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ICCSA 2005: Singapore
- Osvaldo Gervasi, Marina L. Gavrilova, Vipin Kumar, Antonio Laganà, Heow Pueh Lee, Youngsong Mun, David Taniar, Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan:
Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2005, International Conference, Singapore, May 9-12, 2005, Proceedings, Part IV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3483, Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-25863-9
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Education Workshop
- Yiming Zhao, Mingmin Zhang, Shu Wang, Yefang Chen:
Exploring Constructivist Learning Theory and Course Visualization on Computer Graphics. 1-9 - Young-Chul Kim, Jaeyoung Choi:
A Program Plagiarism Evaluation System. 10-19 - Jeongheon Lee, YoungTak Cho, Hoon Heo, Oksam Chae:
Integrated Development Environment for Digital Image Computing and Configuration Management. 20-29 - Lu Ye, Jiejie Zhu, Mingmin Zhang, Ruth Aylett, Lifeng Ren, Guilin Xu:
E-Learning Environment Based on Intelligent Synthetic Characters. 30-37 - Kwanghoon Pio Kim
, Hyun-Ah Kim, Chang-Min Kim:
SCO Control Net for the Process-Driven SCORM Content Aggregation Model. 38-47 - Woochun Jun, Sung-Keun Cho, Byeong Heui Kwak:
Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Information Communication Ethics Education System for the Gifted Students in Computer. 48-55 - Mustafa Murat Inceoglu
International Standards Based Information Technology Courses: A Case Study from Turkey. 56-61 - Sung-il Kim
, Sung-Hyun Yun, Mi-sun Yoon, Yeon-hee So, Won-Sik Kim, Myung-Jin Lee, Dong-Seong Choi, Hyung-Woo Lee:
Design and Implementation of the KORI: Intelligent Teachable Agent and Its Application to Education. 62-71
Digital Device for Ubiquitous Computing Workshop
- Yeonseung Ryu, Tae-Sun Chung, Myungho Lee:
A Space-Efficient Flash Memory Software for Mobile Devices. 72-78 - Sang-ho Kim, Choon Seong Leem:
Security Threats and Their Countermeasures of Mobile Portable Computing Devices in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 79-85 - Choon Seong Leem, Nam Joo Jeon, Jong Hwa Choi, Hyoun Gyu Shin:
A Business Model (BM) Development Methodology in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 86-95 - Jungwoo Lee, Sunghwan Lee:
Developing Business Models in Ubiquitous Era: Exploring Contradictions in Demand and Supply Perspectives. 96-102 - Wooju Kim
, SungKyu Lee, DaeWoo Choi:
Semantic Web Based Intelligent Product and Service Search Framework for Location-Based Services. 103-112 - Hong Joo Lee, Choon Seong Leem:
A Study on Value Chain in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment. 113-121 - Hong Joo Lee, Hee-Jun Park, Sangkyun Kim:
A Study on Authentication Mechanism Using Robot Vacuum Cleaner. 122-127 - Hangbae Chang, Kyung-kyu Kim:
Design of Inside Information Leakage Prevention System in Ubiquitous Computing Environment. 128-137 - Changho Hong, Jongtae Lim:
Design and Implementation of Home Media Server Using TV-Anytime for Personalized Broadcasting Service. 138-147
Optimization: Theories and Applications (OTA) 2005 Workshop
- Chang Ouk Kim, Yunsun Park, Jun-Geol Baek
Optimal Signal Control Using Adaptive Dynamic Programming. 148-160 - Xiucui Guan, Jianzhong Zhang:
