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Hjertelig velkommen til den danske Wiktionary, Bedsten!

Jeg håber du vil få en god tid her på projektet. Jeg vil gerne introducere dig til nogle gængse metoder og projektet generelt. Wiktionary er en flersproget ordbog (og indeholder derfor både danske og udenlandske ord) som alle kan bidrage til, og som derfor er i konstant udvikling. Indholdet er frit tilgængeligt for alle.

Wiktionary redigeres efter samme metode som Wikipedia, men der er nogle grundlæggende forskelle:

  • Her skelner vi mellem små og store bogstaver
  • Vi bruger ikke flertydig-skabeloner, men nævner derimod alle betydninger af det samme ord i én artikel
  • Når vi linker til Wiktionary på andre sprog, er det altid med den nøjagtig samme bogstavkombination, og altså ikke en oversættelse til det pågældende sprog

En artikel på Wiktionary (f.eks. hund) oplyser typisk om ordets sprog, etymologi, ordklasse og køn (for substantiver). Desuden gives en definition, et eksempel og oversættelser til andre sprog. Artiklerne opbygges vha. skabeloner, som der foreligger en forklaring på i Wiktionary:Skabeloner.

Et godt sted at begynde redigeringen af Wiktionary er på skribentforsiden. Hvis du har brug for at spørge om noget, er du meget velkommen til at henvende dig på landsbybrønden eller spørge mig på min diskussionsside.

Endnu en gang: velkommen til!

Med venlig hilsen
- Sarrus (db) d. 25. feb 2014, 14:55 (UTC)

Et tip om sletningsanmodninger


Jeg har nu slettet Opretter Skabelon:de-dagtid og Skabelon:kompasretning som fejloprettelser, men fremover må du gerne indsætte {{slet}} et sted på siden, for så dukker siden op i Kategori:Sider der bør slettes, hvor en administrator nok opdager den på et tidspunkt. Hvis der ikke lige er nogen administratorer online et stykke tid, forsvinder den nemlig ud af Speciel:Seneste ændringer og anmodningen kan blive overset. Skriv gerne i beskrivelsesfeltet, hvorfor du ønsker siden slettet. Såfremt det bør diskuteres med andre brugere, kan du sætte forslaget på Wiktionary:Sider der bør slettes.
- Sarrus (db) d. 26. feb 2014, 15:07 (UTC)

Tak for henvisningen. Bedsten (diskussion) 27. feb 2014, 08:34 (UTC)



Hi. What is the difference between Kategori:Lægevidenskab and Kategori:Medicin? Thanks, Malafaya (diskussion) 6. jun 2014, 14:53 (UTC)

I think there is none. Bedsten (diskussion) 10. jun 2014, 05:13 (UTC)

What's the big idea here?


You disrespected me quite a lot. You called a template that I made spam. If you believe that the template is spam, get rid of the whole thing. Also, I created that entry myself, so why are you spamming it?

The reason I oppose the IPA question mark thing is because: IPA:  /?/. That is not an actual IPA key. Yet you treated it as such by using that template. Most people know very well that that would mean that the IPA information is not yet added, but it's just strange that you'd use that template for that reason.

If you believe that my template is spam because it has extra color, then why do the French and English wikis have things that have extra elements added to them for color? An example of this would be en:Template:rfp, which has an image along with the text, and it is in a box. So would you think that that is spam? Also, would you say that the French wiki's way of labeling every l2 with a box template naming the language, and also putting images next to the Etymology templates and such, is also spam? I didn't think so.

Seriously, I never upright disrespected everyone here until this very post, but this was only because so many people here have said disrespectful things to me when I'm only trying to help out. If the Danish Wiktionary has these "extra elements" added to our templates, they make the site naturally more appealing to people reading the site. The site gets boring when it's just full of text and nothing else. It's gotta have some color, some pictures, some boxes. You know; the site is mainly for information, but it does help if there are extra things added for color.

Anyway, RFP is not for color. It in itself is not an extra, unnecessary element. It's actually meant so that people can see clearly that the pronunciation is missing. Therefore, more people will go in and add the pronunciation. I just added a little color. The reason I did this is so that it is more noticeable to other users. That way, what is missing in an entry becomes very clear to other users.

