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IPTA 2010: Paris, France
- Khalifa Djemal, Mohamed A. Deriche:
2nd International Conference on Image Processing Theory Tools and Applications, IPTA 2010, 7-10 July, 2010, Paris, France. IEEE 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-7248-2
GDR-ISIS Special session on Feature selection and kernel methods for image classification, image segmentation and pattern recognition
- Su Ruan
, Nan Zhang, Stéphane Lebonvallet, Qingmin Liao, Yue Min Zhu:
Fusion and classification of multi-source images by SVM with selected features in a kernel space. 17-20 - Xiyan He, Pierre Beauseroy, André Smolarz:
Feature subspaces selection via one-class SVM: Application to textured image segmentation. 21-25 - Rostom Kachouri, Khalifa Djemal, Hichem Maaref
Adaptive feature selection for heterogeneous image databases. 26-31 - Alice Porebski
, Nicolas Vandenbroucke
, Ludovic Macaire
Comparison of feature selection schemes for color texture classification. 32-37 - Samuel Emeriau
, Frédéric Blanchard, Jean-Baptiste Poline, L. Pierot, E. Bittar:
Connectivity feature extraction for spatio-functional clustering of fMRI data. 38-43
Special session on Video Surveillance: Tools and Applications
- Quoc Cuong Pham, Agnès Lapeyronnie, C. Baudry, Laurent Lucat
, Patrick Sayd, Sebastien Ambellouis, David Sodoyer
, A. Flancquart, A.-C. Barcelo, F. Heer, Fabrice Ganansia, Vincent Delcourt:
Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation. 47-53 - Damien Simonnet, Sergio A. Velastin:
Pedestrian detection based on adaboost algorithm with a pseudo-calibrated camera. 54-59 - Dung Nghi Truong Cong, Catherine Achard
, Louahdi Khoudour:
People re-identification by classification of silhouettes based on sparse representation. 60-65 - Yoann Dhome, N. Tronson, Antoine Vacavant, Thierry Chateau, Christophe Gabard, Yann Goyat, Dominique Gruyer:
A benchmark for Background Subtraction Algorithms in monocular vision: A comparative study. 66-71 - Nizar Fakhfakh, Louahdi Khoudour, El-Miloudi El-Koursi, Jean-Luc Bruyelle, Alain Dufaux, Jacques Jacot:
Background subtraction and 3D localization of moving and stationary obstacles at level crossings. 72-78
Special session on Medical Imaging
- Fabian Lecron
, Mohammed Benjelloun
, Saïd Mahmoudi
Points of interest detection in cervical spine radiographs by polygonal approximation. 81-86 - Benoit Hamelin, Yves Goussard, Jean-Pierre Dussault:
Comparison of optimization techniques for regularized statistical reconstruction in X-ray tomography. 87-91 - Melissa Jourdain, Jean Meunier, Jean Sequeira, Guy Cloutier, Jean-Claude Tardif:
Intravascular Ultrasound image segmentation: A helical active contour method. 92-97 - Pol Kennel, Gérard Subsol, M. Gueroult, Philippe Borianne:
Automatic identification of cell files in light microscopic images of conifer wood. 98-103
Coding and Compression
- ChingShun Lin, Daren Wang:
Spectrogram image encoding based on dynamic Hilbert curve routing. 107-111 - Azhar Hadmi, William Puech, Brahim Ait Es Said, Abdellah Ait Ouahman:
Analysis of the robustness of wavelet-based perceptual signatures. 112-117 - Jonas Valantinas, Deividas Kançelkis:
Improving compression time in zero-tree based image coding procedures. 118-121
Improving Compression Times in Zero-Tree Based Image Coding Procedures
- Azam Karami
, Mehran Yazdi
, Alireza Zolghadre Asli:
Hyperspectral image compression based on Tucker Decomposition and Discrete Cosine Transform. 122-125 - Leila Makkaoui, Vincent Lecuire, Jean-Marie Moureaux:
