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7. ICN 2008: Cancun, Mexico
- Seventh International Conference on Networking (ICN 2008), 13-18 April 2008, Cancun, Mexico. IEEE Computer Society 2008, ISBN 978-0-7695-3106-9
- Saoucene Mahfoudh, Pascale Minet:
Survey of Energy Efficient Strategies in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. 1-7 - Elham Mazinan, Zahra Arabshahi, Javad Adim:
Comparing AMRIS and ODMRP in Ad-Hoc Networks by QualNet. 8-13 - Bartosz Wietrzyk
, Milena Radenkovic
, Ivaylo Kostadinov:
Practical MANETs for Pervasive Cattle Monitoring. 14-23 - Gugulothu Narsimha
, A. Venugopal Reddy, B. Sateesh Kumar:
QOS Multicast Routing Based on Bandwidth and Resource Availability in Mobile Adhoc Networks. 24-29 - Freddy López Villafuerte, Kirsten Terfloth, Jochen H. Schiller
Using Network Density as a New Parameter to Estimate Distance. 30-35 - Niwat Thepvilojanapong, Shinji Motegi, Akira Idoue, Hiroki Horiuchi:
Resource Allocation for Coexisting ZigBee-Based Personal Area Networks. 36-45 - Yasir Drabu, Hassan Peyravi:
Gateway Placement with QoS Constraints in Wireless Mesh Networks. 46-51 - Birger Lantow
Applying Distributed Classification Algorithms to Wireless Sensor Networks - A Brief View into the Application of the SPRINT Algorithm Family. 52-59 - Khalid A. Farhan:
Network Sender Multicast Routing Protocol. 60-65 - Tamara Pazynyuk, Jianzhong Li, George S. Oreku, Liqiang Pan:
QoS as Means of Providing WSNs Security. 66-71 - Jason Valdez, Mina Guirguis:
Liberating TCP: The Free and the Stunts. 72-77 - Anders Mykkeltveit, Bjarne E. Helvik
Comparison of Schemes for Provision of Differentiated Availability-Guaranteed Services Using Dedicated Protection. 78-86 - Noëmie Simoni, Yijun Wu, Jean Atme, Antoine Boutignon:
NGN Charging in Enhanced IMS. 87-92 - Mohamad El Masri, Guy Juanole, Slim Abdellatif:
Hybrid Admission Control Algorithm for IEEE 802.11e EDCA: Analysis. 93-98 - Gerard París
, Marcel Arrufat, Pedro García López, Marc Sánchez Artigas:
An Application Layer Multicast for Collaborative Scenarios: The OMCAST Protocol. 99-104 - Marvin Sánchez G., Jens Zander, Bo Hagerman:
On the Performance of Power and Rate Control in STDMA Multihop Networks with Advanced Antennas. 105-110 - Yi Wang, Benxiong Huang, Furong Wang, Fan Zhang:
Reduce Time Synchronization Cost for High Latency and Resource-Constrained Sensor Networks. 111-116 - Radek Kuchta, Radimir Vrba
, Vladimir Sulc:
Smart Platform for Wireless Communication - Case Study. 117-120 - Davide Astuti, Aki Nyrhinen, Ilpo Järvinen, Markku Kojo:
SLACP: A Novel Link-Layer Protocol for Wireless WANs. 121-130 - Ahmed M. Mahdy, Jitender S. Deogun:
Stable and Fair MANETs: A Scalable Multi-Measure Clustering Framework. 131-136 - Susana Sargento
, Rafael Sarrö, Ricardo Duarte, Patrick Stupar:
Seamless Mobility Architecture Supporting Ad-Hoc Environments. 137-144 - Seong-Hyun Jang, Sang-Hun Yoon, Jong-Wha Chong:
Robust Packet Detection Algorithm for DBO-CSS. 145-149 - Priyanka Rawat, Jean-Marie Bonnin, Ana Minaburo:
Optimising the Use of Robust Header Compression Profiles in NEMO Networks. 150-155 - Vaclav Dvorak:
Communication Performance of Mesh- and Ring-Based NoCs. 156-161 - Stefano Bistarelli