Inverse Constrained Bottleneck Problems on Networks. 161-171 - Pei-Chann Chang, Yun-Shiow Chen, Hui-Mei Wang:
Dynamic Scheduling Problem of Batch Processing Machine in Semiconductor Burn-in Operations. 172-181 - Peter Brucker, Svetlana A. Kravchenko:
Polynomial Algorithm for Parallel Machine Mean Flow Time Scheduling Problem with Release Dates. 182-191 - Bruno Escoffier, Vangelis Th. Paschos:
Differential Approximation of min sat, max sat and Related Problems. 192-201 - Federico Della Croce, Bruno Escoffier, Cécile Murat, Vangelis Th. Paschos:
Probabilistic Coloring of Bipartite and Split Graphs. 202-211 - Young-Jin Kim
, Byung Rae Cho, Min Koo Lee, Hyuck Moo Kwon:
Design Optimization Modeling for Customer-Driven Concurrent Tolerance Allocation. 212-221 - Dong-Hyun Baek, In-Jae Jeong, Chang Hee Han:
Application of Data Mining for Improving Yield in Wafer Fabrication System. 222-231 - Min Koo Lee, Hyuck Moo Kwon, Young-Jin Kim
, Jongho Bae:
Determination of Optimum Target Values for a Production Process Based on Two Surrogate Variables. 232-240 - Byounghak Yang:
An Evolution Algorithm for the Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problem. 241-249 - K. K. Lai, Stephen C. H. Leung, Yue Wu:
A Two-Stage Recourse Model for Production Planning with Stochastic Demand. 250-260 - Gyunghyun Choi, Chulyeon Kim:
A Hybrid Primal-Dual Algorithm with Application to the Dual Transportation Problems. 261-268 - V. Mani, Suresh Sundaram, Hyoung Joong Kim:
Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms for Optimal Static Load Balancing in Distributed Computing System with Communication Delays. 269-279 - Taeho Kim, Jae-Gon Kim:
Heterogeneity in and Determinants of Technical Efficiency in the Use of Polluting Inputs. 280-289 - Yu Xia, Jiming Peng:
A Continuation Method for the Linear Second-Order Cone Complementarity Problem. 290-300 - E. Ertugrul Karsak, S. Sebnem Ahiska:
Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making Approach for Transport Projects Evaluation in Istanbul. 301-311 - V. Jorge Leon, In-Jae Jeong:
An Improved Group Setup Strategy for PCB Assembly. 312-321 - Jae-Gon Kim, Marc Goetschalckx:
A Mixed Integer Programming Model for Modifying a Block Layout to Facilitate Smooth Material Flows. 322-332 - S. Michael Wang, Kung-Jeng Wang, Hui-Ming Wee, James C. Chen:
An Economic Capacity Planning Model Considering Inventory and Capital Time Value. 333-341 - Wai-Ki Ching, Allen H. Tai:
A Quantity-Time-Based Dispatching Policy for a VMI System. 342-349 - Kyung Hwan Kang, Young Hoon Lee, Byung Ki Lee:
An Exact Algorithm for Multi Depot and Multi Period Vehicle Scheduling Problem. 350-359 - Byeong Seok Ahn
, Chang Hee Han:
Determining Multiple Attribute Weights Consistent with Pairwise Preference Orders. 360-367 - Peng-Sheng You:
A Pricing Model for a Service Inventory System When Demand Is Price and Waiting Time Sensitive. 368-377 - Dieter Debels, Mario Vanhoucke
A Bi-population Based Genetic Algorithm for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. 378-387 - Alireza Rashidi Komijan, Seyed Jafar Sadjadi:
Optimizing Product Mix in a Multi-bottleneck Environment Using Group Decision-Making Approach. 388-396 - Henk Bekker, E. P. Braad, Boris Goldengorin:
Using Bipartite and Multidimensional Matching to Select the Roots of a System of Polynomial Equations. 397-406 - Boris V. Sokolov, Rafael M. Yusupov