Fast zonal DCT-based image compression for Wireless Camera Sensor Networks. 126-129
Video Coding
- Kamel Messaoudi
, El-Bay Bourennane, Salah Toumi, Elhillali Kerkouche, Ouassila Labbani:
Memory requirements and simulation platform for the implementation of the H.264 encoder modules. 133-137 - H. Al-Muscati, Fabrice Labeau
Temporal transcoding of H.264/AVC video to the scalable format. 138-143 - Changki Min, Soonjong Jin, Hyeongchul Oh, Sang-Jun Park, Jechang Jeong:
Temporal error concealment algorithm for H.264/AVC using omnidirectional motion similarity. 144-148 - Tamim Haroun, Fabrice Labeau
Robust Multiple Hypothesis Motion Compensated Prediction within the H.264/AVC standard. 149-153
Image and Video Processing
- Khaled Boukharouba, Laurent Bako, Stéphane Lecoeuche
Temporal video segmentation using a switched affine models identification technique. 157-160 - Tae-Woo Oh, Kyung-Su Kim, Hae-Yeoun Lee, Ji Won Lee, Heung-Kyu Lee:
Enhancing perceptual quality of watermarked high-definition video through composite mask. 161-165 - Sang-Jun Park, Gwanggil Jeon
, Jechang Jeong:
Covariance-based adaptive deinterlacing method using edge map. 166-171 - Mohamed Neji Maatouk, Majd Bellaj
, Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara:
Watermarking ancient documents schema using wavelet packets and convolutional code. 172-176 - Salim Chebbo, Philippe Durieux, Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu:
Objective evaluation of compressed video's temporal flickering. 177-180 - Byung Cheol Song, Shin-Cheol Jeong, Yanglim Choi:
Key frame-based video super-resolution using bi-directional overlapped block motion compensation and trained dictionary. 181-186
Image Reconstruction and Registration
- Jean-Pierre V. Guédon, Chuanlin Liu:
The 2 and 3 materials scene reconstructed from some line Mojette projections. 189-194 - Mathieu Rubeaux, Jean-Claude Nunes
, Laurent Albera, Mireille Garreau:
Edgeworth-based approximation of Mutual Information for medical image registration. 195-200 - Benoit Recur, Pascal Desbarats, Jean-Philippe Domenger
Mojette reconstruction from noisy projections. 201-206 - Félix Renard, Vincent Noblet, Antoine Grigis, Christian Heinrich, Stéphane Kremer:
Comparison of interpolation methods for angular resampling of diffusion weighted images. 207-211
Image Enhancement
- Adel Almohammad, Gheorghita Ghinea
Stego image quality and the reliability of PSNR. 215-220 - Aysun Tasyapi Çelebi, Sarp Ertürk:
Empirical mode decomposition based visual enhancement of underwater images. 221-224 - Gilad Avidor, Eran Gur:
An adaptive algorithm for phase retrieval from high intensity images. 225-228 - Yicong Zhou
, Karen Panetta, Sos S. Agaian:
Human visual system based mammogram enhancement and analysis. 229-234 - Marie Ploquin, Jean-Marc Girault
, Denis Kouame:
Laplacian pyramid decomposition-type method for resolution enhancement of ultrasound images. 235-240
Image Segmentation and Detection
- Milos Stojmenovic, Andres Solis Montero, Amiya Nayak
Co-parent selection for fast region merging in pyramidal image segmentation. 243-248 - Marc Bertrand, Frédéric Bouchara, Sofiane Ramdani:
Estimation of uncertainty for Harris corner detector. 249-252 - Reza Javidan
Wavelet-based acoustic seabed discrimination system. 253-257 - Lotfi Tlig, Mounir Sayadi
, F. Fnaeich:
A new descriptor for textured image segmentation based on fuzzy type-2 clustering approach. 258-263 - Masoud S. Nosrati, Parvaneh Saeedi:
Rooftop detection using a corner-leaping based contour propagation model. 264-269 - Angela D'Angelo, Jean-Luc Dugelay
