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European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 299
Volume 299, Number 1, May 2022
- Claudia Archetti
, Lorenzo Peirano
, M. Grazia Speranza:
Optimization in multimodal freight transportation problems: A Survey. 1-20
- Immanuel M. Bomze
, Markus Gabl, Francesca Maggioni
, Georg Ch. Pflug:
Two-stage stochastic standard quadratic optimization. 21-34 - Alireza Kabgani
, Majid Soleimani-Damaneh:
Semi-quasidifferentiability in nonsmooth nonconvex multiobjective optimization. 35-45 - Elvis M. R. Torrealba
, Juliana G. Silva
, Luiz Carlos Matioli
, Oliver Kolossoski
, Paulo Sérgio Marques dos Santos
Augmented Lagrangian algorithms for solving the continuous nonlinear resource allocation problem. 46-59 - Yuchen Zheng, Yujia Xie, Ilbin Lee
, Amin Dehghanian
, Nicoleta Serban
Parallel subgradient algorithm with block dual decomposition for large-scale optimization. 60-74
- Janis Brammer
, Bernhard Lutz, Dirk Neumann
Permutation flow shop scheduling with multiple lines and demand plans using reinforcement learning. 75-86 - Istenç Tarhan
, Ceyda Oguz
A matheuristic for the generalized order acceptance and scheduling problem. 87-103 - Sergey Polyakovskiy
, Rym M'Hallah
A lookahead matheuristic for the unweighed variable-sized two-dimensional bin packing problem. 104-117 - Yogesh Kumar Agarwal
, Yash P. Aneja, Sachin Jayaswal
Directed fixed charge multicommodity network design: A cutting plane approach using polar duality. 118-136 - Xiangjing Lai, Jin-Kao Hao
, Dong Yue, Zhipeng Lü, Zhang-Hua Fu
Iterated dynamic thresholding search for packing equal circles into a circular container. 137-153
- X. Zhang
, X. Liu:
A two-stage robust model for express service network design with surging demand. 154-167 - Xueping Zhen
, Shuangshuang Xu:
Who should introduce the third-party platform channel under different pricing strategies? 168-182 - Hanxiao Zhang
, Yan-Fu Li
Integrated optimization of test case selection and sequencing for reliability testing of the mainboard of Internet backbone routers. 183-194 - Oskar A. L. Eikenbroek
, Georg J. Still, Eric C. Van Berkum:
Improving the performance of a traffic system by fair rerouting of travelers. 195-207
- Nienke Hofstra, Eirini Spiliotopoulou
Behavior in rationing inventory across retail channels. 208-222 - Yossi Luzon
, Rotem Pinchover, Eugene Khmelnitsky:
Dynamic budget allocation for social media advertising campaigns: optimization and learning. 223-234 - Violet Xinying Chen
, John N. Hooker:
Combining leximax fairness and efficiency in a mathematical programming model. 235-248 - Liang Zheng, Ji Bao, Chengcheng Xu, Zhen Tan
Biobjective robust simulation-based optimization for unconstrained problems. 249-262
- Mohammad Sadrani
, Alejandro Tirachini
, Constantinos Antoniou
Vehicle dispatching plan for minimizing passenger waiting time in a corridor with buses of different sizes: Model formulation and solution approaches. 263-282 - Reinaldo Ferreira, Vasco Móra
, Maria Cândida Mourão
, Margarida Moz, Leonor Santiago Pinto
, João Ribeiro:
Arc Routing for Parking Enforcement Officers: Exact and heuristic solutions. 283-301 - Slawomir Koziel
, Anna Pietrenko-Dabrowska
Constrained multi-objective optimization of compact microwave circuits by design triangulation and pareto front interpolation. 302-312 - Alexander Hermann, Tue Vissing Jensen, Jacob Østergaard
, Jalal Kazempour
A complementarity model for electric power transmission-distribution coordination under uncertainty. 313-329
- Tiejun Ma
, P. A. F. Fraser-Mackenzie, Ming-Chien Sung, A. P. Kansara, Johnnie E. V. Johnson:
Are the least successful traders those most likely to exit the market? A survival analysis contribution to the efficient market debate. 330-345 - Bonsoo Koo
, Athanasios A. Pantelous
, Yunxiao Wang
Novel utility-based life cycle models to optimise income in retirement. 346-361 - Carol Alexander
, Xiaochun Meng
, Wei Wei
Targeting Kollo skewness with random orthogonal matrix simulation. 362-376 - Macarena Azar, Rodrigo A. Carrasco