, Francesco Santini
A Formal and Practical Framework for Constraint-Based Routing. 162-167 - Yu Zhang, Binxing Fang, Hongli Zhang:
On Destination Set in IP-Level Topology Measurement. 168-173 - Markus Goldstein
, Christoph H. Lampert, Matthias Reif, Armin Stahl, Thomas M. Breuel:
Bayes Optimal DDoS Mitigation by Adaptive History-Based IP Filtering. 174-179 - Yutaka Sugawara, Takeshi Yoshino, Hiroshi Tezuka, Mary Inaba, Kei Hiraki:
Effect of Packet Shuffler on Parallel TCP Stream Network. 180-185 - Go Hasegawa
, Kana Yamanegi, Masayuki Murata
A Transport-layer Approach for Achieving Predictable Throughput for Internet Applications. 186-191 - Hsiang-Fu Yu, Hung-Chang Yang, Chu-Yi Chien, Yao-Tien Wang:
A Limited-Client-Capability Broadcasting Scheme for VoD Applications. 192-196 - Vladislav Skorpil:
New Approach to Converged Networks. 197-201 - Ionut Pirnog
, Mihnea Udrea, Constantin Paleologu:
Efficient Method for Content Extraction Applied in Multimedia Communication. 202-206 - Yi-Hua E. Yang, Joseph D. Touch:
Protocol Family for Optimal and Deterministic Symmetric Key Assignment. 207-212 - Mitsuhiro Mabuchi, Yasushi Shinjo, Akira Sato, Kazuhiko Kato:
An Access Control Model for Web-Services That Supports Delegation and Creation of Authority. 213-222 - Maria Striki, John S. Baras, Kyriakos Manousakis:
Fault-Tolerant Extension of Hypercube for Secure and Reliable Group Communications. 223-231 - Keijo Haataja:
Further Classification of Bluetooth-Enabled Ad-Hoc Networks Depending on a Risk Analysis within Each Classified Group. 232-237 - Sanjeev Kumar, Einar Petana:
Mitigation of TCP-SYN Attacks with Microsoft's Windows XP Service Pack2 (SP2) Software. 238-242 - Tobias Eggendorfer
Application Level Proxies on Bridges. 243-248 - Hans Scholten, Hylke W. van Dijk:
Home Network Security. 249-255 - Xin Zhou, Bo Xu, Yaxuan Qi, Jun Li:
MRSI: A Fast Pattern Matching Algorithm for Anti-virus Applications. 256-261 - Matthias Werner
, Michael A. Jaeger, Helge Parzyjegla:
An Application of the (max, +) Algebra to Information Flow Security. 262-266 - Xiangbin Cheng, Jun Bi, Xing Li:
Swing - A Novel Mechanism Inspired by Shim6 Address-Switch Conception to Limit the Effectiveness of DoS Attacks. 267-272 - Dongliang Guan, Jiangtao Wang, Hui Chen, Jun Dong:
Some Connection Problems with BitTorrent. 273-278 - Wenyu Qu, Keqiu Li, Masaru Kitsuregawa:
Enhance Retrieval Efficiency on the Internet. 279-284 - Il-Woo Lee, Moon-Ok Choi, Ho-Jin Park:
A Peer-to-Peer Service Platform Architecture for Extended Home Services. 285-289 - Thibault Cholez, Isabelle Chrisment, Olivier Festor:
A Distributed and Adaptive Revocation Mechanism for P2P Networks. 290-295 - Soohong Park, Seong-Ho Jeong, Cheolju Hwang:
Mobile IPTV Expanding the Value of IPTV. 296-301 - Oliver Friedrich, Robert Seeliger
, Stefan Arbanowski
Interactive and Personalized Services for an Open IMS-Based IPTV Infrastructure. 302-307 - Eero Wallenius, Timo Hämäläinen, Kari Halttunen:
XML Based 3G/LTE Network and Service Management Concept. 308-317 - Besnik Shatri, Agim Abdullahu, Skënder Rugova, Arianit Maraj:
VPN Creation in IP/MPLS Network in Kosova. 318-323 - Jose Oscar Fajardo