A Markov Random Field description of fuzzy color segmentation. 270-275
Medical Image Segmentation and Detection
- Eduardo R. Concepción Morales
, Yosu Yurramendi Mendizabal:
Contiguity-constrained hierarchical clustering for image segmentation. 279-283 - Victor Chen, Su Ruan
Graph cut segmentation technique for MRI brain tumor extraction. 284-287 - Somojit Saha, Sarit Kumar Das, Avijit Kar:
A new segmentation technique for brain and head from high resolution MR image using unique histogram features. 288-293 - Doaa Youssef
, Nahed H. Solouma
, A. El-dib, M. Mabrouk, A.-B. Youssef:
New feature-based detection of blood vessels and exudates in color fundus images. 294-299 - S. M. S. Al Sharif, Mohamed A. Deriche
, Nabil Maalej
A fast Geodesic Active Contour model for medical images segmentation using prior analysis. 300-305 - Keyvan Kasiri, Kamran Kazemi, Mohammad Javad Dehghani
, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush:
Atlas-based segmentation of brain MR images using least square support vector machines. 306-310
Image Classification and Categorization
- Mohamed Fadhel Saad, Adel M. Alimi
Improved Modified Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means. 313-318 - Huanzhang Fu, Alain Pujol, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Liming Chen:
Image modeling using statistical measures for visual object categorization. 319-324 - Robin Pouteau
, Benoît Stoll
, Sébastien Chabrier:
Support vector machine fusion of multisensor imagery in tropical ecosystems. 325-329 - Riad Khelifi, Mouloud Adel, Salah Bourennane:
Texture classification for multi-spectral images using spatial and spectral Gray Level Differences. 330-333 - M. Maher Ben Ismail, Hichem Frigui:
Image database categorization using robust modeling of finite Generalized Dirichlet mixture. 334-339
Image Indexing and Retrieval
- Sang Min Yoon, Arjan Kuijper
Query-by-sketch based image retrieval using diffusion tensor fields. 343-348 - Menno Israël, Jetske van der Schaar, Egon L. van den Broek, Marten den Uyl, Peter van der Putten:
Multi-level visual alphabets. 349-354 - Giap Nguyen, Mickaël Coustaty
, Jean-Marc Ogier:
Stroke feature extraction for lettrine indexing. 355-360
Motion Estimation and Tracking
- Thomas Penne, Christophe Tilmant, Thierry Chateau, Vincent Barra
Modular Ensemble Tracking. 363-368 - Changryoul Choi, Jechang Jeong:
Improved two-bit transform-based motion estimation via extension of matching criterion. 369-372 - Séverine Dubuisson:
The computation of the Bhattacharyya distance between histograms without histograms. 373-378 - Lounis Douadi, Louahdi Khoudour, Anis Chaari, Jacques Boonaert:
Full motion detection system with post-processing. 379-384 - Mauritz Panggabean, S. Salater, Leif Arne Rønningen:
Eye tracking for foveation video coding and simple scene description. 385-390 - Nicolas Widynski, Séverine Dubuisson, Isabelle Bloch:
Particle filtering with fuzzy spatial relations for object tracking. 391-396
Shape and Objects Recognition
- Benoît Presles, Johan Debayle
, Ana Cameirao, Gilles Févotte, Jean-Charles Pinoli:
Volume estimation of 3D particles with known convex shapes from its projected areas. 399-404 - Yuexing Han, Hideki Koike, Bing Wang, Masanori Idesawa:
Recognition of objects in various situations from two dimensional images. 405-410 - Séverine Rivollier, Johan Debayle
, Jean-Charles Pinoli:
Shape representation and analysis of 2D compact sets by shape diagrams. 411-416 - Frédéric Morain-Nicolier, Jérôme Landré
, Su Ruan