, Susana V. Mondschein
Dealing with uncertain surgery times in operating room scheduling. 377-394
- Mike G. Tsionas, Subal C. Kumbhakar:
Corrigendum to "Stochastic frontier models with time-varying conditional variances" [European Journal of Operational Research 292 (2021) 1115-1132]. 395
Volume 299, Number 2, June 2022
- Thanos E. Goltsos
, Aris A. Syntetos
, Christoph H. Glock, George Ioannou:
Inventory - forecasting: Mind the gap. 397-419
- Zhi Pei, Haimin Lu
, Qingwei Jin, Lianmin Zhang:
Target-based distributionally robust optimization for single machine scheduling. 420-431 - Burcu Caglar Gencosman
, Mehmet A. Begen
Exact optimization and decomposition approaches for shelf space allocation. 432-447 - Pablo San Segundo
, Fabio Furini
, Rafael León
A new branch-and-filter exact algorithm for binary constraint satisfaction problems. 448-467
- Haipeng Cui
, Shukai Chen
, Rui Chen
, Qiang Meng
A two-stage hybrid heuristic solution for the container drayage problem with trailer reposition. 468-482 - Weihua Liu, Wanying Wei
, Tsan-Ming Choi
, Xiaoyu Yan:
Impacts of leadership on corporate social responsibility management in multi-tier supply chains. 483-496 - Shuang He, Jian Zhang, Juliang Zhang
, T. C. E. Cheng:
Production/inventory competition between firms with fixed-proportions co-production systems. 497-509 - Laurent Alfandari, Ivana Ljubic
, Marcos de Melo da Silva
A tailored Benders decomposition approach for last-mile delivery with autonomous robots. 510-525 - Ying-Chao Hung, Horace PakHai Lok, George Michailidis:
Optimal routing for electric vehicle charging systems with stochastic demand: A heavy traffic approximation approach. 526-541
- Matthias Claus
Existence of solutions for a class of bilevel stochastic linear programs. 542-549 - Ahti Salo
, Juho Andelmin
, Fabricio Oliveira
Decision programming for mixed-integer multi-stage optimization under uncertainty. 550-565 - Bernardo D'Auria
, Ivo J. B. F. Adan, René Bekker, Vidyadhar G. Kulkarni:
An M/M/c queue with queueing-time dependent service rates. 566-579
- József Dombi, Tamás Jónás
Weighted aggregation systems and an expectation level-based weighting and scoring procedure. 580-588 - Vincent de Gooyert
, Etiënne Rouwette
, Hans van Kranenburg, Edward Freeman, Harry van Breen:
Cognitive change and consensus forming in facilitated modelling: A comparison of experienced and observed outcomes. 589-599 - Zice Ru
, Jiapeng Liu
, Milosz Kadzinski
, Xiuwu Liao:
Bayesian ordinal regression for multiple criteria choice and ranking. 600-620 - Wei Gu
, Xiaoting Luan, Yanan Song
, Jennifer Shang:
Impact of loyalty program investment on firm performance: Seasonal products with strategic customers. 621-630
- Laura Davila-Pena
, Ignacio García-Jurado
, Balbina Casas-Méndez
Assessment of the influence of features on a classification problem: An application to COVID-19 patients. 631-641 - Annabella Astorino
, Matteo Avolio
, Antonio Fuduli
A maximum-margin multisphere approach for binary Multiple Instance Learning. 642-652 - Lauren Berk Wheelock, Dessislava A. Pachamanova
Acceptable set topic modeling. 653-673
- Maximilian Pohl
, Christian Artigues, Rainer Kolisch:
Solving the time-discrete winter runway scheduling problem: A column generation and constraint programming approach. 674-689 - Martina Sperling, Guido Schryen
Decision support for disaster relief: Coordinating spontaneous volunteers. 690-705 - Maryam Rajaei
, Ghasem Moslehi
, Mohammad Reisi-Nafchi:
The split heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints on a large scale. 706-721 - Kolos Csaba Ágoston
, Péter Biró
, Endre Kováts, Zsuzsanna Jankó:
College admissions with ties and common quotas: Integer programming approach. 722-734
- Samal Abdikerimova, Runhuan Feng
Peer-to-peer multi-risk insurance and mutual aid. 735-749 - Thi Mai Luong, Harald Scheule
Benchmarking forecast approaches for mortgage credit risk for forward periods. 750-767 - Michael Ellington
Fat tails, serial dependence, and implied volatility index connections. 768-779 - Johannes G. Jaspersen
