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3rd IJCCI 2011: Paris, France
- Kurosh Madani, Janusz Kacprzyk, Joaquim Filipe:
NCTA 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications [part of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence IJCCI 2011], Paris, France, 24-26 October, 2011. SciTePress 2011, ISBN 978-989-8425-84-3
Invited Speakers
Keynote Lectures
- Qiangfu Zhao:
Awareness Computing: What, Why, and How? IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 5 - Witold Pedrycz:
Concepts and Design of Granular Fuzzy Neural Networks - New Constructs of Computational Intelligence. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 11 - Didier Dubois:
Ontic vs. Epistemic Fuzzy Sets in Modeling and Data Processing Tasks. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 13 - Marco Antonio Montes de Oca:
Incremental Social Learning in Swarm Intelligence Algorithms for Optimization. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 19 - Plamen Angelov:
Autonomous Learning Machines - Generating Rules from Data Streams. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 21 - Michel Verleysen:
Feature Selection for High-dimensional Data Analysis. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 23
Full Papers
- Yoshiaki Goto, Takeshi Hagiwara, Hajime Sawamura:
Neural Networks Computing the Dungean Semantics of Argumentation. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 5-14 - Jing Wang, Ping Guo:
Epileptic Electroencephalogram Signal Classification based on Sparse Representation. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 15-23 - Ryotaro Kamimura:
Individually and Collectively Treated Neurons and its Application to SOM . IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 24-30 - Tien-Chi Chen, Tsai-Jiun Ren, Yi-Wei Lou:
Design of Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Network and General Regression Neural Network Controller for Traveling-wave Ultrasonic Motor. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 31-40 - Ying Wang, Bo Xu, Xuhai Yang:
Functional Network in Navigation Satellite Clock Error Prediction - A Novel Application. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 41-50 - Alessandro Cinti, Antonello Rizzi:
Neurofuzzy Min-Max Networks Implementation on FPGA . IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 51-57 - Hui Wei, Yuan Ren, Shuang Wu:
A Mathematical Model of a Retina Ganglion Cell' Response to Contrast Edges. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 58-65 - Kwang-Eun Ko, Kwee-Bo Sim:
Optimized Hidden Markov Model for Classification of Motor Imagery EEG Signals. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 66-71 - Guillaume Wacquet, Pierre-Alexandre Hébert, Émilie Caillault Poisson, Denis Hamad:
Semi-supervised K-way Spectral Clustering using Pairwise Constraints. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 72-81 - Ramón García-Hernández, Edgar N. Sánchez, Miguel A. Llama, José Antonio Ruz Hernández:
Decentralized Neural Backstepping Control for an Industrial PA10-7CE Robot Arm. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 82-89
Short Papers
- Wenjun Xia, Tadashi Shibata:
Critical Boundary Vector Concept in Nearest Neighbor Classifiers using k-Means Centers for Efficient Template Reduction. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 93-98 - Bruno Apolloni, Simone Bassis, Lorenzo Valerio:
Kinetic Morphogenesis of a Multilayer Perceptron. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 99-105 - Ryohei Nakano, Seiya Satoh, Takayuki Ohwaki:
Learning Method Utilizing Singular Region of Multilayer Perceptron. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 106-111 - Xiuling Zhou, Ping Guo, C. L. Philip Chen:
Multi-regularization Parameters Estimation for Gaussian Mixture Classifier based on MDL Principle. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 112-117 - Klaus Häming, Gabriele Peters:
Improved Revision of Ranking Functions for the Generalization of Belief in the Context of Unobserved Variables. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 118-123 - Wieslaw Citko, Wieslaw Sienko:
Hamiltonian Neural Network-based Orthogonal Filters - A Basis for Artificial Intelligence. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 124-127 - Sandeep Pande, Fearghal Morgan, Seamus Cawley, Brian McGinley, Jim Harkin, Snaider Carrillo, Liam McDaid:
Addressing the Hardware Resource Requirements of Network-on-chip based Neural Architectures. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 128-137 - Vinod Kumar Jain, Shashikala Tapaswi, Anupam Shukla:
SSLLE: Semi-supervised Locally Linear Embedding based Localization Method for Indoor Wireless Networks. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 138-146 - Mohammad Moinul Islam, Vijayan K. Asari, Mohammed Nazrul Islam, Mohammad A. Karim:
Modified Local Binary Pattern (MLBP) for Robust Face Recognition. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 147-152 - Luis Pastor Sánchez Fernández, Luis Alejandro Sánchez-Pérez, Marco Antonio Moreno Ibarra:
Aircraft Classification and Noise Map Estimation based on Real-time Measurements of Take-off Noise. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 153-162 - Bruce J. Vanstone, Gavin R. Finnie:
Trading Foreign Currency using Artificial Neural Network Strategies. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 163-167 - Ouriel Barzilay, Alon Wolf:
Learning from Biofeedback - Patient-specific Games for Neuromuscular Rehabilitation. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 168-174 - Mariam Kalakech, Philippe Biela, Denis Hamad, Ludovic Macaire:
Semi-supervised Evaluation of Constraint Scores for Feature Selection. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 175-182 - Zu Soh, Toshio Tsuji, Noboru Takiguchi, Hisao Ohtake:
On-center/off-surround Neural Network Model for Olfactory Attention. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 183-189 - Jiun-Wei Liou, Cheng-Yuan Liou:
Neighborhood Function Design for Embedding in Reduced Dimension. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 190-195 - Dalius Krunglevicius:
Neural Processing of Long Lasting Sequences of Temporal Codes - Model of Artificial Neural Network based on a Spike Timing-dependant Learning Rule. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 196-204 - Seyed Hamid Khodadad Hosseini, Adel Azar, Ali Rajabzadeh Ghatari, Arash Bahrammirzaee:
Developing Combined Forecasting Models in Oil Industry - A Case Study in OPEC Oil Demand. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 205-210 - Maya Rajnarayn Ray, Arup Kumar Sarma:
Importance of Input Parameter Selection for Synthetic Streamflow Generation of Different Time Step using ANN Techniques. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 211-217 - M. W. Siti, B. P. Numbi, Dan V. Nicolae:
A New Distribution System Reconfiguration Approach using Particle Swarm Optimization and Neural Network. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 218-223 - Marco Ragni, Andreas Klein:
Solving Number Series - Architectural Properties of Successful Artificial Neural Networks. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 224-229 - Dermot Kerr, T. Martin McGinnity, Sonya A. Coleman, Qingxiang Wu, Marine Clogenson:
Spiking Hierarchical Neural Network for Corner Detection. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 230-235 - Jie Zhang, Nikos G. Pantelelis:
Reliable Modelling and Optimisation Control of Reactive Polymer Composite Moulding Processes using Bootstrap Aggregated Neural Network Models. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 236-241 - Aristomenis S. Lampropoulos, Paraskevi S. Lampropoulou, George A. Tsihrintzis:
A Movie Recommender System based on Ensemble of Transductive SVM Classifiers. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 242-247 - Antoine Eiche, Daniel Chillet, Sébastien Pillement, Olivier Sentieys:
Parallel Evaluation of Hopfield Neural Networks. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 248-253 - S. M. Karazi, D. Brabazon:
Evaluation of the Effect of Nd: YVO4 Laser Parameters on Internal Micro-channel Fabrication in Polycarbonate. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 254-259 - Manfred Hild, Christian Thiele, Christian Benckendorff:
The Distributed Architecture for Large Neural Networks (DISTAL) of the Humanoid Robot MYON. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 260-266 - Héctor Fabio Satizábal Mejia, Andrés Pérez-Uribe:
Using the GNG-m Algorithm to Deal with the Problem of Catastrophic Forgetting in Incremental Modelling. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 267-276 - Boguslaw Cyganek, Kazimierz Wiatr:
Image Contents Annotations with the Ensemble of One-class Support Vector Machines. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 277-282 - Weiwei Yu, Kurosh Madani, Christophe Sabourin:
CMAC Structure Optimization with Q-learning Approach and its Application. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 283-288 - Hasan Ogul, Sinan U. Umu, Y. Yener Tuncel, Mahinur S. Akkaya:
A Probabilistic Method for Prediction of microRNA-target Interactions. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 289-293
- Daouda Diouf, Sylvie Thiria, Awa Niang, Julien Brajard, Michel Crépon:
Retrieving Aerosol Characteristics from Satellite Ocean Color Multi-spectral Sensors using a Neural-variational Method. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 297-303 - Hideyuki Terazono, Hyonchol Kim, Masahito Hayashi, Akihiro Hattori, Hiroyuki Takei, Kenji Yasuda:
Construction and Analysis of an Artificial Neuronal Network using a Neuron-collecting, Micro-patterning Method based on a Multi-electrode Array System. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 304-307 - Stefan Glüge, Ronald Böck, Andreas Wendemuth:
Segmented-Memory Recurrent Neural Networks versus Hidden Markov Models in Emotion Recognition from Speech. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 308-315 - Anastase Alexandre Charantonis, Julien Brajard, Cyril Moulin, Bardan Fouad, Sylvie Thiria:
Inverse Method for the Retrieval of Ocean Vertical Profiles using Self Organizing Maps and Hidden Markov Models - Application on Ocean Colour Satellite Image Inversion. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 316-321 - Katy Ferguson, Jie Zhang, Carl Steele, Colin Clarke, Julian Morris:
Modelling Vitrified Glass Viscosity in a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant using Neural Networks. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 322-325 - Noriaki Ikeda, Kai Ishida, Harukazu Tsuruta, Akihiro Takeuchi:
Effect of Correlation between Clinical Tests on the Performance of a Multiple Test-based Diagnostic System - Study with a Logistic Model and Neural Nets. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 326-329 - J. Mateo, A. M. Torres, C. Soria, María A. García, César Sánchez:
EEG Noise Cancellation based on Neural Network. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 330-333 - Kenji Nishida, Jun Fujiki, Takio Kurita:
Ensemble Random-subset SVM. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 334-339 - Mlungisi Duma, Bhekisipho Twala, Tshilidzi Marwala, Fulufhelo V. Nelwamondo:
Improving the Performance of the Support Vector Machine in Insurance Risk Classification - A Comparitive Study. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 340-346 - Roberto Becerra-García, Rodolfo V. García, Fernando Rojas, Jesús González, Belén San Román, Luís Velázquez:
EogStudio - A Software Platform for Processing Electrooculography Recordings. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 347-350 - Vladimir Kryzhanovsky:
Identification of Correlated Patterns by Vector Perceptron with Binarized Synaptic Coefficients. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 351-357 - Gabriele Peters:
Six Necessary Qualities of Self-learning Systems - A Short Brainstorming. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 358-364 - Manne Hannula, T. Holma, E. Löfgren, H. Hinkula, M. Sorri:
Preliminary Results of Clinical Tests of a New Neural-network-based Otitis Media Analysis System. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 365-368 - Karima Amoura, Patrice Wira, Saïd Djennoune:
A State-space Neural Network for Modeling Dynamical Nonlinear Systems. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 369-376 - Menelaos Pappas, Ioannis Ntziantzias, John Kechagias, Nikolaos M. Vaxevanidis:
Modeling of Abrasive Water Jet Machining using Taguchi Method and Artificial Neural Networks. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 377-380 - Marine Clogenson, Dermot Kerr, T. Martin McGinnity, Sonya A. Coleman, Qingxiang Wu:
Biologically Inspired Edge Detection using Spiking Neural Networks and Hexagonal Images. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 381-384 - Matthias Kubisch, Benjamin Werner, Manfred Hild:
Using Co-existing Attractors of a Sensorimotor Loop for the Motion Control of a Humanoid Robot. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 385-390 - Zaiwen Liu, Xiaoyi Wang, Wei Wei:
A Comprehensive Evaluation Model and Intelligent Prediction Method of Water Bloom. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 391-394 - Ish Dhand, Manoranjan P. Singh:
Mean Field Monte Carlo Studies of Associative Memory - Understanding the Dynamics of a Many-pattern Model. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 395-400 - Rafael Peña, Aurelio Medina:
Using Neural Networks to Forecast Renewable Energy Resources. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 401-404 - Kevin Swingler:
The Perils of Ignoring Data Suitability - The Suitability of Data used to Train Neural Networks Deserves More Attention. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 405-409
Special Session on Challenges in Neuroengineering
Full Papers
- Fernando Flórez, José Maria Azorín, Eduardo Iáñez, Andrés Úbeda, Eduardo Fernández:
Development of a Low-cost SVM-based Spontaneous Brain-computer Interface. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 415-421 - Jana Tucková, Marek Bártu, Petr Zetocha, Pavel Grill:
Self-organizing Maps as Data Classifiers in Medical Applications. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 422-429 - M. Bartés-Serrallonga, Jordi Solé-Casals, Ana Adan, Carlos Falcón, Núria Bargalló, J. M. Serra-Grabulosa:
Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data using Independent Component Analysis. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 430-436 - Andrey Eliseyev, Cécile Moro, Jean Faber, Alexander Wyss, Napoleon Torres, Corinne Mestais, Tetiana Aksenova, Alim-Louis Benabid:
Effective Selection of Electrode Subsets in BCI Experiments. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 437-443 - Yohei Tomita, Antoine Gaume, Hovagim Bakardjian, Monique Maurice, Andrzej Cichocki, Yoko Yamaguchi, Gérard Dreyfus, François-Benoît Maurice:
Concatenation Method for High-temporal Resolution SSVEP-BCI. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 444-452
Short Papers
- Esteve Gallego-Jutglà, Jordi Solé-Casals, Tomasz M. Rutkowski, Andrzej Cichocki:
Application of Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition for Cleaning Eye Blinks Artifacts from EEG Signals. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 455-460 - Kazuko Hiyoshi-Taniguchi, François-Benoît Vialatte, M. Kawasaki, Hironori Fukuyama, Andrzej Cichocki:
Neurodynamics of Emotional Judgments in the Human Brain. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 461-464 - Mohamed Elgendi, François B. Vialatte, Martin Constable, Justin Dauwels:
Immersive Neurofeedback - A New Paradigm. IJCCI (NCTA) 2011: 465-469
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