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14th CSEDU 2022 - Volume 2
- Mutlu Cukurova, Nikol Rummel, Denis Gillet, Bruce M. McLaren, James Uhomoibhi:
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2022, Online Streaming, April 22-24, 2022, Volume 2. SCITEPRESS 2022, ISBN 978-989-758-562-3
Invited Speakers
- Ton de Jong:
Inquiry Learning with Online Laboratories: Which Factors Influence Its Success and What Can We Expect from AI? CSEDU (1) 2022: 5 - Erin Walker:
Context-Sensitive Technology Supports for Social Learning. CSEDU (1) 2022: 7 - Katrien Verbert:
Designing Learning Analytics Dashboards: Lessons Learned. CSEDU (1) 2022: 9 - Cristóbal Romero Morales:
Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics. CSEDU (1) 2022: 11
Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Angelo Antonio Manzatto, Edson José Rodrigues Justino, Edson Emílio Scalabrin:
Bone Segmentation of the Human Body in Computerized Tomographies using Deep Learning. 17-26 - Hua Leong Fwa
Fine-grained Detection of Academic Emotions with Spatial Temporal Graph Attention Networks using Facial Landmarks. 27-34 - Célina Treuillier, Anne Boyer:
A New Way to Characterize Learning Datasets. 35-44 - Hassan Tagharobi
, Katharina Simbeck:
Introducing a Framework for Code based Fairness Audits of Learning Analytics Systems on the Example of Moodle Learning Analytics. 45-55 - Dolça Tellols, Takenobu Tokunaga, Hikaru Yokono:
Vocabulary Volume: A New Metric for Assessing Vocabulary Knowledge. 56-65 - Augusto Gonzalez-Bonorino, Eitel J. M. Lauría
, Edward Presutti:
Implementing Open-Domain Question-Answering in a College Setting: An End-to-End Methodology and a Preliminary Exploration. 66-75 - Anis Bey, Ronan Champagnat
Analyzing Student Programming Paths using Clustering and Process Mining. 76-84 - Abbirah Ahmed, Arash Joorabchi, Martin J. Hayes:
On Deep Learning Approaches to Automated Assessment: Strategies for Short Answer Grading. 85-94 - Esther Félix, Nicolas Hernandez, Issam Rebaï:
Exploring the Limits of Lexicon-based Natural Language Processing Techniques for Measuring Engagement and Predicting MOOC's Certification. 95-104 - Denis José Almeida, Márcia Aparecida Fernandes, Newarney Torrezão da Costa:
Sequencing and Recommending Pedagogical Activities from Bloom's Taxonomy using RASI and Multi-objective PSO. 105-116 - Xiaojing Duan
, Chaoli Wang, Guieswende Rouamba:
Designing a Learning Analytics Dashboard to Provide Students with Actionable Feedback and Evaluating Its Impacts. 117-127 - Nathalie Rzepka, Katharina Simbeck, Hans-Georg Müller
, Niels Pinkwart:
Keep It Up: In-session Dropout Prediction to Support Blended Classroom Scenarios. 131-138 - Nathalie Rzepka, Katharina Simbeck, Hans-Georg Müller
, Niels Pinkwart:
An Online Controlled Experiment Design to Support the Transformation of Digital Learning towards Adaptive Learning Platforms. 139-146 - Braulio Baldeon, Renzo Ravelli
, Willy Ugarte:
WawaSimi: Classification Techniques for Phonological Processes Identification in Children from 3 to 5 Years Old. 147-154 - Johannes Schrumpf, Felix Weber
, Katharina Schurz, Niklas Dettmer, Tobias Thelen:
A Free and Open Dataset from a Prototypical Data-driven Study Assistant in Higher Education. 155-162 - Oriane Dermy, Anne Boyer, Azim Roussanaly:
A Dynamic Indicator to Model Students' Digital Behavior. 163-170 - Donatella Papa
Digital Device and Mathematics: Multilevel vs Machine Learning Models for Value-added Ranking in Italy. 171-178 - Tobias Schmohl, Kathrin Schelling, Stefanie Go, Katrin Jana Thaler, Alice Watanabe:
Development, Implementation and Acceptance of an AI-based Tutoring System: A Research-Led Methodology. 179-186 - Anjuli Patel, Paul Stynes
, Anu Sahni, David Mothersill, Pramod Pathak:
A Machine Learning based Eye Tracking Framework to Detect Zoom Fatigue. 187-195 - Antonio Justiniano Moraes Neto
, Márcia A. Fernandes, Tel Amiel:
Conversational Analysis to Recommend Collaborative Learning in Distance Education. 196-203 - Chad Mello, Adrian A. de Freitas, Troy Weingart:
An Approach to Teaching Applied Machine Learning with Autonomous Systems Integration. 204-212 - Pia Niemelä
