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Culpar (to blame) conjugation

115 examples
Conjugation of culpar
Present tense
I blame
you blame
he/she blames
we blame
you all blame
they blame
Present perfect tense
tenho culpado
I have blamed
tens culpado
you have blamed
tem culpado
he/she has blamed
temos culpado
we have blamed
tendes culpado
you all have blamed
têm culpado
they have blamed
Past preterite tense
I blamed
you blamed
he/she blamed
we blamed
you all blamed
they blamed
Future tense
I will blame
you will blame
he/she will blame
we will blame
you all will blame
they will blame
Conditional mood
I would blame
you would blame
he/she would blame
we would blame
you all would blame
they would blame
Past imperfect tense
I used to blame
you used to blame
he/she used to blame
we used to blame
you all used to blame
they used to blame
Past perfect tense
tinha culpado
I had blamed
tinhas culpado
you had blamed
tinha culpado
he/she had blamed
tínhamos culpado
we had blamed
tínheis culpado
you all had blamed
tinham culpado
they had blamed
Future perfect tense
terei culpado
I will have blamed
terás culpado
you will have blamed
terá culpado
he/she will have blamed
teremos culpado
we will have blamed
tereis culpado
you all will have blamed
terão culpado
they will have blamed
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha culpado
I have blamed
tenhas culpado
you have blamed
tenha culpado
he/she has blamed
tenhamos culpado
we have blamed
tenhais culpado
you all have blamed
tenham culpado
they have blamed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have blamed
(if/so that) you will have blamed
(if/so that) he/she will have blamed
(if/so that) we will have blamed
(if/so that) you all will have blamed
(if/so that) they will have blamed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver culpado
I will have blamed
tiveres culpado
you will have blamed
tiver culpado
he/she will have blamed
tivermos culpado
we will have blamed
tiverdes culpado
you all will have blamed
tiverem culpado
they will have blamed
Imperative mood
let's blame!
Imperative negative mood
não culpes
do not blame!
não culpe
let him/her/it not blame!
não culpemos
let us not blame!
não culpeis
do not blame!
não culpem
do not blame!
Examples of culpar
Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Existe um nome a caminhar por aí, a anotar nomes, e ele decide quem libertar e quem culpar."there's a man Going round Taking names, "and he decides Who to free And who to blame.
"Não posso culpar mais ninguém a não ser eu próprio"♪There's no-one but myself to blame♪
"Só me posso culpar a mim mesma, pois impedi-o de te ver.l've only myself to blame, as l've stopped him from seeing you all.
* É que não posso culpar mais ninguém *♪ is there's no one else to blame ♪
- "A tua cliente suicidou-se e queres culpar alguém."Your client committed suicide, and you're just looking for someone to blame.
"Desculpa eu culpo-te pela minha sede de sangue e por me ter tornado num estripador."I'm sorry I blame you for my bloodlust "and for me becoming a ripper.
"Mas não me arrependo nem te culpo, meu amor;But l have no regrets. Nor do l blame you, my love.
- Claro que culpo o Branson.- Of course, I blame Branson.
- Claro que te culpo, Thomas!Blame me. - Of course I blame you, Thomas!
- E até hoje, culpo o teu marido. Acho bem.And I still to this day blame your husband.
"Atira as culpas para mim.Let's blame me.
"O Conrad e a Victoria sabiam "que as famílias das vítimas precisariam de um diabo "para acarretar com as culpas e pelo dinheiro"Conrad and Victoria knew the victims' families would need a devil to shoulder the blame for the money that Conrad had been laundering for the terrorists.
"Quem culpas Quando o teu filho é uma pesteWho do you blame When your kid is a brat
# Rompi com o acordo e fiquei com as culpas #I cut the deal and I take the blame
- Agora vais-me atirar as culpas?- Are you gonna blame me now?
- A cidade culpa-a.The town blames her.
- A mãe culpa o filho.Mom blames son.
- Culpa-a. Todos os culpam a ele.You can blame the girl, but everybody else blames him.
- Diz que a culpa é dele.- Says he blames himself.
- E ele culpa a Dra. Prender?And he blames Dr. Prender.
A quem culpamos?Who do we blame?
Ajustamos a parte electrónica do míssil e culpamos a parte eléctrica.We tweak the electronics on the missile, blame it on the electric fence.
Disseste-lhe que não o culpamos?Did you tell him we didn't blame him?
Durante muito tempo, culpamos o Oliver pela morte da Sarah mas ela também é culpada.For so long, you and I have blamed Oliver for Sarah's death, but Sarah's to blame, too.
E não te culpamos por pensares que irá ajudar.And we don't blame you for thinking that it will help.
- Não, detective. Posso ser culpado por muitas coisas terríveis, mas as Almas Sintéticas não são uma delas.Detective, I can be blamed for many horrible things, but synthetic souls are not one of those horrible things.
- Só não quero ser culpado.- I just don't wanna get blamed.
