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Automation and Remote Control, Volume 82
Volume 82, Number 1, January 2021
- Boris T. Polyak, Mikhail V. Khlebnikov, Pavel Shcherbakov:
Linear Matrix Inequalities in Control Systems with Uncertainty. 1-40 - Alexander L. Shestakov, S. A. Zagrebina, N. A. Manakova, M. A. Sagadeeva
, G. A. Sviridyuk:
Numerical Optimal Measurement Algorithm under Distortions Caused by Inertia, Resonances, and Sensor Degradation. 41-50 - Alexander V. Yurchenkov:
Lemma on Boundedness of Anisotropic Norm for Systems with Multiplicative Noises under a Noncentered Disturbance. 51-62 - M. V. Morozov:
A Criterion for the Asymptotic Stability of a Periodic Selector-Linear Differential Inclusion. 63-72 - A. A. Ardentov, A. P. Mashtakov:
Control of a Mobile Robot with a Trailer Based on Nilpotent Approximation. 73-92 - Sergey A. Vavilov:
Adaptive Approach to Solving a Two-Point Boundary Value Problem under Partial Uncertainty in the Disturbance Field. 93-101 - Alexei N. Ignatov, Andrey V. Naumov:
On the Problem of Increasing the Railway Station Capacity. 102-114 - A. V. Matveev:
Mathematical Modeling of Kinetics of Iodine-Containing Radiotracers in Nuclear Medicine Problems. 115-131 - Ivan Khozhaev, Sergey An. Gayvoronskiy, Tatiana Ezangina:
Adaptive-Robust Stabilization of Interval Control System Quality on a Base of Dominant Poles Method. 132-144 - Vladimir V. Mazalov
, V. A. Khitraya:
A Modified Myerson Value for Determining the Centrality of Graph Vertices. 145-159 - Artem A. Sedakov
, V. A. Sorokin:
Solutions of Cooperative Games with a Major Player and a Hierarchical Structure. 160-171 - S. N. Smirnov:
A Guaranteed Deterministic Approach to Superhedging: No Arbitrage Properties of the Market. 172-187
Volume 82, Number 2, February 2021
- Vagan V. Avetisyan:
Time-Optimal Control of Gripper Motion in a Two-Link Manipulator with Allowance for the Terminal Configuration. 189-199 - Valentin N. Bukov, Andrey M. Bronnikov, Ilya F. Gamayunov:
Analytical Configuration of a Redundant System with Mismatch Control. 200-215 - Alexey A. Peregudin
Attracting Cylinder Method: Solution of the General Linear Tracking Problem. 216-231 - Alla A. Shcheglova:
On the Superstability of an Interval Family of Differential-Algebraic Equations. 232-244 - Valery N. Afanas'ev, Anna P. Presnova
Parametric Optimization of Nonlinear Systems Represented by Models Using the Extended Linearization Method. 245-263 - Anatoli N. Kulikov, Dmitriy A. Kulikov:
Invariant Manifolds of a Weakly Dissipative Version of the Nonlocal Ginzburg-Landau Equation. 264-277 - Alexey E. Shumskii, Alexey N. Zhirabok
Decision Making in Nonlinear Dynamical System Diagnosis by a Nonparametric Method. 278-293 - Oleg P. Kuznetsov:
Asynchronous Multi-Agent Multisorted Systems. 294-307 - Mikhail A. Gorelov:
Topological Statement of the Information Aggregation Problem in Hierarchical Games. 308-323 - Ludmila A. Denisova, D. M. Alekseitsev:
Developing a Supervisory Control System Based on Fuzzy Logical Inference. 324-332 - Alexander A. Kalashnikov:
Development of Readings Correction Techniques for Industrial Hydrostatic Level Meters. 333-341 - Andrey Yu. Efremov
, Yury S. Legovich:
Flocking Control of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Obstacle Field. 342-352 - Mikhail A. Gorelov:
A Model for Managing Activity Constraints. 353-363 - Valery A. Vasil'ev:
An Analog of the Bondareva-Shapley Theorem. II. Examples of V -Balanced Fuzzy Games. 364-374
Volume 82, Number 3, March 2021
- Kamil R. Aida-zade
, Vagif M. Abdullayev
Optimization of Right-Hand Sides of Nonlocal Boundary Conditions in a Controlled Dynamical System. 375-397 - P. F. Pryashnikova:
