble:
Extending EBG to Term-Rewriting Systems. 929-935 - Stanley Letovsky:
Operationality Criteria for Recursive Predicates. 936-941 - Devika Subramanian, Ronen Feldman:
The Utility of EBL in Recursive Domain Theories. 942-949
Natural Language
- Julia Hirschberg:
Accent and Discourse Context: Assigning Pitch Accent in Synthetic Speech. 952-957 - Yasuhiro Katagiri:
Structure of Perspectivity: A Case of Japanese Reflexive Pronoun "zibun". 958-963 - John Levine:
PRAGMA - A Flexible Bidirectional Dialogue System. 964-969 - M. David Sadek:
Logical Task Modelling for Man-Machine Dialogue. 970-975
- Rebecca J. Passonneau, Carl Weir, Timothy W. Finin, Martha Stone Palmer:
Integrating Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Based Processing. 976-983 - David M. Magerman, Mitchell P. Marcus:
Parsing a Natural Language Using Mutual Information Statistics. 984-989 - Manabu Okumura, Hozumi Tanaka:
Towards Incremental Disambiguation with a Generalized Discrimination Network. 990-995 - Yeong-Ho Yu, Robert F. Simmons:
Truly Parallel Understanding of Text. 996-1001
- Jens Christensen:
A Hierarchical Planner that Generates Its Own Hierarchies. 1004-1009 - Thomas L. Dean, Kenneth Basye, Robert Chekaluk, Seungseok Hyun, Moises Lejter, Margaret Randazza:
Coping with Uncertainty in a Control System for Navigation and Exploration. 1010-1015 - Melinda T. Gervasio:
Learning General Completable Reactive Plans. 1016-1021 - John E. Laird, Paul S. Rosenbloom:
Integrating, Execution, Planning, and Learning in Soar for External Environments. 1022-1029 - Yves Lespérance, Hector J. Levesque:
Indexical Knowledge in Robot Plans. 1030-1037 - Yanxi Liu, Robin J. Popplestone:
Symmetiy Constraint Inference in Assembly Planning: Automatic Assembly Configuration Specification. 1038-1044 - Peter K. Malkin, Sanjaya Addanki:
LOGnets: A Hybrid Graph Spatial Representation for Robot Navigation. 1045-1050 - Tom M. Mitchell:
Becoming Increasingly Reactive. 1051-1058
- Michael J. Black, P. Anandan:
Constraints for the Early Detection of Discontinuity from Motion. 1060-1066 - Andrea Califano, Rakesh Mohan:
Generalized Shape Autocorrelation. 1067-1073 - Jean Ponce, David J. Kriegman:
Computing Exact Aspect Graphs of Curved Objects: Parametric Surfaces. 1074-1079
Invited Talks & Panels
- Ronald J. Brachman:
The Future of Knowledge Representation. 1082-1092 - Jon Doyle:
Rationality and its Roles in Reasoning (Extended Abstract). 1093-1100 - David Haussler:
Probably Approximately Correct Learning. 1101-1108 - David A. McAllester:
Truth Maintenance. 1109-1116 - David L. Waltz:
Massivley Parallel AI. 1117-1122
Panel: AI and Software Engineering
- Robert Balzer:
AI and Software Engineering: Will the Twain Ever Meet? 1123-1125 - Richard Fikes:
AI and Software Engineering - Managing Exploratory Programming. 1126-1127 - Mark S. Fox:
Looking for the AI in Software Engineering: An Applications Perspective. 1128-1129 - John P. McDermott:
Developing Software is like Talking to Eskimos about Snow. 1130-1133 - Elliot Soloway:
The Techies vs. the Non-techies: Today's Two Cultures. 1134
Panel: User Modeling and User Interfaces
- Susan T. Dumais:
Panel: User Modeling and User Interfaces. 1135-1136 - James D. Hollan:
User Modeling and User Interfaces: A Case for Domain Models, Task Models, and Tailorability. 1137 - Kathleen R. McKeown:
User Models and User Interfaces. 1138-1139 - Karen Sparck Jones:
What's in a User? 1140-1141
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