, Jon Ander Picó, Alejandro Muñoz:
New Tunneling Capabilities for BGP/MPLS IP VPN in GNU/Linux. 324-329 - Dongliang Guan, Jiangtao Wang, Yue Zhang, Jun Dong:
Understanding BitTorrent Download Performance. 330-335 - Yong Meng Teo
, Marian Mihailescu:
Collision Avoidance in Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Systems. 336-341 - Jani Peltotalo, Jarmo Harju, Alex Jantunen, Marko Saukko, Lassi Väätämöinen:
Peer-to-Peer Streaming Technology Survey. 342-350 - Kyungbaek Kim
Time-Related Replication for P2P Storage System. 351-356 - Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn, Preeda Jaiton:
Effect of Triangular Routing in Mixed IPv4/IPv6 Networks. 357-362 - Masaki Aida, Chisa Takano, Masayuki Murata
, Makoto Imase:
A Proposal of Quasi-Static Approach for Analyzing the Stability of IP Telephony Systems. 363-370 - Krzysztof Lenarski, Andrzej Kasprzak, Iwona Pozniak-Koszalka:
Comparison of Heuristic Methods Applied to Optimization of Computer Networks. 371-376 - Imed Lassoued, Jean-Marie Bonnin, Zied Ben Hamouda, Abdelfattah Belghith
A Methodology for Evaluating Vertical Handoff Decision Mechanisms. 377-384 - Kleber Kendy Horikawa Nabas, Walter Godoy Jr., Emílio C. G. Wille
A Simulation Study of the WFQ Scheduler in a DiffServ Node under LRD Traffic. 385-391 - Hong Wang, Zhenghu Gong, Zexin Lu, Jinshu Su
, Sudan Li:
An Entropy Based Algorithm to Find Critical Traffic Matrices. 392-397 - Roland Schwarzkopf, Markus Mathes, Steffen Heinzl, Bernd Freisleben
, Helmut Dohmann:
Java RMI versus .NET Remoting Architectural Comparison and Performance Evaluation. 398-407 - Giorgia de Oliveira Mattos
, Rafael Dueire Lins, Andrei de Araújo Formiga, Francisco Heron de Carvalho Junior:
A Comparison of Cluster and Grid Configurations Executing Image Processing Tasks in a Local Network. 408-414 - Inès El Korbi, Leïla Azouz Saïdane:
Performance Evaluation of Deadline Monotonic Policy over 802.11 Throughput and Average Service Time. 415-420 - Li Xuan, Liu Ying:
L-MMIRA: Light Multicast Minimal Interference Routing Module in MPLS Network. 421-426 - Pan Shi, Yifeng Lian:
Game-Theoretical Effectiveness Evaluation of DDoS Defense. 427-433 - Qi Li, Mingwei Xu, Ke Xu, Jianping Wu:
Evaluating Service Scalability of Network Architectures. 434-438 - Peter Teufl, Udo Payer, Michael Amling, Martin Godec, Stefan Ruff, Gerhard Scheikl, Gernot Walzl:
InFeCT - Network Traffic Classification. 439-444 - Congzhou Zhou, Nicholas F. Maxemchuk:
Applying a Macro Model of Ad Hoc Networks to Access Control. 445-453 - Jinho Hwang, Nakpo Kim, Sangyong Kang, Jongseog Koh:
A Framework for IMS Interworking Networks with Quality of Service Guarantee. 454-459 - Adrian Andronache, Steffen Rothkugel:
NLWCA-Node and Link Weighted Clustering Algorithm for Backbone-Assisted Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 460-467 - György Terdik
, Tibor Gyires:
Internet Traffic Modeling with Lévy Flights. 468-473 - Pavel Silhavy:
Half-Overlap Subchannel Filtered MultiTone Modulation with the Small Delay. 474-478 - Heine Kolltveit, Svein-Olaf Hvasshovd:
Main Memory Commit Protocols for Multiple Backups. 479-484 - Karol Molnar, Vít Vrba:
DiffServ-Based User-Manageable Quality of Service Control System. 485-490 - Vladimir S. Zaborovsky, Sergey Ygorov, Nikolay Fedorov:
TCP Flows in Stochastic Network Environment: Models and Characteristics. 491-496 - Hong Wang, Zhenghu Gong, Qing Guan, Baosheng Wang:
Detection Network Anomalies Based on Packet and Flow Analysis. 497-502 - Joris Walraevens
, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel:
Analysis of Priority Queues with Session-Based Arrival Streams. 503-510 - Hesham El-Sayed, Sherali Zeadally, Mohammed Boulmalf:
Experimental Evaluation and Characterization of Long-Distance 802.11g Links. 511-516 - Johannes Lessmann, Peter Janacik, Lazar Lachev, Dalimir Orfanus:
Comparative Study of Wireless Network Simulators. 517-523 - Andrzej Chydzinski
Packet Loss Process in a Queue with Markovian Arrivals. 524-529 - Ahmed M. Mahdy:
Marine Wireless Sensor Networks: Challenges and Applications. 530-535 - Ondrej Sajdl, Radimir Vrba
Embedded System with Speech Recognition for Wireless Actuator Control. 536-538 - Sadeq Ali Makram, Mesut Günes
, Amine Kchiche, Martin Krebs:
Dynamic Channel Assignment for Wireless Mesh Networks Using Clustering. 539-544 - Marco Aurélio Spohn
, Paulo Sérgio Sausen
, Fabiano Salvadori
, Maurício de Campos
Simulation of Blind Flooding over Wireless Sensor Networks Based on a Realistic Battery Model. 545-550 - Yezekael Hayel, Víctor M. Ramos R.
, Bruno Tuffin:
A Hierarchical Game for Uplink CDMA Transmissions with Random Active Users. 551-555 - Jiri Schimmel, Jiri Prinosil, Jiri Misurec:
Surveillance and Quality Evaluation System for Real-Time Audio Signal Streaming. 556-561 - Adrian Florin Paun, Silviu Ciochina, Constantin Paleologu:
LISS Algorithm with Modified Length Bias Term in Turbo Equalization. 562-566 - Ivo Lattenberg, Kamil Vrba:
Filters Eliminating Input Impedance of Input Current Terminal for High-Speed Analog Signal Processing. 567-571 - Constantin Paleologu, Felix Albu
, Andrei Alexandru Enescu, Silviu Ciochina:
Square-Root-Free QRD-LSL Adaptive Algorithm with Improved Numerical Robustness. 572-577 - Jiri Schimmel, Ivan Koula, Jiri Misurec, Zdenek Smékal
Spectral Characteristics of Nonlinear Systems Approximated by Piecewise Linear Function. 578-583 - Xin Wang, Guangzeng Feng:
Adapting Constant Modulus Algorithm for Phase Modulation Signals. 584-587 - Pavel Zahradnik, Boris Simák
, Miroslav Vlcek:
Fast and Robust Analytical Design of Equiripple Comb FIR Filters for Communication Purposes. 588-593 - Thomas Delaet, Paul Anderson, Wouter Joosen:
Managing Real-World System Configurations with Constraints. 594-601 - Kyriakos Koukoumpetsos, Nick Antonopoulos, Kan Zhang, Georgios Exarchakos
Improving Availability of Mobile Code Systems by Decoupling Interaction from Mobility. 602-607 - Marcin Bazyluk, Leszek Koszalka, Keith J. Burnham:
Scheduling on Networks of Workstations with Task Runtime Restrictions. 608-613 - Guillaume Autran, Xining Li:
Large Scale Deployment a Mobile Agent Approach to Network Management. 614-619 - José M. Gutiérrez López, Jens Myrup Pedersen
, Rubén Cuevas Rumín, Ole Brun Madsen:
Restoration Mechanism for the N2R Topological Routing Algorithm. 620-625 - Christoph Steigner, Harald Dickel, Tim Keupen:
RIP-MTI: A New Way to Cope with Routing Loops. 626-632 - Qimin Yang:
Optimum Routing and Forwarding Arrangement in Bufferless Data Vortex Switch Network. 633-638 - Zhenshan Liu, Junyong Luo, QingXian Wang:
Large Scale Topology Discovery for Public IPv6 Networks. 639-644 - Sonia Majid, Kazi Ahmed:
Post-Disaster Communications: A Cognitive Agent Approach. 645-650 - Bin Zhuge, Ligang Dong, Weiming Wang:
A Distributed Routing Algorithm Based on Architecture of ForCES. 651-655 - Kyriaki Seklou, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos
Fast Reservation Protocols for Latency Reduction in Optical Burst-Switched Networks Based on Predictions. 656-662 - Masafumi Watari, Yuichiro Hei, Shigehiro Ano, Katsuyuki Yamazaki:
Improving the Sustainability of Autonomous Systems. 663-668 - Thomas Rausch, Heimo Zeilinger, Andreas Kaindl:
Routing Performance in Air Traffic Services Networks. 669-674 - Stylianos Chatziperis, Polychronis Koutsakis
, Michael Paterakis:
Highly Efficient Call Admission Control for Wireless Multimedia Traffic. 675-680 - Wen Ji, Yiqiang Chen
, Chen Lei, Huiguo Zhang, Hui Wang, Yunbing Xing, Bo Tang:
Module and Distortion Analysis for Video Decoding on Mobile Devices. 681-685 - Olaf Thiele, Hartwig Knapp, Martin Schader, Nicolas Prat
MobileAERO: Using Tag Clouds for Mobile Knowledge Management. 686-691 - Mohamed Chedly Ghedira, Walid Ben-Ameur, Hossam Afifi:
A Novel Route Guidance Algorithm with Maximum Coverage and Minimum Handover for Vehicular Networks. 692-697 - Xin Li:
NSIS-Based Firewall Detection in Mobile IPv6. 698-702 - Michael Mackay, José Moura
, Christopher Edwards:
Flexible Host-Based Handoff Selection for Next Generation Networks. 703-712 - Nabil Ajam, Ahmed Bouabdallah:
Privacy Improvement through Pseudonymity in Parlay X for Location Based Services. 713-718 - Elin Sundby Boysen, Hkon Eyde Kjuus, Torleiv Maseng:
Proactive Handover in Heterogeneous Networks Using SIPs. 719-724 - Frederik Vanhaverbeke, Marc Moeneclaey, Koenraad Laevens, Natalie Degrande, Danny De Vleeschauwer:
Comparison of Two Forward Error Correction Approaches for Packet Protection in HDTV with Variable Bit Rate Transmission. 725-729 - Anis Kamoun, Faouzi Zarai, Lotfi Kamoun:
Best Video Stream Variation Selection in Wireless Networks. 730-733 - Anand Pulicat Gopalakrishnan, Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh, Hamid Jafarkhani
A Performance Evaluation of H.264 FGS Sequences over Hybrid Networks. 734-739 - Radim Burget, Dan Komosny, Vit Novotny:
Integration of Host Position Prediction into Hierarchical Aggregation. 740-745 - Paolo Bucciol, Federico Ridolfo, Juan Carlos De Martin:
Multicast Voice Transmission over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Issues and Challenges. 746-751 - Vladimir Marbukh, Kevin Mills:
Demand Pricing & Resource Allocation in Market-Based Compute Grids: A Model and Initial Results. 752-757 - Gabriel Queiroz Lana, Carlos Becker Westphall
User Maturity Based Trust Management for Grid Computing. 758-761 - Marcelo Massocco Cendron, Carlos Becker Westphall
A Price-Based Task Scheduling for Grid Computing. 762-766
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