Let's try to be nice from now on; all of us; including both you and me. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 27. okt 2014, 20:36 (UTC)

Sorry for intruding, Bedsten. Dear Ready Steady Yety are your realizing that you are upsetting several Danish Wiktionary users by imposing your laws on the rest of the community without any prior discussions in Landsbybrønden or other discussion pages, which has so far been the civilized thing to do? If your arguments are fair we may be ready to listen, but you are not the only user, and others may like to have their say. I have seen that you have attacked at least one other user who didn't agree with you, and I cannot blame him. You are certainly not making yourself popular. Indeed, please try to be nice! --Olelog (diskussion) 27. okt 2014, 21:37 (UTC)
I'm sorry. I did not know about landsbybrønden. So this is why everyone has been getting so mad at me. I apologize deeply. I will start several discussions soon to see if we should keep my templates. But, until then, I will not make any templates or otherwise uncalled for. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 27. okt 2014, 22:03 (UTC)
The fact is that,
it has nothing to do with colours!
this is the Danish Wiktionary!
the English community don´t accept bullying as well!
also the English community don´t accept useless templates
(Please stop creating these templates.)
there is a difference between English edits (privacy policies) and Danish edits (privacy policies). Bedsten (diskussion) 28. okt 2014, 06:45 (UTC)
How could you say such a nasty thing? Do you even know what bullying is? After I have been through the toughest of all emotional abuse by students, you're saying that my actions were bullying? I can't believe this. What you just said actually was a trigger and made me like depressed all day long.
I am not saying that what I did wasn't wrong. I think it was wrong that I made all those templates. But what isn't right is that you called it bullying. I have been through so much emotional abuse by peers that now I just never talk to anyone anymore (in real life), because I'm so scared partially because I feel that people will judge me and start bullying me. So I have no friends, by choice, and I think that's for the best, since it would be dangerous for me to get into anymore friendships. I have no reason to bully anyone else; I may not seem it, but I'm actually really nice (if you got to know me a bit better). I know that I started off seeming like a mean person; but the truth is, I don't know very well how to interact with people. So it's very difficult for me to see if what I'm doing in a community will anger everyone else.
Anyway, I understand that English is not your mother tongue, so I understand if you used the wrong word by mistake. But please do not use that word inappropriately again. As far as things pertaining to the site; I'm fine with anything; even if I'm blocked. But when you said I was bullying it gave me a lot of emotional pain. It makes me feel as if I was trying to put people down as I have been successfully put down.
I am not looking for advice on my situation in society at all. All I'm trying to say is that, please do not use the word bullying, since you do not even know what bullying is clearly. I would be surprised if you were actually bullied yourself, since you're probably older than me, so, more than likely, you have no idea what bullying is like. So no more mentioning that word. "Trolling" is more appropriate, even though that's not what I was doing. But never say bullying, unless you really mean that it is bullying. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 28. okt 2014, 22:31 (UTC)
Okay, well, I have been very disrespectful to this community, and I apologize. I ask that everyone delete all the templates I just created and also delink them. Later, when I'm more respected in the community, I will bring them back up. Also, I've been having a hard time, because Danish is not my first language, and it is very hard for me to write Danish the right way. I know a lot of the words and the bøjninger system but it's very difficult for me to write. Please accept my apology. I will not add any more templates like that without a discussion. Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 28. okt 2014, 22:39 (UTC)
For sure I did not write anything about user:Ready Steady Yeti. I wrote about basic principle, not about persons! Bedsten (diskussion) 29. okt 2014, 13:11 (UTC)
You said it as if I was doing it. Why would you tell me not to bully if you didn't believe I was doing it myself? Rædi Stædi Yæti {-skriv til mig-} 30. okt 2014, 01:18 (UTC)



en:Ribonucleotid is where I got this spelling. I copy most entries from enwikt. It even links to en:Nucleotid. Could you please tell me why this is incorrect then? I certainly respect your native language is German, this is why I'm asking you. NativeCat (diskussion) 19. jan 2015, 15:49 (UTC)

Dear NativeCat (alias Ready Steady Yeti). You might for instance have looked here. It is a nuisance to see how you use the English Wiktionary as your ONLY source. Especially when you make entries in languages you obviously don't know well enough. Could you please make a better research BEFORE you make your entries. --Olelog (diskussion) 19. jan 2015, 16:07 (UTC)
Dear Bedsten. Sorry for my interruption. --Olelog (diskussion) 19. jan 2015, 16:07 (UTC)
I'm sorry. I will try better research next time. NativeCat (diskussion) 19. jan 2015, 16:22 (UTC)
Jeg har genoprettet artiklen med bogcitater. Jeg synes, at både en.wiktionary og de.wikipedia er uacceptable kilder i kraft af at være wikier, men erkender, at vi ikke har vedtagne inklusionskriterier.__Gamren (diskussion) 22. okt 2017, 11:05 (UTC)



When was I doing vandalism? No one is vandalizing anything here. This is a noun, "noun phrases" are still nouns. English Wiktionary doesn't label "noun phrases" and I sure hope we don't either, because it just is very...unappealing to me... I don't need knowledge of the language. Improper formatting. Without template usage. Using an L2 without using a template for it. It's just not right. NativeCat (diskussion) 20. jan 2015, 21:19 (UTC)

I am sorry, but you want to enforce your personal opinion here as well as you did it in English wiktionary. You either read something about Czech linguistics nor a noun is similar to a substantive. Bedsten (diskussion) 21. jan 2015, 11:31 (UTC)