D-Decomposition in the Case of Polynomial Dependence of the Coefficients of a Polynomial on Two Parameters. 398-409 - Andrey A. Tremba
Mixed Robustness: Analysis of Systems with Uncertain Deterministic and Random Parameters by the Example of Linear Systems. 410-432 - Igor B. Furtat, Pavel A. Gushchin:
Spatially Discrete Control of Scalar Linear Distributed Plants of Parabolic and Hyperbolic Types. 433-448 - Ekaterina S. Palamarchuk:
Optimal Superexponential Stabilization of Solutions of Linear Stochastic Differential Equations. 449-459 - A. M. Romankevich, K. V. Morozov, Vitaliy A. Romankevich:
A Formal Method for Determining the State of Processors in a Multiprocessor System under Testing. 460-467 - Tatiana A. Makarovskikh
, Anatoly V. Panyukov:
Software for the Problem of Constructing Cutting Tool Paths in CAD/CAM Systems for Technological Preparation of Cutting Processes. 468-480 - A. A. Saratov:
Synchronizing the Operation of Workshops in Custom Production. 481-489 - Yuri S. Popkov, Yu. A. Dubnov, Alexey Yu. Popkov:
Entropy-Randomized Projection. 490-505 - A. V. Tolok, N. B. Tolok, E. R. Batuev:
Voxel Modeling of the Control of Prototype Manufacturing with Additive Technologies. 506-515 - Andrey K. Volkovitskiy:
Adaptive Algorithm of Quasi-Stationary Periodic Processes Measurements Control. 516-525 - Vladimir K. Zavadskiy, Vladimir P. Ivanov, Elena B. Kablova, L. G. Clenovaya:
Quasi-Terminal Controllers Synthesis. 526-536 - Vasily V. Gusev
, Vladimir V. Mazalov
Owen-Stable Coalition Partitions in Games with Vector Payoffs. 537-548 - A. O. Kiselev, N. I. Yurchenko:
Game Equilibria and Transition Dynamics in a Dyad with Heterogeneous Agents. 549-564
Volume 82, Number 4, April 2021
- Alexander P. Kurdyukov, Olga G. Andrianova, Alexey A. Belov, D. A. Goldin:
In Between the LQG/H2- and $H_{\infty } $-Control Theories. 565-618 - Anton I. Glushchenko
, Vladislav A. Petrov, Konstantin A. Lastochkin:
Adaptive Control System with a Variable Adjustment Law Gain Based on the Recursive Least Squares Method. 619-633 - Alexander I. Malikov:
State Estimation and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems with Sampled-Data Control and Uncertain Disturbances. 634-653 - Igor B. Furtat, Pavel A. Gushchin:
Control of Dynamical Plants with a Guarantee for the Controlled Signal to Stay in a Given Set. 654-669 - Yu. A. Dubnov, V. Yu. Polishchuk, Yuri S. Popkov, Yu. M. Polishchuk, A. V. Mel'nikov, Ethan S. Sokol:
Entropy-Randomized Method for the Reconstruction of Missing Data. 670-686 - Alexander V. Kuznetsov:
Game of Operation of a Telecommunication Network of Agents with Directional Antennas. 687-705 - M. A. Savchenko:
Normative Conspiracy Theory. 706-721 - S. N. Smirnov:
A Guaranteed Deterministic Approach to Superhedging: Financial Market Model, Trading Constraints, and the Bellman-Isaacs Equations. 722-743
Volume 82, Number 5, May 2021
- Maksim E. Buzikov
, Andrey A. Galyaev
Time-Optimal Interception of a Moving Target by a Dubins Car. 745-758 - Ekaterina S. Palamarchuk:
Optimal Control for a Linear Quadratic Problem with a Stochastic Time Scale. 759-771 - Georgii G. Grebenyuk
, Andrei A. Krygin:
Methods to Search for Configurations of Distribution Networks. 772-779 - Liudmila Yu. Zhilyakova, Nikolaj A. Kuznetsov:
Graph Methods for Solving the Unconstrained and Constrained Optimal Assignment Problem for Locomotives on a Single-Line Railway Section. 780-797 - Lyudmila A. Nezhel'skaya, A. V. Keba:
Optimal State Estimation of a Generalized MAP Event Flow with an Arbitrary Number of States. 798-811 - Bin Sun, Sergey A. Dudin, Olga S. Dudina, Alexander N. Dudin:
A Customer Service Model in an Adaptive-Modulation Mobile Communication Cell with Allowance for Random Environment. 812-826 - V. S. Viktorova, A. S. Stepanyants:
Calculation of Reliability Indicators in Nonmonotone Logical-Probabilistic Models of Multilevel Systems. 827-840 - Tatiana Pashinskaya, Vladimir V. Dombrovskii:
Predictive Control of Investment Portfolio on the Financial Market with Hidden Regime Switching and MS VAR Model of Returns. 841-852 - Alexander G. Chkhartishvili:
The Problem of Finding the Median Preference of Individuals in a Stochastic Model. 853-862 - Sh. Kh. Ishkina, Konstantin V. Vorontsov:
Sharpness Estimation of Combinatorial Generalization Ability Bounds for Threshold Decision Rules. 863-876 - Vladimir M. Bure, Elena M. Parilina
, K. Yu. Staroverova:
Two-Factor DEA Modeling and Clustering of Homogeneous Firms. 877-888 - E. A. Kolpakova:
Feedback Strategies in a Nonzero-Sum Differential Game of Special Type. 889-901 - Anna N. Rettieva:
Solutions of Dynamic Multicriteria Games: Classical and Untraditional Approaches. 902-910 - Alexander M. Tarasyev
, Anastasia Usova:
Estimate of a Smooth Approximation to the Production Function for Integrating Hamiltonian Systems. 911-925 - Valeri A. Vasil'ev:
Core and Superdifferential of a Fuzzy TU -Cooperative Game. 926-934
Volume 82, Number 6, June 2021
- Ilya A. Hodashinsky:
Methods for Improving the Efficiency of Swarm Optimization Algorithms. A Survey. 935-967 - Ivan R. Belov:
Anisotropy-Based Filtering for Linear Discrete Time-Varying Systems with Multiplicative Noises on a Finite Horizon. 968-994 - Yuriy E. Obzherin, Stanislav M. Sidorov, Mikhail M. Nikitin, S. G. Glech:
A Hidden Markov Model Based on Superposition of Two Restoration Processes. 995-1012 - V. A. Alexandrov
Pole Placement Optimization for SISO Control System. 1013-1029 - Victor V. Konev, A. V. Pupkov:
Confidence Estimation of Autoregressive Parameters Based on Noisy Data. 1030-1048 - Alexey Yu. Popkov:
Randomized Machine Learning of Nonlinear Models with Application to Forecasting the Development of an Epidemic Process. 1049-1064 - Ping Sun, Elena M. Parilina
Stochastic Model of Network Formation with Asymmetric Players. 1065-1082 - Fengyan Sun, Elena M. Parilina
, Hongwei Gao:
Individual Stability of Coalition Structures in Three-Person Games. 1083-1094 - Anna V. Tur, Leon A. Petrosyan:
Cooperative Optimality Principles in Differential Games on Networks. 1095-1106 - Chen Wang, Vladimir V. Mazalov
, Hongwei Gao:
Opinion Dynamics Control and Consensus in a Social Network. 1107-1117
Volume 82, Number 7, July 2021
- Vladimir N. Burkov, Anver K. Enaleev, Nikolay A. Korgin:
Incentive Compatibility and Strategy-Proofness of Mechanisms of Organizational Behavior Control: Retrospective, State of the Art, and Prospects of Theoretical Research. 1119-1143 - Yulia G. Kokunko, Svetlana A. Krasnova, Victor A. Utkin:
Cascade Synthesis of Differentiators with Piecewise Linear Correction Signals. 1144-1168 - V. A. Alexandrov
, Evgeniy Yu. Zybin, V. V. Kosyanchuk, Nikolay I. Selvesyuk, Andrey A. Tremba, Mikhail V. Khlebnikov:
Optimization of the Altitude and Speed Profile of the Aircraft Cruise with Fixed Arrival Time. 1169-1182 - Ya. G. Sapunkov, A. V. Molodenkov
Analytical Solution of the Problem on an Axisymmetric Spacecraft Attitude Maneuver Optimal with Respect to a Combined Functional. 1183-1200 - Kamil R. Aida-zade
, E. R. Ashrafova:
Optimization of Source Locations and Parameters for Network Structure Objects. 1201-1221 - S. A. Ageev, A. A. Privalov, V. V. Karetnikov, A. A. Butsanets:
An Adaptive Method for Assessing Traffic Characteristics in High-Speed Multiservice Communication Networks Based on a Fuzzy Control Procedure. 1222-1232 - Anton I. Glushchenko
, Vladislav A. Petrov, Konstantin A. Lastochkin:
I-DREM: Relaxing the Square Integrability Condition. 1233-1247 - Igor B. Furtat, Artem N. Nekhoroshikh
, Pavel A. Gushchin:
Robust Stabilization of Linear Plants in the Presence of Disturbances and High-Frequency Measurement Noise. 1248-1261 - V. V. Rykov, A. M. Filimonov:
Hyperbolic Systems with Multiple Characteristics and Some Applications. 1262-1270 - S. G. Bazhenov, A. N. Kozyaichev, V. S. Korolev:
Stability Analysis of an Airplane with MIMO Control System Based on Frequency Methods. 1271-1280 - Andrey A. Galyaev
, Pavel V. Lysenko
, Victor P. Yakhno:
Evading a Single Detector by an Object Moving at a Given Speed. 1281-1291 - Maksim E. Buzikov
, Andrey A. Galyaev
Erratum to: Time-Optimal Interception of a Moving Target by a Dubins Car. 1292
Volume 82, Number 8, August 2021
- P. A. Mukhachev, T. R. Sadretdinov, D. A. Pritykin, A. B. Ivanov, S. V. Solov'ev:
Modern Machine Learning Methods for Telemetry-Based Spacecraft Health Monitoring. 1293-1320 - Dmitry V. Balandin, Ruslan S. Biryukov, Mark M. Kogan:
Multicriteria Minimax Problems: Localization of the Pareto Set and Suboptimal Control Design. 1321-1337 - Engel M. Solnechnyi:
Studying the Dynamic Properties of a Distributed Thermomechanical System and Stability Conditions for Its Control System. 1338-1357 - Marijus Vaiciulis, Natalia M. Markovich:
Estimating the Parameters of a Tapered Pareto Distribution. 1358-1377 - Victor F. Sokolov:
Adaptive Optimal Tracking of a Discrete-Time Minimum-Phase Plant under Output Uncertainty. 1378-1394 - V. V. Vorob'ev, V. L. Kuznetsov, V. D. Sharov:
Modification of Safety Level Assessment Methods in Air Traffic Services Using ADS-B. 1395-1402 - Dmitry V. Efanov, Valery V. Sapozhnikov, Vladimir V. Sapozhnikov:
Boolean-Complement Based Fault-Tolerant Electronic Device Architectures. 1403-1417 - Lev G. Afraimovich
, Maxim D. Emelin:
Combining Solutions of the Axial Assignment Problem. 1418-1425 - Yu. G. Kokunko, D. V. Krasnov, Anton V. Utkin:
Two Methods 'for Synthesis of State and Disturbance Observers for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. 1426-1441 - Anton V. Utkin, Victor A. Utkin:
Synthesis of Stabilization Systems with Unilateral Control Constraints. 1442-1455 - Mikhail V. Khlebnikov, Yana I. Kvinto
Robust Stability Conditions for a Family of Linear Discrete-Time Systems Subjected to Uncertainties. 1456-1462
Volume 82, Number 9, September 2021
- Boris R. Andrievsky, Alexander L. Fradkov
Speed Gradient Method and Its Applications. 1463-1518 - Vladimir S. Verba:
Methods for Aircraft Guidance with Changes in Control Priorities. 1519-1529 - Boris T. Polyak, Mikhail V. Khlebnikov:
Static Controller Synthesis for Peak-to-Peak Gain Minimization as an Optimization Problem. 1530-1553 - Vladimir I. Vorotnikov, Yu. G. Martyshenko:
On the Partial Stability Problem for Nonlinear Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems. 1554-1567 - V. V. Khutortsev:
Controlled Search for Targets Arriving According to a Spatio-Temporal Poisson Point Process by an Information Measurement System with Inhomogeneous Scope. 1568-1580 - V. K. Leontiev, E. N. Gordeev:
On the Number of Solutions to a System of Boolean Equations. 1581-1596 - Maksim E. Buzikov
, Andrey A. Galyaev
Estimating the Target Survival Probability in the Attackers-Target-Defenders Problem. 1597-1606 - Vladimir M. Vishnevsky
, Olga V. Semenova, D. T. Bui:
Investigation of the Stochastic Polling System and Its Applications to Broadband Wireless Networks. 1607-1613 - L. G. Byzov, Dmitry A. Gubanov
, Ivan V. Kozitsin, Alexander G. Chkhartishvili:
A Perfect Politician for Social Networks: an Approach to Analyzing Ideological Preferences of Users. 1614-1631
Volume 82, Number 10, October 2021
- Konstantin V. Vorontsov, Yuriy I. Zhuravlev, Alexander A. Lazarev, Darya V. Lemtyuzhnikova
, Konstantin V. Rudakov, Vadim V. Strizhov, Yulia V. Chekhovich, Yuri V. Chekhovich:
Opening Remarks by the Program Committee of the Conference "Intelligent Data Processing. Theory and Applications" (IDP-2020). 1633-1634 - Lev G. Afraimovich
, Maxim D. Emelin:
Heuristic Strategies for Combining Solutions of the Three-Index Axial Assignment Problem. 1635-1640 - I. E. Genrikhov, Elena V. Djukova:
Mining Frequent Items in a Product of Partial Orders Using Parallel Calculations. 1641-1650 - M. S. Germanchuk, M. G. Kozlova, V. A. Lukianenko:
Pseudo-Boolean Conditional Optimization Models for a Class of Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problems. 1651-1667 - Vladimir V. Geppener, B. S. Mandrikova:
Detecting and Identifying Anomalous Effects in Complex Signals. 1668-1678 - Egor Gladin, Mohammad S. Alkousa
, Alexander V. Gasnikov:
Solving Convex Min-Min Problems with Smoothness and Strong Convexity in One Group of Variables and Low Dimension in the Other. 1679-1691 - V. P. Korneenko:
An Efficient Algorithm of Dead-End Controls for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems. 1692-1705 - Alexander A. Lazarev, Darya V. Lemtyuzhnikova
, A. A. Tyunyatkin:
Metric Interpolation for the Problem of Minimizing the Maximum Lateness for a Single Machine. 1706-1719 - Alexander S. Mandel', Viktor A. Laptin:
Optimal Control of Queuing Systems with Channel Switching. 1720-1729 - Vladimir A. Fursov, Evgeniy Yu. Minaev
, Anton P. Kotov
Vehicle Motion Estimation Using Visual Observations of the Elevation Surface. 1730-1741 - Zaur M. Shibzukhov
On a Robust Approach to Search for Cluster Centers. 1742-1751 - Andrei V. Yamaev
, Marina V. Chukalina, Dmitry P. Nikolaev
, Aleksander V. Sheshkus, Alexey I. Chulichkov
Neural Network for Data Preprocessing in Computed Tomography. 1752-1762 - Oleg Yu. Snegirev, Andrey Yu. Torgashov:
Development of Clustering-Based Adaptive Soft Sensors for Industrial Distillation Columns. 1763-1773 - Oleg Yu. Snegirev, Andrey Yu. Torgashov:
Adaptation of the Structure and Parameters of Nonlinear Soft Sensors by the Example of an Industrial Reactive Distillation Process. 1774-1786 - M. S. Germanchuk, Darya V. Lemtyuzhnikova
, V. A. Lukianenko:
Metaheuristic Algorithms for Multiagent Routing Problems. 1787-1801 - Dmitry A. Gubanov
, Ilya V. Petrov, Alexander G. Chkhartishvili:
Multidimensional Model of Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks: Polarization Indices. 1802-1811 - Vladislav I. Zhukovskiy, J. N. Zhiteneva, J. A. Belskih:
Pareto Equilibrium of Objections and Counterobjections in a Differential Three-Person Game. 1812-1834
Volume 82, Number 11, November 2021
- S. P. Arseev, Leonid M. Mestetskiy:
Character Skeleton as a Pen Trace Model for Recognition from Reconstructed Trace. 1835-1845 - Andrey V. Grabovoy
, Vadim V. Strijov
Bayesian Distillation of Deep Learning Models. 1846-1856 - Sergey Grachev, Alexey Zhilyaev, V. B. Laryukhin, D. E. Novichkov, V. A. Galuzin, Elena V. Simonova, I. V. Maiyorov, Peter O. Skobelev
Methods and Tools for Developing Intelligent Systems for Solving Complex Real-Time Adaptive Resource Management Problems. 1857-1885 - Yu. A. Dorofeyuk, Viktor A. Laptin, Alexander S. Mandel':
Estimating the Parameters of Queuing Systems with Channel Switching. 1886-1891 - B. V. Kupriyanov, Alexander A. Lazarev:
Optimization of a Recursive Conveyor by Reduction to a Constraint Satisfaction Problem. 1892-1906 - A. A. Saratov:
A Greedy Algorithm for the Solution of the Classical NP-Hard Scheduling Problem of Minimizing the Total Delay. 1907-1911 - Yu. V. Sidel'nikov:
Expanding the Possibilities of the Metric Approach Based on the Theory of Means and the Theory of Errors. 1912-1922 - Vsevolod Starozhilets, Yuri V. Chekhovich:
On One Approach to Statistical Modeling of Traffic Flow on the Moscow Ring Road and Entrance Control. 1923-1938 - V. A. Tokareva:
Schedules with Priorities for Online Resource Management Problems in Aggregated Data Access Systems. 1939-1948 - Anzhela Yu. Matrosova, Semen Chernyshov, O. Kh. Kim, Ekaterina Nikolaeva:
Constructing a Sequence Detecting Robustly Testable Path Delay Faults in Sequential Circuits. 1949-1965 - Victoria L. Kreps:
Linear Spaces of Games on the Unit Square with Pure Equilibrium Points. 1966-1975 - Vladimir N. Ushakov, Aleksandr Ershov
On Guaranteed Estimates of the Area of Convex Subsets of Compact Sets on the Plane. 1976-1984 - Vladimir V. Breer:
Game-Theoretic Models of Binary Collective Behavior. 1985-1995 - Abdulla A. Azamov
, T. T. Ibaydullayev:
A Pursuit-Evasion Differential Game with Slow Pursuers on the Edge Graph of a Simplex. I. 1996-2005 - A. V. Chernov:
Differential Games in a Banach Space on a Fixed Chain. 2006-2023 - S. N. Smirnov:
Guaranteed Deterministic Approach to Superhedging: the Semicontinuity and Continuity Properties of Solutions of the Bellman-Isaacs Equations. 2024-2040
Volume 82, Number 12, December 2021
- Oleg V. Chernoyarov, Serguei Dachian
, Yury A. Kutoyants, A. V. Zyulkov:
On Estimation Errors in Optical Communication and Location. 2041-2075 - D. N. Ibragimov, N. M. Novozhilin, E. Yu. Portseva:
On Sufficient Optimality Conditions for a Guaranteed Control in the Speed Problem for a Linear Time-Varying Discrete-Time System with Bounded Control. 2076-2096 - Mikhail M. Khrustalev, Kirill A. Tsarkov:
Some Algorithms for the Improvement of Time-Varying Controllers on an Infinite Time Horizon. 2097-2111 - Konstantin Vytovtov, Elizaveta Barabanova:
An Analytical Method for the Analysis of Inhomogeneous Continuous Markov Processes with Piecewise Constant Transition Intensities. 2112-2124 - Sergey V. Ivanov
, S. D. Merzlikina:
Search for Nash Equilibria in Bimatrix Games with Probability and Quantile Payoff Functions. 2125-2142 - Alexander L. Shestakov, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, N. A. Manakova, G. A. Sviridyuk, A. V. Keller:
Reconstruction of a Dynamically Distorted Signal Based on the Theory of Optimal Dynamic Measurements. 2143-2154 - Vyacheslav Davydov, Stanislav Kruglik
, Yury Yanovich
Comparison of Banking and Peer-to-Peer Lending Risks. 2155-2168 - Agassi Z. Melikov, Mammed O. Shahmaliyev, Sajeev S. Nair:
Matrix-Geometric Method for the Analysis of a Queuing System with Perishable Inventory. 2169-2182 - Galina A. Pikina, Fedor F. Pashchenko
Synthesis of Third-Order Time-Optimal Control System for Plants with Extremum Time Response. 2183-2191 - Eugenie L. Eremin, Liliia Nikiforova, Evgeniy A. Shelenok
Combined Nonlinear System of Control of a Structurally-Parametrically Uncertain Nonaffine Plant with State Delay and Neutral Type Delay. 2192-2203 - A. A. Chervova, G. F. Filaretov, Bouchaala Zineddine:
Sequential Nonparametric Algorithm for Detecting Time Series Breakdown. 2204-2212 - Nikolay I. Chernov, A. I. Gulin, Nikolay V. Butyrlagin
, Nikolay N. Prokopenko
Features of a Multivalued Generalization of Binary Logic Operations in Linear Algebra for Problems of Digital Processing of Current-Output Sensor Signals. 2213-2223 - E. K. Arakelyan, A. V. Andryushin, S. V. Mezin, A. A. Kosoy, Yu. Yu. Yagupova, Fedor F. Pashchenko
Formulation and Methodological Approaches to the Solution of the Multicriteria Problem of Selecting the Optimal Modes of Complex TPP Equipment. 2224-2238 - Elena B. Yanovskaya:
An Extension of a Class of Cost Sharing Methods to the Class of Solutions to Two-Person Cooperative Games. 2239-2260 - V. V. Morozov, M. A. Syrova:
Minimax Estimation of the Parameter of a Negative Binomial Distribution. 2261-2272
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