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PACIS 2003: Adelaide, Australia
- The Seventh Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2003, Adelaide, Australia, July 10-13, 2003. AISeL 2003
- Bill Doolin, Robert J. McQueen, Mark Watton:
Towards a Framework of Internet Strategies for Established Retailers. 1 - Pattama Malakedsuwan, Kenneth Stevens:
A Model of E-Fraud. 2 - George Ryder, Walter Slok:
Harbinger of a Dilemma: an Evaluation of the Digital Divide and E-Government Strategies on the Isle Of Man. 3 - I-Chin Wu, Duen-Ren Liu:
A Collaborative Relevance Feedback Approach to Task-driven Recommendation. 4 - Adi Prananto, Judith McKay, Peter Marshall:
A Study of the Progression of E-Business Maturity in Australian SMEs: Some Evidence of the Applicability of the Stages of Growth for E-Business Model. 5 - Jen-Her Wu, Shu-Ching Wang:
An Empirical Study of Consumers Adopting Mobile Commerce in Taiwan: Analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling. 6 - Kenneth Stevens, Sue Fowell:
Perspectives on E-Business Software Project Risk. 7 - Mikako Ogawa, Yuichi Sasaki, Hiroshi Tsuda, Tetsuro Yoshimatsu, Jiro Kokuryo:
Silent Members (SM): Their Communication Behaviour and Influence on Purchases of Others. 8 - Mitra Heravizadeh, David Edmond:
On the role of value-focused interfaces for online shopping. 9 - Alex Berrill, Sigi Goode, Dennis Hart:
Managerial Expectations Regarding Internet Commerce Adoption after the "Tech Wreck" of 2000 - An Australian Perspective. 10 - Tae Hyup Roh, Kyong Joo Oh, Ingoo Han:
A Cluster-indexing CBR Model for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation. 11 - Renee H. M. Lam, Kai Hin Lim, Alan Ho, Choon-Ling Sia:
Are Values a Good Predictor of Innovativeness toward Online Service Adoption? An Empirical Study. 12 - Ada Scupola:
Government Intervention in SMEs E-Commerce Adoption: An Institutional Approach. 13 - Amanda Diggles, Carol Pollard:
Inter-organisational Trust in Business-to-Business E-Commerce in Australia. 14 - Mo Wang, Joyce Chen, Tin Chau, Stephen J. Rees, Bernadette Sharp:
Investigation of the Impact of User Contexts on the Utility of Mobile Commerce Services. 15 - Gerard McGrath:
Semantic Web Services Delivery: Lessons From the Information Systems World. 16 - Peter B. Seddon, Geoffrey P. Lewis:
Strategy and Business Models: What's the Difference? 17 - Afzaal H. Seyal, Guus G. M. Pijpers:
Findings of Bruneian Senior Government Executives' Use of the Internet. 18 - Luba Torlina, Gennadi Kazakevitch:
Findings of Bruneian Senior Government Executives' Use of the Internet. 19 - Kamaljeet Sandhu, Brian J. Corbitt:
End-User Experience With Information In Web-Based Electronic Service: A Case Study. 20 - John Campbell, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic:
Critical Analysis of Social Processes and Goal Orientation in an Online Financial Community. 21 - Ricky Ohl, Anita Greenhill, John G. Gammack:
Managing the Integration of an Management System into a Virtual Private Network. 22 - Nalinee Thongprasert, Janice M. Burn:
Identifying Strategies For Effective Virtual Education Delivery In Thailand. 23 - Wen Wan, Hock-Hai Teo, Li Zhu:
Determinants of Buy-It-Now Auction Choice on eBay. 24 - Wesley Shu:
Information Technology Investment, Economic Growth, and Employment. 25 - Huei Huang Kuan, Vichita Vathanophas, Gee-Woo Bock:
The Impact of Usability on the Intention of Planned Purchases in E-commerce Service Websites. 26 - Janice M. Burn, Carlo Zanaboni:
Regional Electronic Markets: A Tale of 27 - Tae-Hwan Shon, Craig M. Parker, Paula M. C. Swatman:
Characteristics of Australian B2B iMarketplaces. 28 - Kamaljeet Sandhu, Brian J. Corbitt:
Web-based Electronic Service Adoption Model (E-SAM). 29 - Carolyn Ye-Phern Chin, Melissa Ding, Chandana R. Unnithan:
Organisational Transformation through CRM Implementation: a descriptive case study. 30 - Eun-Jinkoh Kim, Byungtae Lee:
Economics of CRM. 31 - Jacob L. Cybulski, Lemai Nguyen, Theerasak Thanasankit, Sharman Lichtenstein:
Understanding Problem Solving in Requirements Engineering: Debating Creativity with IS Practitioners. 32 - Ryo Sato:
On Role of Planning and Control Components in Mutually Connected Business Processes. 33 - Richard Vdovjak, Flavius Frasincar, Geert-Jan Houben, Peter Barna:
Engineering Semantic Web Information Systems. 34 - Tanya Linden, Jacob L. Cybulski:
Application of Grounded Theory to Exploring Multimedia Design Practices. 35 - Michele Zappavigna-Lee, Jon D. Patrick, Joseph G. Davis, Andrea Stern:
Assessing Knowledge Management Services through Discourse Analysis. 36 - Kamaljeet Sandhu, Brian J. Corbitt:
End-User Control In Web-Based Electronic Services: A Case Study. 37 - Sulaiman Ainin, Jaafar Noorismawati:
E-Commerce Stimuli and Practices In Malaysia. 38 - Ping Wanga, Lihua Huang:
Business Value of Vertical IOS: An Extended ROI Case study of a Networking Company in China. 39 - Regit Young, Nicholas Letch:
Knowledge Contexts-Through the Theoretical Lens of Niklas Luhmann. 40 - Darshana Sedera, Guy G. Gable, Taizan Chan:
Survey design: Insights from a public sector-ERP success study. 41 - Sophie Cockcroft, Scott Rowles:
Ontological Evaluation of Health Models: Some Early Findings. 42 - Michael Gendron, Graeme G. Shanks:
The Categorical Information Quality Framework (CIQF): A Critical Assessment and Replication Study. 43 - Jing Gao:
The Drawing Process and Human Activity Problem Solving. 44 - Peter E. D. Love, Zahir Irani, Richard Glenn Fulford:
Understanding IT Costs: An Exploratory Study using the Structured Case Method. 45 - S. Sathish, Shan Ling Pan, Krishnamurthy S. Raman:
A Stakeholder Perspective Of Enterprise Systems. 46 - Jennie Carroll, Jesper Kjeldskov, Daniel Tobin, Frank Vetere:
A User-centred Process for Determining Requirements for Mobile Technologies: the TramMate Project. 47 - Roger Buehrer, Christian D. Mueller, Hans-Dieter Zimmermann:
A Method for Systematic Communications Management in Technology-driven Change Projects. 48 - David Pauleen, Brian J. Corbitt:
Using Knowledge Management Processes to Develop and Implement Organizational Training Strategies for Virtual Teams: An Action Learning Approach. 49 - Gerard McGrath:
Business Process Modelling Using System Dynamics: reflections on Some Field Applications. 50 - Marcus Gibson, David Arnott:
Business Intelligence for Small Business: Assessment, Framework & Agenda. 51 - Yu-Chung Wang, Che-Wei Wang, David King:
A Position Model in Evaluating the Levels of Information Technology Adoption for SMEs in the Business Network. 52 - Roman Beck, Rolf T. Wigand, Wolfgang König:
Creating Value in E-Banking: Efficient Usage of E-Commerce Applications and Technologies. 53 - Khairul Aziz:
Accounting Information System Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction Among Malaysian Accountants. 54 - Sharman Lichtenstein, Paula M. C. Swatman:
Email and Knowledge Management. 55 - Jayne L. Clarke, Paul Turner:
The Business Model Concept and Information Systems Strategy: developing a heuristic tool for exploring knowledge-based SMEs. 56 - Ting-Peng Liang, Deng-Neng Chen:
Evolution of Information Systems Research. 57 - Kristine F. Dery:
Alignment of Human Resources and Information Technology: A Case Study of a Major Australian Bank. 58 - Chun-Kwong Han, Zainal Kidam:
Transformation towards the Knowledge Economy: An Interpretive Case Study of Policy Formation in an Asian Country. 59 - Chiu Tan, Vichita Vathanophas:
Identifying Subcultures and their Perceptions towards Knowledge Management Systems. 60 - Bruce Campbell:
The Role of Trust in IS/Business Alignment. 61 - Harian Hsu, Lingxue Kong:
Marketing Strategy for New Small Application Service Providers in China. 62 - Anne C. Rouse, Brian J. Corbitt:
Minimising risks in IT outsourcing: Choosing target services. 63 - Raymond Young, Ernest Jordan:
Passion & IT Governance. 64 - Judith McKay, Peter Marshall, Lisa Smith:
Steps towards effective IT governance: strategic IS planning, evaluation and benefits management. 65 - Lucian Vaisu, Matthew J. Warren, David R. Mackay:
Defining Fraud: Issues for Organizations from an Information Systems Perspective. 66 - Everard Ho, Vichita Vathanophas:
Relating Personality Traits and Prior Knowledge to Focus Group Process and Outcome: An Exploratory Research. 67 - Heather Gray, John Campbell:
A Survey of Technology Usage by Businesses in Regional Thailand. 68 - Carol Pollard, Ann Steczkowicz:
Assessing Business Managers' IT Competence in SMEs in Regional Australia: Preliminary Evidence from a New IT Competence instrument. 69 - Brian J. Corbitt, Konrad J. Peszynski, Theerasak Thanasankit:
The Influence of Collectivism in Society and its Implications for Research on Information Systems and National Culture. 70 - Jaehoon Whang, Moon-Bong Lee, Kijoo Kim:
A Case Study on the Successful Upgrade of ERP System. 71 - Celeste See Pui Ng, Guy G. Gable, Taizan Chan:
A Revelatory Case Study into the Adequacy of Standard Maintenance Models in an ERP Context. 72 - Daisy Seng, Leonid Churilov:
Business Process-Oriented Information Support for a Higher Education Enterprise. 73 - Darshana Sedera, Guy G. Gable, Taizan Chan:
ERP success: Does organisation Size Matter? 74 - Dina Neiger, Leonid Churilov:
Decision Enabling Potential of a Business Process. 75 - Yi-Wun Lu, Yi-Cheng Ku, Hsin-Hui Lin:
Diffusion of Contingent Innovation: An Analysis of Interrelated Process between the Internet and DSL. 76 - Gerald Quirchmayr, Jill Slay, Andy Koronios, Kathy Darzano:
A Business Process Engineering Based Approach Towards Incorporating Security in the Design of Global Information Systems. 77 - Karen S. K. Cheung, Douglas R. Vogel:
Lattice-Based Information Retrieval Application. 78 - Steve Chun Cheong Fong:
Organisation Support of Intranet Use in Management Accounting Systems of Hong Kong Public Hospitals. 79 - Judith Symonds, Gerry McCullough, Gillian C. Oliver, Martyn Brown:
Use of IT to Support Knowledge Sharing: The New Zealand perspective. 80 - Kyoichi Kijima:
Agent-based Simulation of Alliance Formation and its Stability Analysis: Application to Aviation Industry. 81 - Harindra Wijesekera, James A. Sykes:
An ORM based Meta-Schema to Model Business Processes. 82 - Tsang-Jung Chang, Gary Hu, Louis White:
Improving New Product Quality: An Empirical Study of Product Development Teams in Taiwan. 83 - Pak Yoong, Maria Molina:
Knowledge Sharing and Business Clusters. 84 - Krishna Venkitachalam, Rens Scheepers, Martin R. Gibbs:
Supporting Knowledge Strategy in Consulting Organizations: Codification, Personalization or Both. 85 - Helena Holmström:
The Distributed Nature of Software Development - a comparison of three development approaches. 86 - Fumiyoshi Miyashita:
On the contribution of Knowledge Creation and Information Technology in the Organization by applying the undirected and directed independent graph. 87 - Wei (Joy) He, Jae-Nam Lee, Carol Hsu:
The Evolution of Knowledge Management: Current and Future Application in China. 88 - Richard Glenn Fulford:
A Conceptual Model for ASP Adoption. 89 - Shawn Alborz, Peter B. Seddon, Rens Scheepers:
A Model for Studying IT Outsourcing Relationships. 90 - Chih-Ping Wei, Tsang-Hsiang Cheng:
A Clustering-based Approach for Supporting Document-Category Integration. 91 - Seung Hwan Kang, Sim Kim Lau:
A Framework for Case-based Reasoning Integration on Knowledge Management Systems. 92 - Glen L. Van der Vyver, Andy Koronios, Michael S. Lane:
Agile methodologies and the emergence of the agile organization: A software development approach waiting for its time? 93 - Nisha Roy, Helana Scheepers, Elizabeth A. Kendall:
Mapping the Road for Mobile Systems Development. 94 - Mathew Hillier, Douglas R. Vogel:
Soft Methods for Systems Projects in SMEs. 95 - Zixiu Guo, John D'Ambra:
Understanding the Role of National Culture on Communication Media Choice Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Comparison within a Multinational Organizational Setting. 96 - Darshana Sedera, Guy G. Gable, Taizan Chan:
Knowledge Management for ERP success. 97 - Graham Scriven:
Interoperability in Australian Government E-Procurement - Strategy versus Reality. 98 - Val A. Hooper, David Colligan:
The Role of the Internet in Key Account Management: a Case Study. 99 - Danyi Hong, Lingling Shao:
What Makes Consumers Trust B2C? 100 - Christine Storerl, Mohammed Quaddus:
Preliminary Evaluation of Inter-Oraganizational Information Systems and Relationships. 101 - Yunjie Xu, Hee-Woong Kim:
Trust Research in the Transactional Context and Its Implications for Online Trust. 102 - Mathew Hannan, Paul Turner:
Australian Forensic Computing Investigation Teams: Research on Competence. 103 - Sai Ho Kwok, Sheng Gao:
Knowledge Sharing Community in P2P Network and its Application Features: A Study of Motivation Perspective. 104 - Mikko T. Siponen:
Information Security Management Standards: Problems and Solutions. 105 - Rob Meredith, David Arnott:
On Ethics and Decision Support Systems Development. 106 - Shirley Wheeler:
Comparing Three IS Codes of Ethics - ACM, ACS and BCS. 107 - Don Schauder:
The Society we want: Civil Society influence on the Information Society. 108 - Ross Smith:
Methodologies: hard, soft or spongy? 109 - Dennis Hart, Henry Linger, Irena M. Ali, Leoni Warne:
Knowledge Management Foundations: Constructive and Explanatory Approaches. 110 - Hans Lehmann, Franz Lehner:
User Profiles for Mobile Technology Applications: A European Perspective. 111 - Pavla Baierova, Mary Tate, Beverley G. Hope:
The Impact of Purpose for Web Use on User Preferences for Web Design Features. 112 - Michael Adams, David Edmond, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede:
The Application of Activity Theory to Dynamic Workflow Adaptation Issues. 113 - Nick Lethbridge:
Key Issues in Selected Articles on Evidence Based Medicine. 114 - Hilangwa Maimbo, Graham Pervan:
IS/IT Investment And Organisational Performance In The Financial Services Sector: A Credit Union Case Study. 115 - Rodger Jamieson, Kenneth J. Stevens, Peter Luckett, Kim Langfield-Smith, Warwick Sarre, Henry Pontell, Suresh Cuganesan, David Lacey
, Michael Briers:
Investigating ID Fraud in Australia: A Research Program. 116 - Wan Adilah Wan Adnan, Nor Laila Md. Noor, Rasimah Aripin:
Information Visualization Concepts and Issues. 117 - Lesley Land, Malcolm Land:
Factors Prohibiting Use of a Knowledge-Level System: A Case Study of an Australian Construction Company. 118 - Ian Sims, Craig Standing:
Doing Business With The Virtual State, Factors Affecting Enacted eMarketplace Systems In The Public Sector. 120 - Carol Xiaojuan Ou, Choon-Ling Sia:
Customer Loyalty Strategy in the Internet Era. 121 - Limin Lin, Hong Ling, Chang Zhang, L. Song, H. Xue:
Case-Based Reasoning Integrating with Direct-Case-Linkage for Tacit Knowledge Management. 122 - Veerendra Kumar Rai, C. Anantaram:
Business Rules Approach to Information System Development. 123 - Sushil K. Sharma, Fred L. Kitchens:
Assessing Technology Integration for E-Business. 124 - Tsuneki Mukahi, Masaaki Nakamura, Ronald Notestine:
An Empirical Study on Impacts of Computer-Mediated Communication Management on Job Satisfaction. 125 - Fred L. Kitchens, Sushil K. Sharma:
Affordable Supercomputing Solutions: Cluster Computers: In Business Applications. 126 - Peter Bennetts, Trevor Wood-Harper:
Extensions to Churchmanian Inquiring Systems in Order to Support Learning in Organisations and Group Support Environments. 127 - Tin Chau, Felix Leung, Heng Tang, Stephen Shaoyi Liao:
A Context Information Center for M-commerce Applications. 128 - Jen-Her Wu, Tzyh-Lih Hsia:
Hypercube Innovation: An Analysis of Web-based commerce, M-commerce, and U-commerce. 129 - Jen-Her Wu, Tzyh-Lih Hsia:
Goal-driven Requirement Modeling for Electronic Commerce Systems. 130 - Eric Wing Kuen See-To, J. Christopher Westland:
Technology Acceleration: Model and Evidence. 131 - Tim Weitzel, Cornelia Gellings, Daniel Beimborn, Wolfgang König:
IS Valuation Methods: Insights from Capital Markets Theory and Practice. 132
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