Binary pattern matching from a local dissimilarity measure. 417-420 - Tara Akhavan, Mohsen Ebrahimi Moghaddam:
A new combining learning method for color constancy. 421-425 - Chao Zhu, Huanzhang Fu, Charles-Edmond Bichot, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Liming Chen:
Visual object recognition using local binary patterns and segment-based feature. 426-431
Face and Iris Detection and Recognition
- Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund
Hybrid super resolution using refined face logs. 435-440 - Saurav Kumar, Atul Rai, Akhilesh Agarwal, Nisha Bachani:
Vision based human interaction system for disabled. 441-446 - Xueyi Xueyizhao:
Bayesian regularized nonnegative matrix factorization based face features learning. 447-451 - Alexander Cerón
, Augusto Salazar, Flavio Prieto
Relevance analysis of 3D curvature-based shape descriptors on interest points of the face. 452-457 - Hamed Ghodrati, Mohamad Javad Dehghani
, Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush, Kamran Kazemi:
Localization of noncircular iris boundaries using morphology and arched Hough transform. 458-463 - Tomás Fabián, Jan Gaura, Petr Kotas:
An algorithm for iris extraction. 464-468
Remote Sensing Applications
- Dalton S. Rosario, João M. Romano:
Multidimensional image processing for remote sensing anomaly detection. 471-476 - Qing Liu, Sun'an Wang, Xiaohui Zhang, Yun Hou:
Improvement of the space resolution of the optical remote sensing image by the principle of CCD imaging. 477-481 - Nada Milisavljevic, Damien Closson, Isabelle Bloch:
Detecting potential human activities using coherent change detection. 482-485
Augmented and Virtual Reality Techniques and Applications
- Francisco Pedro Luque, Francisco Javier Luque, Carmen Lastres
, Asunción Santamaria
, Iris Galloso, J. Muria:
Virtual Domotic Systems: a 3D interaction technique to control virtual building devices using residential gateways. 489-494 - Luo Juan, Oubong Gwun:
SURF applied in panorama image stitching. 495-499 - Pierre Boudoin, Hichem Maaref
, Samir Otmane
, Malik Mallem
SPIDAR calibration using Support Vector Regression. 500-505 - Lucile Rossi, Thierry Molinier, Moulay Akhloufi
, Yves Tison:
Measurement of laboratory fire spread experiments by stereovision. 506-510 - Yann Ducrocq, Shahram Bahrami, Luc Duvieubourg, François Cabestaing:
A visual attention focusing system using an active stereoscopic vision sensor. 511-516 - Gawain Jones, Christelle Gée
, Sylvain Villette
, Frédéric Truchetet:
Validation of a virtual agronomic image modelling. 517-520
Image Processing Tools
- Mohammad Mayya, Nizar Zarka, M. Soubhi Alkadi:
Embedded system for real-time human motion detection. 523-528 - Virginie Fresse, Junyan Tan, Frédéric Rousseau:
Exploration of an adaptive NoC architecture on FPGA dedicated to multi and hysperspectral algorithm for art authentication. 529-534
Exploration of an adaptive Noe architecture on FPGA dedicated to multi and hysperspectral algorithm for art authentication 529
- Alberto Yufera
, Estefania Gallego:
Automatic generation of Analog Hardware Description Language (AHDL) code from cell culture images. 535-538 - Ga-Young Kim, Byoung-Ik Kim, Tae-Wuk Bae, Young-Choon Kim, Sang-Ho Ahn, Kyu-Ik Sohng:
Implementation of a reticle seeker missile simulator for jamming effect analysis. 539-542 - Sylvain Villette, Christelle Gée
, Emmanuel Piron, R. Martin, Denis Miclet
, Michel Paindavoine:
An efficient vision system to measure granule velocity and mass flow distribution in fertiliser centrifugal spreading. 543-548
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