-Teriam culpado o Klan.- The Klan would've been blamed.
A única maneira que sabia, porque ele se culpa pela morte do Evan, porque se sente culpado por estar vivo, e porque queria você de volta.The only way he knew how, because he blamed himself for Evan's death, because he felt guilty for surviving, and because he wanted you back.
Acho que não devo ser inteiramente culpado pelas coisas que fiz, enquanto estava sob a influência de drogas.Well, I don't think I ought lo be blamed, entirely blamed for things I did when I was under the influence of anything.
Pela qual me culpais.For which you blame me.
Também a culpais?Do you blame her?
- As pessoas culpam a viúva.[ Sighs ] folks blame the widow.
- As pessoas culpam muito a bebida.- People blame a lot on drink.
- As pessoas culpam-te a ti.- People blame you.
- Chega! ...matam esta pessoa e culpam o país deles.You're the one who blame the country.
- Culpa-a. Todos os culpam a ele.You can blame the girl, but everybody else blames him.
- Eu culpei-te por tudo. - Eu fiz-nos passar por isto.Sorry I blamed you for everything.
- Sabes, sempre me culpei por ele ter ido embora.You know, I've always blamed myself for him leaving.
- Todos estes anos, eu culpei-te.All these years, I blamed you.
-Nunca te culpei.Because I never blamed you.
A princípio, culpei o teu pai de tudo.At first, I blamed it all on your father
"É um brinde muito estranho, considerando que sempre me culpaste por destruir a tua carreira de modelo".I said, "that's kind of a strange toast considering you've always blamed me for ruing your modeling career."
Como culpaste o Bobby!Just like you blamed everything on Bobby.
Derramaste sangue atlante e culpaste a superfície.You, who spilled Atlantean blood and blamed it on the surface world?
Disse que não pôde salvar a tua mãe... que o culpaste pela morte dela.He said he couldn't save your mother, That you blamed him for her death.
E eu sei que foste tu que estragaste o avião e culpaste o Aslam.And I know that it was you that broke the plane and you blamed it on Aslam.
"E Anna culpou a Índia .."'And Anna blamed India..
- E culpou a filha?- And blamed his daughter?
- Foi ela quem me culpou.She, she is the one who blamed me.
- Mas culpou o Bennett.- But he blamed Bennett.
- NY culpou o Canadá- New York blamed Canada. - Right.
- Não, Sr. Cross. Só dizia... que culparam o porteiro e o filho.- No, Mr. Cross, I just meant they blamed it on some janitor and his kid.
- Quantos culparam o Dr. Hogan?How many blamed Dr. Hogan?
A Nirrti e o Yu de certeza que vos culparam pelo meu ataque.Nirrti and Yu have undoubtedly blamed the Tauri for this attack on me?
A briga pela qual culparam o Charles, pela qual ele me culpou.The fight that they blamed Charles for, that he blamed me for.
Até disso culparam-me.They even blamed me for that.
Ninguém te culpará por isto.No one will blame you for it!
Ninguém te culpará por nos separarmos da NAWSA.No one will blame you if we split with NAWSA.
O Papá culpará a amiga dele Srta. Bunting, por lhe envenenar os ouvidos, mas não sei não.Papa will blame his friend Miss Bunting for filling his ears with poison but I'm not sure.
E nessa altura, eles culparão a China por enviar um lote ligeiramente mais fraco.At which point, they will blame China for sending a marginally weaker batch.
Os israelitas a culparão pela derrota de Salomão.The Israelites will blame you. I beg Your Majesty, do not refuse again.
Acho que ninguém a culparia por cancelar, pelo menos por enquanto, a invasão de Sangala.I don't think anyone would blame you For holding back, at least temporarily, The invasion of Sangala.
Depois de tudo pelo que te fiz passar, ninguém te culparia.After everything I put you through, no one would blame you.
E se ela lhe mentiu sobre o facto da Emma estar viva, ninguém a culparia por estar com raiva.And if she lied to you about emma being alive, Nobody would blame you for being angry.
Ninguém nos culparia se nos odiássemos mas espero que isso não aconteça.No one would blame us if we hated each other. But I hope that doesn't happen.
Ninguém o culparia por desistir agora.No one would blame you for getting out now.
Então, culparias os padeiros? Ou os pombos.So you would blame the bakers?
Medo de que a Barbara se magoasse e que te culparias por me protegeres em primeira instância, e depois o que quer que tivéssemos morreria.Scared that Barbara would get hurt and you would blame yourself for protecting me first, and then whatever we had would die.
Porque não gostava suficientemente de ti e sabia que me culparias se perdesses, porque foi o que sempre fizeste.Because I didn't like you enough... .. and I always knew you would blame me if you lost, because that's what you always did.
Jimmy, querido, sabes que te culparíamos se pudéssemos.Jimmy, honey, you know we would blame it on you if we could.