Convex combinations in judgment aggregation. 780-794
Volume 299, Number 3, June 2022
- Rafael Martí
, Anna Martínez-Gavara
, Sergio Pérez-Peló
, Jesús Sánchez-Oro
A review on discrete diversity and dispersion maximization from an OR perspective. 795-813
- Qichen Deng
, Bruno Filipe Santos
Lookahead approximate dynamic programming for stochastic aircraft maintenance check scheduling optimization. 814-833 - Daniel Santos
, Inês Marques
Designing master surgery schedules with downstream unit integration via stochastic programming. 834-852 - Rob Van Eynde
, Mario Vanhoucke
New summary measures and datasets for the multi-project scheduling problem. 853-868 - Victor Fernandez-Viagas
, Carla Talens
, Jose M. Framiñan:
Assembly flowshop scheduling problem: Speed-up procedure and computational evaluation. 869-882
- Shu Guo
, Tsan-Ming Choi
, Sai-Ho Chung:
Self-design fun: Should 3D printing be employed in mass customization operations? 883-897 - Jesper Fink Andersen
, Anders Reenberg Andersen
, Murat Kulahci
, Bo Friis Nielsen
A numerical study of Markov decision process algorithms for multi-component replacement problems. 898-909 - Minh Anh Nguyen, Dang Thi Huong Giang, Minh Hoàng Hà, Minh-Trien Pham:
The min-cost parallel drone scheduling vehicle routing problem. 910-930
- Ernst Roos
, Ruud Brekelmans, Wouter van Eekelen
, Dick den Hertog, Johan S. H. van Leeuwaarden
Tight tail probability bounds for distribution-free decision making. 931-944 - Yifat Douek-Pinkovich, Irad Ben-Gal, Tal Raviv
The stochastic test collection problem: Models, exact and heuristic solution approaches. 945-959 - Antonis Economou
, Dimitrios Logothetis
, Athanasia Manou
The value of reneging for strategic customers in queueing systems with server vacations/failures. 960-976 - Baris Balcioglu
, Yãgiz Varol:
Fair and profitable: How pricing and lead-time quotation policies can help. 977-986
- YoungSoo Park
, Jeongeun Sim, Bosung Kim
Online retail operations with "Try-Before-You-Buy". 987-1002 - David Burka, Clemens Puppe
, László Szepesváry, Attila Tasnádi
Voting: A machine learning approach. 1003-1017 - Tomasz Wachowicz, Ewa Roszkowska:
Can holistic declaration of preferences improve a negotiation offer scoring system? 1018-1032 - René van den Brink
, Agnieszka Rusinowska
The degree measure as utility function over positions in graphs and digraphs. 1033-1044
- Rafael Blanquero
, Emilio Carrizosa
, Cristina Molero-Río
, Dolores Romero Morales
On sparse optimal regression trees. 1045-1054 - In Gyu Lee, Sang Won Yoon, Daehan Won
A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Support Vector Machine for Cost-Effective Group Feature Selection: Branch-Cut-and-Price Approach. 1055-1068 - Julien Ah-Pine
Learning doubly stochastic and nearly idempotent affinity matrix for graph-based clustering. 1069-1078
- Rabih Salhab
, Jérôme Le Ny, Roland P. Malhamé, Georges Zaccour:
Dynamic marketing policies with rating-sensitive consumers: A mean-field games approach. 1079-1093 - Sabah Bushaj, I. Esra Büyüktahtakin, Robert G. Haight:
Risk-averse multi-stage stochastic optimization for surveillance and operations planning of a forest insect infestation. 1094-1110 - Stefan Schwerdfeger
, Stefan Bock
, Nils Boysen
, Dirk Briskorn
Optimizing the electrification of roads with charge-while-drive technology. 1111-1127 - Beatriz Brito Oliveira
, Maria Antónia Carravilla
, José Fernando Oliveira
A diversity-based genetic algorithm for scenario generation. 1128-1141
- Luis Felipe Costa Sperb, Ming-Chien Sung
, Tiejun Ma, Johnnie E. V. Johnson:
Turning the heat on financial decisions: Examining the role temperature plays in the incidence of bias in a time-limited financial market. 1142-1157 - Xiaoyue Li
, Ayse Sinem Uysal
, John M. Mulvey:
Multi-period portfolio optimization using model predictive control with mean-variance and risk parity frameworks. 1158-1176 - Shou-Yu Ma
, Zied Jemaï, Qingguo Bai
Optimal pricing and ordering decisions for a retailer using multiple discounts. 1177-1192
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