Adjektiv som substantiv


I forbindelse med en diskussion med NativeCat gik det op for mig, at personer der ikke har dansk som modersmål ikke nødvendigvis er klar over, at man på dansk godt kan bruge et adjektiv som om det var et substantiv. Der er så underforstået person, mand eller lignende. Da dansk og norsk ligner hinanden skal jeg henvise til en norsk side om dette fænomen adjektiv som substantiv med en række eksempler (fx De gamle husker hvordan det var før). Adjektivet fungerer som substantiv men bevarer sihe former som adjektiv. Jeg formoder at ukendskab til dette forhold er en del af årsagen til at du ved fremmed har fjernet alt, hvad der vedrører gæst. Der kommer fremmede i aften betyder faktisk det samme som der kommer gæster i aften - – jf DDO [1] som substantiv gæst i et hjem (punkt 2.a). I øvrigt sætter jeg pris på dine redigeringer og føler, at du bliver bedre og bedre til dansk. Bliv endelig ved med det. --Olelog (diskussion) 2. feb 2015, 10:43 (UTC)

A stranger came to town. = En fremmed kom til byen. (adjektivet fremmed er her brugt som substantiv)

Tak for forklaring! As for myself, "som ikke er kendt" appeared not as a wrong entry. I arranged the entry as it is in DDO. As far as I can see the meaning "Adjektiv som substantiv" should be illustrate in another way. But Im not able to do this in Danish diction. Best wishes. Bedsten (diskussion) 3. feb 2015, 06:09 (UTC)

Illustrated where and why. Every Danish adjective can be used as a substantive. It is the rule, and not an exception from the rule, so why explain something that should be obvious? It would be ridiculous to put a note on every Danish adjective with something like “dette adjektiv kan anvendes som substantiv”. (Jeg passede en masse sko, men jeg kunne bedst lide de røde. That is how it works … no need to explain every time). Best wishes --Olelog (diskussion) 3. feb 2015, 08:32 (UTC)
You are by the way welcome to ask me questions or give your comments to me in German … though I won't answer in that language (for grammatical reasons) ;-) --Olelog (diskussion) 3. feb 2015, 08:32 (UTC)
Der Gebrauch eines Adjektivs als Substantiv ist keine Besonderheit des Dänischen. In keinem mir bekannten Wörterbuch, wird diese Tatsache als zusätzliche Bedeutung eines Wortes dargestellt. Also warum im Wiktionary? Greetings from Bedsten (diskussion) 11. feb 2015, 06:11 (UTC)

I fully agree, no explanation should normally be necessary, but some English speakers apparently have a problem with the issue. DDO sometimes mentions the use as noun as under the entry for nyankommen (”almindelig som substantiv”). Under ”fremmed” DDO mentions that the meaning ”gæst i et hjem” applies when ”fremmed” is used ”som substantiv”. Med venlig hilsen --Olelog (diskussion) 11. feb 2015, 08:32 (UTC)

Names of Wikimedia languages


Dear Bedsten,

we are initiating a long needed action - we would like to translate names of all Wikimedia languages to all Wikimedia languages in the next two months. We have noticed that you are very active on Wiktionary and that is the reason why we are taking liberty to contact you.

We hope that you would be interesting to help us in our endeavor - To make this action easier we have already prepared the list of all Wikimedia languages, and for each language we have already prepared the page with existing and missing translations. So when you go to the page for your language you would have two tasks - to check whether existing translations are OK and to fill in the missing one. The more detailed instruction are on the language page.

What are the benefits of this work?

  • We believe it is about time to have all Wikimedia languages translated to all Wikimedia languages :)
  • Translated languages will be parsed into Wiktionary and the resulting number of Wiktionary entries will be significant for each language. That could significantly increase the number of entries for less developed Wiktionaries, and improve the quality of entries in general.
  • Wikidata - this would be great contribution to Wikidata.
  • All other projects could benefit from this list (Wiki Travel :)), as we believe that certain amount of terms has to be properly translated to all languages.

We are gathered around the project Wiktionary Meets Matica Srpska and we hope that you would be interesting in working with us! If you have any questions you can ask them on the Names of Wikimedia languages discussion page or via personal emails.

Important notice: The data are licensed under CC0, as they should be incorporated into Wikidata at the end of the process.

If you don’t want to receive future announcement about the project, please leave a note on discussion page.

Thank you and looking forward to hear from you!

Interglider.org team

Senka Latinović (diskussion) 15. maj 2015, 12:41 (UTC)Svar



Really? I don't think my removal of an SOP entry counts as vandalism... Please read en:WT:SOP. We really need rules like this here too. See the + American Dream. Sure, it's accurate, but you can find the definition for both of these terms here. Philmonte101 (diskussion) 31. aug 2016, 11:27 (UTC)

This is not enwiktionary so their rules do not apply here. If a word exists there is no reason to delete it. If you want an entry to be deleted, then you may open a deletion discussion on Wiktionary:Sider der bør slettes.
- Sarrus (db) d. 31. aug 2016, 13:54 (UTC)

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