, Bilhanan Silverajan, Mikko Nurminen
, Jenni Hukkanen, Hannu-Matti Järvinen
LAOps: Learning Analytics with Privacy-aware MLOps. 213-220
Domain Applications and Case Studies
- Bakri Awaji, Ellis Solaiman:
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Blockchain-based Trusted Achievement Record System for Students in Higher Education. 225-237 - Sara Hinterplattner, Marina Rottenhofer, Iris Groher
, Barbara Sabitzer:
Exploring Students' Experiences and Perceptions of Computer Science: A Survey of Austrian Secondary Schools. 238-247 - Iraklis Katsaris
, Ilias Logothetis, Konstantinos Katsios, Nikolaos Vidakis:
Adaptive Blended Learning Platform based on the 4Cs Architecture. 251-259 - Adriana Mihaela Coroiu, Alina Delia Calin, Horea-Bogdan Muresan:
Collaborative Transdisciplinary Educational Approaches in AI. 260-267 - Nicolas Nascimento, Alan R. Santos, Afonso Sales, Rafael Chanin:
Teaching BDD in Active Learning Environments: A Multi-study Analysis. 268-275 - Agnese Addone
, Vittorio Scarano
Outreach in K-12 Programming: A Systematic Literature Review on Audience and Purpose. 276-283 - Anthony Savidis:
Programming Experience Requirements for Future Visual Development Environments. 284-292 - Luís Filipe Garcia, João-Paulo Barros
, Candida Viriato:
Configurable Templates for Assistive Technology Mobile Apps: A Block-based Programming Approach. 293-298
Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
- Igor Ernesto Ferreira Costa, Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira:
A Syllabus to Support Teaching and Learning of Exploratory Test Design and Execution. 303-315 - Nathalie Rzepka, Katharina Simbeck, Hans-Georg Müller
, Niels Pinkwart:
Fairness of In-session Dropout Prediction. 316-326 - Ilenia Fronza, Luis Corral, Gennaro Iaccarino
, Lucia Bartoli, Claus Pahl:
Work-From-Anywhere Skills: Aligning Supply and Demand Starting from High Schools. 327-337 - Mathieu Guinebert, Joël Fabiani
, Melaine Cherdieu, Pierre Holat, Charlie Grosman:
Method for Joining Information and Adapting Content from Gamified Systems and Serious Games in Organizations. 338-350 - Gabriela Lovászová
, Viera Michalicková:
Exploring Geolocation Data: An Inquiry-based Methodology Used in Lower Secondary Education. 351-360 - Romualdo Azevedo, Gretchen T. Macedo, Genildo Gomes, Atacílio Cunha, Joethe Moraes de Carvalho, Fabian Oliveira Lopes, Tayana Conte, Alberto Castro, Bruno Gadelha:
Analysing Usability and UX in Peer Review Tools. 361-371 - Maria Koutantou, Maria Rangoussi:
Digital Game-based Learning in Primary School: What Issues Does/Does Not Recent Research Focus on? 372-383 - Christina Kyriakou, Agoritsa Gogoulou
, Maria Grigoriadou:
Using Kintsch's Text Comprehension Model to Identify CS Students' Conceptions and Misconceptions. 384-394 - Paul Stynes
, Pramod Pathak:
A Research Supervision Framework for Quality and Scalability. 395-403 - Sebastian Gajewski, Nour El Mawas, Jean Heutte:
A Systematic Literature Review of Game Design Tools. 404-414 - Said Hadjerrouit, Celestine Ifeanyi Nnagboa:
Formative Feedback in Mathematics Teacher Education: An Activity and Affordance Theory Perspective. 417-424 - Ivan Kalas, Andrej Blaho, Milan Moravcik:
Programming in Year 4: An Analysis of the Design Research Process. 425-433 - Razvan Deaconescu
, Andra Baltoiu
, Tiberiu Georgescu, Alin Puncioiu:
Using Cybersecurity Exercises as Essential Learning Tools in Universities. 434-441 - Madalina Erascu, Velibor Mladenovici
Transferring Learning into the Workplace: Evaluating a Student-centered Learning Approach through Computer Science Students' Lens. 442-449 - Rodrigo Henrique Barbosa Monteiro
, Maurício Ronny de Almeida Souza, Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira, Elziane Monteiro Soares:
The Adoption of a Framework to Support the Evaluation of Gamification Strategies in Software Engineering Education. 450-457 - Rene Roepke, Vincent Drury, Ulrike Meyer, Ulrik Schroeder:
Better the Phish You Know: Evaluating Personalization in Anti-Phishing Learning Games. 458-466 - Alessandro Signa, Manuel Gentile
, Sabrina Picciotto, Antonella Cusimano, Salvatore Perna