Certamente, que me culpariam por abandonar a nossa capital em tal altura.Surely, they would blame me for abandoning our capital at such a time?
Pensou que as pessoas culpariam os traficantes.And I left her there. You assumed people would blame drug dealers.
"Em caso de dúvida, culpe o cônjuge.""When in doubt, blame the spouse."
"Mas se não ficar, não me culpe"But if you ain't, don't blame me
"Quando em dúvida, culpe a esposa.""When in doubt, blame the spouse."
"culpe antes os meus amigos"You can blame my friends
- A menos que ela te culpe.Unless she blames you.
" Não culpes o padeiro,"Don`t blame the baker...
"Levaste-mea fazeristo, portanto espero que te culpes. "you drove me to do this, so i hope you'll blame yourself.
"Não culpes o urso, Kenai."I don't blame the bear, Kenai.
"como eu, neste momento... Não culpes o Nicholas."Do not blame nun can pull Si, it does not be come to that we suit
- Bem, King, não me culpes... se foste rejeitado pelo meu avô.Well, King, don't blame me if you were rejected by my grandpa.
"Não é que lhe culpemos, Glória"."lt's not like we blame you, Gloria."
Mas não culpemos o ouro pelos nossos pecados.But let's not blame our sins on the gold.
Não nos culpemos um ao outro.Let's just not blame each other.
Cellach, não culpeis o miúdo.Cellach, please, don't blame the boy.
Não culpeis a mãe quando estivestes a desenhar planos para atacar metade da Europa.Don't blame Mother when you've been hatching plans to attack half of Europe.
Peço-vos que não culpeis os camponeses.You mustn't blame the peasants.
- Claro, culpem os rapazes.Oh, yeah, blame it on the guys.
- Está bem. Não me culpem se a cama não chegar para dois.And don't blame me if the bed's not big enough for both of you.
- Não a culpem.- Don't blame her.
- Não me apetece que me culpem.You know, I really don't feel like being blamed.
- Não me culpem.Don't blame me.
Se ides culpar alguém por causa disso, por favor, culpai-me a mim.If you're going to blame anyone for it, please, blame me.
- Alguém matou a minha mulher, e estava muito ocupada culpando-me para apanhá-los.No, I-I just said I was a paralegal. Somebody killed my wife, and you were too busy blaming me to catch them.
- Ele está nos culpando ?- Is he blaming us? - Not yet.
- Ele está nos culpando. Sim.He's blaming us.
- Eu não estou culpando ninguém!- l am not blaming anyone!
- Ninguém está te culpando.- Oh, no one is blaming you.
Agora, se eles fizeram isso com a intenção de nos culparem pela morte do embaixador o que aparentemente eles estão a fazer não seria isso uma provocação para a guerra se for isso na verdade o que eles pretendem?Now, if they did that, intending to place the blame for the ambassador's death on us, which they appear to be doing, wouldn't that give them the provocation for war, if that's what they really want?
As causas destas temperaturas extremas são um mistério... apesar de alguns especialistas culparem as manchas solares.Hey, hello. Bye-bye. The cause of this extreme weather remains a mystery, although some meteorologists believe sunspots are to blame.
As coisas já estão más por nos culparem... da morte do anão velho, no museu de cera.-Why not? Things are bad enough without us getting blamed for killing that old midget at the wax museum.
Correndo o risco de cortar-me a cabeça... culparem-se mutuamente não nos ajudará a apanhar esse idiota.At the risk of getting my head knocked off, playing the blame game is not gonna help us... catch this son of a bitch.
Deixe culparem quem quiser.Let them blame whoever they want.
..para me culpares, e para me despedires. Rua!..to blame me, have me fired.
Achas que mais alguma vez vais ser capaz de olhar para ele, e não me culpares?Do you think you'll ever be able to look at him and not blame me?
Crime é culpares-te a ti mesmo, e não a eles.A crime is to blame yourself instead of them.
De certeza que acharás uma maneira de te culpares.I'm sure you'll a find some way to blame yourself.
De qualquer das formas, só tens a ti mesma para te culpares.Either way, you've got no one to blame but yourself.
A melhor teoria é nós culparmos um retrovirus.The best theory is that we blame a retrovirus.
Ainda digo para culparmos o Canadá, mas...Well, I still say we blame Canada, but...
Antes de os culparmos, lembra-te... foi a nossa gente, a nossa própria gente, que raptou a Kayla, não os americanos.Before we blame them, remember... it was our people- our own people- who kidnapped Kayla, not the Americans.
E que não há forma de te culparmos deste fiasco, sem culpar também o Daniels, pensas que temos que o despedir para te despedir e isso não é bom porque já promovemos muito o Daniels."There's no way they can pin the blame on me for this fiasco "without doing their boy Daniels, too." You're thinking we'd have to fire Daniels to fire you and that wouldn't sit well, given how much we've already sold Daniels.
O Martin costumava dizer... para não culparmos a criança.Martin used to say... not to blame the child.
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