, Evgeniy M. Zaychik:
Principles, Models, Methods, and Algorithms for the Structure Dynamics Control in Complex Technical Systems. 407-416 - Chia-Ho Chen, Ching-Jung Ting, Pei-Chann Chang:
Applying a Hybrid Ant Colony System to the Vehicle Routing Problem. 417-426 - Ki-Kwang Lee:
A Coevolutionary Approach to Optimize Class Boundaries for Multidimensional Classification Problems. 427-436 - Ying-Jiun Hsieh, Yavuz A. Bozer:
Analytical Modeling of Closed-Loop Conveyors with Load Recirculation. 437-447 - Beumjun Ahn, Kwang-Kyu Seo:
A Multi-items Ordering Model with Mixed Parts Transportation Problem in a Supply Chain. 448-457 - Kwang-Kyu Seo, Sung-Hwan Min
, Hun-Woo Yoo:
Artificial Neural Network Based Life Cycle Assessment Model for Product Concepts Using Product Classification Method. 458-466 - Young Hae Lee, Jung Woo Jung:
New Heuristics for No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling with Precedence Constraints and Sequence Dependent Setup Time. 467-476 - Eugenio Mijangos:
Efficient Dual Methods for Nonlinearly Constrained Networks. 477-487 - Ana Maria A. C. Rocha, Edite M. G. P. Fernandes
, João L. C. Soares:
A First-Order epsilon-Approximation Algorithm for Linear Programs and a Second-Order Implementation. 488-498 - Jenn-Rong Lin, Linda K. Nozick, Mark A. Turnquist:
Inventory Allocation with Multi-echelon Service Level Considerations. 499-508 - Ho Woo Lee, Tae-Hoon Kim:
A Queueing Model for Multi-product Production System Under Varying Manufacturing Environment. 509-518 - Jianwei Chen, Jin-Ting Zhang, Hulin Wu:
Discretization Approach and Nonparametric Modeling for Long-Term HIV Dynamic Model. 519-527 - Jang Hyun Baek, Jae Young Seo, Douglas C. Sicker
Performance Analysis and Optimization of an Improved Dynamic Movement-Based Location Update Scheme in Mobile Cellular Networks. 528-537 - Jun-Gyu Kim, Hyong-Bae Jeon, Hwa-Joong Kim, Dong-Ho Lee
, Paul C. Xirouchakis:
Capacitated Disassembly Scheduling: Minimizing the Number of Products Disassembled. 538-547 - H. M. Prasanna, Debasish Ghose, M. Seetharama Bhat, Chiranjib Bhattacharyya, J. Umakant:
Ascent Phase Trajectory Optimization for a Hypersonic Vehicle Using Nonlinear Programming. 548-557 - Won Young Yun, Eun Suk Kim:
Estimating Parameters in Repairable Systems Under Accelerated Stress. 558-565 - Kibum Kim, Bongju Jeong, Seung-Ju Jeong:
Optimization Model for Remanufacturing System at Strategic and Operational Level. 566-576 - Dong Shang Chang, Yi Chun Kuo:
A Novel Procedure to Identify the Minimized Overlap Boundary of Two Groups by DEA Model. 577-586 - Mahmood R. Minhas, Sadiq M. Sait:
A Parallel Tabu Search Algorithm for Optimizing Multiobjective VLSI Placement. 587-595 - Derya Eren Akyol
, Gunhan Mirac Bayhan:
A Coupled Gradient Network Approach for the Multi Machine Earliness and Tardiness Scheduling Problem. 596-605 - Si-Yeong Lim, Sun Hur:
An Analytic Model for Correlated Traffics in Computer-Communication Networks. 606-614 - Seung J. Noh, Suk-Chul Rim:
Product Mix Decisions in the Process Industry. 615-623 - Soo-Tae Kwon:
On the Optimal Workloads Allocation of an FMS with Finite In-process Buffers. 624-631 - Isabel A. Espírito-Santo, Edite M. G. P. Fernandes
, M. Madalena Araújo
, Eugénio C. Ferreira:
NEOS Server Usage in Wastewater Treatment Cost Minimization. 632-641 - Jungman Hong, Seungkil Lim:
Branch and Price Algorithm for Content Allocation Problem in VOD Network. 642-651 - Jeongyeon Seo, Sang-Min Park, Seoung Soo Lee, Deok-Soo Kim:
Regrouping Service Sites: A Genetic Approach Using a Voronoi Diagram. 652-661 - Kwang-Il Ahn, Jae-Yearn Kim:
Profile Association Rule Mining Using Tests of Hypotheses Without Support Threshold. 662-669 - Daya Ram Gaur
, Ramesh Krishnamurti:
The Capacitated max-k-cut Problem. 670-679 - Srinivas, Yogesh Dashora, Alok Kumar Choudhary, Jenny A. Harding, M. K. Tiwari:
A Cooperative Multi Colony Ant Optimization Based Approach to Efficiently Allocate Customers to Multiple Distribution Centers in a Supply Chain Network. 680-691 - Leszek Koszalka, Piotr Skworcow:
Experimentation System for Efficient Job Performing in Veterinary Medicine Area. 692-701 - Jia Zhai, Gi-Nam Wang:
An Anti-collision Algorithm Using Two-Functioned Estimation for RFID Tags. 702-711 - Oscar Cornejo, Christian Michelot:
A Proximal Solution for a Class of Extended Minimax Location Problem. 712-721 - Hwa-Joong Kim, Dong-Ho Lee
, Paul C. Xirouchakis:
A Lagrangean Relaxation Approach for Capacitated Disassembly Scheduling. 722-732
General Tracks
- Lei Wang, Zhiping Chen, Xinhua H. Jiang:
DNA-Based Algorithm for 0-1 Planning Problem. 733-742 - Sang-Sung Park, Hun-Woo Yoo, Manhee Lee, Jae-Yeon Kim, Dong-Sik Jang:
Clustering for Image Retrieval via Improved Fuzzy-ART. 743-752 - Wei Sun, Daxin Liu:
Mining Schemas in Semi-structured Data Using Fuzzy Decision Trees. 753-761 - Weitao Sun, Jiwu Shu, Weimin Zheng:
Parallel Seismic Propagation Simulation in Anisotropic Media by Irregular Grids Finite Difference Method on PC Cluster. 762-771 - Marcin Markowski, Andrzej Kasprzak:
The Web Replica Allocation and Topology Assignment Problem in Wide Area Networks: Algorithms and Computational Results. 772-781 - Bo-Hee Lee, Jung-Shik Kong, Jin-Geol Kim:
Optimal Walking Pattern Generation for a Quadruped Robot Using Genetic-Fuzzy Algorithm. 782-791 - Ahmed Nait-Sidi-Moh, Maxime Wack:
Modelling of Process of Electronic Signature with Petri Nets and (Max, Plus) Algebra. 792-801 - Michal Przewozniczek
, Krzysztof Walkowiak
Evolutionary Algorithm for Congestion Problem in Connection-Oriented Networks. 802-811 - Gyoung Bae Kim, Myung-Joon Kim, Hae-Young Bae:
Design and Development of File System for Storage Area Networks. 812-825 - Huaizhong Lin, Zengwei Zheng, Chun Chen:
Transaction Reordering for Epidemic Quorum in Replicated Databases. 826-835 - Kyung-Sik Seo, Tae-Woong Chung:
Automatic Boundary Tumor Segmentation of a Liver. 836-842 - Haoying Fu, Michael K. Ng, Mila Nikolova, Jesse L. Barlow, Wai-Ki Ching:
Fast Algorithms for l1 Norm/Mixed l1 and l2 Norms for Image Restoration. 843-851 - Marek R. Ogiela, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Lidia Ogiela:
Intelligent Semantic Information Retrieval in Medical Pattern Cognitive Analysis. 852-857 - Sung-Kwun Oh, Seok-Beom Roh, Daehee Park, Yong-Kab Kim:
FSPN-Based Genetically Optimized Fuzzy Polynomial Neural Networks. 858-866 - Wan Hyun Cho, Jonghyun Park, Myung-Eun Lee, Soon-Young Park:
Unsupervised Color Image Segmentation Using Mean Shift and Deterministic Annealing EM. 867-876 - Hoonjung Lee, Donghyun Kim, Sangjin Kim, Heekuck Oh:
Identity-Based Key Agreement Protocols in a Multiple PKG Environment. 877-886 - Sung-Kwun Oh, Byoung-Jun Park, Witold Pedrycz, Hyun-Ki Kim:
Evolutionally Optimized Fuzzy Neural Networks Based on Evolutionary Fuzzy Granulation. 887-895 - Lijuan Luo, Qiang Zhou, Xianlong Hong, Hanbin Zhou:
Multi-stage Detailed Placement Algorithm for Large-Scale Mixed-Mode Layout Design. 896-905 - Weishi Li, Li Ping Goh, Terence Hung, Shuhong Xu:
Adaptive Mesh Smoothing for Feature Preservation. 906-915 - Hyo Cheol Ahn, Hee Yong Youn:
A Fuzzy Grouping-Based Load Balancing for Distributed Object Computing Systems. 916-925 - Omar Ramadan:
DSP-Based ADI-PML Formulations for Truncating Linear Debye and Lorentz Dispersive FDTD Domains. 926-935 - SungJin Choi, MaengSoon Baik, Chong-Sun Hwang, Joon-Min Gil, Heon-Chang Yu
Mobile Agent Based Adaptive Scheduling Mechanism in Peer to Peer Grid Computing. 936-947 - Laurent Dumas, Vincent Herbert, Frédérique Muyl:
Comparison of Global Optimization Methods for Drag Reduction in the Automotive Industry. 948-957 - Raquel Barco
, Pedro Lázaro, Luis Díez
, Volker Wille:
Multiple Intervals Versus Smoothing of Boundaries in the Discretization of Performance Indicators Used for Diagnosis in Cellular Networks. 958-967 - Olga Sourina, Dongquan Liu:
Visual Interactive Clustering and Querying of Spatio-Temporal Data. 968-977 - Kentaro Moriya, Takashi Nodera:
Breakdown-Free ML(k)BiCGStab Algorithm for Non-Hermitian Linear Systems. 978-988 - Moonseong Kim, Young-Cheol Bang, Hyunseung Choo:
On Algorithm for Efficiently Combining Two Independent Measures in Routing Paths. 989-998 - Jae Sik Chang, Eun Yi Kim
, Keechul Jung, Hang Joon Kim:
Real Time Hand Tracking Based on Active Contour Model. 999-1006 - Pi-Chung Wang
, Chun-Liang Lee, Hung-Yi Chang, Tung-Shou Chen:
Hardware Accelerator for Vector Quantization by Using Pruned Look-Up Table. 1007-1016 - Ching-Hsien Hsu, Shih-Chang Chen, Kuan-Ching Li, Chao-Tung Yang:
Optimizations of Data Distribution Localities in Cluster Grid Environments. 1017-1027 - Hao Wang
, Heqing Guo, Jianfei Yin, Qi He
, Manshan Lin, Jun Zhang:
Abuse-Free Item Exchange. 1028-1035 - Maria Hong, DaeHyuck Park, Younghwan Lim, Youngsong Mun, Seong-Jin Ahn:
Transcoding Pattern Generation for Adaptation of Digital Items Containing Multiple Media Streams in Ubiquitous Environment. 1036-1045 - Xiangguo Cheng, Jingmei Liu, Xinmei Wang:
Identity-Based Aggregate and Verifiably Encrypted Signatures from Bilinear Pairing. 1046-1054 - Yutaka Toi, Jeoung-Gwen Lee:
Element-Size Independent Analysis of Elasto-Plastic Damage Behaviors of Framed Structures. 1055-1064 - Raphael Chung-Wei Phan, Bok-Min Goi:
On the Rila-Mitchell Security Protocols for Biometrics-Based Cardholder Authentication in Smartcards. 1065-1074 - Sungshin Kim, Hyeon Bae, Seong-Pyo Cheon, Kwang-Baek Kim:
On-line Fabric-Defects Detection Based on Wavelet Analysis. 1075-1084 - Hyeon Bae, Sungshin Kim, Youn Tae Kim, Sang-Hyuk Lee:
Application of Time-Series Data Mining for Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motors. 1085-1094 - Guiyue Jin, Ki Dong Lee:
Distortion Measure for Binary Document Image Using Distance and Stroke. 1095-1101 - Yanfeng Shang, Xin Yang, Ming Zhu, Biao Jin, Ming Liu:
Region and Shape Prior Based Geodesic Active Contour and Application in Cardiac Valve Segmentation. 1102-1110 - Jeongjin Lee, Helen Hong, Yeong-Gil Shin:
Interactive Fluid Animation Using Particle Dynamics Simulation and Pre-integrated Volume Rendering. 1111-1119 - Terry Moreland, Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan:
Performance of Linear Algebra Code: Intel Xeon EM64T and ItaniumII Case Examples. 1120-1130 - Jason J. Jung, GeunSik Jo:
Dataset Filtering Based Association Rule Updating in Small-Sized Temporal Databases. 1131-1139 - Huaqing Li, Feihu Qi, Shaoyu Wang
A Comparison of Model Selection Methods for Multi-class Support Vector Machines. 1140-1148 - SiHun Lee, Jee-Hyong Lee, Keon-Myung Lee, Hee Yong Youn:
Fuzzy Category and Fuzzy Interest for Web User Understanding. 1149-1158 - Xifan Shi, Weizhong Zhao, Yonghang Shen:
Automatic License Plate Recognition System Based on Color Image Processing. 1159-1168 - Ki-Sik Kong, Sung-Ju Roh, Chong-Sun Hwang:
Exploiting Locality Characteristics for Reducing Signaling Load in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Networks. 1169-1179 - Xiangmin Jiao, Phillip J. Alexander:
Parallel Feature-Preserving Mesh Smoothing. 1180-1189 - Sanjeet Singh
, Pankaj Gupta, Davinder Bhatia:
On Multiparametric Sensitivity Analysis in Minimum Cost Network Flow Problem. 1190-1202 - John Goh, David Taniar:
Mining Patterns of Mobile Users Through Mobile Devices and the Musics They Listens. 1203-1211 - Adel Ben Mnaouer:
Scheduling the Interactions of Multiple Parallel Jobs and Sequential Jobs on a Non-dedicated Cluster. 1212-1221 - Kuo Zhang, Jie Tang, Juan-Zi Li, Kehong Wang:
Feature-Correlation Based Multi-view Detection. 1222-1230 - Sunhun Lee, Jungmin Lee, Kwangsue Chung, WoongChul Choi, Seung Hyong Rhee:
BEST: Buffer-Driven Efficient Streaming Protocol. 1231-1240 - Tarik Çakar:
A New Neuro-Dominance Rule for Single Machine Tardiness Problem. 1241-1250 - Taneli Mielikäinen, Janne Ravantti
Sinogram Denoising of Cryo-Electron Microscopy Images. 1251-1261 - Bahman Javadi, Siavash Khorsandi, Mohammad K. Akbari:
Study of a Cluster-Based Parallel System Through Analytical Modeling and Simulation. 1262-1271 - Jemal H. Abawajy:
Robust Parallel Job Scheduling Infrastructure for Service-Oriented Grid Computing Systems. 1272-1281 - James Padgett, Mohammed H. Haji, Karim Djemame
SLA Management in a Service Oriented Architecture. 1282-1291 - Antonio Izquierdo Manzanares, Joaquín Torres Márquez, Juan M. Estévez-Tapiador
, Julio César Hernández Castro:
Attacks on Port Knocking Authentication Mechanism. 1292-1300 - José María Sierra, Julio César Hernández Castro
, Eva Ponce, Jaime Manera:
Marketing on Internet Communications Security for Online Bank Transactions. 1301-1308 - Almudena Alcaide, Juan M. Estévez-Tapiador
, Antonio Izquierdo, José María Sierra:
A Formal Analysis of Fairness and Non-repudiation in the RSA-CEGD Protocol. 1309-1318 - Sang-Yule Choi, Myong-Chul Shin, Nam-Young Hur, Jong-Boo Kim, Tai-Hoon Kim, Jae Sang Cha:
Distribution Data Security System Based on Web Based Active Database. 1319-1330 - Stefan Lindskog, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström:
Data Protection Based on Physical Separation: Concepts and Application Scenarios. 1331-1340 - K. C. Sivakumar, J. Mercy Swarna:
Some Results on a Class of Optimization Spaces. 1341-1348
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