BubbleMumble: A Serious Game for the Dissemination of Scientific Results in Secondary Schools. 467-474 - Willian de Oliveira Silva, Arlete Teresinha Beuren, Cristina Mesquita, Rui Pedro Lopes:
Webfolio: Secure Digital Portfolio for Early Childhood Education. 475-482 - Karima Boussaha, Mouhamed Beggas, Khalil Khoualdi:
New Categorization of Practical Works Activities with Hybridization of Bloom's Taxonomy, Grimard's Pyramid, and Specific MOOC. 483-488 - Antonilson da Silva Alcantara, Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira:
An Application of a Gamification to Knowledge Management Teaching: A Qualitative Evaluation. 489-497 - Rui Patrício
Bridging the Theory and Practice Gap in Marketing Education. 498-505 - Elziane Monteiro Soares, Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira:
Application of a Gamification to Solve Problems of Software Process Improvement in the Educational Context: A Case Study. 506-514 - Antti Valmari
Adapting Formal Logic for Everyday Mathematics. 515-524 - Patrick Wolfschwenger, Mona Emara, Wolfgang Lumetsberger, Thomas Hatter, Barbara Sabitzer, Zsolt Lavicza
The Developer's Journey: A Storytelling Framework for Cooperative Learning in Software Engineering. 525-533 - Ramona Srbecky, Michael Winterhagen, Benjamin Wallenborn, Matthias Then, Binh Vu, Wieland Fraas, Jan Dettmers, Matthias L. Hemmje:
Towards a Work Task Simulation Supporting Training of Work Design Skills during Qualification-based Learning. 534-542 - Jack Fernando Bravo-Torres, María Dolores Fernández Pérez, Cinthya María Cevallos-Ludeña, Wilson Daniel Bravo-Torres, Esteban Fernando Ordóñez-Morales:
Towards Deep Learning in the University through Collaborative Instructional Design based on Learning Outcomes and Threshold Concepts. 543-548 - João-Paulo Barros
Assessment for Computer Programming Courses: A Short Guide for the Undecided Teacher. 549-554 - Wojciech Malec:
On the Use of Regular Expressions and Exact-text Matching in Computer-based Test Scoring Algorithms. 555-561 - Odysseus Tsakiridis, Panagiotis Photopoulos:
Formative e-Assessment in Engineering Education. 562-569
Social Context and Learning Environments
- Ana Donevska-Todorova
, Katrin Dziergwa, Katharina Simbeck:
Individualizing Learning Pathways with Adaptive Learning Strategies: Design, Implementation and Scale. 575-585 - Verena Jautelat, Alexander Clauss:
A Delphi Method Approach to Develop Anchor Examples for the Self-evaluation of Corporate Community Managers. 586-595 - Francesca Pozzi, Flavio Manganello, Donatella Persico:
A Study on Teachers' Design Choices Regarding Online Collaborative Learning. 599-605 - Ismail Nanou, Hassna Akhasbi, Bouchaib Riyami, El Houssine Labriji:
Virtualization of Data to Improve Pedagogical Approaches the Case of Higher Education in Morocco in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic. 606-613 - Anthony Basille, Élise Lavoué, Audrey Serna:
Impact of Viewpoint on Social Presence and Collaborative Processes in a Collaborative Serious Game. 614-621 - Roque Antônio Moura
, Marco Rogério Silva Richetto
, Daniela Ercole Dale Luche, Luiz Antonio Tozi, Messias Borges Silva
New Professional Competencies and Skills Leaning towards Industry 4.0. 622-630 - Aigerim Sarzhanova, Rui Pedro Lopes, Aigul Tungatarova, Gauchar Borankulova:
Development of an Information and Reference Application for Vocational Guidance of Students. 631-637 - Victor Prado, Carla Delgado
, Mônica Ferreira da Silva
, Waldir Siqueira Moura, Leandro M. do Nascimento:
Game-based Events for School Community Mobilization. 638-645 - Barbara Class:
Open Education: Towards Epistemic Sustainability. 646-653 - Isabel Sofia Brito
, João Paulo Barros
Active Learning Activities in a Pandemic Context for a Software Engineering Course: An Experience Report. 654-661
Ubiquitous Learning
- Mahum Adil
, Ilenia Fronza, Claus Pahl:
Software Design and Modeling Practices in an Online Software Engineering Course: The Learners' Perspective. 667-674 - Nobuko Kato
, Marie Kepler:
Communication Support System for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People by Captions Considering Sound Source and Sound Direction. 675-680
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